The Evening Post from Cleveland, Ohio (2024)

Trarciers' Register. DEPARTURES. A. M. 1'.

M. M. Lake Shore A 11:05 4:10 10-30 Erie Accommod'n 4:30 do 6:35 do Toledo 7:00 2:80 6,55 do 4:340 Atlantic Great 8:45 A. (V. Mahoning 3:43 Pittsburgh 8:40 12:15 Alliance 3:55 Columbus and Indianapolia.

6:55 50 6-50 Detroit 9:00 ARRIVALS. A.M. A.M. P. M.

P. M. Lake Shore C. 0:85 2:05 do Accommodation 8:45 do Toledo 10:55 3:45 10:15 do 9:20 Atlantic Great G. Mahoning 10:43 Pittsburgh 2:10 8:45 Alliance 10:10 Columbus 9:05 3:50 9:55 Detroit 5:00 Sunday trains are marked thus Passengers and baggage conveyed to either of the above trains from any part of the city at prices tixed by the City Ordinance.

Leave orders at the OMNIBUS OFFICE, No. 131 BANK next to the Herald Vice. Sleeping and Palace ('Ar Tickets over the W. L. S.

W. C. C. N. Y.

11. and T. Railwaye may he procured of W. L. Nutt, at the L.

S. M. S. Baggage Room in the Union Depot. WINTER ARRANGEMENT.

ROCKY RIVER RAILROAD TIME TABLE. Leave Rocky River Leave Cleveland. 7:30 M. 8:15 A. M.

000 A. M. 10:00 A. M. 10:45 A.

M. 11:30 A. M. 12:15 r. M.

1: 1'. M. 2:00 P'. M. 3:00 P.

M. 4:00 P. M. 4:15 I. 5:30 P.

M. 4:15 I'. M. SUNDAY TIME TABLE. Leave Rocky River.

Leave Cleveland. 9:00 A. M. A. M.

10:90 A. M. 11:15 A. M. 12:00 M.

1:00 P. M. 1:45 P. M. 2:30 P.

M. 3:15 P. M. 4:00 P. M.

5:00 I'. M. 6:00 P'. M. GEO.

G. MULHERN. Spp't. PLAIN DEALER. A One Legged Man's Complaint.

An ex-army officer, who lost a leg during the recent civil war, says the Boston Times, has been so inpressed with the peculiarities of his situation and the novel adventures and incidents growing out of that situation that he has written a book on entitled, "John Smith's Funny Adventures on a Crutch." The author complains goodnaturedly that he is looked upon as public property and also bored to death by in the many inquisitive strangers he meet his travels. can never," says he, "obtain a moment's rest in any public place. I 110 sooner take a scat in a car, restaurant or lecture room than some one near me, whom I have never'scen before, introduces himself with the stereotyped remark, "I see you've met misfortune," and on my assenting, 'proceeds to ask the following tions: Did V011 lose your limb in battle What battle Did a cannon ball take it off? A rifle ball, ch? Did it knock it clear off'? Did it sever an artery? Did it hit the bone? Did it break it? Did you afterward find the ball? Was it crushed out of shape? Did you fall when hit Did you walk off the field? Who carried you off? Did you feel much pain? low long after you were wounded till it wus amputated? Who performed the operation? Did you take chloroform Did it put you to sleep? And didn't you feel the operation! Not even the sawing of the bone? Could not your limb have been saved Was it taken off right where the wonnd was? Can you wear au artificial leg? Would the government furnish it if you could? Do you draw a pension: How much? How old are you What 19 your name? What did you do before the war? Don't you often wish you hadn't lost your leg? How does a person feel with a leg off? Does it ache when the weather changes Would you rather lose a leg than an arm? I have heard persons say that an amputated limb still feels as if it were on; is that so? How do you account for that: INSURANCE. See to Your Insurance! AND INSURE WITH S. S.

COE SHIPHERD, 'OFFICE: Corner Superior and Water streets. A Strong A Agency Representing Strong Companies. LOSSES WILL HAVE PERSONAL AND PROMPT ATTENTION. wellings and their Furniture, Churchce and School Mercantile, Commercial, Mannfacturing Risks, in at currant rates. nov18-2taw 5 SPECTACLES Money Cannot Buy It For Sight is Priceless! Buy the Diamond Spectacles will Preserve It TRADE MARK IF YOU VALUE YOUR EYESIGHT USE THESE PERFECT LENSES, GROUND FROM MINUTE CRYSTAL PEBBLES, Melted together, and derive their AND name BRILLIANCY.

"Diamond" on account of their HARDNESS They will last many years without change, and are warranted superior to all others in use. OptiManufactured by J. E. SPENCER clans, -None genuine unless stamped with New York. trade mark.

For sale by responsible Agents throughont the Union. L. A. BENTON, Jeweler and Optician, Sole Agent for Cleveland, Ohio, from whom they can only be obtained. No voddlers employed.

MACHINERY. LANE BODLEY John and Water strecta, CINCINNATI, O. MANUFACTURE STATIONERS and PORTALLE STEAM ENGINES, BOILERS AND MILL WORK, CIRCULAR SAW MILLS, With Ircn Frames, Wrought Iron Head Blocks and Friction Feed. LATH AND SHINGLE MACHINES, WOOD WORKING MACHINERY, SHAFTING, Hagers, Pulleys and Couplings, SAFETY POWER ELEVATORS Our Desgine, l'atterns, Tools and Facilities are the most Completo and Extensive In the country. Enabling 119 to produce the BEST WORK at the LOWEST PRICE.

Illuetrated Catalogues and Prices furnished fre on application to LANE BODLEY. ATTACHMENT. Mary A. Macumber, I'lt't, 1 Attachment before (ico, A. Kolbe, J.

Cleve. Mary E. Chadwick, Def't. land OX D. TIE 1872, the 29th said DAY Justice OF isened au JANUAR order of Attachment in the above actien for the guml1 of $51.50.

Said care will be hearing vIl the 9th day of March, 1872. JOIN I'. ANDERSON, jan26 3w Aft' v. WATCHES. 127 Bank St.

127 Bank St. NEW STOCK OF WATCHES AND JEWELRY, JUST RECEIVED. JEWELRY MANUFACTURED Call and ace sample of work. Largest Stock of Gold Pens in the City. H.

COWELL, JEWELER. jar.24 HOLLAND HERRING OUR OWN LIPORTATION, By the keg or basket. HALLE, SKALL co. jan13 WHOLESALE GROCERS. NOTICE TO people to know BUSINESS what you have to sell you must let them know what you have, and where to And you.

You cannot do thie in any better than to advertise in the PLAIN DRALER. PLAIN DRAT: EA, Ofico 107 Bank etreet, SUBSCRIBE FOR THE DAILY SCITEME. $30,000 IN GOLD $150,000 00. LOOK AT IT $30,000 in Gold for a $2.00 BIll. AND THE FOLLOWING Cash Prizes Will be distributed as follows: Thursday, February 22d, 1872 20 500 10,000 10 1,000 each 10,000 200 100 10,000 50 15,000 3500 20 1000 10 10,000 Ten Paid-up Life Insurance Policies, $1,000 each, in the Northwestern Mutual Life Insurance 10,000 Amounting $150,000 130,000 Tickets, at Each.

HEAR WHAT THE PRESS SATS. An Institution worthy the patronage and infuence of every man in the land. Journal. The safest investment of the kind in Times. No more wortby object could he placed before the public than "The National Engineers' Aerociation.

Y. Tribune. What everybody says who knows: Honest, reliable, and worthy of the support and encouragement of everybody. The only enterprise of the kind ever gotten up on so liberal a scale. Managed exclusively by some of the drst engineers iu country, And devoted to their intcreets.

References prominent man in the State. AGENTS LIBERALLY DEALT WITH. For fuli and complete particulars sec emali bille and circulars, or send your address to "THE NATIONAL ENGINEERS' ASSOCIATION," Milwaukee, P. O. Drawer 393.

Tickets for sale at J. A. BARSTOW'S, 129 Bank street, under the Weddell Louse, dec18 2m Cleveland, Ohio. AT MILWAUKEE, WISCONSIN. 1 gift.

of $30,000 in $30,000 20,000 20,000 in 10,000 10,000 5,004) 5,000 MEDICAL. CONFIDENTIAL. professional talent GREATCOMBINATION and experience OF of Europe and America are the men to consult. This is the only office in the city where a permanent cure of Private Diseases can be obtained without the use of mercury or change of diet or busiuess. We guarontee to cure Gonorrhea, Gleet, Syphilis, Impotency, Nocturnal Emissions, or Self-Abuse, Diarnal Emissione, Female Complaints, in short, every porrible form and variety of Sexual Disease.

Curee rapid, thorough and permanent, and fees moderate. GREAT MEDICAL CIRCULAR sent for two 3 cent stampe. FRENCH SAFES--A sure preventive to discase. Price, $1 each, or three for $2, or $7 per dozen, eent by mail. Dr.

Invigorating Liniment. Trice, $2 a bottle. GREAT WORK ON PRIVATE DISEASES, the GUIDE TO HEALTH, is beneficial to all, male and fomale, the old and young should read this book. It will enlighten those who grope in darkness. Price, 50c, by mail.

N. B. -TO TRE LADIES. -No lady should be without Mad. Lozier'e Female Monthly Pillle-a safe and effectual remedy for all irregularities and from whatever cause.

Price $2 per box; extra fine $5. Communications by mail entirely confidential. No letters will be anewered unless they contain a remittance or a postage stamp. Call or address DRS. BONAPARTE, REYNOLDS No.

182 Sycamore Cincinnati, O. Office honra 6 A. M. to 9 P. M.

iv22v the shortest route to sALT LAKE. SACRAMENTO, SAN FRANCISCO, And the Mining Districts of Montana, Nevadu, California, Five Hours the Quickest Route to Denver. Close Connections made at Cheyenne with Deuver Pacific Railway. At Denver with the Colorado Central. At Golden City with Daily Coachee for the Mines.

At Denver with Mail and Express Daily Coaches for all points in Southern Colorado, New Mexico and Arizona. Baggage Checked Through from Chicago to Denver, and from Omaha to Salt Lake City, Sacramento, Sau Francisco, etc. THOMAS L. KIMBALL, Gen'l Ticket Agent, Omaha, Neb. T.

E. SICKLES, Chief Engineer and Superintendent. UNION PACIFIC R. R. UNION PACIFIC R.

VIA OMAHA. The Only Direct All Rail Route, being 226 miles FREE HOMES, CHEAP FARMS, IN THE GREAT PLATTE VALLEY, THE GARDEN OF THE WEST. 3,000,000 Acres Choice Farming Lands on the Roud in Nebraska in the Great Platte Valley. For vale, for cash or credit, at low interest. Price from $2.50 to $10 00 per acre.

Great inducements to settiere with limited means. Descriptive pamphlets with maps, sout free to all parts of the United States Canada and Europe. Address, O. F. DAVIS, Land Commissioner, jan13 U.

P. R. Omaha, Nebraska. OCEAN NAVIGATION. Reduction in Passage.


Staterooms on same deck as Saloon. STEERAGE: $30 from New York; $33 from Liverpool, Queenstown, Glasgow or Londouderry, payable in Currency. Passage from or to Germany, France, Norway, Sweden, at Lowest Rates. Remittances to great Britain, Ireland and the Continent. Apply to WILLIAMS GUION, 29 Broadway, New York, or to HERDMAN KOLBE, 222 Superior street, Cleveland.

O. HERDMAN KOLBE are also Passage Agents for the NEW YORK AND HAMBURG and NEW YORK AND BREMEN Mail Lines of Steamships to and from these Ports Weekly. Also ny the Inman Line. Liverpool mall atcamere galls twice each week, and the Anchor Line of Glasgow Steamers touching at 011 don derry twice each week. SI GUT DRAFTS payable in all the principa cities rope.

feb16 OYSTERS. We are now prepared to furnish the following Oysters for the lolidays C. S. MALTBY'S H. M.

OYSTERS C. S. Maltby's C. S. M.

THE FINEST STOCK IN THIS MARKET. Select Oysters in Kegs. NEW YORK SHELL OYSTERS. Oysters by the Quart or Gallon. DON'T FORGET OUR NUMBER, 106 Superior street.


IT RTEIS FOR ALL SEA PRODUCTS OYSTERS! II. 0. PRICE, and Retail Dealer 233 Oysters, Clams, Game, Fish, SHELL OYSTERS by the hundred or barrel. The couutry trade supplied at REDUCED RATES. OYSTER OCEAN, 110 Bank street, DOOLEYC POWDER Te now regarded 19 the STANDARD BAKING POWDER, and the beat article prepared for making light.

wholesome and delicious BISCUITS, ROLLS, BREAD, GRIDDLE and other CAKES, It is infallible, and always ready for immediate use. The beet YEAST POWDER for use on long SEA VOYAGES TO ANY PART OF THE GLOBE. It in convenient and economical. NO WASTE OF FOOD PREPARED WITH IT. Sold everyby GROCERS, SHIP-CHANDLERS and DEALERS.

DOOLEY BROTIIER, Manufacturers, WHOLESALE DEPOT, NEW STREET. NEW YORK. The trade Loveland and Ohio. Western Now York and Ai'l by Towuet. 14 17-01 Paul Arter, and A.

J. Wholesale Grocers, Cleveland, Ohio, or by Wholesale Grocers throughout the United States, jan11-2mMF ALBERT C. McNAIRT, Presidem. HENRY M. Vice Prat.

and Tre as. JOHN COON, Secretary. HARVEY T. CLAFLIN, Superintendent. SIMEON SUELDON, Engineer.

THE CLEVELAND BRIDGE AND CAR WORKS, The McNairy Claflen Man' Co. Proprietors. Builders of. Railroad and, Highway Bridges, Roofs, Turn-Tables, Transfer Tables, either of Iron or Wood, Railroad Passenger or Freight. Cars, And Street Railroad Cars.

Post's Patent Iron aud Combination Bridges, Lowe's Truss Bridges with Patent Iron Clampa, Street Railroad Cars, with ligley's Patent Running Gear and Brake. Ofices-Waring Block, corner of Bank and St. Clair streets. Works vI Wason, Hamilton and Lake streets, Cleveland, Obio. CLEVELAND, Nov.

29, 1870. With a vicw of mecting adequately the requireents of our increasing business, we have reorganed the eame on the basis of a corporation, with more extended facilities and enlarged capital. We therefore bespeak for our succeeors, the McNairy Claden Manufacturing Company, the same confdence and patronage that have been so liberally accorded to us. McNAIAY, CLAFLEN CO. dec27 1f MA LSTER.



AINGER, Veterinary Surgeon, (Late of the Ontario Veterinary College, 1 Toronto, Canada,) ARY, BOARDING AND SALE STABLE, in the Would announce that he bas opened an EN INFIRMrear of MIKE'S PLACE, Frankfort street (between Bank and Water streets), where horses will be received at all hours for treatmeut or boarding. Horses with contagious diseases not admitted. A good supply of MEDICINES always on hand. and prescriptions can be filled at the office of the InResidence, No. 21 Fulton street, West Side.

jun5 tf MACHINERY. VULCAN FOUNDRY AND Engine Works. Thos. Manning Sons, PROPRIETORS. Portable and Stationary Steam Engines, all sizes, Iron and Brass Castings made to Order.

Jobbing Promptly Attended to. West st. and Canal Basin CLEVELAND, OHIO. dec11 STOVES. MORNING GLORY Those desiring a first-class BASE BURNER should not forget that Superior street, the only place in Cleveland where the Genuine Morning Glory IS SOLD.

"Call at once before purchasing, and see THE OLDEST, MOST DURARLE AND MOST POPULAR STOVE EVER MADE. Over 100,000 euld up to January 1st, 1871. KENNEDY, DeFOREST RANDALL3 SOLE AGENTS. oct2Cy BUHRER'S GENTIAN BITTERS. The Best Tonic in Uso.

MANUFACTURED BY; S. Nos. 64 and 66 Merwin street, Cleveland, Ohio. SOLORY DRUGGISTS GENERALLY STOVES, THE CHRISTMAS FIRESIDE JAMES H. SMITH, 93 Seneca street, Cleveland, Ohio, Is the agent for this now and elegant Stove.

It has an open (rate and la constructed upon the IN0! scientitic principles. It bag a very large radiatin purfuco, making it a powerful HEATER and i equally well adapted to either soft or hard coal Call and see them. FURNACES of the most approved styles, both portable and brick, including the celebrated HARHIS FURNACE, which stands unequalled as the very beg out In thi. market. JAMES H.

SMITH, st 49 Seneca UNDERWEARFor Gents, Lodies and Children. A. G. RETTBERG. BUSINESS Architects.



BLACKBUMN, ARCHITECT, OFFICE NO. 9 PERKINS' BLOCK. Residence 82 Euclid avenue. apr20-1y CLEVELAND, O. A.


Commission Merchants. H. T. COLLINS, Produce Commission Merchant and Saginaw Salt Agent. Also dealer in Flour, Feed, Water Lime, Seed, 39 and 41 River street, Cleveland, 0.

Grain of all kinds received on consignment and advances made on same when desired. ap251y GARDNER, BURT MORSE, Produce Commission Merchants, And Proprietors Union Grain Elevatore, oct5 CLEVELAND, O. Coal Trade. V. G.

DO WELL WHOLESALE DEALERS IN Brier Hill and Chippewa Coals. Office No. 3 foot of River ytreut, jan5v CLEVELAND. 0. Livery Stables.

THOMAS ELWOGD. LIVERY STABLE, NO. 100 1-2 S'T. CLAIR STREET, Next entrance to Kennard Mouse. Carriages sent to any part of the on applica tion being made at the odice.

or by mail. DIVIDEND NOTICE. CLEVELAND, PA COLUMBUS, CINCINNATI AND INDIANAPOLIS RAILWAY, CLEVELAND, Jannary 8th, 1872. DIVIDEND OF THREE AND half per cent. free of United States tax has been declared by this Company, payable on and after February 1st, 1872.

Stockholders registered at New York will be paid the United Stares Trust Company of New York, No. 49 Wall etrect. The transfer books will be closed on the evening of January 10th, and reopened February 2d. By order of the Board of Directors. jan8 2nd GEO.

I RUSSELL, Treasure PROPOSALS. CITY OF CLEVELAND, CITY CIVIL OEFICE, CLEVELAND, Jan. 23d, 1872. TO TRACTORS -Sealed proposals will be received at twelve the office o'clock of the Board of Improvements until February 19th, 1572, for grading, paring aud curbing with Medina sand stone, Center street from Main to Old River streets. Plans and specifications may be seen and blank proDosals can be obtained at the ofice of the City Civil Engineer.

No proposal will be entertained unless made on the blanks furnished by the Engineer. Each proposal must be accompanied by suficient surety, that if the proposal is accepted, a contract will be entered into. The City reserves the right to accept any or roject all bids. By order of the Board. CHAS.

N. STRONG. jan24 td City Civil Engineer PROPOSALS. ture work and enclosing of the new church editice proposais for the erection of the superstruc for the First M. E.

Congregation, of Euclid avenue and Erie street, will be received at the office of the undereigned until noon of Tueeday. February 13th, 1872. Plane and apevitications can be No seen 8 at the office of Koehler Lane, architects, Park Building. No proposal will be considered le88 made upon the printed forms to be had at the architect's office. The Trustees reserve the right to reiect any or all bids.

By order of the Trustees. jan20-1w A. KOEHLER, Architect. PROPOSALS. CLEVELAND, January 27th.

1872. proposals will be received until 2 o'clock, SatTO urday, February 10th, 1872, at the office of L. P. where plans and specifications may seen, for the Eldridge, architect, Northrop Harrington's Block, erection aud completion of a new Pest House building on the Inirmary Farm. 0.

J. HODGE, J. L. McINTOSI, jan27td J. G.

VETTER. MAYOR'S OFFICE, CLEVELAND, January 26th. 1872. NOTICE TO be BUILDI received at this oflice until 2 clock, Saturday, February 10th, 1872, for the erecproposals will tion and completion of new Police Station House, 2nd Precinct. Plans and specifications may be seep at the oflice of L.

P. Eldridge, architect, Northrop Harrington's Block. F. W. PELTON, 0.

J. HODGE, jan27-td T. COE. CITY ORDINANCES. AN special ORDINANCE Franklin -To levy street, and from Harbor a street to the Circle.

SECTION 1. Be it ordained by the City Council of the City of Cleveland (two-thirds of all the members concurring), That the sum of two dollars (82.00) be and the sume is hereby levied and assessed upon each and every foot front of the several lots or par cels of land bounding or abutting upon Fracklin street, between liarbor street and the Circle, for the purpose of paying the cost and expense of constructing a sewer in said street between the points aforesaid. SEC. 2. That the owners of the several lots or parcels of land bounding or abutting upon Franklin between the pointe aforesaid, shall pay the several amounts of money by them severally due in that behalf, to the City Treasurer, on or before the 15th day of February, 1872, or be subject to the peupalty and interest allowed by law against them reverally, it not paid at the time and to the person herein deeignated.

Passed January 23, 1872. AMOS TOWNSEND, President of the Council. THrO. VoGre, City Clerk. AN special ORDINANCE River TO levy street, and from Colum- 2 bas street to a point where the C.

M. R. R. passes under Detroit street. Section 1.

Be it ordained by the City Council of the city of Cleveland, (two-thirds of all the. members concurring,) That the eum of two dollars ($2.00) be and the same is hereby levied and assessed upon each and every foot front of the several lots or parcels of land bounding or abutting upon West River street, between Columbus street and a point where the C. M. R.R. passes under Detroit street, for the purpose of paying the cost and expense of constructing a scwer in said street, between the points aforceaid.

SEC. 2. That the owners of the several lote or parcels of land bounding or abutting upon West River street, between the points aforesaid, eball pay the several amounte of mouey by them severally due in that bebalf to the City Treasurer, on or before the 15th day of February, 1872, or be subject to the pen alty aud interest allowed by law againet them severally, if not paid at the time and to the person herein cesignated. Paseed Jauuary 23, 1872. ADIOS TOWNSEND.

President Couucil. Tuzo. Vogts, City Clerk. in Bankruptcy of said Court. S.

M. SMEAD, Deputy U.S. Marshal, Messenger, JOIN J. CARRAN, Attorney for Petitioner, Jan20-2t DISSOLUTION. OTICE IS HEREBY heretofore existing GIVENTHAT between the undersigned, under the firm name of Fred.

Diebolt is this day diesolved by mutual coneont. Either are authorized settle and collect all debts owiug by or to said drin. FRED. DIEBOLT. C.

C. SCHELLENTRAGER. Cleveland, Jan. 22d, 1872. The business will he continued at the old stand as formerly, the jan27 2w FRED DIEBOLT.

DIVORCE NOTICE. MAXWELL POMEROY, OF of Venungo Conniy, Pennsylvania, ie hereby that Mary Sophia l'omeroy, did, on the 24th 'day of January. 1972, tile her petition for divorce in the office of the Clerk of the Court of Common Pleas, within and for the County of Cuzaboga, and State of Ohio, charging the said Noah Maxwell Pomeroy, as cause for divorce, with willful absence for more than three years last past, and praying that ate may be divorced from the said awarded Noah the Maxwelt of the children mentioned in said petition. Said Pomeroy, and that she may be cuetody petition will be for hearing in said Court six weeks after the first publication of this notico. J.

H. RIIODES, Attorney for Petitioner, Cleveland Jan. 26. 1872. jan27-Ow BANKRUPT NOTICE.

In the District Court of the Cuited States, for the Northern District of Ohio. In the matter of C. A. Poner, In Bankruptcy. Bankrupt.

WARRANT IN BANKRUPTCY A has been issued by esid Court against the g. tate of said Power, of Cleveland, in the Coanty of Cuyahoga, of the State of Ohio, in said Digtrict, adjudged a Bankrupt upon the petition of Friend P. Fitts and Robert F. Austin, his creditors; and the payment of any debts, and the delivery of auy property belonging to eaid bankrupt, to him or to his use, and the transfer of any property by bim, are forbidden by law. A meeting of the creditors of eaid Bankrupt, to prove their debts and choose one or more assignees of hie eetate, will be hela at a Court of Bankruptcy to be holden at Cleveland, in said District, on the 22d day of February, 1872, at 10 o'clock a.

at the office of M. R. Keith, Esquire, one of the Registers RAILROAD CARDS. ALONE 1871 Winter Arrangement. 1872 (Adopted Dec.

26th, 18714) Atlantic Great Western Railway. The only direct Broad Gauge, Double Track Route to NEW YORK, BOSTON, And all points 1a New York, Lennsylvania and the East. TINTIL FURTHER NOTICE, TRAINS will leave, (from Depot of Atlantic and Great Western Itallway) as follows: 7:25, A. M. (daily,) Sleeping Couch at tached through to New York without change stopping at Leavittsburg -(arrive Youngstown 10:10 a.m.

Sharor 11:10,) Meadville 11:12 a. (Dinner,) Corry Hornelsville 110:1 p. (Supper), Elmira 8:00 p.m.; Binghampten 1p. arriving at New York 7:00 8. 3:45 P.M.

7A NEW YORK excepted.) EXPRESS Sleeping Coach from Cleveland to New York. Arrives at Meadville at 8.05 p. Susquebanuah 8:10 a. ur. (breakfast); Turners 1:35 p.

m. (dinner), New York 3:30 p. m. This is the only route by which passengers can reach Corry, Elmira, New York and intermediate points WITHOUT CHANGE, and with butone change to Boston and New England cities. This is the only route to the OIL REGIONS without change.

Baggage checked through to all points East. Through Tickets and information regarding the route can be obtained at the Union Ticket Uffice, Weddell House, corner of Bank and Superior sts. and at the Depot of Great Western Rail way. F. SWEETSER, Gen.

Manager, Gen. WM. B. L. W.

FILKINS, Pass'r Agent, A A BE EN Erie Railway. NEW Room AND and Sleeping IMPROVED Coaches, combining DRAWING all modern improvements, are run through between Buffalo, Niagara Falls, Cleveland and Ciucinnati and New York. making direct connection with all lines of Foreign and Coastwise steamere; and also with Sound Steamers and Railway Lines for Bostou and New England cities. of Time Table adopted Dec. 25, STATIONS.

No. 2. No. 12. No.

4. 1 No. 8. Leave Clevela di Via L.S. M.

S. Ry 10:20 7:40 a 11:05 a 1 3:45 pm Via A. G. W. Ry.

a 43:43 pin Dunkirk 1:25 10:00 12 3:10 12:15 am 2:45 6:45 Arrive Niagara Falls 7:05 a 4:48 8:00 a 9:45 a 6:040 10:35 3:20 a 11 12:02 8:00 a 5:33 8 lu Waverly 12:41 8:47 1.37 a 6:08 a Philadelphia 10:30 8.13 Owego. 1:10 10 9:27 1:15 a 6,43 a 11 3:00 a 7.22 a Albany 7:35 8. 10 a 1.45 Susquebanca. 10:57 3:53 a 8.10 a Turner's 7:30 9:35 a 10 1.35 ul 8:35 ml 210 a 10 6:40 6:00 a 11.0%) a 2.17 5:00 a In 2.05 5.15 pm Jergey City 9:15 6:33 a 12 11.38 00 a 3.23 3.30 10 Lu new York. 9:15 Lu 7.00 a Best 6.05 5.50 a Sunday Trains leave Cleveland at 7:25 it.

m. by A. G. 7:45 a. m.

by L. S. M. S. RJ.

Arrive at New York at 7:00 a.m. via Erie Railway. 'Tarough Tickets and apartmenta to Drawing Room and Sleeping Coaches call be obtained at lowest rates at the Company's Ofice, coruer of Bank and Superior strects. Tickets can also be procured at the Union Ticket Ofices, and at the Depots of the A. 4.

W. and L. S. M. S.

kailways. L. D. RUCKER, WM. R.

BARR, Gen'l Superintendent. Gen'l Pass. Ag't. Cleveland Pittsburgh R. R.

AND AFTER MONDAY, NOV. 13th, 1871, Trains leave Cleveland daily, (Sundays excepted), as follows: STATION. Mail. Line. 'Aecomo'n Leave 8:46 12-15 P.

3:55 P.M. Arriveat 9:55 1:24 5:02 10:30 1:55 5:32 6 Alliance 11:20 2:34 6:15 1:48 P.M. 5:18 11:80 Canton 12.41 6:56 6:56 Margillon, VIa 1:09 46 7:14 46 7:14 44 2.25 $1 8:12 8:12 Massillon, via! 7:45 Arrive at Akron 10:42 1'. M. 5:47 4:00 6:40 2:50 A.M.

Wheeling. 6:38 6:38 11:35 larrisburg. 2:30 A.M. 3:55 A. New York, via Philadelphia 10:10 11:50 6:30 I'.

M. 4 New York, via 6:40 8:05 3:10 44 7:20 7:20 3:00 44 Washingtou 110:00 110:00 5:05 64 Boston 9:05 P.M. P. 5:50 A.M. Cars run through from Cleveland to New York (via Pitt-burgh) with but one change, viz: at Pittsburgh.

'Through Tickets can be procured at the Union Ticket Ofice, 134 Bank street, at the Union lugsenger Station and at Euclid avenue Station. Sleeping car accommodations from Pitteburgh East can also be secured at the latter office. By the 3:55 P. M. Accommodation Train CArR run through without change from Cleveland to Falls, Akron and Miller-burgh.

CONNECTIONS. At Alliance with the Pitteburgh, Fort Wayne Chicago Railway for all points East and West. At Pittsburgh with the Penneylvania Railroad, Alleghany Valley Railroad and Pittsburgh Counellsville Railroads. At Whceling and Bellaire with the Baltimoro Ohio and Railroads, TRaINS ARRIVE AT CLEVELAND-Pittsburgh Morning Express and Accommodation, 10:10 A. New York, Washington and Wheeling Mail, 2:10 P.

New York and Washington Expree8, 8:45 P. M. JOHN THOMAS, Sup't. will leave Cleveland and arrive at points named below, as No. 1.

No. 3. No. 5. 6:55 a In 2:50 0:50 Crestline.

9:45 In 6:25 9:55 18:35 12:57 a 2:57 In 3:22 8 6:25 1:00 a Terre 10:35 11:00 a 1:09 a 1:43 Pana 2:40 a 3:23 Springfeld 6:15 5:30 6:00 a 6:50 St. Louie. 0:30 a 7:35 Kansas City. 10:23 2:30 6:55 a 6:50 6:25 7:00 a In 11:00 6:55 a 2:50 6:50 12:20 a 9:50 12:25 5:40 6:40 a 11:45 PALACE DAY AND SLEEPING CARS Sleeping care on all night trains. ALL TRAINS leave Cleveland daily, except Sandays, and run through to Cincinnati, Indianapolis and Louisville.

PASSENGER TRAINS returning, arrive at Cleveland at 7:30 A. 9:05 A. 3:50 P. 9:55 P. M.

For THROUGH TICKETS and particular information. apply at the Union Ticket Odice, 134 Bank street, or at Ticket Oftice, Union Passeuger Depot, Cleveland. E. S. FLINT, Gen'l Sap t.

8. F. PIERSON, General Ticket Agent. C. C.

COBB, Gen'l Pass. Ageut. Cleveland. 0. "BEE LINE." Cleveland, Columbus, Cincinnati and Indianapolis R'y.

AND AFTER MONDAY, NOV. 13, 1871, and until further notice, Passenger Traine A A Lake Shore and Michigan Southern Railway. AFTER MONDAX, NOV. 13, 1871, until further notice, passenger trains will leave Cleveland and arrive at points named in the Time Table below, as follows: TRAINS TO BUFFALO AND EAST. Atlantic Day Cincin't1 Special Leave.

Express. Express. Express. N. Y.

Ex. Cleveland 7:15 11:05 8 4:10 10:30 pm Arrive 8:40 a 11:59 8 5:06 11:20 pm Ashtabula. 9:29 8 12:19 pm 5:54 pm 12:04 pm 10:20 a 1:30 6:45 12:53 a 2:10 pm; 7:15 pm 1:20 a 11:52 am 8:30 pm 8:39 Dunkirk 12:27 pm 4:05 pm 9:15 2:43 Buffalo 1:55 In 5:30 10:40 pin 4:10 New 7:00 a 11:00 a 4:00 7:00 pm 111:00 a 3:30 5:05 pm CUNNEAUT ACCOMMODATION. stora AT ALL STATIONS. Leavee Cleveland 4:30 Conneant 7:30 pm Leaves Conneaut 5:40 a Arrives Cleveland 8:45 a Connecta at Girard with Erie Pittsburgh R.

R. tor Jamestowu, Franklin and the OIL REGIONS. At Erie with Philadelphia E. R. R.

for Corry, Titusville, Warren, Harrieburg, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Washington, At Dunkirk and Buffalo with Erie and N. Y. Central Railroads. TRAINS TO CHICAGO AND WEST. dation.

Special 'hicago Express. Toledo Express. Pacifc Leave A. A. P.

M. Cleveland. 6:35 7:00 2:30 6:55 Arrive 6:42 7:58 3:13 7:57 7:02 8:13 4:05 8:12 Norwalk 7:55 8:50 4:58 8:50 8:07 9:04 5:15 9:05 8:47 9:31 5:35 Fremont 9:10 9:17 6:13 9:50 Toledo. 10:40 10:55 7-40 11:00 Adrian 12:15 12:15 9:30 P. M.

2:05 2:05 11:15 P. M. A. M. White Kalamazoo.

5:30 5:30 8:101 3:33 8:33 1,50 Grand Rapids. 8:25 8:25 11:10 A. M. 4:15 4:15 2:35 8:55 Laporte. 5:55 5:55 4:15 5:25 Chicago.

8:20 8:20 6:501 7:50 SANDUSKY ACCOMMODATION. Stops at all Stations. Leaves Cleveland at 4:30 p. m. Arrives at Sandus.

ky 6:50 p. m. Leaves Sandusky 6:50 a. m. Arrives at Cleveland 9:20 a.

m. F. E. MORSE, Gen'l West' Pass'r Chicago. CHARLES F.

HATCH, Gen'l Sup't, Cleveland. NOTICE application IS will HEREBY be made to GIVEN the Governor THAT of Obio for the pardon of George Hoffricter, who Wag sentenced at the February term, 1870, to the Penttentiary for three years. WILLIAM KEISEL, OCtET SW NOTICE. JOHN DONALAN whose place residence is unknown, is nodded that Mary Donalau, his wife, did, on the 27th day of November, A. D.

1871, Ale ber petition in the office of the Clerk of the Court of Common Pleas, within and for the Couuty of Cuyuboga, and State of Ohio, charging the said John Donolau with groan neglect of duty toward her, and vieiting houses of ill aud censorting with women of bad character; and extreme cruelty toward her, and abandoning her; and that he 18 the owner in fee of the following real estate in said County, to-wit: Sub-lot No. eighteen (18) of Alphonso Holly's allotment in the city of Cleveland, being (30) feet front on Hill street and one huudred and twenty-live (125) feet in depth. And praying for reasonable alimony in the premireg, and that said real estate be al'owed her for her alimony or ordered to be sold and the proceed after paying costs and expeusce be paid her for her allmony and that he bu enjoined from selling, encumbering or die poring of the same and for other relief. Which petition will stand for hearing after six weeks herefrom or at the next term of eaid Court. MARY DONALAN, By CARRAN CONNEI her Atty'e.

December 6th, 1871. dech-tw NOTICE. Horace P. Heesin and Joseph II. 1 dessin partners trading as ll.

P. Hessin V8. E. Caldwell. E.

CALDWELL, OF MEMPHIS. E. in the State of Tenneeece, will take notice that H. P. Hessin of the County of Cuyahoga, and State of Ohio, did on the 17th day of November, A.

D. 1871, tile their petition in the Court of Common Pleas, within and for the County of Cuyahoga and State of Ohio, against the said E. E. Caldwell, defendan', setting forth that raid defendant plaintitis, is JIl debted to the said l1. P.

llesgin Co. apon AD account which is due in from the July 18th, sun of $982 1571. That an order of attachment has been issued 51-100 dollare, with intereet upon the attidavit of raid plaintide and a levy made ing to the defendant, to-wit: City lot No. 51 in Ohio upon the following described real property belongCity, in Folsom Severance's allotment, situate and in the City of Cleveland, County of Cuyaboga, State of Ohio, ou the corner of Jay and Jersey eueets in said city, being 40 feet frowt on Jay street and feet deep. The raid defendant is also notified that he is required to appear and answer said petition ou or before the 25th day of January 1872.

Dated November 17tb, 1871. M. P. HESSIN By W. C.

McFARLAND, their Attorney. Dov18-Gwitaw THE STATE OP OHIO, In the Court of Common Cuyaboga County, ep. Pleas. James Vaughu, Piamntia, 1 V8. John Forester.

Janet Forrester and Mrs. G. Black, Defendants I HE rester and Janet Forreeter. who reside iu the DEFENDANTS, JOHN FORcity of Chicago, in the State of Illinole, will Cleve- take notice that James Vaughu, the plaintid, of lund, Cuyahoga County, Ohio, did, upon the 9th day of November, 1871, tile his petition in the Court of Common Pleas for the county or Cuyahoga, and State of Obie, against the Paid John Forrester and Janet Forrester and Mra. 4.

Black, setting forth in subetance that the said John Forrester and Janet Forrester executed and delivered to this plaintiff a mortgage on the following described premises, ate in the City of Cleveland, County of southern Cuyahoga and State of Ohio, and known as the of lot No. twelve (12) and being fifty-live (55) feet front on eaid street and extending back at right augles from said street eixty fect, the southerly line uf said lot resting on an alley ten (10) feet wide; said mortgage being given to secure the payment of a certain promissory note for the sum of $1,500 00 with the interest thereon. Said petition also setting forth in substance that the said John Forrester and Janet Forrester executed and delivered to the National City Bauk of Cleveland, Ohio, a second mort- the gage on the above described premises to secure payment of two certain promissory notes for the sum of 8400 00 each with interest thereon, and that said mortgage has been duly assigned and said notes duly cuuorzed to this plaintiff, aLd that he is now the holder and owner of the sume. Said petition aleo ectuing forth that the eard John Forrester is indebted to this plaint in the sulu of 580.30 ou certain promissory note bearing date July 8th, 1871, executed and delivered to this plaintit' by said John forrester and praying for a judgment against raid for John Forrester on the above mentioned notea the sum of 82,380 50 with the interest thereou at 8 per cent. from July 8th, 1871, and with interest on 5800 00 from November 11th, 1870, up to Jury 8th, 1871, and that said premises may be decreed to be sold to pay the same.

The raid defendante are also notided that they are required 10 appear and anewer said petition on or before the third Saturday after six weeks from the date hereof. S. E. ADAMS and J. E.

STEWART, Piaintif's Attorneys, Cleveland, Ohio, November 21, 1871. NOTICE. STATE OF OHIO, (In Court of Common Pleas. Cuyahoga County, The National City Bank, ofl Clevelaud, Ohio, against The North Western Wreck ing E. HI.

W. Luetkemeyer, W. C. Moody, Peter Diemer, Philip and Henry Gaenseleu. HE SAID DEFENDANT, W.

C. dec27-6w Attorneye for Plt'ff. NOTICE. Adelheid Mautner, V8 In Court of Pleas of Walter Grieve and County, Ohio. Sarah A.

Grieve. WALTER GRIEVE, whose place of residence is unknown wiil take notice that Adelheld Mautner, on the 16th day of December, 1871, filed her petition against him in the Court of Common Pleas of Cuyahoga County, Ohio, alleging that there is due to her from said Walter Grieve the um of $500, and interest on $1,010 from May 21, 1871, at the rate of 8 per cent. on two certaiu notes given by him to one Patrick Ilaley, and that Walter Grieve and Sarah A. Grieve, big wife, on that date made and delivered to said Patrick Huley, to secure said notes, their mortgage on the fol lowing described lands, to-wit: Situated in city of Cleveland, County of Cuyahoga, and State of Ohio, and known a 4 being part of sub-lots 84 and 85 in Slade's ahiotment on University Heights and described as follows: Beginning on the east line of Park street at S. W.

coruer of lot Si; thence northerly along the line of Park etreet 15 feet; thence easterly parallel with south line of lot 84 to the east line of lot 81; thence south E. along the cast line of lots 84 and 85 to a point half way between the last pamed pout and the S. E. corner of lot 85 (about 13 feet: thence in a direct line westerly to the east line of Park street to a point 51 leet south of the N. W.

corner of lot 83; thence north along the line of Park etreet 51 feet to the place of beginDing and having 65 feet width in the front and about 13 feet in the rear, excepting therefrom the south side of game premises 20 feet wide on Park etreet and fect on the east side of said alleging that said mortgage has been abeoJute and praying that said Walter Grieve pay said sum of money une as aforesaid or in default thereof that said premises may be sold to pay the same. Said Walter Grieve is required to appear and 811- swer said petition 011 or before the 16th day of March, 1812, ADELHEID MAUTNER, By BARBER ANDREWS, her Att'ye. Cleveland, Jan. 18, 1872. jan19-6wF ASSIGNEE'S SELE.

A given SIGNEE'S that on Tuesday, February 13 6th, HERE- 1872, at 2 o'clock p. the stocks, material, tixtures. machinery, and all elects of the Printing louse of A. R. Dixon except credits, will be sold at public sale on the south steps of the Court House of Cuyahoga County, State of Ohio, to the bighret bidder, unless sooner sold at private sale.

Terms to be made known at the time of sale. T. G. CLEWELL, jan9 4w1taw Assignee of A. R.

Dixon Co. ASSIGNEE'S NOTICE. larris and J. S. Gesson, composing the IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT Arm of M.

Harris Co. of the city of Cleveland, 0., have made an assignment of their effects to the undersigned for benefit of their creditors. All parties having claims againet said assignors are re. quired to present them to the jan12-3w1taw AR LEILMAN. NOTICE.

NOTICE been IS duly HEREBY appointed GIVEN qualitied THAT as Executor of the will of Stephen Beston, late of Cuyaboga County, Ohio, deceased. THOMAS KILFOYL, Executor. Cleveland, Jan. 4th, 1872. ATTACHIIENT.

Charles P. Morse and Edward Before D. L. Wood, P. Penfield, partners as C.

P. Justice of the Peace -e Plaintiffs, of Cleveland Townagainst ship, Cuyahoga Benjamin D. Ward, Deft. Ohio. OX.B IS.

said 21st Justice DAY issued OF an order OCTOBER, of Attachment in above action for the sum of one hundred and twenty dollars. C. P. MORSE By CARRAN CONNELL, their Att'y8. jan24-3w NOTICE.

NOTICE THE appointed Administrators the have entate of Franklin Kelley, late of Cuyahoga County, Obio, deceased. SAMUEL E. WILLIAMSON, W. H. KELLEY.

Cleveland, January 4th, 1872. 4 TOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THIAT undereigned dply appointed by the Probate Court of Cuyahoga County as Assignee of John Vogel, for the benefit of his creditore. Creditors are requested to present their claims verifed, to the undersigned, for allowance. WILLIAM CUBBON. January 20th.

1872. jan22-3wM NOTICE been IS duly HEREBY appointed and GIVEN qualitied THAT 88 Administrator of the estate of Albert Tift, late of Cuyaboga County, Ohio, deceased. THOMAS J. CARRAN, Adm'r. Cleveland, Ohio, Dec.

30, 1871. dec30-3w IS HEREBY GIVEN TEAT subscriber pas been appointed and qualified 83 Administrator the estate of Conrad Butch, late of Cuyahoga County, Ohio, deceased. E. HESSENMUELLER. Cleveland, Dec.

14, 1871. jan12-3wltaw CITY NOTICE. NOTICE- TO petition is WHOM now IT pending MAY before CON. the City Council praying that so much of Stanton street as lies between Judson street and the C. P.

Railroad, be vacated. jan18 THEO, VOGES, City Clerk, Moody, who is supposed to reside romewbere iu the State of lowa, will take notice that the said plaintiff the National City Bank of Cleveland Ohio, did, on the 19th day of October, A. D. 1871, tile its petition in the Court of Common Pleas within and for the County of Cuyoboga, and State of Ohio, against the said W. C.

Moody, together with the North Western Wrecking Company, E. ler. I. W. Luetkemeyer, Jacob Wageman, Peter Diemer and Gacuesleu defendante, setting forth in substance that the said defendants ure in debted to the said plaintit" in the eum of $3,000 00 upon a promissory note executed and delivered by the said defendants to said aintiff, and praying for 8 judgment thereon said defendants.

The raid defendant, W. C. Moody, is further notided that the said Court did issuean order of attachment upon said 19th day of October, 1571, against the property and effects of said W. C. Moody in said County of Cuyahoga.

The said W. C. Moody is notified that he is re. quired to appear and answer said petition and attachment proceeding on or before the third Saturday after six weeks from the date of this notice. HESSENMUELLER KELLY, DIVORCE NOTICE.

John II. Thompson, PIE, In the Court of Common vo. Pleas, Cuyahoga Ann Thompson, THOMPSON IS Def't. on the hereby 30th day December, A. D.

1871, did file his that said John l1. Thompson, petition in the oflice of the Clerk of the Court of Common Pleas for Cuyahoga County, State of Olio, charging the said Ann Thompsou with three willful years lust uh. senco from said plaintiff for over past, and asking that he may be divorced from for the -ald Ann Thompeon, which petition will stand bearing at the February term of raid Court, A. D. 1872.

Dated this 30th day of December, A. D. 1871. JOHN H. THOMPSON, de By E.

P. SLADR, his Att'y. Caroline Poen, pl'f', Court of Cominon Pleas of V8. Cuyahoga Couuty, Obio. Henry AID Floen, DEFENDANT, WIIO IS ANONrosident of said county and State, and whose residence is unknown, is hereby notided plaintiff that ou fled the 28th day of November, A.

D. 1871, sald with the Clerk of said court her petition against him, getting forth her marriage with him, her her for for forin good three conduct, years. his and asking for a divorce and wilfull absence from restoration over of her former Caroline Lippman. Said cause will stand for bearing in said Courteo aN Fix weeks shall have expired after the first publication hereof. W.

S. KERRUISH, Attorney. Cleveland. Dec. 2, 1871.

Suleue B. Felton, V9, Charles Felton. DEFENDANT WILL TAKE notice that on the 2d day of January, 1872, the tiled in the Court of Common Pleas of Cuyahoya to be divorced from said defendant and the County, Obio, her petition againet defendant contro praying and custody of their child, alleging as cause gross neglect of duty. Said cause will be for trial at the next February terua of said Court, commenc ing February 12tb, 1872. By ROBERT J.

CHRISTY, jan3-6w Her Attorney. VORCE E. HOSLER, whose place of residence is 'un will take notice that ou the 3d day of fled Janu her ary. A. D.

1872, his wife, Mary A. the Hoeler, Clerk of the court petition of for Common Pleas, of Cuyahoga County, Ohio, divorce in the office of assigning for cause of divorce, gross be neglect for of hearing duty and willtul absence. Said cause will at the ensuing February terin of eaid Court. 5. E.

ADAMS, Pit' Att'y. January 3, 1872. jan3 Ow Thomas Fittaway, PIt, lu the Court of Comagainst mon Pleas of Cuyaho Ann Louise Pittaway, Def't ga Couuty, Ohio. SAID ANN LOUISE PITTAway. defendant, whose residence is to unknown, but eupposed to be in West Bromwitch, Staffordshire, England, will take notice that fled on the his petition against ber in said court, praying for a di4th day of November, 1871, said plaintiff gross neglect of duty, wilful abeence for more than vorco from her, and assigns for cauee, adultery, years and babitual drunkenness for more than three years lust past.

Said cause will come up for hearing at the November, 1871, term of PITTAWAY, said court. THOMAS By HEISLEY GRENN, his Attorneys. ATTACHMENT. HI. F.

Biggar and N. Schneider, Before Justice of Perry the Payne, Peace doing business as Schneider Biggur, Faintifis, ship, Cleveland Cuyahoga Town- V3. Geo. ON N. THE Church, 6th Defendaut.

DAY OF DECEMBER, 1871. said Jurtice lesued an vider of Attachment in the above action for the Hum of one huudred and forty -four dollars and interest from July 16th, 1870. R. D. STARK, Pit Na Att'y.

Cleveland. Dec. 26. 1571. dec27 8w MASTER'S SALE.

TASTER'S SALE order PURSUANT out TO of the Court of Common Pleas of Cuyahoga County, and State of Ohio, in a cause wherein Jamer F. Clark is and John Brown ct al. are defendaute, to me directed and delivered, I shall offer for sale at public auction, on Friday, the 28d day of February, A. D. 1872.

at the hour of 2 o'clock Court m. of said day, at the south door of the County House, in the city of Cleveland, in eaid County, following described premises, to-wit: Situate in the township of Middleburgh, county of Cuyahoga and State of Ohio, and bounded as follows: Being. part of section fourteen (11) in said town-hip of Middleburgh, beginning at a point in the south line of said section fourteen (11), 33-100 chains and 53 links easterly of the southwest corner of said section, running thence easterly along the section line 13 chaine and 22 links to land owned by Acaley; thence N. E21 chaine 58 to a stone; thence N. W.

12 chains and G1 links to a poet; thence S. 7 W. 21 chains 51 links to the place of beginning, containing twenty-seven 81-100 acres of land. Appraised at $1,080.00, the following described (premises, to-wit. Situate in the township of Middleburgh, couuty of Cuyaboga and State of Ohio, and bounded ay lows: Beginning at the southwest corner of twoand one-half acre lot deeded to Jeremiah Fingley; thence runuing south forty-tive degrees west to a pile of stone at the root of an clot tree; thence nearly south through the center of a sink hole in the ground to the south live of Becket's farm, so-called; thence ca 4t in eaid south line of Becket's farm to bend of river, thence up north bank of river to corner of P.

Wyman's laud; thence northwesterly on P. Wyman'8 land to place of beginning, containing about five acres of land, reserving and excepting therefrom the following parcel, viz: commencing at the southwest corner of above described land; thence 21 feet along the river in a westerly direction; thence northerly 225 feet to a etake on the vast line of fuid lot: thence southerly along eaid east line of said lot feet to the place of beginning. Appraised at $4,000.00. CARLOS M. STONE.

Master Commissioner. GRIWOLD BUCKINGHAM, Att3e. Cleveland, Jau. 23d, 1872. jan23-30d MASTER'S SALES.

ASTER'S SALE PURSUANT TO command order of sale issued from Cleveland, O-, Jan. 24th. 1872. jan25-30d ASTER'S -PURSUANT command order sale issued from the Court of Common Pleas of Cuyahoga County, iu the State of Ohio, in the case of Cuarles Ilabn against John Quigley ct al, to 1110 directed, I shail otler for sale at public venduc. at the south door of the County Court House, in the city of Cleveland, said County, between the hours of ten and eleven a.

on Monday, the 26tb day of February, A. D.1372, the following described property, to-wit: Situate in the city of Cleveland, County of Cujaboga, and State of Ohio, and known and designated 88 lot No. fifty-six (50) in liram Stone's subdivision of original lot number seventy (70) in said city of Cleyeland, formerly City of Onio, be the same more or less. but subject to all legal highways. Said property is appraised at $700 00.

SAMUEL M. EDDY, Mastor Commissioner, WIMAN HAMILTON, Att'ye. Kineman street (nOw Woodland avenue) and running back to an alley. Said Leasehold intercst is appraised at $450 00. SAMUEL M.

EDDY, Master Commirsioner, PLAITED HESTER, Pit' Att'ya. jan19 Md NOTICE. Mary A. Killmer, In Court of Common Pleas, V8. Cuyahoga County, Ohio.

Robert H. Killmer. HE DEFENDANT WILL TAKE notice that the said plaintiff will take fitiope in said case on the 16th day of February, 1872, at the office of Briusmade Stone, 168 Superior etreet, in the city of Cleveland, Staic of Ohio, between the hours of 9 a. m. and 9 p.

m. of said day, and that the taking thereof will be continued from day to day until completed. BRINSMADE STONE. Attorneys for Petitioner. DIVORCE NOTICE.

FRANCIS COLONS, WHOSE PLACE of residence unknown, will take notice that on the 19th day of January, in the year 1872, his wife, Louisa Colone, tiled her petition for divorce in the ofice of the Clerk of the Court of Common Pleas of Cuyahoga County, Oblo, assigning for cause of divorce, willful absence and grosa neglect of the duty filing for of more such than petition. three Said years next preceding case will be for hearing at the ensuing February term of said Court. S. E. ADAMS Solicitor for Petitioner.

Cleveland, January 19, 1872. jan20-Gw NOTICE. Thomas Pittaway, Plt'f, In Court of Common Ann Louise againet Pittaway, Pleas of Cuyaboga Def't:) County, Ohio. HE DEFENDANT WILL TAKE above notice on the 7th of February. 1872, the named plaintiff will take the depositions of sundry witnerses to be used as cvidence on the triai of the above entitled cause, at the office of W.

L. Tapson, No. 3 Great Western street, in the town 'of Wednesbury, in the County of Staffordshire, in England, between the hours of eight clock a. m. and six o'clock p.

m. said day, and that the taking between of the same same will be adjourned from day to day hours, until they are completed. HEISLEYS GREEN, Jan16-3w1taw Att'ye, the Court of Common Pleas, of Cuz aboga County, in the State of Ohio, in the case of Isaac Reynolds, plaintiff, against Edwerd Washington et defendante, to me directed, I shall offer for sale at public vendue, at the south door of the County Court House, in the city of Cleveland, in said County, between the hours of ten and eleven o'clock a. on Saturday, the 24th day of February. 1872, the following described parcels of land, to- wit: Situate in the city of Cleveland, County of Guyahoga, and State of Ohio, and buown as part of sub-lot No.

2 of James Hoyt's subdivision of original lots 49 and 50, in the Township of Brooklyn, now city of Cleveland, described as follows commencing at a point on the easterly line of said sub-lot No. 2, which is thirty feet northerly of the south-easterly corner of said eub-lot No. thence nortnerly on said easterly line of aid lot to Detroit street; thence erly on the southerly line of Detroit street about 33 feet 4 inches to a point equi-distant between the northeasterly and southeasterly corners of said gublot No. 2: thence southerly in a line parallel with Courtland street and equally distant between the easterly and westerly line of said sub-lot No. 2 to the vortherly line of raid parcel of 30 feet wide and rear of said lot No.

2: thence easterly at right angles with the easterly live of said lot No. 2 to the place of beginning. Also part of sub-lot No. 1 in said subdivision, the part hereby referred to being 31 feet in width from front to rear off the west side of the said lot 1. Also lot known as being all of sub-lot No.

3 of James Wade and James M. Hoyt's allotment of part of lots 49 and 50 in said city, being forty feet front on Courtland street. Also the undivided half in common of part of sub-lot No. 2 in the same allot neut, being thirty feet in front on Courtland street, runting across the rear end of said lot the whole width. Said lote are appraised a8 followe, to-wit: The first at the second at the third at $1,600, and the fourth at $100.

SAMUEL Master Commissioner, JAMES M. JONES, Plt's Att'y. Cleveland Ohio, Jan. 24th, 1872. jan25-30d command of an order of sule issued from the SALE- PURSUANT TO Court of Common Pleas of Cuyahoga County, in the State of Ohio, in the case or W.

P. Cooke, plaintiff, against Win. McReynolds ct defendants, to me directed, I shall offer for sale at public vendue, at the south door of the County Court House, in the city of Cleveland, in said County, between the hours of ten and eleven o'clock a. in. on Monday, the 19th day of February, A.

D. 1872, the following described property, to wit: Being Leaschold interest, which is for a term of thirty years from and after the 1st da of October. 1872, aud to extend 20 years longer at the election of the lessor, hie heirs, executore, administrators, or aspigns, as to the terme and conditiona of said lease see Vol. 3 of Leases, page 349, in the Records of Cuyahoga County, of the premises petition of raid plaintin described, to-wit: Being in the city of Cleveland. County of Cuyaboga, and State of Olio, and known as lot number 112 in A.

W. Walworth's allotment of two acre lots 117 to 133, said lot No. 112 being about 80 feet front on LEGAL NOTICE. THE STATE OF OHIO, (In the Pleas. Court of Common Catharive Cujuhoga Scheuer baum, 1 County, Bs.

against John Hellman, Marla Hellman, Henry Hempy, kugel Hewpy, Adolpb Frederick Kretzachmer, John Stroebel, Sopbia Gentz. Mayer, Christian Hausbehn, Penn'a Salt Manur'g and James Tully SAID FREDERICK KRETZ. Sou, Def'ts. schiner, Penn'a Salt Manufg Co and Jag Son, whose present residence that and Catharine whereabouts unknown, will take notice E. Scheuerbaum, the of Cleveland, Ohio, did, upon the 220 day of September, A.

D. 1871, the Ale bor petition in the Court of Common Pleas for County of Cuyaboga. and State of Obio, againet the said John Hellman, Maria Bellman, Henry Hempy, Eugel Hempy. Frederick Kretzechmer, Aaolph Mayer, Christian John struebel, Sopida Gentz, Penn'a Salt Manuf'g Co. and Jae.

Tully that and the Son, defendants, eetting forth in subetance Ileury Hempy aud Kugel Hempy, executed and do said defeudants, John Hellinan, Maria Hellman, livered to the said plaiutiff, Catharine E. Scheuerbaum a mortgage of the following deecribed prem. ises, to-wit: Situate in the city of Cleveland, County of Cuyahoga, and State of Ohio. and known by being lot number 223 in Barber and Lord's subalvis. ion, aud is bounded as follows: North on lot No.

222; eust on Jersey street: south on lot No. 224; west on an alley, being 64 feet front 011 said Jerrey street and 215 leet de p. said mortgage being given to secure the payment of a certain promiseory note for the bum of $1,000 with interest thereon: aud prayiug for judgment against the sald John Hellman for the sum of $1,000 with luterest thereon, and that said premises may be decreed to be sold, and the proceeds thereof applied in faction of said judgment. The said Frederick Kretzschmer, Peun'a Salt Manuf'g Co. and James Tally and HOn, are notided that they are required to appear and anewer paid petition, setting up their eaiu interest in said premixes oll or before the third Saturday after six weeks from the date of this notice.

MESSENMUELLER KELLY, dec23-6w Atty's for Plaintia. me out of the Court of Common Pleas of Cuyaboga Conuty, State of Ohio, in a case wherein Wenham is plaintiff, and Edward Rotheram et are defendants, I shall offer for sale at public auction, at the south door of the County Court House, in the City of Cleveland, on the 9th day of February. 1872, between the hours of 2 and 3 o'clock p. of raid day, PARCEL in the city of Cleveland, the following described premises, to-wit: County of Cuyahogu, and State of Ohio, and known as the easterly or northerly bait of the following premises, to wit: Begiuming at a point south de green eart, on the coutuerly edge of the Canal Basin 100 feet Fix inches dietaut from the center of a hole drilled in a stone get in the ground in the easterly line of Merwin street southerly of Lock No. 41; thence southerly to a point on the northerly of West street 118 feet 7 inches distant easterly from the easterly line of Merwin street; theuce westerly oll the northerly line of West street 32 feet; thence northerly in a direct line to the erly line of the Canal Karin to a point 32 feet Westerly from the place of beginning; thence along the Canal Barin to the place of beginning, but subject to such restrictions in favor of the State of Obio ax are described in a mortgage by l1.

L. Whitman and William Russel to the Ohio Life and Trust Company dated June 24, 1854, and recorded in Book 46, page 693 of Cuyahoga Couuty Records. Said easterly or northerly hair fronts on the Canal Burin 82 feet." Appraised at $2,800. P'ARCEL in the city of Cleveland, County of Cuyahoga, and State of Ohio, known a8 parts of lots 18 and 19 in I. L.

Hewitt's sub. division of lots in the city of Cleveland, a plat of which lots is recorded in the County Records, towit: All that purt of said lots 18 and 19 lylug easterly of a line drawn 47 feet and one inch easterly from the westerly line of said lots, meaning to include in this description the brick building and the lot on which it stauds, immediately in the rear of the two store occupying the front or weeterly parts of said lots 18 and 19, and also to include herein half of the division wall between said first building and the building containing said two stores fronting on Merwin street, subject to the right of the State of Ohio, and its assigns to maintain a waste weir thereon in connection with tho Ohio Canal." Appraieed at $2,850. PARCEL Situate in the city of Cleveland. County of Cuyaboga, and State of Obio, aud knowu an the westerly part of 18 in L. L.

sub-division or lots in the city of Cleveland, a plat of which lots is recorded in the County Recorde, wit: All that portion of euid lot 18 lying between Merwin street and a line drawn 47 feet and one inch easterly from eaid Merwin street, intending to include tu the description the brick building on the frout of said lot 18, and the portion cf said lot on which it stands, aud including one-half of the division walle." Appraised at $4.000. PARCEL in the city of Cleveland, Counof Cuyahoga, and Stute of Ohio, and known as westerly part of aub-lot No. 19 in I. L. Hewitt' sub-division of lots in the city of Cleveland, to-wit: All that portion of maid lot lyiug between Merwin street and a line drawn feet casterly therefrow, intending to include in this description the three story brick building and lot on which it stands, in cluding half of the division walls." Appraised at $4,500 JAMES D.

CLEVELAND, Master Commiesioner. PRENTI9S, BALDWIN FORD, PA'tis Atty's. jan5-ltawf MASTER'S SALE. the command of au order PURSUANCE MASTER'S SALE. ASTER'S TO command of a decretal order of sale i8eued from the Court of Common Plea of Cuyahoga County, Ohio, in the suit of David Morison, et Administrators, etc, against Michael Weber, et al.

and to mu di: ected, I will otter for sale at public auction, at the south door of the County Court louse in the city of Cleveland, in said County, on the day February, 1872, at 10 o'clock a. 111., the following described real estate: Situate in said County of Cuyaboga, to wit: a lot of laud eituate in the 'lownehip of Brooklyn, and known as the cast half of lot four bundred and two (402) in liram Stone's addition to Ohio Cry ana city of Cleveland. lot of land situate in the Township of Brooklyn in saiu County aud State, and kuown as part of lot number four hundred aud three (403) in Hiram Stone's addition to the city of Cleveland. Said addition 18 a subdivision of parts of original lots numbers fifty thee and sixty-eighty (53 aud 68) in raid Township of Brooklyu, now city of Cleveland. The said lot has a front of thirty feet (30) on Clark avenue and extends back about one hundred and forty-five (145) feet to the rear of said lot four hundred and three (403) and is taken off from the weet Hide of raid lot.

Said first lot being 50x180, fronting on Clark avenue, is appraised at $1,000 00, and said second lot is at $840 00. Terms of sale cash. P. I. KAISER, Master Commissioner.

W. Pit'N'e Att'y. jan19-5tF ASSIGNEE'S SALE. In the matter of the ment of lI. B.

Custle. Notice. IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT by order of Court, I will sell at public auction, on Saturday, the 10th day of February, 1872, at 10 o'clock a. at my uflice, 124 Superior street, Ohio, the book accounts due said Agsignor against the following named persona, Thomas Parker $18.73, W. L.

O'Brien $30.91, Wm. McCielland $21.04, Win. E. Elle $135.90, IS. T.

Arnold A. Vidway $1, R. E. Weeks $88.61, A. Fretz 45 cents, G.

G. Johnson $8.00, S. 11. Johnson $52.71, 11. E.

Metzker $4.55, E. S. Sliter 60, G. A. Johnson $3.37, J.

E. Smith $1,99, k. A. Cosner $37.51, Wm. Guy Co.

$42.16, Joe Burket 81 cents, Soulterinan Russer $4.38, G. W. McGill k. J. Mclunes $5.49, 11.

M. Harrie $15, Bascom Bros. $1.50, Mrs. E. hall $19.68, Wilton Robinson $16.08, John Orobaugh 88 03, J.

M. Betwan $8 40, S. C. Munson $17.00, J. K.

Bard $5 20, Lee Edmondson $1.31, W. Boss A. Lawrence $8.00, Burroughs 815.20, Geo, Berry Swoll Gunther 15 cents, W. I. King $23.62, 'T.

D. Waldbeck 88 cents, W. A. Fieber $10.25, E. Roberte $5.25, Willians Hostetter 87.00, K.

Flaecher $8.47, J. Barney $8.42, E. W. Eneminger $9.50, J. Potter $2.30, D.

N. latdeld $11.80. Geo. Potter $30.75, W. Mason $1.04, K.

P'. Hagler $7.95, B. S. Green $5.50, C. Orchardson $15.42, N.

V. Snell $22,98, J. larrie $1.00, Conrad Green $16 85, C. W. Stone $20.00, D.

R. Alden $20.29, A. Albert $1.70, C. C. Carpenter $8.77, A.

W. Green $4.10, N. U. Trial 60 cents, Howard Upeon $3.13, Mrs. E.

J. Hall $13.85, C. D. Frederick $1,00, D. Geiter $1.38, W.

Lane $39.23, D. J. Colver $45.30, J. Dougherty $1.14, L. liouk $165 86, Geo.

Bingham $6.00, J. Palmer $27.00, Smith Meyer $8.46. B. F. Hall $1,75, 11.

Ward $3.50, J. Cuekey $4,10, A. Font $5.86, 0. 0. Sikee $6.81, J.

Crocker $21.00, M. Knapp $73.15, S. A. Quayle $674, J. M.

Hickock D. K. Cunningbain $6.00, 0. D. Harris $16.50 A.

E. Ilone $25.86, J. M. J. E.

Colby $82.79, W. Sawtell $1.50, J. Q. Tresize $10.56, W. S.

Carlisle $17.00, Naron Parker $7.13, S. W. Brooks $22.85, C. Wm. T.

Day Payne $1.15, Beach $4.25, L. Phillips $23 50, $17.10, G. D. Myers $1.90, Peters Co. W.

$3.80, Forbes C. B. Hewitt, $6.50, C. J. Smythe $8.20, $3.00, J.

Ball $3.00, M. Minor $3.00. HI. Rogers $11.65, D. Dockstader $8.00, W.

N' Perkins $11.75, M. Patterson $5.00, N. $6.25 Bishop 50 cents, Miss Molineaux $1.25, R. dec'd $3.25, Clark Warren 87 50, J. D.

Kee gan seph $11.50, Reese Mr. Newton $1 50, Miss Abby $3.50, J. K. Herrick $5.00, J. Chamber liu $2.00, J.

B. Este $1.25, Wm. Pagnett $8.75, J. I. A.

Bone 86.00, M. C. R. R. $5, 11.

Prior $4, J. R. Hottman $1.20, Wm. Field $11.00, Geo. Fellows $1.00, Geo.

Hoyt 11. $43 59 Paine $19.00, John Gooufellow $41.70, NottingDam $7.60, -Cutter $2.50, G. Mygatt 83 50, Dr. Saunders $11,20, Frank Mcars 83 $4.07, 00, Carlton $15.50, Dr. Saunders $11.20, Henry Allery $4.2, Central John Kink $2.50, M.

Graves 85 cents. I'. Greer $5.00, Mr. Baker $25.50, E. W.

Clark 50 cents, larry Brown $2.75, G. Holmes Lemmer Geo, Avery 75 cents, J. Frawley $2.00, 8am'l Mr. Kirkwood $1.50, D. $1.25, Donahue $16.50, Julia Komp $1.409 J.

L. Krauser $2.00, Harry Shea $13, Merkel $20.25, E. D. Sprague $1.32, James Sharp $8.55, 0. C.

Burt $8, Policeman $4 75, I'. gan $1 Saler 00, $2.05, Alfred Hebaru $2.00, W. Stamford $1.50, Johnsou Droz $11.50, Henry ZimFoote merman $1.00, Harvey Chamberlain $1.00, E. D. $2.00, Stanley Green Bratenahl's bookE.

keeper Skillet $2.00, $1.90, E. B. N. K. Merriam $38.50, M.

Bruger $3.20, $5, Mosely 83 37, McDole $14.80, lleury Segur $10.63, Mr. U. Tidball $43.39, I McCoy Cooley $0.00, K. M. N.

Taylor $67.78. S. Hi. ADAMS, Tanuary 10th. 1872.

Assiguee of jan11-4w1taw Castle. LEGAL NOTICE. PARTITION whose place of residence is unin known, the State but of who was Louisiana, last heard from at New Orleans, will take notice that on filed in 13th the day Clerk's of January, 1872, Mary Jane Garrett Pleas oflice of the Court of Common forth of that in the month County, of Ohio, October, a petition eetting Garrett, of said 1864, Alexander fee simpie of certain County, died intestate and seized in in the city of Cleveland, lands aud tenements, eituate of said city formerly in in said County, in that part known as parts of original Brooklyn towuship, and parcels of land are particularly lots Nor. 68 and 71, which scribed in said bounded and derett left petition. That said Alexander Gardower in a widow, Mary Garrett.

who is entitled to Garrett and said promises, and petitioner Mary Jane That as such Stafford Garrett, his sole beirs at law. simple of said heirs premises at law they are seized in foe as tenants in common, to titled wit: to the Mary Jane following Garrett hares and partitions thereof Stafford Garrett ono equal half. equal That half, and petitioner enid one as believes the has that no eaid Stafford Garrett is not living, but fact. and testimony at present to establish the she asks and desires the to prayer sell a portion of said premises, may have one-half of said petition is that she nances set off and of aparted said premises and appurtemeter and bounds, 10 her in severalty by subject to the dower estate of Mary petitioner's Garrett intcrest therein, without in any way impairing the death of in the other haif, if because of said Stafford Garrett, she now has a legal right to the same. Said Stafford Garrett is required to file his answer therein on or before the 1uth day of March, A.

D. 1872. Cleveland, M. R. KEITH, Att'y for Petitioner.

Jan. 15. 1872. jan15 twitaw TOSEPH CHAMBERLAIN ROOF AND NORMAN have this day been admitted members of our firm. EDWARDS, TOWNSEND CO.

Cleveland, 0., Jan. 1, 1872,.

The Evening Post from Cleveland, Ohio (2024)


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