The Evening Post from Cleveland, Ohio (2024)

A A A A A A of RAILROAD CARDS. Cleveland, Columbus, Cinoinnati and Indianapolis R'y. "BEE and until DAFTER further notice, MONDAY, Passenger JULY Trains 1, leave Cleveland and arrive at points be as No. 1. No.

8. No. 5. 6:45 a 2:45 7:20 Crestline 9:45 8 6:25 10:20 11:26 ml 8:80 Columbus. 12:25 9:40 a 2:20 pm 2:86 8 Cincinnati.

8:39 6:21 8:46 6:34 8 8 5:00 a In 12:50 8 8:15 6:45 8 7:20 9:45 10:20 a Bellefontaine. 12:19 1:20 a Union. 2:30 3:45 6:00 1 47:80 10:15 Terre 10:45 10:58 a 1:09 1:21 Pana 2:55 8:20 Spring5eld, 8:43 a 4:10 6:30 ml 6:45 St. Louie. 7:15 a 7:85 Kansas 9.57 mi 3:43 8 SLEEPING CARS GA ALL NIGHT TRAINS.

ALL TRAINS leave Cleveland daily, except Sundaye, and rua through to Cincinnati, Indianapolis and Louisville. PASSENGER TRAINS returning, arrive at Clare land at 3:55 P. 10:10 F. 7:80 A. 9:20 M.

For THROUGH TICKETS and particula: luformasion, apply at the Union Ticket Ofice, 184 Bank streot, or at Ticket Office, Union l'assonger Depot. Cleveland. L. S. FLINT, Gen'! Sup 8.

C. F. COBB, PIERSON, Gen'l General Pass. Ticket Agent, Agent. Cleveland, 0.

ACE Erie Railway. NEW Room AND and Sleeping IMPROVED combining DRAWING all modern improvements, are run through on a-. 140.44D between Buffalo, Niagara Falls, Cleveland and Cincinnati and Now Yoin making direct connoction with all lines of Foreign and Coastwise etcamera; and also with Sound and Railway Lines for Boston and New England cities. of Time Table adopted June 3d, STATIONE. No.

2. 1. No. 12. No, 4.

1 No. 6. Leave Cleveland, Via SI. 8. Ry 10:45 mol 7:15 a 11:05 8 4:05 Via A.

G. W. Ky. 7825 a 3:45 Dunkirk 1:10 10600 8 3:00 am 8:009 ml 6:20 Arrive Niagara Falls 7:05 a 4:30 TO 8:00 12:45 8 12:42 12:10 a 5:08 Horuellsvile 10.55 5:45 BE 10:00 2:56 a Waverly 1:20 8:45 TB a 6:49 2 Philadelphia. 10:30 8.10 Owego 1:53 9:90 ID 1:25 a 6.23 a 2:83 10:05 2:10 10 7.06 a Albany 1:55 8.40 a 1.45 3:15 10:50 2:55 a 7.55 a 7:48 8:50 a LE 1.32 8:35 11:40 a 8:54 pm a 10.00 a 2.35 7:00 a 2.05 5.15 Jerser City 9:15 6:33 a a 3.23 3.30 New York.

9:30 7.00 8 11 00 Boston. 5.06 n. 11.29 5.59 a Sunday Trains leavo Cleveland at 7:25 8. m. A.

G. W. 7:45 a. m. by L.

S. M. S. Ky. Ar rive at New York at 7:00 a.m.

via Erie Railway. Through Tickets and apartmenta to Drawlog Room and Sleeping Coaches can be obtainedat lowest rates at the Company's Ofice, corner of Bank and Superior streets. Tickets ean also be procared at the Union Ticket Offices, and at the of the A. G. W.

and 8. M. S. Railways. JNO.

N. ABBOTT, Gen'l Pace. Ag't. Lake Shore and Michigan Sonthera Railway. 02 8, AND 1572, and AFTER until further SUNDAY.

notice, passenger SEPT. trains will leave Cleveland and arrive at pointe named in the Time Table below, as follows: TRAINS TO BUFFALO AND EAST. Atlantic Day Special Leave. Express. Express.

Exprese. N.Y. Ex. Cleveland 7:45 a 11:05 4:05 pm 10:45 ID Arrive 8:37 a 12:01 5:01 11:35 pm 9:21 a 12:50. pm 5:50 pm 12:17 pm 12:00 n'n Franklin.

2:15 2:50 pm Oil City. Girard. 10:11 a 1:40 6:40 pm 12:59 a 2:10 pm 7:10 pm 1:25 8 a ml 3:33 8:31 pm Dunkirk 12:20 4:05 pm 9:05 pm 2:50 Buffalo 1:35 5:30 pm 10:35 4:05 a Now 7:00 a 11:00 a 2:30 6:30 11:00 3:30 pm 5:00 11:20 pm ACCOMMODATION. STOPS AT ALL STATIONS. Leaves Cleveland 4:30 Arrives pm Leaves Ashtab'la 6:15 a Arrives Cleveland 9:00 a Connects at Aehtabule tor Jamestown, Frank lip and the OIL REGIONS.

At Erie with Philadelphia E. R. R. for Corry, Titusville, Warren, Harrisburg, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Washington, At Dunkirk and Bufalo with Erle and N. Y.

Conoral Railroads. TRAINS TO CHICAGO ANDWEST. preas. Mail Special Line press. Accom.

Accom. Ex- 5 100 Divis Lesve A. M. M. M.

P. M. P. M. P.

5:85 6:50 2:25 5:00 7:25 8:10 Arrive at 8:40 7:45 3:40 6:12 8:88 9:12 Huron 7:15 Sandusky 8:50 9:40 Port Clinton 9:22 10:15 Oberlin. 7:00 4:00 9:85 Norwalk 7:50 4:61 Monroevile. 8:05 6:08 10:36 8:17 5:45 11:15 Fremont 9:10 6:05 11:35 10:35 10:40 7:40. 11:35 1:00 A. M.

P. P. M. P. P.

M. 2:20 2:20 11:80 P. M. 2:15 2:15 11:15 M. 9:40 9,35 A.

M. 6:55 8:15 Gr. Rapids 8:35 6:55 11:05 P. M. A.

M. A. Chicago 9:401 7:50 6:60 7:50 F. E. MORSE, Gen'l West'n Paga'r Chicago.

CHARLES PAINE, Gen'l Sup't, Cleveland, days excepted), as follows: STATIONS. Mail. Fast Line. Accomo'n Leave 8:45 A. P.

M. 8:55 P.M. Arrive at 9:58 1:21 5:02 10:30 1:56 5:82 Alliance .11:20 2:34 6:17 1:42 x. 5:18 (10:20 Canton 112,12 6:56 6:56 Masaillon, via 64 Masallion, via 2:25 8:13 1:09 7:14 7:14 7:43 Arrive at Akron 10:45 5:47 4:00 6:40 1:00 A.

M. 6:58 5:58 2:40 A. 3:20 9:40 44 New York, via: Philadelphia 10:19 (10:19 P. M. New York, via 6:50 6:50 1:30 7:00 7:00 1:15 Washington.

10:00 46 10:00 3:40 Boston 9:05 P. M. r. M. 6:00 A.M.

Cars run through from Cleveland to New York (via Pitteburgh) with but one change, viz: at Pittsburgh. Through Tickets can be procured at the Union Ticket Office. 134 Bank etrect, at the Union PaS conger Station and at Euclid avenue Station. Sleeping car accommodations from Pittsburgh Esst can also be secured at the latter office. By the 3:55 P.

M. Accommodation Train cars mn through without change from Cleveland to Curaboga Falie, Akron and Miller burgh. CONNECTIONS. At Alilance with the Pittsburgh, Fort Wayne Chicago Railway for all points East and West. At Fitteburgh with the Pennsylvania Hallroad, Alleghany Valley Railroad and Pittsburgh Conuelleville Railroads.

At Wheeling and Bellaire with the Baltimore Ohio and Hempfeld Railroads. TRAINS ARRIVE AT CLEVELAND-Pitteburgh Morning Express and Accommodation, 10:15 A. New York, Washington and Wheeling Mall, 2:10 P. New York and Washington Exprees, 8:00 P. M.

Cleveland Pittsburgh R. R. 1872, Trains AFTER leave Cleveland MONDAY. daily, JUNE (Sun- JOHN THOM AS Sap't. FAR 1872 Summer Arrangement.

1872 (Adopted June 3d, 1572.) Atlantic Groat Western R. R. The only direct Broad Gauge Route to NEW YORK, BOSTON, And all pointe an New York, ronnsylvania and the Easts FURTHER NOTICE, TRAINS will leave, (from Depot of Atlantic and Great Western Itailway) as followe: 7:25 A. 11. LIGHTNING Coach EXPRESS attached at Leavitteburg through to New York without change.

stopping at Leavittsburgh 9:05 (arrive at Youngstown 10:10 a. Sharor 11:10,) Meadville 11:12 a. m. (Dinner), Corry 12:42 p. Hornelsville 5:45 p.

m. (Sapper); Elmira 7:45 p. Binghamton 10:11 p. arriving at New York 7:00 a.m. 3:45 P.

M. NEW YORK excepted.) EXPRESS- Sleeping Coach from Cleveland to Now York. Arrives at Meadville at 8.05 P. Susquehanna 8:10 a. (breakfast); Turners 1:35 p.

m. (dinner), Now Yor 8:30 p. m. 5:16 P. M.

COMMODATION. ACThis is the route by which passengers can reach Rimira, and points intormediate to New York WITHOUT CHANGE, and with but one change to Boston and New England cities. This is the only route to the OIL REGIONS without change. Baggage checked through to all points East. Through Tickets and information regarding the route can be obtained at the Union Ticket Once, Bank street, at the Depot of Atlantic Great Western R.

of G. F. Bowman, corner of Pearl E. WAL. B.

SBATTUC. and Detroit etreets. A Manager, Hen, Pass, Agent. M. La Agent eveland.

A DIVORCE NOTICE. DIVORCE NOTICE. DIVORCE Sau Fianciaco, ban RESPOND Fran. cieco County in the Suic of Callioiula, will tAke notice that Mary Hutwan, bi. wife, did on the Slat day of August, 1872, ale her petition agalust him la the Court of Common and Picas the of Cuyahoga County, Vulo, 10r 8 divorce a custoa, or ber culnor children, alleging cause therefor extreme cruelty and habitual draukcuness for toe three years jast past, Bald poLition will be for hourtug at the No term of said Court.

MARY HUFFMAN, eep? 91 By J. I. Attorney. Tho State of Oblo, In the Court of Common Cuzuhoga County. 68.

Pleur, Cuyaunge Ohio. JoDa Basierman, Ellen D. Easterman, Defondant. cags, in the Couuty of Cook and stato of CHI- Li. is nouded that John did, on 17ta day of the September, Clerk A.

of D. the 1872, Court ale bis petiuon in the cu of of Common Pleas, within and for the County of and State of olio, charging tho auld Allen Lasterman with habitual aruukcuuces fur the pix cure last past, and with gross legloct of uuty toward the raid Joho basterman fo. the six yeare last past, and ask. lug that he may be divorced aroin the esid blieu Basterman, which petition will be: for bearing at the Novelaber term, A. D.

1812, of said Court. JOIN By MIX, NOBLE WHITE, his Attorney 3. 17, 1872. tw State la the Court of Common Cuyatoga Couuty. 68.

Ficus, Cuyauuga Oblo. belinua E. Spencer V8. for Divorce. John L.

Spencer. VAIN L. WILL TAKE notice that the paintid, linda b. Spencer old, on the 11th cuz of beptember, A. I.

1574, tile bel petition in the office of ald the tire of the Court of Common within for the county of Cuz boga and State of onto, charging the raid John L. Spencer with wilful absence tor more than three years, and asking that sho may be divorced from the said Joun L. Spoucer, which petition will stand for hearing at the next terRa of said court. BELINDA E. SPENCER.

By BARBET. ANDREWE, her Attorneys. Dated tois day of A. D. oct1 6w CITE NOLICES.

TICE IS HEREBY given that the following resolution was adopted by tue City Council of the city of Cleveland, vctober 9th, 1872 "Resolved, That in the opinion of this Council, (two-thirds of all the members it 14 deemed necessary to grade, drain and improve Bet. den street, from Payne avenue to Maron Firect, to conform to the establiaded grade of eaid street, in a. cordauce with the plane and pronies on tile in the oft.ce of the City Civil Eugineer." The time within which clans for damages may be aled expires ou the Vin day of PAllaP November, HUTCHINGS, 1872. oct23 2w City Clork. NOTICE the following IN resolution was HEREBY adopted by the City Council of the vity of Clevelaud, October 9th, 1872: Resolved, That in the opinion of thie Council (twothirds of all the membere concurring, it is deemed necuesary to grade, drain and improve Jennings avenue from Auburn to Branch streets, to contorm to the cetablished grade eard etreet, in accordance with the plaus and proules on file in the office of the City Civil Engineer.

The time within which claims for damages may be tileu expires on the vin day of November, 1872. oct28 2w Artistant City Clork. -NOTICE I3 HEREBY GIVEN that the following resolutiou was adopted by the City Council of ime City of Cleveland, October 910. 1572: Resolved, That in the opinion of the Council (two-thirds of all the members concurring) 11 13 deemed neceesary to grade, pave and improve Diamond alley, from Unwrio eurett to Seneca eucet, to couform to the established grade of said street, in 8c- accordnce with the plans aud profiles on file in the offico of the city Civil bugineer. The time within which claims for damages may be tiled expires on the 9th day of November, PHILIP HUT THINGS, oct23 2w Assistant City Clerk.

IS HEREBY given, that following resolution was adopted by the City Council of the City of Cleveland, October 9th, 1872: "REBOLTED, That in the opinion of this Council, (two-thirds of ail the membere concurring.) it is deemed necessary to grade, pave and improve Park alley, from Prospect str. et to a point 200 feet north of Prospect street, to conform to the establiabed grade of said street. in accordance with the plaus and profiles on ille in the office of the City Civil Engineer." The time within which clairas for damages may be filed expires on the 9th day of November, 1872. PIULIP HUTCHINGS oct23 2w Assistant City Clerk, NOTICE following -NOTICE IS rerolution HEREBY was GIVEN opted by THAT the City Council of the City of Cleveland, October 9th, 1872 Resolved, That in the opinion of this Council (two-thirde of all the members concurring) it is deemed necessary to grade, drain and improve Mason alley, from Pearl street to Penn street, to CODform to the established grade of raid strect, in accordanco with the plane and profiles on Ale in the ofice of the City Civil Engineer. The time within which cime for damages may be riled expires on the 9th day of Notember, 1579.

PHILIP HUTCHINGS, oct23 aut City Cierk. CITY OF CLEVELAND, CITY CIVIL ENGINEER' OFFICE, CLEVELAND, ct 1872. NOTICE The TO Board WHOM of IT Improvements MAI bare CON- on file for examination and iD-pection of all parties interested therein, plans for sewers in the oil.wing stree viz: A sewer in Sycamore street frola the weeterly ride of in street to Fir-t etreet, with brauches 111 First and decoad -treets extending from Camure street to a point about dfteen feet south of the A blin of ceut retreet. The Board of Improvements propose the immedi. ate construction of the sewer in Sycamore treet from the westerly line of Main Ellet to Se: ond street, and in second sir et from Sycan ore street to a point abou fifteen fe.

south of the, line of deuter street, and will hear the objections of all partics interested in the same at the oNice of Board, on the let day of November, 1579, at 3 o'clock p. m. By order of the Board. CHIAS. H.

STRONG oct23 10t City Civil Engineer. CITY OF CLEVELAND, CITY CIVIL ENGINEER'S OFFICE. CLEVELAND, Obio, Oct ber 17th, 1872. NOTICE THE Board WHOM of I'T Improvements MAY have CONfile for tue examination ald in-pection of a I parties interested therein, plane for seWers in tue following etreete, viz: Fewer in Center street fom Spruce street sower to a point twenty-live (25) feet west of the westerly side of Main street: the Sewer to be constracted a ong the el lewalk op the soutuerly side or Center street, and to be charged to toe property abutting on the said southerly tide of Cai tor -treet. AIRO a sewer 11 Long e'reet from south Water street to 8 point 25 feet westerly of the West line of S.

street. The Board of Improvements proposo the imme. diale con- -truction of the above described sewere, and wi. hear the objections of all partles interested iu the ea no, at toe vilice of he Board, on tue day of Octoper. 1872, at 3 clock p.

IN. By order of the Board. CHIAS. H. STRONG, oct23 4t City Civii Engineor, ELECTION NOTICE, NOTICE -By Mr.

Gaylordfollowing resolution was adoptod by the City Council, beylember That the following places be designated as thr regular places of holding the ensuing election, which Noveinher 5th, 1972: Firet ward-lu School douse on Prospect street. Socond Ward-In building, corner 5t. Clair and Wood etreces. Third Ward -In Engine House, 8t. Clair street.

Fourth Engino Louse, duuungton street. Filth Ward Tammany Hell, St. Clair street. eixth Ward -In Wigwam, Garuen street. Seventh Ward -In Engine House, Phelps atroct.

Eighth waru-In station House, Vermont etrect Auth Ward Engine House, Church eircet. Tenth Ward -In Kentucky Sueet school House. Eleventh Ward--In Euglue louse, Lorain street. Twelfth Ward -In School House, Wade avenue, Thirteenth Ward -In Schuuberger's fIall, Kellogg avenue, Fourteenth Vard-in Ward House, street. Fiftoonth Ward -In Repablican Wigwam, on Woodland avenue.

The foregoing resolution was adopted and ordered printed until the day of election. PHILIP HUTCHINGS. 80p27 td Armistant City Clerk. NOTICE. NOTICE duly -THE appointed UNDERSIGNED rator (with HAS will annexed) of estate of Froderick late of the township Egat Cleveland, Obio.

All persona indebted to said catate are required to make immediate payment, and those having claims Again F1 the same will present them duly authenticated, to the undersiguea for allowance. IVORY PLAITED, Admicistrator. or117 3wTh WATCHES, JEWELLE, WATCHES, CHAINS, FINE JEWELRY, Silver and Plated Ware, I have now on band a choice assortment 0. 1h3 above guode, which I am eelling at extrcize low prices. HERBERT COWELL 127 Bank street.

ly JOB NY. Job Printing Co-Operative Job Printing Co. Plain Dealer Building, 107 SENECA STREE. Is prepared to do all kinda of Plain and Fancy Job Printif: on short notice. on liberal terms.

A call 8 office, I'LAIN DEALER Building, 13 licited. FUR FRINGE Ornamenta. A. RETTI. A Cleveland Plain Dealer.

Travelers' Register. DEPARTURES. A. A.M. F.

1. M. babe Shore C. E. 11:06 4:05 4:80 10-45 do Jefferson Accom'n.

do do Erie West via Norwalk 2:25 6:80 6:50 1:25 do do do via Norwalk 8:10 via do Sandueky Accom. 5:00 2:45 7:20 Mitsburch Whooling. 8:45 12:13 and Indianapolis. Allanco 8:55 Atlantic Great 3:15 5:16 A. (.

Mahoning Detroit ARRIVALS, A.M. M. P. M. Cake Shore C.

East. 5:20 6:35 2:00 do Jeffereon Accom'n. 8:45 do Erie Accommod'n. 8:00 West via Sandorky 10:25 do do Norwalk 10:55 3:15 do do via Norwa.k 10:16 Sandusky accom. 9:25 1 do 19:20 Columbus 9:20 8:35 10:10 Fictaburgh W'hooling $: 10 8:00 Atisuuc Great $6:50 $7:10 Alliance 10:15 Detroit Sunday traina are marked 5:00 thns Vassenger and baggage couveyod to either price of fixed the tralue City from Ordinanco.

any part Leave orders at the OMNIof the city at by BUS the OFFICE, No. 134 BANK poxt to the derald otice. Sleeping and Palace Cur Tickots and over T. the W. L.

8. W. M. C. C.

C. N. Y. U. the L.

8. Railways may be procured of W. L. Nntt, at M. 8.

Baggage Room in the Union Depot. SPRING ARRANGEMENT. ROCKY RIVER RAILROAD TIME TABLE. Leave Rocky River Leave 6:30 Cleveland. 6:00 A.

X. A. M. 7:30 9.00 A. ::45 A.

10:30 A. M. 11,15 A. 19:00 M. 1 co P.

M. 1:45 Y. M. 2:80 P. 8:00 1'.

M. 4:00 P. M. 4:15 P. 6:00 P.

6:45 P. M. SUNDAY TIME TABLE. Rocky River. Leave Cleveland.

we 9:00 A. 4:45 A. M. 10:90 A. 11:15 A.

12:00 1:00 P. M. 1:15 P. X. 9:30 P.

8:15 P. M. 4:00 F. 4:15 P. M.

5:30 P. M. 6:15 P. M. 7:00 T.

M. at we, commencing at 9 o'clock 8. m. and closing at Vicarant Sundays Trains will run every 48 minLast train from Cleveland at 7 o'clock 6:00 1, In, 44 FO MULHERN. AnD't.

p. m. LOCAL NEWS. From Our Morning Edition. IN AND ACOUT TOWN.

William Rattle, an old and well known citizen, is lying quite sick. large raft of saw logs lies anchored below the Seneca street bridge. -The Theater Comique has hoisted 14 handsomely painted sign. -Jiay flower school is preparing for a literary and dramatic entertainment. -Waring block is receiving a coat cf paint.

-Two large boats are on the stocks at Quayle ft Martin's shipyard. -A little girl was quite seriously hooked by a cow belonging to the father of the child, on Willicutt avenue, -The paving of St. Clair street will, weather permitting, be finished to Willson avenue by Monday next. -Tho Cleveland, Columbus, Cincinnati Indianapolis railway company's improvements on the flats are progressing rapidly. -The reporters object to the high level bridge.

It will cut off one of their most fertile sources of sensations -the loss of human life at South Water street crossing. -About this time of the year Cleveland las inore dry leaves blowing about her streets than any other city in the world probably. -S. Mann, Austrian Co. sold their first bill of goods--fifteen cases-in their new store yesterday to I.

D. Haupt, clothier, of Findlay, 0. -A little lost girl named Boco*ck was at the second precinct station Wednesday evening. Henry Stagmeyer another lost chap, belongs at 95 Forest street. -A young man on Woodland avenue took a horseback ride the other morning.

When his horse had deposited him in tho new sewer he wished he had held on the reins a little tighter. -There is a foreigner in the Fifteenth ward who has been in the United States about six months, and who voted at the October clection. When asked what ticket No be voted his reply was: "For the man who said no would make times good." L. R. Russel of Geauga county left a sick lady named Elizabeth Kirkland at the SE Commercial House Wednesday afternoon, while he left the houso for a short time.

Upon his return the lady was missing and could not be found. lIe reported the fact to the police, and it was subs: quently ascertained that the lady had taken a back for Chagrin Falls, stating to the proprietor of the Commercial House that she did not feel well and was going home, and if any one called for her to tell them she hai gone home. A Ch'id Hooked by a Cow. On Wednesday morning at about seven o'clock Enma Stark, a little girl of SEven ycare, living on Ocean street, was attacked by a cow belonging to her father and gored through the right check, The wound made was an ugly looking one but not dangerous. 'Tho County The Cuyuhoga County Agricultural Society will hold its annual fair this week, commencing to-day.

An effort has been made to make the fair "worthy of county and there is no reason doubt the 911cccag of tho movement. Cars on the Newburgh road run to the grounds. Ride out and ace the country and the fair. Tho Petroleum Production, The Titusville Courier of Tuesday publishes the following revised statement Bbla. Stock the wells October 159 559 Pipe companies' stocks October 317,411 stocks October 71,099 Stock In iron tanks October Total stock October 877,730 Shipments during 528 033 Stock on band September 030,400 Production for the month (GO days).

475.911 Average per 15,803 Decrease of September from 0,9:29 DESTINATION. Sept. August. Bbls. Bble.

To New York. 201,156 191 983 70 691 95.603 Pittsburgh 80,939 113,243 Cleveland. 09.139 134.732 Baltimore 13,298 1. 27,001 14.581 6 4 All other 30,061 93.820 Total. .529,032 617,283 While Cleveland, Philadelphia and Pittsburgh scem to be losing the other points have gained, notwithstanding the great falling off in the supply.

Real Estate Transfers. 'The following ealca of real cetatc have been made since our last report: O. C. Ford to the Lake Vicw cemetery clation -Last Cleveland, 7 acres: llarvey to the Lake View cemetery association -East Cleveland, 17 acres; $14,274. Alice Claw to the Lake View cemetery Cleveland, 4 acres; $3,052.

Cleveland, Cornelius 8 N. Grant to in John Lussender-Ea allotment; 4 000. sublots Cornelius N. Grant's E. A.

Hottman to 11. F. S. Sichley-New. burb, part of sublot No 86 in allotment made by R.

Yerker and otber; $100. cation- F. Beers East to the Lake View cemetery assoCleverand, 10 acres; $3,513. Lewis Ford to the Lake View cemetery association-East Cleveland, 3 acros; $6,008. front John on Labl to Frank Callow -City, 80 feet Benton direct; $3,700.

John Meterhofer to Andrew Reit-City, sublot 000. No, 69 in James M. Hoyt 8 allotment; 83, No, Jacob 6 in Kurtz to John C. Kurtz-City, sublot Arial Jacob Kurtz's allotment; $500. on Harris Harris street; to Mary Clark -City, 82 feet front $188, George 8 Wright to James M.

City, 82 feet front on Franklin street The Horse Epidemic. FINE FIELD FOR IT IN THE FOREST CITY. TOUR AMONG THE BARNS. WHAT HORsem*n SAY UPON THE SUBJECT. Some Indications of the Epidemic in The Veterinary Sargoons tone 10 Buffalo.

from the estimation in which his favor is held by people who have not been reached by the epidemic. HAS IT REACHED CLEVELAND. No well dedned cases of the disease have been brought to public notice in Cleveland, but there are some indications of its ence in our midst, sumeient to excite no small amount af apprehension. Fred Kimherly's fine mare came to the barn with a violent cough and other evidences of this discaso a few days ago, The owner is cne of those gentlemen who is wide awake when horse flesh is in danger, and being his own horse doctor proceeded to administer the necessary relief. The mare was well in 1.

day or two. J. B. Hawkins, the paving contractor on Central Way. states that one of the horses among his teams, belonging to William Sekins, had to be unharnessed and removed for treatment, having been taken suddenly ill from some unaccountable cause.

This was in the latter part of last week. The horse had watering of the eyes, a cough, and chills, and other symptoms the epidemic, cluding a drooping of the head and runping at the nose. Mr. Seking took the horse home and under his own medical treatment it has partially recovered from the attack. Another case came to the knowledge of the reporters from the West Side.

Dr. George Stuart, to whom a description of the disease was given, does not hesitate to say that it is not in acy way identified with the epidemic. Stuart says tho same disease as described in dispatches from Lufalo anl Rochester prehis native city, Edinborough, Scotiand, in sweeping many valuable horses to a 1 premature glue factory. There are all sorts of speculations concerning the disease among horsem*n aud each physiciau has an opinion upon the subject. Time will tell, if the epidemic comes to Cleveland, who holds the correct theory.

GOING TO LUFFALO. Immediately upon the receipt of the news from Buffalo Dr. Redhead, of the firm of Redhead Parker 42 Long street and 71 Champlain street, started for that city, principally at the instance of several prominent citizens who have valuable 'private horecs in the stables of the firm. Ic will remain long enough to become well posted upon the subject, and may extend his visit to Toronto. Dr.

J. W. Johnson followed on Tuesday, expecting to return within the present week. John Bennett, veterinary surgcon of the fire department, and Dr. Goorge TY.

Angier arc also 11 Buffalo. Dr. George Stuart states that he will go on Friday, and that ho will visit three or four different places where the epidemic prevails in the most serious form Some of these gentlemen haro been citizens of Cleveland many years, and have established a good reputation in their line of business, and will doubtless give the subject that special and careful attention which the emergency requires. Meanwhile the latest news will be looked after with more than ordinary interest by people of Cleveland is noted for its fine horses, and for the great number that aro owned by private partics. Our magnificent drives through long and beautiful avenues, which connect with country roads leading in all directions and through charming scenery, makes the possession of a horso desirable.

The merchant, the broker, mechanic, the book keeper, and the business man, however exalted or bumble his position in financial matters, is the proud owner of a horse if the same can be purchased and maintained at reasonable cost. It 13 said that DO city in the country of the same size can boast of more horses kept exclusively for private 1190 than Cleveland. In addition to the vast number which are housed in barns belonging to the respective owners, several firms do a large business in maintaining stables expressly for the accommodation of private horses. In one instance a veterinary surgeon finds it profitable and beneficial to the community to give his personal attention to the management and part ownership of a very large establighment of this kind. Other barns have professional gentlemen of the same class within reach that the noble horse may receive careful medical attention when the same is necessary.

In addition to this tensive interest held by Clevelanders in private horses, the express companies, the seren street railways, the omnibus line, the public carriage men, the fire department and the owners of draft horses in almost every conceivable branch of service, own and control very large barns in each of which from fitty to one hundred and fifty horses can be found. Since the telegraph has flashed serious news of A HORSE EPIDEMIC across the country, all classes of people who are interested in horse flesh have been curious to learn crery item of news in connection with the fatal disease. It is the town talk on every corner, in every car, and where ever there is anything suggestive of the benefits arising from the service of the horse. A tour among the largo barns of the city, where private and public anima's are kept, reveals the fact that horsem*n are keenly alive to the danger of the impending calamity. Stables are being renovated, horses are being examined for signs of the disease, papers aro being scanned for additional news from the cast, and notes are being compared among those who handle horses to enable cach to meet the emergency should it visit the city.

Expressmen may well exclaim, can we do if our horses fail Contractors employing a large number of teams are on the anxious seat. And what long faces will those people wear who hare no horses should the barn doors close at the terminus of street railways. There is not much probability of such relentless mortality among the cquine species, yet the facts as they bave come over the wires from other cities justify apprehension of very great annoyance to the general public and considerable loss to owners of horses should the disease make its appearance in Cleveland. Among all the public and private barns visited by reporters there was not a man found who did not speak in the highest terms of that vetcrinary surgeon in Rochester who gave the public a careful description of the epidemic, with valuable suggestions as to the best means of checkmating its fearful ravage. The Rochester paper in which the account first appeared does not give the name of the doctor, yet this oversight will not detract Joe March.

Joe Murch, who keeps the popular saloon under the Academy of Music, has issued a new card which attracts general attention from the public. "Joe" announces to the public the best stock of cigars, wines, eto, to the otty. Special Meeting of tho City Connoll Last Evening -The Ordinance to Annor East Oleveland Village grossed -Another Meeting To-night. A majority of the members of the city council are resolved to annex the village of East Cleveland at tho earliest possible moment now that the village council has adopted an annexation ordinance and adjourned sine die. The necessary ordinance was introduced in the city council Tuesday evening but not a suttloient number of members being favorable to suspend the rules it was referred to the committce ou ordinances.

The municipal codo provides as follows: SEC. 98. All by-lawe, resolutions and pauces of a goucial or perwaneut nature 6ball Du fully aud distuctly reud ou three different days uuless three fourth; of all the elected suall dispense with the rule; and the rote on such su: peusiou suall be taken by t8s and nays and outred on the journal. The council rule of order (No. 13) is to the following etfect: by resolutions and ordinances of a geueral or permauent nature sbali be fully and distinctly road vu three different clays unless three tourtus of all the mewvers elected shall dispose with the rule; and the voto on busthe rule shalt tuken by 3016 anu Baud emered ou the journal All ordiuauces De read for luformadon on the day wueu in reduced aud owe wise videred by tue couuci shall be weu ordered to be priuted adu refried to a proper, who shall report the suwe baca, with or with out as to we comintee shall secul best, at tue at meeting of the couucil, when the same be read a secoud time aud, unles otherwise oruered, shall be laid ou the tadic until ale next meeting of the council, when the shall be read tue china aud, unless otherwise uisp-seu of, the fiual Vole small be wakeu by yeus and nays thereou aud recordeu on the jsurual and shall require for passage 01 adoption ale coucurience of majority of all These Delug the law and rule we present.

governing action upon ordinances and as the language Was siwply "three duterent days" and "the next meeting of the council," nothing being said about regular meeting or the interval of a week between readings, a special meeting of the council wag called according to Jaw for last evening to puss the ordinance to its second reading and engrossment. Twenty-one members were present. Ou calling the meeting to order the president stated the object of this assembling--to take action on the ordinance annexing East Cleveland. lie said that he and some other members had had misgivings as to whether it would be legal to act upon the ordinance at a special meeting but that the city solicitor had examined the bearing upon the subject and was clear in the opinion that such action would be perfectly in accordance with council rules, municipal code and State law. The ordinance was then called up and the president observed that the committee on ordinances had reported, recommending its passage.

On motion of Jr. Hodge, scconded by Mr. Huntington, the ordinance, after being read, was passed to its second reading by the following vote. Ayes-Messrs. Barber, Benedict, Cee, Crowl, Glazier, Grannis, Iliggins, llodge, Horsey, Horton, Iluntington, Jewett, Martin, Merchant, Rezner, Roeder, Slawson, Townsend -18.

Nues-Messrs. Delaney, McIntosh, Absent Messrs. Angel, Black, Bruggemao, Costello, Farley, Gaylord, Haltnorth, Smith, On motion of Mr. Iluntington the ordinance was ordered engrossed, after which the council adjourned. Another special mecting off the, council will ba held this evening to pass the nance.

ANNEXATION. P. Churchill, the druggist at 114 Ontario street, and Mr. Charles II. Cooper, of Watertown, N.

both deaf mutes, were united in marriage at the residence of air. Churchill, 39 Prospect street, Wednesday evening. Rev. Dr. Gallaudet, of New York, teacher of the sign language for twenty years, and 9 prominent clergyman of the Episcopal church, performed the ceremony.

Rev. Dr. Goodrich, pastor of the congregation of which Mr. Churchill and liig family are members, with a select and fasbionable assemblage witncesed the silent and interesting exercises. Among those present were the mother and sisters of Cooper, who, during their sojourn in the city, are stopping at the Weddell house.

The parents of the bride reside at New Lebanon, N. Both aro very aged people. They have 04 large family of children, all of whom receired the benefit of 8 good education, but none surpassed or equalled the amiable sister who became bappy bride an Wednesday evening, in litcrary att inments. The bride and groom were both cducated at the same institution in New York. In addition to the inestimable blessing of a complete and thorough education, both are well provided with the substantial comforts of life.

Dir. Cooper spent considerable time in traveling, at the close of his school term, and will doubtless seek pleasurc in the same direction hereafter. He has tiken from Cleveland a lady possessed of every excellency, one wortby of lore and deserving of affection. That both will full enjoy of to the happiness fullest is the extent fondest a measure hope of brim- all who had the pleasure of witnessing their departure on the journey of life together. New Books for the Public Library.

The managers of the public library have placed on the table near the entrance of the library room a "Suggestion Book," in which they request visitors to enter the titles and such particulars 93 are known of books desired and not already added to the library or which are not in suficient quantity. A number of such entries have already been made and measures taken for supplying tho wants thus expressed. The tion of mechanics, artisans, students of the professions and others needing works to aid them which are beyond their lucans to purchuse is especially called to this feature, as managers believe the leading ol ject cf the public library to be the supplying of such books so far as can be done with the means furnished and with due regard to the wants of the general public. Tables have been placed and every facil ity practicable will be given for the con aul. tation and study of books in the room, the limit of one 1 book to a person being withdrawn where the books are desired for consultation in the room only and when the conditions with regard to filling the proper blanks are complied with.

Deaf Mute Wedding. Diss A Anna R. Churchill, sister of Mr. S. Suits for Damages.

named Leash was over A boy run some months ago by a street car in Woodland avenue and severely injured about 1 the lower part of the body. Two suits hare been entered in consequence of the above against the Woodland avenue street railway company in the common pleas court of this county. One is in the name of the father claiming $2,500 for the expense and care injured boy and the other in the name of the boy claiming $10,000 for the damage done. Messrs. Critchfeld Wolf are attorneys for the plaintiffs.

United States District Court. In the United States District Court yesterday Solomon Miller was found guilty of retailing liquor without paying the special tax. In the case of the B. B. Manufacturing Co Eli F.

Beard was sentenced to pay fine of $200 and to be imprisoned in the Seneca county jail for a period of six months. Beard's partner, Samuel J. Beigh, was discharged, a nolle presequi being entered. The charge on which these parties were tried was that of abusing the United States maile, A largo audience gathered in the theater last evening to witness the first presentation this season of the storling domestic drama "Uncle Tom's Cabin." Little Hattie Irving am imporsonated "Eva" to perfection. She 1s a no charming doubt she little inherits actress her 8 histrionic Ane singer- talent and will since her father and mother are excellent low, performers.

Mr. Forsberg assumed the role of "George Harris" and Mr. Curran played "Unclo Tom" finely, playing the part bettor than any character he has undertaken since joining this company; which is saying considerable. St. To-night "The Duel in the Snow; or Christmas Eve" will be presented and afterward a one act drama entitled "'The Chevahier d'Industrie," written exprossly for Mr.

Forsberg, in which that gentleman represents "Itobert Macaire." THE STRAKOSCH CONCERTS. St. Our pcople are more or less familiar with the singing of Carlotta Patti and Miss Carey but Mr. Mario has never visited Cleveland. Therefore the following, from the London Times of three months ago, will be read with interest in view of bis approaching appearance here in concert: Such a leave taking as that of Signor Mario on Wednesday is without precedent in our remembrance.

The opera selected for the final appearance or the greatost of Italian singers and the most universally popular lyric commedian that ever trod the Italian boards WAS "La Favorita," his performance of the part of Fernando in which, 60 and deservedly extolled, bas more than once been referred to in our polices of his "farewell" representations. The opera was wisely chosen, inasmuch as it affords two opportunities of which DO other singer has known how to avail himself as well or, indeed, a twentieth part 88 well beg- as Signor Marlo. Never, we may say without itation, did Signor Mario wore empbatically prove himself the "Fernando" of "Fernandoes," the singer of singers, the actor of actorg, than on the occasion under notice. How be was welcomed by an audience which literally crowded the house to the ceiling it is scarcely requisite to say. But, passing orer things of less significance, WO may at once announce that in the splendid finale to act III, Sigoor Mario was more eloquent, more impressive and more dramatic than on any previous occasion.

His throwing at the king's feet the decorations for which "Fernando" has now 80 supreme a contempt, his breaking in two the sword no longer cousidered as honored in the wearing and other incidents of this striking scene were one and all poluts to remember as in thoir kind not merely unequaled but unapproachable. The applause at the termination of this act was up. roarious. Signor Mario was thrice summoned before the curtain the stage was strewed with boquets. which seemed to come spontancously from every part of the house, the climax being an enormous wreath flung from the royal box by the hands of her Royal Highness the Duch ess of Cambridge.

The excitement after act III might have been thought enough: but 110, the end of act JII, containing the exquisitely pathetic soliloquy, "Angiol d'amore." and the foal interview with the repentant Leonora, surpassed it; the delight of the audience was unbounded. No less than six timeg was Mario called before the curtain, each time to be greeted more and more enthusiastically. Scarcely one person among all the immense audience left the house until the curtain slowly descended, while the agonized solemn despair unisonous of Fernando dirge accompanies the over the prostrate body of his Leonora. Then there vas a veritable tumult. Signor Mario Brat came on with Mile.

Seblachi Signor Bagagiolo and Signor Cotogni-(the king) who honor 10 be bis associates on this never-to-be forgotten occasion. The other five calls were all, appropriately enough, for "Mario" alone. The whole house "rose at bim," again and again; ladies waved bandkerchiefs, and even joined the sterner sex in cheers and applause which were little short of overwhelming. We repeat that we have never witnessed such a leavetaking; and, with even more satisfaction, we may add that it was in honor of one whom we have for a long time considered and upheld us the greatest, most versatile and, in all respects, thoroughly accomplished lyric artist of the day. Forcigr artists often complain that English audienees are comparatively cold; but such an exhibition as that of Wednesday night must bave convinced them that, under certain exceptioual circ*mstances, an English audience can show as, much warmth of feeling as any other.

At any rate, Signor Mario could hardly fail to have been of that opinion. MARINE. Vessels Passed Detroit. Special to the Plain Dealer. AMUsem*nTS.

TIE ACADEMY OF MUSIC. DETROIT, Oct. 23. Passed -Propellers W. T.

Graves, Sanilac, W. Clinton, Pringle and barges; barks Maria Martin, Parma. Erastus Corving, Jane, Bill Briggs, City of Towas, Commerce, KoScius; schooners Delaware, Holland, Outer, Carling ford, Mocking Bird, Montana, Stafford Jobn 8. Richards, Thomas Molt, Babama, Atwater, George Steele, Noyes, Correspondent, Huhbard, Reid Case, Cortez. David Welle, Mechanic, Gerret Smith, Yankee, Fruman, Mars.

arito, Lillie Parrors Fiorida, Brooklyn, Fitzbugh, Wacomka, Kinderbouse, James Joy, Wn. Young, Whaling, City of Sheboygan, Medbury, Champion, Rainbow, Kate Winslow, Francis Palms, York State, City of the Straits, Ely Bentley, Gilbert, Mollie-on, Pelican, Trinidad, Cambridge, Swallow, Wm. Grandy, Iliggie and Jones, Bertha Barnes, Atlantic, Kate Richmond, John Westley, Bridgewater, P'. March. Passed up -Propellers Russia, Blanchard.

Bay ity and barge Menominee, Allegbany and barges; schooners Belle Walbridge, Eaglewing, Georve Worthington. Joseph Page, James Garrett, Philo Scoville, M. Stalker. Wind north. For Local News Third Page.

G. E. HUT :08 Superior street, inserts advertisem*nts in any newspaper in the United States at the lowest rates. Estimates given on application. Special Agent for G.

P'. Roweil o. Now York. LUNCH! LUNCH! WHO Beer and WOULD a Lunch NOT for five GET cents A in the GLASS morning from 10 to 12, at rimlick': Lager Reer Hall, 23 FRANKFORT OPPOSITE THEATRE COMIQUE. Don't forget the Place-23 FRANKFORT ST.

ort1 1m S. HYMAN Paisloy Shawls these Special goods sale at of Ottoman Shawls popular prices. Black Alpacas Tho very and best finish, color, at Black Mohair popular prices. Black Complete Ptock Black Empress of every grade, our Five Dollar Blankets cannot Flannels be surpassed. S.

HYMAN Corner Superior Street and Public Square. oct17 CARPETS. CARPETS For the FALL TRADE. A new and olegant Just recoived. Aleo a new stock of fine.

FURNITURE AT J. KRAUSS tu Ontario Street. ang80 4m PHOTOGRAPHS. The same quality of Photographs that have been made at Ryder's old stand, corner of Superior and Bank streets, will continue to be made at reduced prices. 0.

4. PARK. SPECIAL NOTICES. A. New Enjoyment.

Ladies, have you used MURRAY LANMAN': FLOR IDA WATER! It is really the best perfume to be found. It le equally suited for the handkerchief, the tollet and the bath. In France and England, in South and Ceutral America, and in India and China, it is the only perfumo in extensive use; so agree able and refroshing in its delightfal fragrance, that when once deed It 18 invariably proferred to all otuel. feb9-fp MEDICAL. DE.

A. SLEE, No. 82 Superior Street, Late principal of, Putaburgh Medical Institute, ONGEI IN THE PRACTICE OF Spinal and Chronic Diseases than any physician in the city so advertising. All forms of venereal cured in the moat thorough and satisfactory manner. or nervous deuility, produciug blotchee, debility, dizzineer, nervousness, dimness of sight, nolses in the head, indigertion, confusion of ideas, loss of wemory, and which unfits the for bueluese or marriage, ano ultimately causing consumption and insanity, are permanently cured.

Long standing constitutional disease skillfully trested, and the effects of mercury completely eradicated. The Doctor gives particular attention to female complaints, Sterility, Menorrhua, and all giving aunoy; ance and trouble. A medical pamphlet is published in plain language ou venereal diseases sent by mail for 25 centa, Office boure from 9 a. m. to 12 and 1 to 7 Sundays excepted.

No. 02 Soperior street, Cleveland, 0. jy1 CONFIDENT GREATCOMBINATION OF professional talent and experience of Barope and America are the men to coir salt. This is the only office in the city where a permanent core of Private Discases can be obtained without the mae of mercury or change of diet or business. We to care Gonorrhea, Glcet, Syphilia, Impotency, Nocturnal Emissions, or Self-Abuse, Diarual Emissions, Female Compiaints, in short, every possible form and variety of Sexual Disease.

Cures rapid, thorough and permanent, and fees moderate. GREAT MEDICAL CIRCULAR eant for two pant etampe. FRENCH SAFES -A sure preventive to discase. Price, $1 each, or three for 82, or $7 por dozen, soul by mali Dr. luvigorating Liniment.

Price, $4 bottle. GREAT WORK ON PRIVATE DISEASES, the GUIDE TO HEALTH, 19 beneticial to all, male and female, the old and young should read this book. It will enlighten those who grope in darkness. Prica, 50c, by mall. N.

B. -TO TEE LADIES. -No lady should be without Mad. Lozier's Female Monthly Pillia- a safe and effectual remedy for all irregularities and obstruo tiona from whatever cause. Price $2 per box; extra ine Communications by mail entirely condderdial.

No lettere will be anewered unless they contair a remittance or a postage etamp. Call or address DRS. BONAPARTE, REYNOLDS No. 182 Sycamore Cincinnati, o. Once nonra 6 A.

M. iv22y d4v PYLE REMEDY. REWARD $1,000 is For ing, that Remedy any propared De lithing, case or fails of expressly Bing's to Ulcerated Blind, to cure. Bleed- Pile Filer cure It the Piles and nothing else. Sold by ail Druggists.

STRONG ARMSTRONG, Agents, we Cleveland. Ohio. TO CHICAGO, VIA CRESTLINE AND FORT WAYNE DAY 6:45 A.M. rives at Crestline 9:15 Mort Wajne p. 10., and Chicago at p.

m. 2:40 P.M. WESTERN at EX Crestline 6:26 p. Fort Wayne 12:30 a. and Chicago at 6:50 a.

P.M. Arrive Crestine Wayne 2:00 ana Chicago at 8:20 a. Connections at Chicago with trains for the Nor and Southwest. Tickets for sale at UNION TICKET OFFICE, 134 Bank street, and at Union Depot, Cleveland. W.

C. CLELAND, Ageistant Gen'l Passenger Agent, Chicago. H. HENDERSON, Passenger Agent. Cleveland.

1yb LAKE NAVIGATION. FOR LAKE SUPERIOR. 1872. The Union Steamboat Company AND THE Atlantic, Duluth and Pacific Lake Company. ONE OF THE SPLENDID STEAMERS Central Wharf, Budalo.

my13 6m MICHIGAN CENTRAL R. R. LINE. 1872. 1872.

Cleveland and Detroit Steamers. Capt. E. R. VIGER.

of this line will leave Cleveland dally (except Saturdays and Sundays) at 10 p. in, for Detroit, Sault Ste. Marie, Marquette, Portage Duluth and interine diate Lake Superior. KEWEENA A. Stewart.

Capt. urch. Capt. A. McDougall.

WINSLOW. Chas. McCrea, METEOR Capt. Thos. Wi son.

Capt. Ben Wilkins. ATLANTIC Capt. F. S.

Miller. C. pt. A. Mcintyre, ST.

Capt Ed Kelley. Capt. G. B. Dickeon.

Capt. J. K. Turner. TICKETS will be issued by the Company's Agente and at the principal Railroad Ofices to Da luth and returu by Lake; to Duluth by Lake and returning all rail througb St.

Paul and Chicago; or by Rail to Duluth, returning by Lake. Tickets, Rates of Freight and further informatio an be obtained on application to W. D. CUSHING, Agent, Corner Bank and Superior Streets, or H. C.

McDOWELL 63, 55 and 57 River etroet. E. T. EVANS. Manager A.

D. P. L. Co. D.

CALDWELL, General Manager U. S. Co. B. Patrick, General Passenger Agent, No.

R. N. Capt. WM. McKAY.

One of the above boats leaves Cleveland every evening (Sundays excepted) at 9 o'clock, connecting next morning at DETROIT with the Michigan Central Railroad For Jackson, Mareball, Kalamazoo, Niles, Chicago, Burlington, Quincy, Hon da Lac, La Croes, St. Paul, St. Joseph and Omaha. Also with the Detroit and Milwaukee Rallroad For Pontiac, St. Jones, Ionia, Grand Grand Haven, Saginaw and Milwaukee.

FARE ONE DOLLAR LESS THAN ALL-RAIL. Tickete can be obtalned at the Union Ticket Office, 134 Bank street, or at the Company's Oflice on the dock. JAS, MELLEN, Pass. Agent, D. CARTER, Cleveland.

Detroit, Mich. L. A. PIERCE, General Agent, apri6 tr Cleveland, Oblo. OCEAN NAVIGATION.


SAILING FROM NEW YORK EVERY WEDNES DAY. CABIN Passage from New York $70 and $00 gold. Stateroome on same dock as Saloon. STEERAGE: $30 from New York; $33 from Liver pool, Queenstown, Glasgow or Londonderry, payable In Currency. Passage from or to Germany, France, Norway, Sweden, at Lowest Rates.

Remittances to great Britain, Ireland and the Con tinent. Apply to WILLIANS GUION, 23 Broadway, New York, or to HERDMAN KOLBE, 222 Superior street, Cleveland 0, HERDMAN KOLBE are aleo Passage Agents for the NEW YORK AND HAMBURG and NEW YORK AND BREMEN Mail Lines of 8teamshipt to and trona these Ports Weekly. Also by the Inman Line, and the White Star Line every Saturday. Liverpool mail steamers sails twice each weeK, and the Anchor Line of Glasgow Steamers touching at on donderry twice each week. SIGHT DRAFTS payable in all the principa cities 1 ro ne feh16 GROCERS.

BABco*ck, HURD WHOLESALE GROCERS AND DEALERS Wines and Liquors 146 Water street, CLEVELAND. OHIO. EMBROIDERED FOOTH RETTBERG. LEGAL NOTICES. LEGAL given that NOTICE the Cleveland and Newhurgh Railroad Company has filed in the Court of Com mou of Cujahoga County an application for authority to change the location of 118 track 1 be drat change of routu proposed at a point 501 feet westorly from we easterly eud fits track in the village of Newburgh, from which point the route of the proposed due, 1108 N.

43' W. 849 feet, where a curve to the right Wil feet in length wita a radius of 410 feet: then a curve the left occurs 110 foot in length, with a radius of 410 reet; thence N. W. 243 feet, where a curve tho right occure 804 feet in longth wita a radius uf foot; then a curve to the left occure 220 feet in length, will a radius of 400 feet; thon a curve to the left curs feet in length a radius of 100 feet; thence N. W.

150 feet, where a curve to the: rigut orcure 88 feet du length with a radius of 1.00 tue feet; left thence N. 682 feet, where a curve to 100 feet in lengta with a radius the feet; theuce N. W. 200 leet. a curve to right occurs 290 feot in length with a radius of 724 feet; thence N.

W. 609 feet, where curve to the leit occurs 40 10ct in length with a radius of 1192 feet; thence N. 34- 15' W. 831 ct, where a curvo to the right vccure 622 feet in length wit a radius of 800 feet, where the proposed route lutersects witn the prescut route; and that the route of the proposed altoration passes through the lamas of the todowing corporation and persona, Company, in F'. weay, A.

the Audrows, Cloveluna E. Pittedurgh Kallroad T. Hamilton, James Loyd, duckson, A. Tupping, M. L.

Brooke, Mrs. U. E. Thomas, Mr8. lachel Burke, Loraine Nichole, Thomas Grilitha, John MicKellar, liugh Conway, Saran C.

F. Etucry, widow of John 18. B. Burke, samue. Nutt, William Skyrn, Campbell, Martin MC Gure, David Paul Thomas Hailer James Morris, James E.

Y. Colline, Ruedeli risell, Midas Brooke, Julia F. Browue, Daniel Kelley and Richard Coleman. Thu cuauge of route commence at a point 487 N. E.

of said point of lute sect from which poiut the route of ine proposed line runs N. E. 373 feet, Wutre a curve to to the left occurs, 128 feet in lengta with radius of 800 the feet: leit N. 8. 1 here a curve to occurs, 1:44 foet in length wit a radius of 1080 feet; thence N.

W. feet, where a curvo to the right occurs, 891 feet in length with a radius of 725 feet; thence N. 1,989 feet, where a curve to lue left occurs, 116 feet in leugth with a radius of 1.00 00 feet; thence N. 11'. W.

1609 feet. where a curve to tue left occurs, 03 feet in lengta with a radius o1 1,00 feet; thence IN 26 13', W. 713 feet, where a curve to the right occure. 118 feet iu length with 8 radius of 1,000 feet; iDence N. 80', W.

824 foot, to the end of saia proposed line, which terminates upon the or the street lines of Wilson avenue aud Kiusman street, in the immediate vicin ity of the torminus of lee present line; and that tho route of tho proposed alteration passed through the lands of the persous aud co poratione, that is to say: John Scott, 'I humas Clark, Samuel veDorn, Y. L. morgau, N. Y. Bowler, H.

F. William Thumer, Noble, u. Schake, Charles O. Schmidt, J. U.

G. Force, J. B. Fulkerson, Cilis Labarge, J. D.

and J. A. Templeton, Jane L. Tufta, S. W.

Grinnell, Ellen K. S. E. C. C.

Scuellentrager and C. Kreen, Milo b. Stevene, Wil liam Waterman, Horace belley, John J. Suipberd, Michael and Muria Woolridge, Frank II. Barr and Frauces D.

Barr, Caroline M. and J. M. Cross and the City of Cleveland; aleo for authority to appropriate the necessary right of way along sald proposed route for the purposes of its road not legs tau twouty-five foot width, except upon the grounce of said Woolridge and Barr and Emery, where the rigut of way for the purposes or its road is required to be not lees dity feet in width, and also to appropriate a triangular piece of land situated at the Western termunus of 1lB proposed route fur depot purposes, tie apex of which 18 sniu terminal point of aid proposed route, and the perpendicular line 01 which is is the 222 line feet said proposed route, and long, and the line of bich is right angles to said pa line, aud said proposed depot grounds extend on eacu side of eaiu perpendicuiar line to exia street lines, and that ouid chauger are proposed to be made for the purpose of avoiding annoyance to public travel by table ailroau ut of the public highways which it now occupies at several pouts where these alterations bought to be made, aud also to avoid curves auo grades and uusafe an unsubstanual ground aud ful other reasonable causos, and that said application will be for hearing on the first day of the November term of ea Court, 1872, or as soon thereafter as the same can be heard. OTIS ADAMS, ecp19 Attorneys for said Compauy.

The State of Ohio In the Conrt of Common Cuyahoga County, es. Gottfried Loeech, against Reinhold ohly and Ernst F. Heyee, defendants. SAID DEFENDANT, REINhold Unly, WHO la supposed to reelde come where in the State of New York, will tuke notice Gottfried Locech, the cf Cuyabega County and State of oblo, aid, upon the 23a any November, A. D.

1803, ale his petition in the Court of Common Pleas tor the County of Cuyahoga and State of Ohio, against the said Reinnold Uhly, Ernst F. Heyee and 4. B. Bowers, setuug forth in substance that upon the 11th day of August, A. D.

1806, the said defendaute, Reinnold Chly and brust F. deyse, execated and delivered to this plaintiu their certain joiut promissory note. the eby promising w0 pay the said plaitin the sum of $1,000, with interest, ole year after date thereof; that in oruer to secure the payment of aid note; said delendant-. Ubly and neyse, did, upon the 14th day of August 1866, execute and deliver to the raid mortgage of all the right title and they, tue said defendants, Uhly and Heyee, had in 8 curtain lease of the describe premises: Situate in the City of Cleveland. in said County of Cayanoga and State of ohio, and kuown as part of the northwesterly part of origiual city lot No.

211, bouuaea northerly by Huron sueet, easterly by Canal street weeterly the Ohio canal, aud souterly by a line parallel with uurou street, and dve rode at right angles with it; and praying judgment against the said defendants, Ully and brust r' Heyee, for the sum of one thousand dollars, with intorest thercow from Auguet 14tl, A. D. 1806, and that said may be deer ed to be sold aud the proceeds thereof applied in satisfaction of baid judgment. The said Reinhold Uhly is notifed that he is required to appear and answer said petition on or be fore the third saturday after eix weeks from the date of this notice. NESSENMUELLER KELLY, Attorneye for Cleveland, Sept.

14th, 1872. ecp16 tw Tne Hibernia Insurance Company,) hereby notided that tue plaintit, on wcwber 4, lo72, commenced its cortain action against de eudaut lu the Court of Common Pleas of Cuzahogs County, Ohio, upon two certain poli ies o1 lueurance issued by defencant to the plaintit Muy 20 and May 30, 1571, and numbered respectively 11 and 15, one for $1,250 aud one for $2,500, by way of re Ice under policy by the issded May 11, 1371, one to J. A. H. 1.

No 145, for $2,500, and one to Joun Meyer for that the whole claim on both policies i8 $3,750, with after January 1, 1872, for woicu plain in pays juugment; tuat eald action was commenced by attachment aud vice of gua. niebement upon A. G. Hopkinson and Q. U.

Parsons. 1 be defendant is further nouued to the said petition in saiu action on or before the third Saturday neXt the expiration of SE six weeks from the date of this notice. By SSIEP BURKE, PiN 'e Att'ye. Cleveland, October 4, 1872, oct5 6w Silas 8. Stone V8.

Frederick M. Backns and Court of Common Picae. George Mygatt, Executore of F. T. Backue, deceased, and othe.8.

EURGE Backus, 33. C. BACK US, William W. SETH Backus, A A. Mary B.

Milliken and Cornelia B. Davie, DOW reeldents of the State of Ohio, are bereby notifed that Silas S. Stone, Ou the 8th of October, filed in the Court of Common Picas of Cuyaboga County, Ohio, his certalu perition, setting forth tuat Franklin T. late of raid county, deceased, in his life time held the legal title to the one balf in common of lots 071, 672, 673, 071 and 675, in S. S.

Stone's survey of central tract, eo called, 10 the City of Cleveland, Conuty of Cuyanoga and State of Onio, solely in trust for said Stone and as security for curtain liabilities assumed by said Backus fur gaid Stone; that said Backus departed this life in May, that the FrederICk Mi. Backus aud George Mygaut are his executore; that after his decease, in beptember, 1870, enid stone settled with said executore and discharged Paid entate from raid liabuities. It prays that Enid execators may Do authorized to reconvey to bim the title 20 held by faid F. I. Backus in his life time, and in default thereor the decree of the Cour.

may bave the same cuect. The parties above named, whoare the heirs at law of F. T. Backu8, are further notifed to auewer Bald petition on or before the third Saturday Lex. after the eXpiration of six weens from the date VI this notice.

By BoTEP BURKE, Plaintin's Attorney. Cleveland, Oct. 9th. 1872. tiw SHERIFF'S DALES.

of Cleveland, Cuyanoga Com V8. won Pleas. The Alpe Insurauce Company, of brie, Pennsylvania. HE THE ALPS INdurance company, of brie, 18 The State of Couuty Ohio, 88. THE OF an order of gale of pioperty attached alter tinul for said conaty, in the causeor Michael Doran, and Maurice J.

otherwise as Maurice I ehall offer at public sale, at the south door of the Coanty Court House, in the City of Cleveland, couury and aforesaid, on tho 23d day of November, A. D. 1872, be. tween the hours of 3 o'clock p. 11.

of said day the following described lauds and tenemonte, to-wit: The anoinded one-uall interest in common of the following de exclusive of all buiidinge erected weicon, being townehip number seven (7) in the thirtcentu range of towuships in the Connecticut Western Reserve, and is known 86 being the Dorth half of subdivision lot number two hundred and twenty-eight (228) in Beneaict Root's allotment of part of original towuship lute 48 and 49, in said city. Said lot bag (30) lest front ou laylor etreet and extending back oue nundred and toirty-two (132) fect, it being ore-haif cf lot deeded by Elias S. Kout and George A. Benedict to James Likely and Martha Likely, the 15th day of July, A. D.

1858, aud recorded in Cuyahuga County records on the 23d day of July, A. D. 1853, 60, page 806. Appraised at 8700 0v. Teriag of sale caeb.


WEU, 8 Att'ys. October 220, 1812. oct2ztd The Cayanoga of Obio, ee. URSUANT TO THE COMMAND OF an Alias MI Fa, due ted to me from the Court of Common Pleas for said couuty, in the cause of James Duffey, plainud, and the Cleveland Gas Light anu co*ke Company, deferuante, I nave levied upon ana Bball offer at pub ic gale, at the Cl Gas Light and co*ke Cou pauy'8 olice. 3 1 Superior eirect, in the city of Cleveland, county and State aforesaid, Que iron sufe and and at the Cleveland Ligut and Coby Cons pauy's Worse, on Meadow street, one lot of gas coal, about bu0 tone.

mix 11 UR trucks or wagons, ouv lo. of clay, One lutef quick lime, bix wheelbarrows, Sale to commence at 10 clock a. m. on the 2. st day November, A.

D. 187 thence continuing unul soid. Terns of sale carD. HEISLET GREEN, PI's oct2 td The Cuyaboga tate ot County Ubio, ee. DURSUANT TO THE COMMAND OF Ml.

directed to me from the Court of Common Picas tor said County, in the cause of Simon Zeliban vs. John Suppeon, I have levied up. on and shall offer at public sale, in trout of th Court llouse, 1u the City of Creveland, County and State aforesaid, on the suth day of october, A. D. 1872, commenciug at 10 o'clock a.

of said I day, and thence continuing uutll sold, the following described and chattels, to-wit: Two dealing Duxes, one keno sot, one side board, one box of cards, chairs, tables, carpete, and all property levied upon under the aforceaid writ. Terms of sale cash. JOIN N. FRAZEE, Sherif. W.

S. KERRUISH, Plaintiff's Attorney. October 19tb. 1872. til oct30 A moved to a new store let YOU four NAVE friends RE know.

The Evening Post from Cleveland, Ohio (2024)


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