The Evening Post from Cleveland, Ohio (2024)


7:45 M. 11:00 P. 4:20 4:00 M. 10:05 P.M. do 4:45 7:80 2:30 5:40 'do Toledo 7:25 do Sandusky.

4:05 Atlantic Great 7:25 3:35 9:40 A. (. Mahoning 7:25 3:35 Muaburgh 8:40 12:15 Alliance 3:50 Columbue and Indianapolis. 7:15 8:00 7:20 Datroit 8:00 ARRIVALS. A.M.

A.M. P.M. P.M. Lake Shore 0. 4:30 6:55 2:05 7:00 do Accommodation 9:15 do 7:25 10:50 3:40 9:35 do Toledo 9:45 do Sanduaky.

10:30 Atlantic Ureat 7:20 2:30 7:25 A. U. Mahoning 10:50 7:25 Pittsburgh 9:45 Alliance 10:10 Columbus 7:30 3:55 9:50 Detroit 5:00 l'assengers and baggage conveyed to elther of the above trains from any part of tho city at prices Axed by the City Ordinanco. Iravo orders at tho OMNIBUS OFFICE No. 1311 BANK noxt to tho Icrald ONco.

Sleeping and Palaco Car Tickota over the L. 8. M. 0. C.

O. lI. and T. W. W.

Railways may be procured of W. L. Nutt, at tho L. S. M.

H. Baggage Room in tho Union Depot. CHIP PILE. Gathered from Many Sources. VA Virginia youth, delightfully watching the performances at a circus, had one of his cycs put out by a small stone thrown from the hoof of a horso.

"Ef I had been catin' dried apples for a weck an' den took to drinkin' for a monf, couldn't feel more swell'd up dan I am dis minnit wid pride and wanity at seein'. such full 'tendance har dis evenin'," said a colored preacher in Louisville, An ingenious tailor suggests pockets in gentlemen's cont sleeves for the convenience of ladics to whom an arm is offered in cold weather. The invention is scarcoly nocded; a woman is sure to find her way to a man's pockets wherever they are placed. -N. Y.

World. Ex-Preaident Johnson has accepted an invitation to deliver an address on mechanical skill and industry at a mechanics' fair, to ho held in Nashville, on Saturday, blay 27. The Boston Transcript apparently has not much sympathy for two elderly ladica in that city who wero greatly disappointed at not getting their soda free in an apothecary storo because they wero "helping at the French Fair." Mr. Carbonell, an exposer of spiritualism in Charlestown, proposes to allow himself to be handcuffed and sewed up in 8 large bag and thrown into the river, when, as is claimed, he will come up with the bag on his arm, still whole, and not a stitch or cut disturbed, and the handcuffs in his hand. Archbishop Manning is out against extravagance in female attire.

Ic said: "Men have improved since the last century in this respect, but the attire of women has become more costly, ostentatious and singular, cven to strangencss, and thus money is wasted which clothe the naked, feed the poor, or cducate the children." Old Duke Charles of Brunswick, the dinmond man, lives at present in Geneva, where he has hired two stout men to guard his precious stoncs day and night. According to the Berlin Volkzettung the eccentric old Duke has recently made a will, in which leaves all his a property 1 to Louis Napoleon's son. Now it is rumored that Pap Dent, the father-in-law of the Administration, is about to wed Mrs. Smith, widow of the late John. This suggests a dreadful possibility, if all that family have got to be provided for.Boston Post.

Mary Clemmer Ames says in a letter to the that New when York Independent: "It has been said God wants a great man lIe makes one. I wish that Ilo would make tho great men for tho Republican party." The Republican party docsn't a great man. It wouldn't know what to do with its little mon. There's its excecdingly little Grantit didn't even know what was the proper thing to do with him. Instead of letting him follow the bent of his genius and open livcry 'stable at Galona, it actually mado him President of the United States.

-Louisville Courier-Journal. PURVEYORS. J. I. A.

S. GORIAM, Now offer to tho trade the following goods of THEIR OWN IMPORTATION. Crosse Blackwell's English Pickles. Gherkins in Quarts and Pints. Mixed in Chow Chow, Piccadilli 66 Cauliflower Leo Perrin's Worcestershire Sauce, in quarts, pints and half-pints.

Durham Mustard in pounds and half pounds. London Mustard, in pounds, halves quarters. Finest Lucca Salad Oils, in quarts and pints. Finest Spanish Olives. Cox's Golatine, Italian Maccaroni.

Which we propose to sell at a very small advance. NO. 106 SUPERIOR STREET, feb8y CLEVELAND, OHIO. GENTIAN BITTERS. BUHRER'S GENTIAN BITTERS.

The Best Tonic in MANUFACTURED BY S. BUHRER. Nos. 61 and 66 Merwin stroet, Clovoland, Ohio. SOLO BY DRUGGISTS GENERALLY.

mar18 STORE SHADES. All Sizce and Colors. 1'C PUBLIC SQUARE. JOIIN WORLEY, Kalsomining and Room Painting 10 Public Squaro. MILLINERY GOODS.

MARKED DOWN OUR ENTIRE STOCK MUST BE Before removing to our NEW STORE, No, 237 Suporior Stroot. Ladies will And this a golden opportunity to buy Trimmed Bonnots and Hats, FLOWERS, RIBBONS, LACES, HATS, ILLUSIONS, CROSSES, SASIIES, Ag we are determined to clodo our entiro stock AT COST before removing to our New Store, 239 for stroct. May 1at. The Rooms now occupied by us are for Rent. Sloss 235.


On the 1st of January, 1871, the Cleveland PLAIN DEALER will commence its thirtieth volumo. During that entiro period it hus maintained the reputation of being the Best Weckly in the and had the confidenco and patronago of tho great Democratio party of Olle and the West. Earnest in ita advocacy of Democratie principles in Its editor al columns, it aparce no pains to Collato the Nows of. the Wook, aud make the PLAIN DEALER to; every respect a First Class Family Paper readers of tho PLAIN DEALER may bo A8 sured that our facilities are euch-being connected with the Western Union Associated Press- that WO give them the very :2 LATEST HOME AND FOREIGN NEWS by telegraph. In each laste of the Weekly may be found the very choicest reading matter--in fact something to meet tho varied tastes of our 20,000 cadere.

We shall mako a featuro of our Northern Ohio. nowe, and 89 Clorcland is the center of trade for Northern Ohio, we shall tako great. care to have accuruto and faithful reports of the Cleveland markets. GENERAL NEWS. .1 Wo shall givo the readers of the WEEKLY PLAIN DEALER a careful condeneation of all events, and full details of all important occurrences.

Tho usnal wookly summary of Congressional and Logkdutive proccedings will be given. In the VARIETY OF ITS READING MATTER 1 It shal be cqual to its most successful competitors. We carncetly invoke tho co-operation of our old friends in Ohio, Indiana, Illinois and other States in extonding the circulation of the DEALER this year. A littlo, personal exertion on their part, our belads, doutde our circulation. TERMS OF WEEKLY PLAIN DEALER.

(Cash in advanco.) Singlo Copy, six 1.00 Single Copy, one year. 2.00 Fivo Copies, one year, 1.75 Ton Copics or 1.50 TERMS OF DAILY. PLAIN DEALER. Datly, by mail. 10.00 Daily, delivered by 20 centa per week.

TERMS OF TRI-WEEKLY PLAIN DEALER. Tri-Weekly, by mall. 5.00 Tri-Wookly, by carrier 10 cente per week. An extra copy is allowed tho club agent for every club of ten or moro at $1.50 each. For clubs of DEALER thirty, at will samno price, tho TRI-WEEKLY PLAIN be sent to tho getter-up of the club; and for clube of fifty or more, at $1.50 the Daily will be sent to club agent.

Addresa ARMSTRONG. GREEN, Plain Dealer Office, 107 Bank street, Clevoland, 0 ADVERTISE IN THR DAILY, AND WEEKLY EDITIONS OF THE Cleveland Dealer, WHICH CIRCULATES LARGELY I' In the City of Cleveland AND IN THE Adjacent Cities and Villages. Aloo in the Counties of NORTHERN OHIO. Cuyaboga, Lako, Morrow, Summit, Sundueky, Delaware, Portage, Allen, 'Mahoning, Ashtabula, Carroll. Columbiana, Geauga, Falton, Williams, Lorain, Hardin, Huron, Medina, Jefferson, Tuscarawas, Stark, Ottawa, Hanco*ck, Richland.

Knox, Seneca, Eric, Licking, Crawford, Holmes, Marion, Wayne, Wyandot, Trumbull, Ashland, AND 19 READ BY ALL Classes of People in All Sections of the States; ADVERTISE: IT IS. THE LIFE OF TRADE IF YOU HAVE NEW GOODS, LET THE PEOPLE KNOW IT. Advertise If you havo old goods which you wish to get rid of to look mako out for room for fresh stock, let the people who know it, and Advertise If fronds you havo removed to a new store, let your old know where to And you "Advertise "If you are at tho old stand, and now storce have if mado its front look dingy, you will mako up the loss you Advertise If chascre you arb a retaller, and. want: small cash pur. Advertise! 0.: If you aro a whoicsalo merchant, and wish to ex tend your busineea, the way to bring customers from to whom do you may sclect tho good and rejoct the bad, de as tho largest importers in New York Advertise If you have property to ADVERTISE.

F. actions Do not bellove that there la nobody to buy. Trane are made every day by those who- It you have building materiale to ecli, and you will Ravo yourself the trouble of soeking a cuetomer, at the riek of finding him, if you ADVERTISE. It you honeca to let, there aro many new comera in the city who cannot traverse the whole place, but whom can reach you if you Advertise If you are in noed of a situation, do not be satieded by asking your friends aloo, but sock a larger circlo- 1 7 Advertise will There never may be people looking for such as you, who hear of you, unless you, 74 Advertise DIVERTISE IN THE PLAIN DEALER Tradcemen who want employment, who want situations, Employers who want workmen, Landlords who want boardere, AN Hotel keepers who want help, Citizens who want servants, Buelnces men who want agents, Merchants who want calcemen, HOULD. ADVERTISE IN THE PLAIN DEALER.

(THOSE WHO Housce for sale, 1 Lots for Parniture for Dry Goods ror sale, Groceries for Clothing for solo Boots and shoca for sale, Hardware for Mr. Fancy gooda for solo Anything for salo; SHOULD 3 Those who have lost money, ADVERTISE IN THE PLAIN DEALER Those who have found moncy, Those who want to borrow money, Those who want to loan money, Those who want to make money SHOULD ADVERTISE IN: THE PLAIN DEALER nouncement Whoever yon your are, do businces not in a imagine respectable that the an, paper will lower you in the public estimation. news- If don you aro the too trade genteel the to advertise, the sooner abanbetter. ADVERTISE IN THE ded tr Cleveland Plain. Dealer.

and TEd STORE. TEA! TEA! The Best is tho Cheapest. For a Green, Black or Japan Tea that will pleaso you every timo, go to S. P. CHURCHILL.

"Dealer in Drugs, Medicines and Choice Grocerice No. 114 Ontario strect. BUSINESS A 61 HEARD SON, ARCHITECTS, 43 AND, 24 CASE BUILDING, EA CLEVELAND, W. L. ALLEN HEARD.



HOLMER; J. M. BLACKBURN, ARCHITECT, OFFICE NO. 0 PERKING BLOCK. Residenco 82 Euclid avenue, apr2-ly.

CLEVELAND, Brass. Pounder TAMES FARNAN, BRASS FOUNDER, And Steam, Water and Gas co*ck Manufacturer, NO. 23 CENTER STREET, CLEVELAND, O. Commission Merchants. 7.

II. T. COLLINS, Produco Commission Merchant and Saginaw Salt Agent: Also dealer in Flour, Feed, Water Limo, Seed, 39 and 41 River street, Cleveland, 0. Grain of all kinds received on consignment and advances made on FAme when desired. ap251y GARDNER, BURT Produce Commission Merchants, And Proprietors Union Grain Elevators, oct5y CLEVELAND, O.

Coal F. C. McDOWELL co.1 WHOLESALE DEALERS IN Brier Hill and Chippewa Coals. Ottico No: 3 foot of River etroct, jun5y CLEVELAND, Livery Stables. THOMAS ELWOOD.

LIVERY STABLE, NO: 100.1-2 ST. CLAIR STREET, Next entrance to Kennard Honse. Carriagos sent to any part of tho city on applica tion being mado at tho ofico, or by mail. Stone Work. A.

MEHLING, MARBLEIZED STONE, And dealer in: Marble Mantles, Hoarths, Flagging and Building Stonce, COR. DODGE AND SUPERIOR juy8y CLEVELAND, O. L. FOLLETT, GENERAL AGENT OF THE Wilcox Gibbs' Silent Seuring Machines. Drees and Clouk Making in tho latcet 114 Ontario street.


Also manufacturer of all kinda of Patented Articles. No. 64 Conter street, novi-y Third Floor. BOTANIC DRUGS. SHAKER HERBS, Freeh and reliable, from the Botanic Gardena.

Modicinal Fluid and Solid Extracte, Alkaloids and Icelnoide at wholesale and retail by E. M. HESSLER, Dealer In all kinds of Drugs, Medicines, warTy $140 STREET. WIRE. J.


B. CONKLIN, SAIL MAKER And dealer in all kinds A of COTTON DUCK, c*ntING, RUSSIA BOLT ROPE, Awnings, short Tents, Wagon NO. Covers 131 and RIVER Flags made to order notice. apr11 6m WINSLOW BLOCK MACHINERY OILS. American Lubricating Oil Company MANUFACTURENE OP Fino Lubricating Ollg For Mills, and all kinds of fine and heavy machinery.

Circulars sent on application. No. 20 National Bunk Building 1 Jy25y CLEVELAND, O. LIFE INSURANCE. T.

P. SPENCER, LIFE INSURANCE, Room No. 5 Kelly's Block, 6m Opposite Weddell Ionso. Designs furnished on application, We are prepared to contracting for the freecoing of churches, residencca, halls and scenery in any part of the country, and tho work will bo executed in the highest style of the art, on most reasonable All work warranted to give entire satisfaction. -Frescoed walls of halls and residences aro as durablo an tho plastering, and can bo washed with soup and water.

feb10y LOUIS COOKS. NICHOLAS KROGER. COOKS KROGER, Fresco and Scenic Artists, BALDWIN'S BLOCK, O. 00100. and Drafting Room, 214 Superlor 'St.

WHITE LEAD. Cloveland White Lead Works. HI. MORLEY MANUFACTURERS OF STRICTLY PURE WHITE LEAD, Which we guarantco to bo Pure Lead and Oil, under a penalty 'of Twenty Dollars in Gold for every ounco of adulteration found In it. It is ground twico, and 8.

better and finer article than found in this market. Factory and ottico, junction of Canal and Champlain streets. marby METALLIC ROOFING. THATCHER'S METALLIC Shingle Roofing and Siding Orders solicited and information given at office, No. 110 SENECA STREET.

feb23-8m THOMPSON. DRUGGISTS: STRONG ARMSTRONG. IMPORTERS AND WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS MANUFACTURERS' AGENTS, AND JOBBERS DE PAINTS: OILS, GLASS, Druggists' Fancy Goods, AND IMPORTERS OF BRANDY AND WINES, 199 Superior strect, 62 Frankfort street. i junty BUSINESS largoly MEN increaso RECKIVING their, trado it NEW they advertise in the FLAn DEALER, 1 MACHINERY. VULCAN ti FOUNDRY AND I Steam Engine Works.p Thos.

Sons, 4 PROPRIETORS. Portable and- Stationary Stoam I Engines, all sizes, Iron and Brass Castings made to A Order. Jobbing Promptly Attended to.1 West st. and Canal Basin, CLEVELAND, OILIO. dec11.

GAECKLEY KREIGER, MANUFACTURANA OF STEAM ENGINES, And all other kinds of MACHINERY FOR SAW AND GRIST MILLS, TAN MGRIES, DISTILLERIES AND BREWERIES, Bridge Bolts, any Length and Size. Blacksmithing, done in Pattern all its Making branches, and Repairing 'Nos. 21 and 25 Canal strect, CLEVELAND, OILIO. 8. O.


McNAIRY, HENRY M. CLAFLEN, V. Prest. and Treasurer. JOHN COON, Secretary.


Either of Iron or Wood. Railroad, Passenger and Freight Cars, and street Railroad Cars: Post's Patent Iron and Combination Bridges, Howe frues Bridges with Patent Iron Clampe; Street Railroad Cars, with lligloy'8 Patent Running Gear and Brake. OFFICES: Waring Block, corner of Bank and St. streete. Works op Wason, Hamilton and Lake streets, CLEVELAND, OILIO.

CLEVELAND, Nov. 20, 1870. With a view to mecting adequately the requiroments of our increusing business, WO have reorganIzed the same on the basis of a corporation, with moro extended facilitics and enlarged capital. We therefore bespeak for our succeeaore, tho McNAIRY CLAFLEN MANUFACTURING COMPANY, the same confidence and patronage that have been so liberally accorded to us. delly McNAIRY, CLAFLEN MALSTER.


Cash Paid for Barley and; Rye Anchor Line Steamers Sail every Wednesday Saturday TO AND FROM NEW YORK AND GLASGOW, Calling at Londonderry to land Mails and Passengers ly for the Atlantic Passenger trade, and itted up in every respect with all the modern improvements calculated to insure tho safety, comfort and couveuience of passengers. PASSAGE RATES, PAYABLE IN CURRENCY, TO GLASSGOW, LIVERPOOL LONDONDERRY First Cabin, $65 and $85, according to location; Cabin Return Tickets, $130, accuring the best accommodations; Intermediate, $33; Steerago, $28. Partica sending for their friends in the Old Country can purchaso tickets at reduced ratce. For further particulars apply to ILENDERSON BROTHERS, 7 Bowling Green, N. or to H.

F. BRAYTON SON, 6 Atwater Building, Cleveland, 0. mar6-Gm CITY NOTICES. TICE- IS HEREBY that the following resolution was adopted by the City Council of tho City of Cleveland, April 25th, 1871 "Resolved, That in tho opinion' of this Council (two-thirds of all the members concurring), it is necessary to grade, drain and improvo Division strout, from Old River stroot to tho' Water Works lot, to to tho cetablishod grado of said strect, in accordance with the plans and on; 1Ue in the offico of the City Civil The time within which clans for damages may bo fled expirce on the 26th day of May, 1871. THIEO.

VOGES, City Clerk. April 25th, 1871. arp27-2w given that this following IS resolution was HEREBY adopted by the City Council of tho City of Cleveland, April 25th, 1871 "Resolved, That in- the opinion of this Council (two-thirds of all the members concurring), it deemed necessary to grade, drain and improvo Mason strect, from Case to Willeon avenuce, to conform to the eatablished grade of said street, in nccordanco with the plans and profiles on ile in the office of City Civil Enginecr. The time within which claims for damages may filed expircs on the 24th day of May, 1871, THEO. VOGES, City Clerk.

April 27th, 1871. apr27-2w IS HEREBY given, that the following resolution was adopted by the City Council of the City of Cleveland, April 25th, 1871: That in the opinion of this Connell, two-thirds of all tho members concurring.) it deemed necessary to grado, drain and improve Willard street, from I'nyno avenue to Mason street, conform to the established grade of said street, in cordance with the plans and profiles ou flo in the office of the City Civil The time within which claims for damages may Aled expires on the 26th day of May, 1871. THEO. VOGES, City Clerk. April 27, 1871.

apr27-2w DIS HEREBY given, that tho following reeolution was adopted by the City Council of the City of Cleveland, April 25th, 1871: "TESOLVED, That in the opinion of this Council, (two-thirds of all the members concurring), it is doomed noceeeary to grade, drain and improve limita. Rhodos of avenue, the city, from to Vega conform avenne to to the tho southerly. grade of said street, in accordanco with the plans and profiles on ille in the oflice of City Civil The timo within which claims for damages may be Iled expires on the 26th day of May, 1871. VOGES, City Clerk. April 27th.

1871. apr27-2w LEGAL NOTICE. Froderick Buchne, Administrutor of Frederick Pfelffer, doccased, 5 Regina Pfeiffer and othere. TO You are FREDERICK hereby informed that PFEIFGER. on the 28th Junior.

day of April, 1871, said Administrator fled his petition in the Probate Court, Cuyahoga County, Ohio, to sell the following land, being Lot number two hundred and forty-one on the Wiley ville plat. Said lot has front on Lorain street, and one hundred and fifty feet rear on an alley, and is bounded westerly by licks street. city of Cleveland, Cuyahoga County, Ohio, Said petition will be for hearing in said Probate Court, ou the 27th day of May, 1871, at o'clock a. FREDRRICK BUEIINE, apr20 td Administrator as aforesaid. MEDICAL.

CONFIDENTIAL GREAT COMBINATION OF profcesional talent and experienco of Europe and America are tho men to consalt. This is the only ofice in tho city where a permanent cure of Privato Diecaece can be obtained without the use of mercury or change of diet or business. We guarontco to care Gonorrhea, Gleet, Syphilis, Impotency, Nocturnal Emigalons, or Self-Abuso Emissions, Female Complainte, in ehort, every possible form and variety of Sexual Discaso. Cures rapid, thorough and permanent, and fece moderate. GREAT, MEDICAL, CIRCULAR sent for two cent stamps.

A A A FRENCH SAFES A suro preventive to discaso. Price, $1 cach, or three for $2, or $7 per dozen, scat mail, Dr. Invigorating Liniment. Price, $2 a hottia. GREAT WORK ON PRIVATE DISEASES, tho GUIDE TO HEALTII, is beneficial to all, male and female, the old and young should rend this book.

It enlighten those who grope in darkness. Price, by miail. N. B. TO THE LADIES.

-No lady should be withMad. Lozier': Female Monthly Pills- a safe and effectual remedy for all irregularitics and obstruc: from whatever cause. Prico $2 per box; extra 15. Communications by mail entirely confidenNo letters will be answered unlces they contain remittance or a postage etamp. Call or address DRS.

BONAPARTE, REYNOLDS No. 182 Cincinnati, o. Offico hours 6 A. M. to 09 T.

M. jy22y TEAS. T.T. I Ido to Martness Huling's For fresh TRAS' at reduced prices to correspond with reduction of Tariff. mar? A A A A A a a a a 1.

1. RAILROAD CARDS. EL ON Lake Shore and Michigan Southern 4.13 ON AND AFTER MONDAY, DEC. 1870, and until further notico, passenger will leave Cloveland and arrive at points named the Time Tablo below, de follows TRAINS TO DUFFALO AND EAST, Leave. No.

G. No. 8. No. 10.

No. Cloveland 7:45 a 11:00 a 4:00 pm 10:05 Arrivo 8:38 a 11:58 a 4:52 pm 10:58 Ashtabula. 9:26 a 12:48 pm 5:48 11:48 10:18 am 1:42 pm 6:82 10:55 a 2:15 pm 7:05 pm 1:05 12:02 pm 3:40 8:27 Dunkirk 12:35 pm 4:20 pm 9:05 pm 2:45 Buffalo 2:00 In 5:50 pm 10:30 pm 4:10 Now York. a 12:00 7:00 111:00 a ml CONNEAUT ACCOSIMODATION. 8TOTA AT ALL STATIONS.

Leaves Cleveland 4:20 Arrives Conneaut 7:20 Leaves Conneaut 6:00 a Arrives Cleveland 9:15 Connecta at Girard with Erio Pittaburgh for Jamestown, lat Franklin and the OIL GIONS. At Eric with Thiladelphta B. I. R. for Titusvillo, Warren, Harrisburg, Phhadelphia, moro, WashingtoL, At Dunkirk and Bullo with Eric and.

N. Y. tral Railroade. TRAINS TO CHICAGO AND WEST. Leavo No.

7. ml No. 1, No. 3. Cleveland.

£45 a 7:20 a 2:30 Arrive Elyria. 5:50 8:18 a ml 9:40 pm 8:06 Oberlin. 6:00 a 4:00 pm Norwalk. 7:05 a 9:18 a 4:16 pm 0:88 a 9:33 a .5:05 9:59 8:00 a 10:03 5x38 10:21 Fromont. 8:20 10:20 a 6:00 pm 10:86 Toledo.

9:50 a 11:30 a 7:40 11:45 Adrian'. 1:05 pm 1:05 9:25 pm 3:10 pm 11:15 pm 3:00 11:20 pm. White Pigeon 4:55 p.m 4:55 pm 1,37 7:25 a 7:05 Grand Rapids 10:15 10:15 6:40 4:20 pm 2:30 4:30 7:35 pm 6:05 4:10 a 6:00 Chicago. 110:10 ml 8:20 ml 6450 a ml 8:20 TOLEDO ACCOMMODATION leaves Cleveland 5:40 p. in.

Stops at all Statious. Arrives at (at 10:30 p. SANDUSKY ACCOMMODATION leaves Cleveland Lat 1:00 p. m. Arrives at Sandusky 7:05 p.

m. F. R. MORSE, Gen'! West'n Pase'r Chicago. CHARLES F.

HATCII, Gen'1 Sup't, Cleveland. PO 1870. Winter Arrangement. 1871. (Adopted December 5th, 1870.) Erie Great Western Railways.

The only direct Broad Gauge, Double Track Route NEW YORK, BOSTON, And all potnte Now York, Penneylvania and East. UNTIL La TE FURTHER Depot of NOTICE, Atlantio and TRAINS Westorn Railway) as followa: 7:25 A. M. (daily,) -LIGHTNING stopping EXPRESS- Leavittaburg Sleeping Coach attached through to York without chango- (arrive Youngstown 10:15 Sharon 11:20,) Meadville 11:20 a. (Dinner,) 12:58 p.

fornclavillo 6:05 p. (Supper), Elmira 8:15 p.m.; Binghampton 10:15 p. arriving at York 7:10 a.m. 3:35 P. M.

-CINCINNATE Sundays), EXPRESS ping at Leavittsburgh 5:50 p. arrives at Youngstown 6:55 p. Mendville 8:06 pm, (Supper), (Sleeping Coach attached) Corry 9:30 p. Susquehanna 8:10 a m. (Breakfast), Turner's 1:40 p.

m. (Dinner), arriving at New York 3:55 p.m. 9:40 P. M. (Saturdays YORK EXPRESS Sleeping Ugach from Cleveland to Now Improved Drawing loom Coach from Horne -Now York; arrive at' 4:50 (Breakfast), Susquchannah 2:30 Turner's 7:42 p.

m. (suppor), arriving at New York At 9:40 Two trains Sundays, via? A. m. apd 9:40 p. m.

This is the only routo by, which paasongers reach Corry, Elmira, New York and intermediato points WITHOUT CHIANGE, and with but one change to Boston and Now England cities. Thia is the only route to the OIL REGIONS without change. Baggage checked through to all points East. Colonists Tickets fat the lowest rates to Missouri and Kaneas. Through Tickets and information regarding route can be obtained at Union Tickot Office, Weddell louse, corner of Bank and Superior ate.

and at the Depot of Atlantic Great Wostern Rail way. L. L. PATTERSON, Passenger Agent, 134 perior street, L. D.

RUCKER, WHI. R. BARR, Gen'1 Gen. Pas. Agent.

A Clovoland Pittsburgh R. R. 1870, AND Trains AFTER Icavo Cleveland MONDAY, DEO. 5, daily, (Sundays copted), as followe: Mall. Express.

Accomo'n Leave Arriveat 8:40 A.M. 12:15 P. M. 3:50 P.M. 9:55 1:25 5:05 10:30 1:55 5:40 Allianco 11:20 2:35 6:30 12:00 F.

M. 11:15 11:15 Canton 12.45 2:47 1:40 Massillon, via Massillon, via 8:05 1:09 4:08 8:05 Wooster. 2:25 5:13 9:06 4:00 6:45 1:55 A. M. 6:31 7:35 2:40 A.M.

5:20 M. 11:25 Now York, vial Philadelphia 10:80 1:15 F. M. 0:20 P. M.

Now York, via 6:55 7:00 9:50 3:25 st Washington 1.10 9:15 P. M. 1:10 P. M. 5:05 8:05 Cara ran through from Cleveland to New York (via Pitteburgh) with but one chauge, viz: at Pittsburgh.

Through Tickets can be procured at the Union Ticket Obice, 117 Superior street, at the Union Paseenger Station and at Euclid avenue Station. By tho 3:50 P. M. Accommodation Train cars run through without change from Cleveland to Cuyahoga Falle, Akron and Millersburgh. CONNEUTIONS.

At Allianco with the Pitteburgh, Fort Waynd Chicago Rallway for all points East and West. At with the Pennaylvania Rallroad, A1- leghany RaMroada, Valley Railroad and Counci At Wheeling and Bellairo with the Baltimore and Hempetoad Railroads. TRAINS ARRIVE AT MornExpress and Accommodation, 10:10 A. Now Washington and Wheeling Mall, 2:10 P. York and Washington Expresa, 9:45 r.

M. WM. STEWART, Sup't: "BEE LINE." AN A Cloveland, Columbus, Cincinnati and Indianapolis R'y. ON AND and until AFTER further notico, MONDAY Passenger FEB. Trains 13 will leave Cloveland and arrive at points named below, as follows No.

1. No: 3. No. 57 7:15 a 3:00 7:20 Crestline 10:00 a 6:10 10:15 1:49 a 8:10 3:55 a Terro 110:30 11:00 a Indianapolis. 6:25 7:15 a 12:59 1:43 2:35 a 3:23 9:25 8 6:15 6:00 a 6:50 St.

6:45 a 7:85 10:35 2:30 7:15 a 3:00 7:20 6:25 pm 3:30 a 7:15 11:55 8:15 a 12:00 n'n 7:15 a 8:00 7:20 12:35 10:00 12:35 5:45 6:00 a Louisville. 12:25 m. 12:35 PALACE DAY AND SLEEPING CARS 1-Run Through as Follows: ON NO. Clevoland to Indianapolis and St. Louie, without change.

ON NO. Cloveland to Columbus and Cincinnati, and from Cleveland to Indianapolis and Lonieville without change. ELEGANT DRAWING ROOM CARS run on "No. 199 from Cleveland to Columbus and Cincinnati, without change. ALL TRAINS leave Cleveland dally, except Sanand days, and run through to Indianapolis Louisville.

land TRAINS returning, arrive at 9:15 A. 3:55 P. 9:50 P. M. 1: For THROUGH TICKETS and particular information, apply at the Union Ticket Office, 147 Superior strect, Cleveland.

or at Ticket Office, Union Passenger Depot, E. S. FLINT, Gen'l Sup ti 8. F. PIERSON, General Ticket A.

FORD, Gen'l Pass. Agent, Cleveland, Q. OCEAN NAVIGATION. GUION LINE BETWEEN New York, Queenstown Liverpool CARRYING THE U. S.

MAILS. NEVADA, MINNESOTA. COLORADO, MANHATTAN, NEBRASKA, SAILING FROM NEW YORE WEDNES WYOMING, DAY. CABIN Passage from New York $80 in gold. STEERAGE: $30 from New York; $33 from Liverin pool, Queenstown, Glasgow or Londouderry, payable Currency.

Swoden, Paseoge from at or Lowcat to Ratca. Germany, 7 France, Norway, tinent. Remittances to great Britain, Ireland and the ConNow Apply York, to or to WILLIAMS GUION, 29. Broadyay, 222 HERDMAN KOLBR, Superior stroct, Cleveland, HERDMAN KOLBE arc also Passage Agente 1 for the NEW YORK AND HAMBURG and NEW to YORK and from AND BREMEN Mail Lincs of Steamships 1 ino. these Porte Wockly.

Also by the Inman A the Liverpool Anchor Line mall steamers sate twice cach wock, and Londonderry twice of cach Glaesgow Steamers touching at week. in SIGUT DRAFTS payable In all tho principe cities feb16. OYSTERS: SITTERLY PERKIN, Wholesalo and Retell Dealers in OYSTERS I Fresh kinds and Salt Water Fish, Shell Oysters, Clams and uart or of Shell Fish. Oysters by the count, pint, golon 13 Prospect street, vi OLEV ELAND. LADIES' SILK SOAR AND RETTHERG BOAS.

PROPOSALS OFFICE OF CITT CIVIL ENGINEEr, HALL, CLEVELAND, April: 19th, 1871. TO Scaled proposals ba ruceived at the offico Board of until twelve May 16th, 1871, for dredging the bare and all obstructions from the Cuyaboga. River Front and Ohio strocte. Plans and specifications may bo seen proposale can be obtained at the office of Civil Engineer. No proposal will be entertained loss made on the blanks furnished by, the Tho propoend must contain the full nano person intorcated in and making the same, Do accompanied by a rceponsible surcty, that, proposal is accopted, a contract will be cutered Tho City reserves the right to accept any all bids.

by order of the Board. CILAS. HI. STRONG, apr19 td City Civil CITY NOTICES." 1 OFFICE OF CITY CIVIL ENGINBER, CITY CLEVELAND, 0., April 19, 1871. TO Propoeals will be received at the office Board 'of Improvement until 12 o'clock 16th, 1871, for grading Central Way, and carbing the sumo with Medina sandstone, Upper Central Way bridge and Literary surcet; for paving Long street, between Scucca and Water Plane and spocincations may 00 soon and posals Engineer, can bo obtained at the oflice of.

the The proposal must contain the name of cach interested in and making tho same, and must companied by responsible surety that if, the is accepted a contract will be entered into. Tho city reserves tho right to accept any all bide. By order of the Board: CHIAS. IL, STRONG, apr20td- City Ciril PROPOSALS. TO BAKERS- and PROPOSALS for supplying the Intirmary Department of the city with good wholesomo Bread for one year, or until May 1st, 1872, will ceived at the office of the Infriary Directors Mouday, Muy 8th, 12 m.

"Said Bread to be to the inspection and acceptance of the Steward Infirmary Physician, the Board reserving to accept or reject any or all of the bids. By order of the Board apr25 til my8 R. BAKER, ICE TO sals for supplying the Intirmary with wholesome fresh and salt Meats and hanKs meats for one year, or until May 1st, 1872, received at the offico of the Infrmary Directors May 8th, 12 m. Said Meat to bo. subject to spection and acceptance of the Steward and ary Physician, The Board reeerves the right cept any or reject all of the bide.

By order of the Board. apr25 til my9: R. BAKER, PROPOSALS. OFFICE OF THE CITY CIVIL ENGINEER, CITY LIALL, CLEVELAND, April 29, 1871. TO proposals will be received at the Board of Improvements until twelve o'clock 15th, 1871, tor grading the following strects, Horace street, from Green to Willett street; street, from Willett to Mechanic street; street, from Lorain to Monroo street, and street, from Pearl street to Pelton avenue.

Plans and specificatione can be ecen and blank posals can be obtained at the ofice of the City made Engineer." proposal will be cutertained on the blanks by the Engiucer Each proposal must contain the Full name person interosted in making the same, and accompanied by a responsible surcty that if poeal is accepted a contract will ba entered into. The City rescryce the right to accept any or all bids. By order of the Board. CILAS. II.

STRONG, apr20-td. City Civil Engineer. OFFICE OF CITY CIVIL ENGINEER, CITY CLEVELAND, April 20, 1871. TO PLUMBERS AND proposals will be the office of the Board of Improvements, o'clock May 29th, 1871, for making water sewer connoctions to the curb line of the Lorain street, -betwoon Liberty strect Waverly Ayenue; St. Clair strect, between Eric Park Bond between Superior Wood street, between Superior Clair street; Long street, between South Water Seneca 'eucet, between and Seneca streets; Perry 'street, between strcet and Woodland avenue, Plans and epecitications.

may bo seen, and proposals can bo obtained at the office of the Civil Engineer. No proposal will be entertained unless mado on the blanks furnished by tho neer. Each proposal must contain tho full name of person interested in, and making the same, and accompanied by sufficient surety that if the is accepted a contract will be entered into. Tho city reserves the rightto accept any or bids. By order of the Board.

CHAS. H. STRONG, aprr20td City Civil Engincer. MASTER'S SALE. PURSUANCE decretal order of eale from the Court Common Pleas of Cuyahoga County, Ohio, at of Edmund P.

Morgan ot against J. S. to mo directed, I shall exposo for public auction, at the south door of the House, in the city of Cleveland, on the 26th May, A. D. 1871, at 10 o'clock a.

the described premisce: Situate in the city of Cloveland, County of Cuyahoga, and State of Ohio, and Lot No. 95, in Perry and Payne's subdivision acro lots Nos. 111 and 112, and parts of 110 Said lot No. 95 has thirty-threo (33) feet the southerly side of St. Clair street and back of same with 150 feet alley.

FRANK TI. KELLY; Master Commissioner. GEORGE IL. WIMAN, Pit'f'8 Att'y. apr25td 'LEGAL NOTICE.

FRANCIS, WHOSE. place of reeldence is unknown, will take George IL. Foster, administrator, with the annexed, of the estato of Thomas Francis, deceased, the 27th day of April, A. D. 1871, his the Probate Court, within and for the County of Ohio, alleging that the conditions of the and testament of said Thomas Francis, ceased, had not been complied with; that said Francis died seized in fee simple of the following deecribed premiece, to wit: Situated in the Cuyahoga and State of Ohio, and in the township Royalton, and known as being section or number seven, bounded ag follows: North by original section line; East by land owned by Euglo; South by land owned by John B.

Davis; land owned by Thomas Pritchard; and contain136 acres land. The prayer of tho petition is for an order of sale premisce and distribution of. the proceeds cording to tho terms of the will. llcoring In on the 27th day May, 1871. GEORGE II.

FOSTER, Administrator, with will annexed, of Thomas cis, deceased. FOSTER LAMSON, Petitioner's Attorneys. apr27 4w 1taw LEGAL NOTICE. Cuyahoga County, OHIO, 83. STATE OF G.

TAEDRICK, OF THE city of Philadelphia, and State of PenneylvaD. will take notice that on the day of 1871, Moses G. Wattereon, Administrator catato of Louis I. Rink, fled in tho ofice of of the Court of Common Pleas, for Cuyahoga County, Ohio, his potition aguinst said Huedrick John F. Whitelaw, of the city of Clevcland, of Ohio, alleging in substance that said Rink, at the time of his death, and for many prior thereto, was a citizen of the State and a rceldcut of Cuyahoga County, and death left a widow surviving him, also a resident said State and County; that plaintiff has becu appointed by the Probato Court of Cuyahoga Administrator upon the catate of said Louls Kink, and has qualified and is acting as such ministrater; that eoid Whitelaw has 11 his hands the sum of thousand dollars, proceeds insurance policy.

upon the life of said Rink are asects of said cotate; that plaintiff has the same of him, but that he refusce to the same becaaso of a claim made for by him, the said Hacdrick; that gaid Haodpretends that he has been appointed Adminisof tho cetate of said Rink by some State of Pennsylvania, in the city of Philadel- where the said Rink was temporarily at of his death; that said pretended claim is. upon said estate, the rights of the widow of said Rink, and of tho laws of the State Ohio, and be prays judgment that said Hacdrick be debarred of any claims for said moneys, that eatd Whitclaw may be ordered to pay over to the plaintiff, and that ho appear said petition on or before the 21th day A. D. 1871, -or judgment will be takeu by default. S.

O. GRISWOLD, -3. Administrator of Louis I. Rink. Attorney for G.

WATTERSON, Cleveland. April 26, 1871. DIVORCE NOTICE. Jones, 1 In Court of Common Pleas, ve. aboga, State of Jane Jonce.

hereby notided that the JANEJONES, DEFENDANT, on the 25th day of April, A. D. 1871, Ale his in the offico of the Clerk of the Court of ComPleas within and for the Connty of Cuyahoga State of Ohio, charging the said Mary, Jane with willful absence from the said plaintiff than three years last past and asking that be divorced from the said Mary Jane Jones, of petition will stand for hearing at the next eaid Court. ate thie 25th day of April, A. D.

1871. LEWIS JONES, opr26 6witaw By E. P. SLADE, his Att'y. MASTER'S SALE.

the command order sale, to directSALE. PURSUANT TO from and the State Court of. of Ohio, Common in a case Pleas of Cuyahoga wherein the GerInsurance Company is plaintiff and Christian et al. are defendante, I shall offer for sale vendue, at the south door; of the County louse, in the city of Cleveland, in said County, Wednesday, the 81st day of May, 4. D.

1871, bethe hours of two and three o'clock in the afterof said day, the following described premises in the city of Cleveland, County of Cuyahoga State of Ohio, and known as the whole of sub19 in L. Case's subdivision of ten acre lots and 2, as recorded in Cuyahoga County Recin book 0, page 477, excepting a picco off the northeasterly end: thercor, commencing at the northcorner of said aub-lot No. 19, thence running along the south linc of Orchard alloy forty thence southeasterly at right angles with said said alley and parallel with the cast line of eub-lot No. 19 afty-Ave foct; thence casturly and with said line of said alley forty feet to of said eub-lot No. 19; thence back to the of beginning fifty five feet.

Appraised at 721 AT 03 31 .00 Master E. M. BROWN. NICOLA, Pi'ff'e Attly. apr20 80d DISSOLUTION, CLEVELAND, April 28th, 1871.

HIR CO PARTNERSHIP EXISTING between Calvin Carr and John V. Nicolas, is this day dissolved by mutnal The Junior partner will give his entiro attention to his Turning Shop and stand. Washing Machine Factory, with office at the old The Warchouse. business and A to be ing claims against the "arm hay: to payment, 'square and up." all ipachted aro respectfully Luvited CALVIN CARR, apr20- witaw JOUN Y. NICOLAI, MASTER'S SALE.

MA the command of an order PURSUANT from TO the Court of Common Picas of Cayahoga and State of Ohio, to mo directed, wherelu Patrick Smith la plaintiff, and Thomas Tallon et al. are fondante, I shall offer for sale at publie cleven venduo, on the 9th day May, 1871, at the hour of door of the forenoon of said day, the south County Court louse, in the city of Cleveland, In sold County, the following described promisce Bituato. in the city of Cleveland, and County of Cuyahoga, aud Stato of Ohio, and known as Lot number two (2) in Perry P'ayne's of ton acro Lots Nos. 111 and 112 and parts of lots 110 and 113. Said plot No.

two has thirty-three feot front on St. hundred Clair street and runs back in equal width ouo and to an Appraised at $2,773, G. W. 4 LYNDE, Master Commiesloner: GREEN, for apr8-30d MAS command of an order of lesued from ro the Court of Common Pleas of Cuyahoga County and Stato of Ohio, to me directed, wherein Lewis Ilenningerds plaintiff and Jacob Becker ct al. are dooffer for sale at public vendue, on tho 1st day of May, 1871, at tho hour of 11 o'clock in the forenoon of auld day, at the south door of the County Court louse, in the city of Cleveland, in eaid County, tho following described premieus: Situate in the city of Cleveland, in the State of Ohio, and which de also in tho County of.

Cuyahoga, and known by being lot number 258 in the Willeyville Plat in that part of tho city of Cleveland forincrly part of Brooklyn Townabip. Sold lot is feet front on the cast side of Tracy street, and bounded north by an alloy one rod wide; cast by Joel Scranton's land; south by lot No. 263, ita north line being one hundred and eighty-cight and 2-12 foot; itA coaterly lino fifty-livo and 8-12 feet, and ite southerly line two hundred and thirtocn and 2-12 fact, bo the sino more or lees. but subject to all legal highways. F- Appraised at $2,000.

G. W. LYNDE, the command of an order of solo iesucd from the Court of Common Pleas of Cuyahoga County, and State of Ohio, to mo directed, wherein John Looter is plaintiff and Elijah L. Dexter ct al. aro defendante, I shall offer for sale at public vendue, at tho south door of the County Court House in the city of Cleveland, in eaid County, on the 6th day of Muy, 1871, at tho hour of eleven o'clock lu the of said day, the following described premBeing a part of eub-lot eleven (11) in M.

Sheeley's sub division of a part of. original lot number seventy-three (No. 73) in tho City of Cleveland, County of Cuyahoga and State of Ohio, beginning at tho northwest corner of Sibley street and Willson avenue and running wosterly on the north line of Sibley street two hundred feet (200 feet) to a stake; thence north and parallel with Willeon avenue fifty feet (50 foot): thence westerly and parallel to Sibloy street two hundred feet (200 feet) to etake the west line of Willeon avenue; thence fifty fort (50 feet) to the place of beginning. Apprised, over incumberancee, at $4,750. G.

W. LYNDE, Master Commissioner. E. STARK, Att'y for apr4 30t the command of an order. from PURSUANT TO the Court of Common Pleas of Cuyahoga County, and State of Ohio, to me directed, wherein the Workingmen's United Land, Loan and Building As eociation is plaintif, und Abram Alcott.

et de fendant, I shall offer for gale at public vendue at the south door of the County Court louse in the city of Cleveland, in said County, on the 15th day of May, A. D. 1871, at the hour cleven o'clock in the forenoon of said the following described premisce Situato in the City of Cleveland, County of Cuyahoga and State of Ohio, and being sub lot No. 140 in H. P.

Weddell'e sub-division, of a part of ten acre lots Nos. 64, 65 and 66, on the north side of Cedar street, and being 40 feet front and 183 feet deep. Appraised at $9,400. G. W.

LYNDE, Master Commissioner. E. D. STARK, Attorney for Plaintiff. April 13th, 1871.

apr13-30d Mater Commiraioner. R. A. DAVIDSON, Att'y for TO 5, trains in 4. pm pm a a'm a pm pm pm am R.

RE; Corry, ButtiCon- 5: pm pm pm pm pm pm pm a a a at Toledo to the Great Now a.m., Corry New stop: 1 at and to can the be sol arl suit ct a8 ten 113. on D' that on in State wIll as of of by ing said case nia, A. the Clerk and State years Obio, his of duly County, II. about a life which manded oyer moneys rick trator the phia, time fraud croditors of may and come answer June, him Lewis Mary MA did, tition monand Jones more may which term Dated 1 cd, County man Hambrock 'at public Court on tweca noon Situate and lot No. Nos.

1 orde, casterly westerly foot; line of said parullol cast lino place FELIX of the. o'clock removing between and Wink the. City anEngineer, of each and must if the into. or reject Engineer. LIALL, Sealed of the May paving and between 'also South :11 blank proCity Civil person be acproposal or reject Engineer.

white be rountil subject and the right Clerk. good, for soup will be until the in. Infirm-. to ac- Clerk. of the May viz: Chatham Green Willey proCivil unless of each must be the proreject SEWER roceived until 12 and following and and and St.

and St. and Canal Prospect blank City Engicach must proporeject of the licks solo at Court day of following known of a and front runs notice will potition and last doThom- County track the Robert Wcat of acsaid P'ran- April, of the Louie of at Adof depay I SHERIFF'S SALE STATE OF County. OLIO, 1 88. Cuyahoga PURSUANT of TO execution THE directed me from OP de- the Court of Common Card Picas and for Brenton said D. County, in the CAuse partners of Henry doing P.

busincas under tho name of Rabco*ck, tho in Babco*ck, plaintit*, agalnat P. K. Monka; Culligan, of partnere Monks and doing Culligan, business under defendanta, the name and Janos and style I offer Court at public sale, at the south door of the County Houso, in the city of Cleveland, County and Stato betwoon aforosaid, on of the 9 10th and 10 day of o'clock May, A. D. 187, the hours m.

of day. the following described State Situated in the City of Cleveland, in the of Ohio and conn. ty of Cuyahoga, and known as being part of lot No. 77, and bounded and as follows: and Beginning running on the northerly casterly line of ten. acre Inutiagton lot street.

through No. soven hundred and seventy-one foct fram the north. orly line of Kuclid said avonuo; thenco thirty-sir porthurly along tho canterly lino of street foot, and extending canterly thirty-alx feet in width, between parallel lince, at right angles with said street eight rode, more or less, to the casterly line of ten acre lot number soventy-seven, be the same more or loss, but subject to all legal highways. i Appraised at $4,000. JOHN N.

FRAZEE, Sheriff. MIX, NOBLE WAITE, Att'ya. apr8 30d THE SPATE OF OLIO, is County of Cuyahoga, THE COMMAND OP an order of salo, to mo directed, from the Court of Common Picas of said County, in the causo of John A. Griflin, plaintiff, against Jance ot defendante, shall offer at public sale, at the south door the County Court Ilouso, in the City of Cloveland, County and State aforcaaid, on the 20th day of May, A. D.

1871, between the hours of 2 and 8 o'clock p. m. of said day, the following described 'lands and tenements, to wit: Situate In tho township of Rockport, in the Connty of Cuyuhogn, and State of Ohio, and la known so being a part of original lot No. 9, in section No. 12, in said township, and is bounded as follows: On the c*nt and west by the lot line of lot No.

north land of Thomas Norton; south by land of Miles Muf len, containing (10) ten acres of land, and being the (10) ten acres off the noith, part of tweuty acres from the south end of lot. Apprulecd at 81 600. Terms cash. JOHN N. FRAZEE, 'Sheriff and Special Mastor HUTCHINS INGERSOLL, PIt' de Attys.

April 20th, 1871. apr20-80d "DIVORCE NOTICE. Caroline Plochn, plaintif, Court of Common Pleas Henry Ploehn, V8. defendant. of Ohio.

Cuyahega County, SAID DEFENDANT, HENRY hereby that on the 9d day of March A. D. 1871, plaintiff, Caralino Plouhu, fled with the Clerk of eaid Court her petition against said defondant, alleging her marriage with: defendant in tal April, duties 1865, the faithful performance of all her mark towarde him, his wilful abeence from for more than three years, and asking a divorce and other relief. of Said said cause Court will stand for hearing at the May term next vueuing. W.

S. KERRUISH, mor23 617 Attorney for Plaintia. TRANCIS M. PARKER WILL TAKE L. Parker notice that ou the 13th day of March, 1871, Mary fled in the office af the Clerk of the Court of Common Pleas of Cuyaboga County, Oblo, her petition against him for divorce, alleging for cause, gross neglect of duty and habitual drunkonness for at three the years, and that said petition will be for hearing next May term of said Court a mar14-6witaw O.

GRISWOLD, PIt'I Att'y. DIVORCE NOTICE. Armenia Sawtter In the Court of Common George v9. -Pleas of Cuyaboga Ohio. DEFENDANT WILL HEREhas this by take day Aled notice her that Armenia Sawtter, his wife, Court of petition for a divorco in tho Common Pleas of Cuyahoga County, Ohio, of alleging duty.

for cause extreme cruelty and gross negleci This cause will ho heard at May term, 1871. ROSKOPII, I Attorney for Plaint Cleveland, March 25th, 1971. mar27 4jw 1taw NO place of residence is E. unknown, PIER, is notifed WHOSE that his Oliver petition C. Pier did, on the 6th day of April, 1871, Alo in the of the Clerk of the Court of Common and Pleas, within and for the County of Pier boga with State of charging the said Mary R.

last wilful absenco for more than three ycare that he past and be with gross neglect of duty, and asking which way petition divorced from the said Mary E. Pier, term will stand for hearing at the next of said Court. Said Mary E. Pier is also fled witncescs, that said to be Oliver aecd C. in Pier will tako depositions of the hearing of said case, 'at the lion, office of the Probate Court, in the town of Napa1871, lIcnry between the county, hours Ohio, 8 a.

on the 6th day May, and 6 p. in. of day, and that the taking of the eamo will be continued from day to day thereafter until tho same is comi OLIVER C. PIER, By WA. C.

BUNTS, his Att'y Dated this 6th day of April, 1871. apr7 6witaw Robert Green, V8, Margaret GREEN, WHOSE PLACE reeidence is unknown, is hereby notified that her husband did, on the 15th day of April, A. D. 1871, file his petition in the office of the Clerk of the Court of Stato of Common Pleas, for the County of Cuyahoga and extreme a cruelty and gross neglect of duty, and prayOhio, charging the said Margaret Green with ing for divorce and for such further or other relief as to tho Court shall scem just. apri7 6w OTIS 1taw Plaintif'e Attorneys.

NOTICE residence is not known, O.r is notifed LURKIN, that Lorretta A. Lufkin, did, on the 15th day of April, A. D. 1871, filo her petition in the office of the Cierk of the Court of Common Picas, within and for the the County of Cuyahoga, and State of Ohio, charging said llenry C. Lurkin with extreme cruolty, and asking that she may be divorced from the said Henry C.

the next which petition will stand for hearing at term of Court. 3 LORRETTA A. LUFKIN, Dated By GRO, lESTER, her Attorney. this 15th day of April, A. D.

1871. apr17-6w LEGAL NOTICE. MASTER'S SALE. SALE- PURSUANT TO Master Commission. C.

C. BALDWIN, PI'T'e Att'y. apri 30d 1 SALE. TO the command of an order sale from the the command of an order of galo from the Court of Common Picas of Cnyahoga County Ohio, at the suit of Charles C. Baldwin against Ann Landroth, John Hartnell, William Hartuoll, Thomas L.

Nelson, Boldon Seymour and J. V. Yatce, to me directed, I shall offer for tale at public auction, at the door of tho Court House, in the City of Cleveland, on the 1st day of May, 1871, at 10 o'clock a. bo following described Sitnate in the township and city of Cleveland, in the Stute of Ohio, and which is also in the County of Cuyghoga, and is known by being lot number one hundred and ninoty (100) in Block II, in the Buffalo purchase, so called, in that part of said city of Clevelund, formerly Ohio. Appraised at $1,000.

3. LEWIS W. FORD, of Cummon Pleas of Cuyahoga County, Ohio, at the suit of Adolheid Mautner against Michael Clancey and Bridget Clancey, to me directed, I shall expose for sale at public auction, at the door of tho Court House, in the city of Cleveland, on the 19th day of May, 1871, at 10 o'clock m. the following described premises: Situated in the city of CleveCounty of Duyahoge, and State of Ohio, and known 88 being part of sub-lots 84 and 85 in Blade's allotment, on University Heighte, and deecribed as follows: Beginning on the cust of Park street and at the southwest corner of lot number 84; thence northorly along tho line of Park street fifteen fect; thence easterly and parallel with south line of lot 8 to the cast liue of suid lot thence south 37 sec. cust along the cast line of lots 84 aud 85 to a point half way between this point and the southeast corner of lot 85 (supposed about 13 foet); thence ina direct lino westerly to tho cast line of Park strect to a point 51 feet south of the northwest corner of lot 85; thence north along the line of Park street 51 feet to the place of beginning, and having 66 fect in width in front and about 13 fout in width in roar, but excepting from said boundary the southerly part of the saine, and being ench a part as the grantor, John Puchla, contracted to Frederick Grader, July 26th, 186, and is taken off by a line starting from a point on the cast line of Park street 30 feet northerly by the linc of said street from the south line of the premiscs above described, and extending casterly in direct courso to a point on said cast line of said premises feet northerly from the southeast cornor, said excepted part being 30 feet wide on Park strect and fect on said cast line.

Appraised at $1,050. LEWIS W. FORD, Master Commissioner. BARBER 19, 1871. ANDREWE, PItA' 1: 30d ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE.

NO given that tho -NOTICE undersigned IS. has been HEREBY duly appointed and qualified as Administrator upon the tate of Louis Rink, late of Cleveland, Ohio, deceased. M. G. WATTERSON, Administrator.

Cleveland, March 30, 1871. mar30 4w A tico is hereby DMINISTRATOR'S given that subacriber has been appointed and qualified as Administrator on the estato of Silas Brainerd, late of Cleveland, Ouyaboga County, deccased. Dated at Cleveland this 13th day of April, 1871. apr19-3w J. D.

CLEVELAND: Li PARDON NOTICE. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT an application will bo made to the Governor of the State of Ohio, for the pardon of Robert McKenna, who W88 convicted at the November Term, A. D. 1869, tho Court of Common Pleas for the County of Cuyahoga, and Stato of Ohio, of the crime of assault with intent to rob, and sentenced to be imprisoned for the term of five years in the Penitentiary of said apr5-3w CATHARINE McKENNA: ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE. Administrator's Salo of Real Estate.

George W. Ad-' ministrator of the cotato of Nicholas Nick, doccused, Probate Court of Seneca VS. County, Ohio. Mary Nick, James Mickey, Petition to sell Lands. The Lake Shore and Mich- igan Southern Railroad Company.

IN PURSUANCE OF AN ORDER OF and the Probate Court of Seneca Connty, Ohio, made issued in the above entitled proceeding, I. will offer for gale at public auction, at the south door of the County Court House, in the city of Cleveland, County of Cuyahoga, and State of Ohio, on the 10th day noon of of said 1871, at the hour of eleven in the foreto-wit: day, the following lands and tenements, the Part of the King tract, so-called, and beginning for game the northwest corner of tract number State three in Olmsted Townehip, Cuyahoga County, and of Ohio, and on the west line of said Townone ship, and and 20-100 thence (21 running south on said line twenty. 20-100) chains; thence south deg. east, ninety-one and 50-100 (91 50-100) thence north twenty-five and 80-100 (25 80-100) chains; thence deg. west, nincty-one and 60-100 (91 ing two 50-100) hundred chains to and the fifteen place of beginning, containand 02-100 (215.02) acres of co*ck, land, Cornelia being the same lands deeded by Frank HisKing and Mary E.

King, James Hickey, May 18th. 1865, and situated in said Olmsted Township, Cuyahoga County and State of Ohio. of Terms of salo-Six thousand dollars cash on day balance sale; one thousand dollars in one year; and the deferred in two years from day of sale, with interest, lands sold. payments to be secured by. mortgage on GEORGE W.

BACHMAN Adm'r of catate of Nicholas Nick; dec'd. for Petitioner. CRAMER, and JOUN McCAULEY, Att' aprt-4w C. I. Robison, Before E.

Sowers, J. P. of CleveE: T. VS, Sturtevant. land Ohio.

Township, F. Cuyahoga SAID DEFENDANT IS HEREBY notified that on the 21st day of March said Jug: tice issued an order of Attachment in the above: cause for the sum of $102.66. 1 C. H. ROBISON.

Cleveland, April 17th, 1871. apr18-3w Norman Sackrider, Assignce Before E. Sowers, J. of Jones, Potter Pitt, of Cleveland V9. Township, CuyahoChristopher Sawyer, Def't: Tga County, Ohio.

SAID DEFENDANT IS HEREBY Li Justico notified that on the 6th day of April, 1871, said issued and order of Attachmout in the abore action for the sum of $98:80. Cleveland, NORMAN SACKRIDER, Assignce, 0. April 12th, 1871. upr12-3w. Charles Burnside Before Brand, J.

P. of Anna V8. Morehouse. Ohio. Cleveland, Cuyahoga County, THE house, DEFENDANT, 'ANNA MOREFebruary, 1871, will take notice that issued on the day of in said Justice an order of atand costa.

the above action for the sum of $18.00 JNO. J. CARRAN, apr8 Ow Plaintiff's Frederika Merteshelmer, Before E. Sowers, Justice ve. of the Peace in and for Charles Van Epp.

Cleveland township, CuyCounty, Ohio. Justice notice 11th day of March, 1871, said DEFENDANT WILL TAKE for issued an order of Attachment in "eaid case trial the on sum of $50 00, and that eald causd is set for the HEI8LkYS May, 1871, at 0 o'clock a. m. April 21et, GREEN, Pit'te Atty'e. apr21-3w' BUSINESS CHANGES.

1. A formed NO TO under Arm name and a havo coo purchased do. for the manufacture property. 265 Merwin street, where the' wa. will National be at Mille dl limes prepared to supply tho trade promptly.

LEMAN OVIATT. John Mahon, plaintia, V8. In the Court of Common Emma Proston, Bell and Walter Pleas of Cayahoga County, a minor, Olio. defendants. THE whose SAID placu WALTER A.

PRESTON, posed to bo in of residonce 1g unknown, but eupnotided that on the the State of Connecticut, le hereby 20th day of August, 1870 euid plaintiff fled his petition with the Clerk of the said Court of Emma Common Plous of enid County against the the sale of the Bell and following Walter A. Preston, praying for described property: Situ ated State in of the Ohio, City and of known Cloveland, as part Cu of yahoga County and in John M. eub-lots 12 and 13, 156 to 107, bounded Wolsey's sonthwesterly eub-division of city lots son street, in front by Muirof eaid lots northwesterly by the northwusterly line 12 and 13, northeasterly in rear by lot No. 14, and southerly by lind parallel with Walnut therefrom, and ninety-nino foot distant northwesterly and being thirty-four feot and two inches in width and ono hundred and thirty-two foot in depth, be the same moro or less; to satisfy "a certain againet Judgment said for Emma thirty-two Bell in dollars and oighty a dobt favor of John Mahon for contracted by said Emma Bell provious to tho to deed said and Walter transfer A. of eaid Preeton, above desoribed property and claiming said deco and transfer to bo fraudulent and void as to eald and plaintiff, asking and to made eaid without valuable consideration, and to have deed and transfer got aside have the said property sold by order of Court to said satisfy said judgment and costa of Court.

Tho titloa on Walter or A. before Preston the is 29th notifed to answer said poday of April, 1871. 1 JOHN MALION, mar20-6w1taw By GREEN, his Att'ys. Ohio Ing York, Now is tho bo ON of 10 by will out tions fine tial. Felix Nicola and E.

J. Estep, plaintife, 1 14. V8. Cuyaloga Common The unknown heirs of John Picas. C.

Miller, deceased, ac. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN TO and personal representatives of John C. whose Miller, late of the city of Chicago, deceased, and names and places of residence are unknown plaintiffs, plaintiffs, Felix that Nicola on and the 3d day of April, 1871, the E. J. Letop, filed in the Court of Common Pleas of Cuyahoga, Ohio, their cerare tain the petition owners of against certain them, setting forth that they lands in the township of Olmsted, in said county of Cayahoga, among which are acres the off the following west parccle, to wit: Lot No.

14 and ten end off' Lot No. 15, in track two of also gaid part township, of commonly called the Usher farm; the King track, so called, in said township, being fifty acres of land of off the cast end of a part wife of said tract, conveyed by James Kellogg and 1855, to George C. Knight, by deed dated March 3d, and recorded in book 76, page 181; also fifty acres off the west of two hundred acres in the Howard said William's Howard track, conveyed to Stephen Jonce by Williams by deed dated November 20, 1831, and which is bounded on the south by said Walter King tract; that said lands, with othere, were large mortgaged amount to Simeon Jennings and others for a very that day prior to the 10th of July, 1856; that to said John George C. Q. miller Knight mortgaged said premises record thereof, to eccure, Ag appears by the.

that in November, 1856, cecding were commenced in said Court of Common Pleas by prior lien holders to subject said lands to the payment of their debts; that in said procecdings name of said Miller. was omitted as a party; that said lands were sold under said proccedings in Novomber, 1868, for a sum much less to wit: than the amount of said prior that afterwards, to wit: in November, 1870, said lands were purchased by plaintitis at another judicial sale; that suid mortgage to said Miller was given without consideration; that said Miller was at the time without money or property, and that it was only intended to be usod as collateral security in the matter of some property then in litigation in the State of Illinois which purpose was accomplished without using sal a mortgage, and that the same never had any effect as mortgage. The prayer of said petition is that said 88 a mortgage lien on may be declared void and no longer appear plaintiffs; said premises or a cloud upon the title of or, if it shall appear to the Court that there is was due some to said validity heirs to said mortgage, or anything. ordered by thereof, that they be to redeem said promisce from said prior lien within such reasonable time as tho Court shall direct or be forever barred of their right to do so. Said untation known on or parties are farther notifed to anewer sald pe before the third Saturday next after the or expiration default of eix weeks from the date of this.

notice, will be taken, I FELIX NICOLA, 1. 1 1. E. J. ESTEP, Cleveland.

P. P. April 4, aps7 6w ASSIGNEE'S NOTICE. lu the Northern District District Court of the United States for the of Ohio. 1: 1.3 In the Kline, matter of Bankrupt.

George II. In Bankruptcy. a THE UNDERSIGNED HEREBY gives notice of his as Ageignto de n. George II: Kline, bankrupt, of Cleveland, Ohio, withDon Bald District, who has been adjudged a bankrupt istrict. his own petition by the Dietrict Court of sald SAMUEL M.

EDDY, Assignco. Cleveland, 0., April 11, 1871. april Sw ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT the undersigned has been duly appointed and qualided as Administrator, with the will annexed, of the catato of Thomas Francis, deceased. Claims for or againet tho cetato will be settled at the law office of Foster: Lameop, No.

1 Rouse Block, Clovoland, Ohio. II. apr28 8w AdminiAtrator. NOTICE. P.

IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT undersigned has been daly appointed and as Administrator on the cetuto of John Obio, Farrer, late deceased. Independonce, Cuyahoga County, 59 1 R. HEINTON,.

The Evening Post from Cleveland, Ohio (2024)


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Name: Kareem Mueller DO

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