The Evening Post from Cleveland, Ohio (2024)


P' P. M. Lake Shore C. 47:45 11:05 1:10 10-30 Erie Accommod'n 4:30 3388 Toledo Sandusky. 5:83 7.00 4:330 3:45 6,50 Atlantic Great A.

.6 G. Mahoning 3:45 Pittaburgh Wheeling 12:15 3:65 Alliance Columbus and Indianapolis. 61:55 2:50 G-50 Detroit 9:00 ARRIVALS. A.M. A.

M. P.M. P. M. Lake Shore C.

0:35 2:05 6:30 do Accommodation do Toledo 10:55 3:45 10:15 do 9:20 Atlantic Great 7:00 A. (4, Mahoning 10:45 Mittsburgh 2:10 8:15 Allianco Columbus 0:05 3:60 9:55 Detroit 5:00 'Sunday trains are marked thus l'assengets and baggage conveyed to elther of the above trains from any part of the city at prices fixed by the City Ordinance. Leave orders at the OMNI- the BUS OFFICE, No. 134 BANK next to Herald Sleeping and Palace Car Tickets over the W. L.

S. W. M. C. C.

C. N. Y. I. 1., and T.

L. S. Railways may be procured of W. L. Nutt, at the M.

S. Baggage Room in the Union Depot. WINTER ARRANGEMENT. ROCKY RIVER RAILROAD TIME TABLE. Leave Rocky River Leave Cleveland.

7:30 A. M. 8:15 A. M. 900 A.

M. 10:00 A. M. 10:45 A. MI.

11:30 A. M. 12:13 P. M. 1:00 1'.

M. 2:00 M. 3:00 P. M. 4:00 r.

M. 4:45 P. M. 5:30 P. M.

6:15 r. M. SUNDAY TIME TABLE. Leave Rocky, River. Leave Cleveland.

9:45 A. M. A. 31. 11:15 A.

M. 12:00 M. 1:00 P. M. 1:43 1'.

M. 2:30 P. M. 3:15 P. M.

4:00 P'. M. 5:00 1, M. 6:00 1'. GEO.

G. MULMERN. Sun't. Jefferson la Love. he had been at.

home three weeks wrote a short letter which shows him reduced to AL sorry plight indeed. Ile was torn with the contents raging in bis soul between his passion and his judgment, and he plunges into a letter, as it wore, headforemost, secking relief in converse with his friend, with whom he had been accustomed to exchange such confidences: "Dear Page, tell you the plain truth have not a syllable -to write to you al out: which was a lover's way of stating that his heart was full to bursting. "I do not conceive," he continues, "that anything can bappen in my world which you would give a curse to know." The worlds of these two friends were indeed unlike; for John Page, heir to one of the largest estates, lived in the largest mansion of all Virginia-Rosewell-which stands to this day near the banks of the York River, a vast square barrack, treelesa, fenceless, dismantled, a pile without inhabitant, a picture of desolation. All things here," the distracted lover went on, "appear to me to trudge on in one and the same round; we rise in the morning that we may cat breakfast, dinner and supper, and gO to bed again that we may get up the next morning and do the same; so that you never see two peas more alike than our yesterday and to-dav. If he had nothing to tell, he had plenty to ask.

A jury of lovers would have pronounced his situation serious in the extreme. was enamored of a beauty and an heiress; she, in the full luster of her charms; he, a youth not twenty, of small estate heavily burdened, reading the elementary book of 1 profession requiring years of preparation.Moreover, ho had the usual dream of foreign travel. Before settling to the business of life, he meant to visit Holland, France, Spain, Italy--where he would buy "a good fiddle" then cross to Egypt, returning home by way of the St. Lawrence and Canada. Such a tour would require two or three years.

Would she wait! Could he ask her to wait? She must love him very much to do that, and he did not know that she loved him at all; for the watch-paper meant nothing particular, indicating friendly feeling, nothing more. What would dear Page advise? Should he go at once to town, receive. his sentence, and end this awful sugpense? Inclination prompted this course; but if she rejected him he would be ten times more wretched than ever." In that dilemma, he had some thoughts of going to Petersburg, "if the actors go there in May," and keeping on to Williamsburg for the birth-night ball at Apollo, which, of course, she would attend. But, after all, had not he and Page better go abroad at once for a two or three years' tour? "If we should not both be cured of love in that time, I think the devil would be in it." -From the Atlantic Monthly for Fibruary. The Strange Story ofan Arkansas Negro who was Bitten by a Locust.

Mr. William Hardin, a well known of this citv, returned a short time ago from a tour through Arkansas, and relates, among tother things, that he saw at Duval Bluff, a full-blooded negro who, ten years ago, was very black and is now very white. The darkey belonged, during slave times, to Esquire Mann, of that place, and was thought to be the blackest negro in the neighborhood. A locust bit him in the shoulder some time during the first vear of the war, and a sinall white circle formed at once around the bite. This circle gradually extended itself, and finally covered the whole body with the exception of a small black spot on the neck, and also narrow rings which gird round the eyes.

The negro is still a negro in all other respocta. The hair, for instance, is kinky, the nose flat and broad, and the lips thick. His complexion, Mr. Hardin says, is exceedingly fair, and shows a wonderful change wrought as is supposed, by the bite of the locust. The medical profession tell us that there are recorded in the books one or two similar cases, with the stion that the locust bite had nothing do with them.

White turn men, black they Suv also been known to just like and look, as regards of the their change skin, 19 no negroes. The cause exactly known, and is a question for scientific investigation. The locusts, if found to be so useful, will imported and cultivated by our colored population, until the whole country is inundated with them. The negroes will then all become white people, and perhaps the white people will all become, not negroes, but colored -Louisville Courier Journal. BRIDGE BUILDERS.

ALBERT C. MCNAIRY, Presidem. HENRY M. CIA FLEN, Vice Prst. and Truas.

JOHN COON, Socretary. HARVEY T. CLAFLIN, Superintendent. SIMEON SUELDON, Engineer. THE CLEVELAND BRIDGE AND CAR WORKS, The McNairy Claflen Man'f' Co.

Proprietore. Buinlere of Railroad and Highway Bridges, Roofs, Turn-Tables, Transfer Tubles, either of Iron or Wood, Railroad Passenger or Freight Cars, And Street Railroad Cars. Post's Patent Iron and C'ombination Bridges, Howe': Truss Bridges with l'atent Iron Street Railroad Cars, with ligley's l'atent kunning Gear and Brake. Offices-Waring Block, corner of Bank and St. Clair etrecte.

Works on Wagon, flamilton and Lake etreete, Cleveland, OLio. CLEVELAND, Nov. 27, 1870. With a view of mecting adequately the requireents of our increasing business, wehare reorganed the came on the lusis of a corporation, with more extended facilities and enlarged capital. We therefore bespeak for our succerors, the McNairy Claden Manufacturing Company, toe same contdence and patronage that have been so liberally accorded to MUNAAY, CLAFLEN CO.

dec271f STOVES, CC. MORNING GLORY! Those desiring a fret class BASE BURNER should not forget that 0.1 Superior street, the only place in Cleveland where the Genuine Morning Glory IS SOLD. "Call at. once before purchasing, and see THE OLDEST, MOST DURABLE AND MOST POPULAR STOVE EVER MADE. Over 100,000 gold up to January 1Pt, 1871.


MANHOOD In the Young and Rising Generation. The vegetative powers of life are strong, but in a few years how often the pallid hue, the lack lustre eye and emaciated form, and the impossibility of application to mental effort, show their banetal influence. It becomes crident to the observer that come depressing influence is checking the development of the body. Consumption is talked of, and perhaps the youth is removed from school and gent into the country. This is one of the worst movements.

Removed from ordinary the ever changing scenes of the city, the powers of the body, too much enfeebled to give zest to health ul and rural exerciso, thoughts are turned inwardly upon themselves. If the patient be A female the approach of the menses is looked for with anxiety as the first symptom in which nature is to show her saving power in diffusing the circulation and visiting the cheek with the bloom of health. Alas! increase of appetite has grown by what it fed on. The energies of the eystem are prostrated, and the whole economy is deranged. The beautiful and wonderful period in which body and mind undergo 20 fascinating a change from child to woman, is looked for in vain.

The parent's heart bleeds in anxicty, and fancies the grave bat waiting for its victim. Helmbold's 1 Extract Buchu For Weakness Arising from Excesses or Eurly Indiscretion, attended with the following eymptoms: Indisposition to Exertion, Loss of Power, Lose of Memory, Difficulty of Breathing, General Weakness, Horror of Disease, Weak Nerves, Trombling, Dreadful Horror of Death, Night Sweats, Cold Feet, Wakefulness, Dimness of Vision, Languor, Universal Lassitude of the System, often Enormous Appetite with Dyspeptic Symptoms, Hot lande, Flushing of the Body, Dryness of the Skin, Pallid and Eruptions on the Face, Pain in the Back, Heaviness of the Eyelide, Frequently Black: Spots Flying before the Eyes, with Temporary Suffusion and Loss of Sight, Want of Attention, Great Mobility, Restlessnese, with Horrer of Society Nothing is more desirable to such patients than Solitude, and nothing they more dread, for fear of themselves; no repose of manner, no carnestnes-, DO speculation, but a hurried transition from one question to another. THESE SYMPTOMS, IF ALLOWED TO GO ON--WHICH THIS MEDICINE INVARIABLY REVOVES-SOON FOLLOW LOSS OF POWER, FATUITY AND EPILEPTIC FITS, IN ONE OF WHICH THE PATIENT MAY EXU'IRE. During the Superintendence of Dr. Wilson at the Asylum, this sad result occurred to two patients.

Reason had for a time left them, and both died of epilepey. They were of both sexes, and about twenty r8 of age. Wh can gay that these excesses are not frequently followed by those direful dieeases, Ineanity and Consuu aption 9 The records of the Insane Asylume, and the melancholy deaths by Consumption, bear am ole witness to the truth of these assertions. Lu' natic Asylums the moet melancholy exhibition ppears. The countenance is actually sodden and quite destitute; neither mirth nor grief ever vieits it, Should a sound of voice occur it is rarely articulat "With woful measures wan despair Low sullen sounds their grief beguiled." While we regret the existence of the above disease and eymptoms, we ure prepared to offer an invaluable gift of chemietry for the removal of the consequences, HIELMBOLD'S Fluid Extract of Buchu.

There is no tonic like it. It is an anchor of hope to the physician and patient. This is the testimony of all who have used or prescribed it. Beware of counterfeits and those cheap decoctions called Buchu, most of which are prepared by selfetyled 1 doctors, from deleterious ingredients, and offered for sale at "less price" and "larger bottles," etc. They are nnreliable and frequently injurion Ask for Helmbold's, Take no other.

Price $1.25 per bottle or 6 bottles for $6.50. to any address. Describe symptoms In all communications. Helmbold's Genuine Preparation Established Umrards of 20 Years. PREPARED BY H.

T. HELMBOLD- Practical Analytical Chemist No. 59.1 Broadway, NEW YORK, And 1041 South Tenth PHILADELPHIA, PA. I SOLD BY DRUGGISTS- EVERYWHERE GROCERS. HURD WHOLESALE GROCERS, AND DEALERS Wines and Liquors 146 Water street, CLEVELAND, OHIO.

diet or business. We guarontee to cure Gleet, Syphilis, Impotency, Nocturnal Emissione, or Self-Abuse, Diurial Emissione, Female Complaints, in short, every possible form and variety of Sexual and fees Disease. moderate. Cures GREAT MEDICAL CIRCULAR sent for two 8 rapid, thorough and permanent, cent etampe. FRENCH SAFES--A sure preventive to disease Price, $1 each, or three for $2, or $7 per dozen, sent Dr.

Invigorating Liniment. Price, $3 hottle. by mail. GUIDE TO HEALTH, is beneficial to all, male and GREAT WORK ON PRIVATE A DISEASES, the female, the old and young should read thie book. It will enlighten those who grope in darkness.

Price, N. THE -No lady should be with50c, by mail. out Mad. Lozier's Female Monthly Pillls-a safe and effectual remedy for all irregularities and obstructione from whatever cause. Price $2 per box; extra fine $5.

Communications by mail entirely confidential. No letters will be answered unless they contain a remittance or a postage stamp. Call or address DRS. BONAPARTE, REYNOLDS No. 182 Sycamore Cincinnati, 0.

Office honra 6 A. M. to 9 P. M. 1v22v MEDICAL.

GREAT GREATCOMBINATION OF professional talent and experience of Europe and America are the men to consult. This is the only office in the city where a permanent cure of Private Diseases can be of obtained without the use of mercury or change UNION PACIFIC R. R. UNION PACIFIC R. VIA OMAHA.

The Only Direct All Rail Route, being 226 miles the ehortest route to SALT LIKE. SACRAMENTO, SAN FRANCISCO, And the Mining, Districts of Utah, Montana, NcCulifornia, Five Hours the Quickest Route to Denver. Close Connectione made at Cheyenne with Denver Pacific Railway. At Denver with the Colorado Central. At At Golden City with Daily Coaches for the Mines.

Denver with Mail and Express Daily Coaches for all points in Southern Colorado, New Mexico and Arizona. Baggage Checked Through from Chicago to Denver, and from Omaha to Salt Lake City, Sacramento, San Francisco, etc. THOMAS L. KIMBALL, Gen'l Ticket Agent, Omaha, Neb. T.

E. SICKLES, Chief Engineer and Superintendent, FREE HOMES, CHEAP FARMS, IN THE GREAT PLATTE VALLEY, THE GARDEN OF THE WEST. 3,000,000 Acres Choice Farming Platte Lands Valley. on For the Road in Nebraska, in the Great sale, for cash or credit, at low interest. Price from 82.50 to $10.00 per acre.

Great inducements to settiers with limited meaus. Descriptive pamphlete with mape, sent free to all parts of the United States Canada and Europe. Address, O. F. DAVIS, Land Commissioner, jan13 U.

P. R. Omaha, Nebraska. OCEAN NAVIGALION. Reduction in Passage.


Stateroome on same deck as Saloon. STEERAGE: $80 from New YorE; $33 from Liverpool, Queenstown, Glasgow or Londonderry, payable in Currency. Passage from or to Gormany, France, Norway, Sweden, at Lowest Rates. Remittances to great Britain, Ireland and the Continent. Apply to WILLIAMS GUION, 29 Broadway, New York, or to HERDMAN KOLBE, 222 Superior street, Cleveland.

0. HERDMAN KOLBE are also Passage Agente for the NEW YORK AND HAMBURG and NEW YORK AND BREMEN Mail Lines of Steamships to and from these Ports Weekly. Also ny the Inman Line. Liverpool mail steamers galls twice each week, and the Anchor Line of Glasgow Steamers touching at on don derry twice each week. SI GUT DRAFTS payable in all the principa cities E1 rope.

feb16 STOVES, CC. THE CHRISTMAS FIRESIDE JAMES H. SMITIL 93 Seneca street. Cleveland, Ohio, Is the agent for this new and elegent Stove. It ba3 80 open Grate and is constructed upon the mos scientitic principles.

It bag a very lar radiatin surface, making it a powerful HEATER and equally well adapted to either soft or hard coal Call and see them, FURNACES of the most approved stylee, both portable and brick, including the celebrated as HAR- the RIS FURNACE, which stands unequalled very beg: ever put in the market. JAMES I. SMITH, ocia No. 98 Seneca street. OYSTERS.

We are now prepared to furnish the following Oysters for the Holidays: C. S. MALTBY'S H. M. OYSTERS Maltby's C.


Oysters by the Quart or Gallon. DON'T FORGET OUR NUMBER, 106 Superior street. J. H. A.

S. GORHAN OYSTERS. FOR ALL SEA PRODUCTS! OYSTERS! OYSTERS! H. 0. PRICE, and Retail Dealer Oysters, Clams, Game, Fish, SHELL OYSTERS by the hundred or barrel.

The country trade supplied at REDUCED RATES. OYSTER OCEAN, 110 Bank street, DOOLEYS POWDER POWDER, and the best article prepared for making light, wholesome and d. licious BISCUITS, ROLLS, BREAD, GRIDDLE and other CAKES, It is infallible, and always ready for immediate DAe. The best YEAST POWDER for use on long SEA VOYAGES TO ANY PART OF THE GLOBE. lt is convenient and economical.

NO WASTE OF FOOD PREPARED WITH IT. Sold everywhere by GROCERS, SHIP'-CHANDLERS and DEALERS. DOOLEY BROTHER, Manufacturers, WHOLESALE DEPOT, 69 NEW STREET, NEW YORK. The trade Cleveland and Ohio, Western New York and generally, will be supplied by Edwarda, Towneend Thompson, Hart Paul Arter, and A. J.

Wenham, Wholesale Grocers, Cleveland, Ohio, or by Wholesale Grocers throughout the United States. jan11-2mMF IA now regarded AA the STANDARD BAKING HOLLAND HERRING OUR OWN IMPORTATION, Ey the keg or bot. MALLS, 'SKALL Jan13 WHOLESALE GROCERS. BUSINESS Architects. TEARD SON, ARCHITECTS, 28 AND 24 CASE BUILDING, CLEVELAND, OLIO.


J. M. BLACKBURN, ARCHITECT, OFFICE NO. 9 PERKINS' BLOCK. Residence 82 Euclid avenue, apr29-1y CLEVELAND, O.


23 CENTER STREET, CLEVELAND, O. Commiesion Merchants. II. T. COLLINS, Produce Commission Merchant and Saginaw Salt Agent.

Also dealer in Flour, Feed, Water Lime, Seed, 39 and 41 River street, Cleveland, sd- 0. Grain of all kinds received on consignment and vances made on tame when desired. ap251y KK, BURT MORSE, Produce Commission Merchants, And Proprietors Union Grain Elevators, oetsy CLEVELAND, 0. Coal Trade. F.

G. McDOWELL WHOLESALE DEALERS IN Brier Hill and Chippewa Coals. Office No. 3 foot of River greet, jan5y CLEVELAND, 0. Livery Stables.

THOMAS ELWOOD, LIVERY STABLE, NO. 100 1-2 ST. CLAIR STREET, Next entrance to Kennard House. Carriages sent to any part of the city on applica tion being made at. the office.

or by mail. CLEVELAND, COLUMBUS, CINCINNATI AND INDIANAPOLIS RAILWAY, CLEVELAND, January 8th, 1872. DIVIDEND OF THREE AND A half per cent. free of United Statca tux has been declared by this Company, payable on and after February 1st, 1872. Stockholders registered at New York will be paid the United Trust Company of New York, No.

49 Wall street. The transfer booka will be closed on the evening of January 10th, and reopened February 2d. By order of the Board of Directors. jan8-20d GEO. I RUSSELL, Treasure PROPOSALS.

CITY OF CLEVELAND, CITY CIVIL ENGINEER'S OEFICE, CLEVELAND, Jan. 23d, 1872. TO CONTRACTORS--Sealed proposals will be received at the office of the Boad of Improvements until twelve o'clock February 19th, 1872, for grading. paring and curbing with Medina sand stone, Ceuter street from Main to Old River streets. Plans and specitications may be seen and blank proposals can be obtained at the office of the City Civil Engineer.

No proposal will be entertained unless made on the blanks furnished by the Engineer. Each proposal must be accompanied by euficient surety, that if the proposal is accepted, a coutract will be entered into. The City reserves the right to accept any or reject all bids. By order of the Board. CHAS.

I. STRONG, td City Civil Engineer PROPOSALS. TO BUILDERS Theo. City Clerk. DISSOLUTION.

NOTICE IN Co-partnership HEREBY heretofore GIVEN existing THAT between the undersigred, under the Arm name of Fred. Diebolt Is this day dissolved by mutual consent. Either are authorized to eettle and collect all debts owing by or to said firm DIEBOLT. FRED. C.

C. SCHELLENTRAGER. Cleveland, Jan. 1872. The businees will he continued at the old stand as formerly, by the undersigned.

jan27 2w FRED. DiEBOLT. DIVORCE NOTICE. OAH MAXWELL POMEROY. Pennsylvania, OF in hereby notined that Mary Sophia Pomeroy, aid.

OR the 25th day of January, 1872. tile her petition for divorce in the office of he Clerk of the Court of Com mou Pleas, within and for the County raid of Noah Cuyaboga, Maxwell and State of Ohio, charging the Pomeroy, as cause for divorce, with willful absence for more than three years last past, and praying that et.o may be divorced from the said Noah Maxwell Pomeroy, and that she may be awarded the custody Said of the chilaren mentioned in raid petition. petition will be for hearing in said Cont six weeks after the tiret publication of J. this notice. H.

RHODES, Attorney fur Pot tioner, Cleveland Jan. 20, 1872. BANKRUPT NOTICE. In the District Court of the United States, for the Northern District of In C. the A.

matter Power, of In Bankruptcy. Bankru WARRANT IN BANKRUPTCY A has issued by said Court against the es. tate of said C. A. Power, of Cleveland, in the Coanty of Cuyahoya, of the State of Ohio, in said Digtrict, adjudged a Bankrupt upon the petition of Friend P.

Fitts and Robert F. Austin, his creditors; and the payment of any debts, and the delivery of any property belonging to eaid bankrupt, to him or to his use, and the transfer of any property by him, are forbidden by law. A meeting of the creditors of said Bankrupt, to prove their debts and choose one or more assignees of his estate, will be held at a Court of Bankruptcy to be holden at Cleveland, in District, on the 22d day of February, 1872, at 10 o'clock a. at the office of M. R.

Keith, Esquire, one of the Registers in Bankruptcy of said Court. S. M. Deputy U.S. Marabal, Messenger.

JOHN J. CARRAN, Attorney for Petitioner. proporais for the erection of the superstruc ture work and enclosing of the new church ditice for the First M. E. Congregation, corner of Euclid avenue aud Erie street, will he recrived at the orlice of the undersigned until noon of Tuesday.

Februat the ortice of Kochler Lane, architects, No 8 ary 13th, 1572. Plung and speeifcatione can be eeen Park Builuing. No proporal will be considered at less made upon the printed forms to bu had the architect's cilice. The Trustees repervo the right to reiect any or all bids. By order of the Truetces.

jan20-1 A. KOEHLER, Architeet. PROPOSALS. CLEVELAND, O. January 27th, 1872.

TO proposals will be received until the 2 office o'clock, of L. pat- P. urday, Eldridge, February architect, Northrop Harrington's Block, 10th, 1872, at where plans and specifications may eeen, House for build- the crection and completion of a new Pest ing on the Intrmary Farm. J. HODGE, O.


1872. proposals will be received at this office until 2 TO clock, Saturday, February new 10th, Police 1872, Station for the louse, erection and completion of a 2nd Precinct. Plans and specifications may be ecen at the office of L. P'. Eldridge, architect.

Northrop Harrington's Block. F. W. PELTON, 0. J.

HODGE, jan27-td T. co*k. CITY ORDINANCES. ORDINANCE -To levy and 888896 A special tax on Franklin street, from Harbor street to the Circle. SECTION 1.

Be it ordained by the City Council of the City of Cleveland (two-thirds of all the members concurring), That the sum of two dollars ($2.00) be aLd the same is hereby levied and assessed upon each and every foot front of the several lots or par cels of land bounding or abutting, upon Franklin etreet, between Harbor street and the Circle, for the purpose of paying the cost and expense of constructing a sewer in said street between the points aforesaid. SEC. 2. That the owners of the several lots or parcels of land bounding or abutting upon Franklin street, between the points aforesaid, shall pay the several amounts of money by then severally due in that behalf, to the City Treasurer, on or before the 15th day of February, 1372, or be rubject to the palty and interest allowed by law againet them reverally, if not paid at the time and to the person herein designated. Passed January 23, 1872.

AMOS TOWNSEND, President of the Council. THRO. VORTE, City Clerk. ORDINANCE -To levy auld A special tax ou West River street, from Columbus street to a point where the C. M.

L. R. passes under Detroit street. Section 1. Be it ordained by the City Council of the city of Cleveland, (two-thirds of all the -members coucurring.) That is the eum hereby of levied two and dollars aseessed ($2.00) be and the 83 upon each and every bouuding foot front of abutting the several upon lots West or parcels of land or River strect, between Columbus street aud a point where the C.

M. R.R. under Detroit street, for the purpose of paying the cost and expense of contracting a sewer in eaid street, between the points aforesald. 2. I bat the owners of the several lots or parcels of laud bounding or abutting upon Weat River street, between the pointe aforesaid, shall pay the several amounts of mouey by them severally due in that behalf to the City Treasurer, on or before the 15th day of Fabruary, 1872, or be subject to the alty, and if pot interest paid at allowed the by time law and againet to the them person severally, herein designated.

Passed January 23, 1872. AMOS President of the Council. RAILROAD CARDS. 1871 Arrangement. 1872 (Adopted Dec.

1871. Atlantic Great Western Railway. The only direct Broad Gauge, Double Track Route to NEW YORK, BOSTON, And all points 2a New York, Pennsylvania and the East. will leave, (from Depot of Atlantic and Great FURTHER NOTICE, TRAINS Weetern Kailway) an follows: 7:251 A. M.

(daily,) Sleeping Coach EXPRESS at tached through to New York without change stopping at Leavittsburg -(arrive Youngstown 10:10 a.m. Sharor 11:10,) Meadville 11:12 a. (Dinner,) Corry 12:42 p. Hornelsville 5:55 p. (Supper), Elmira 8:04 p.

Binghampion 10:1 1p. arriving at New York 7:00 a. m. 3:45 P. M.

FORK York. excepted.) EXPRESS Arrives Sleep- at lug Coach from Cleveland to New Meadville at 8.05 p. Susquebanna 8:10 a. m1. (breakfast); Turners 1:35 p.

10. (dinner), New York 3:30 p. In. reach Corry, Elmira, New York and intermediate This is the only route by, which passengers can points WITHOUT CHANGE, and with butone change to Boston and New England cities. This is the only route to the OIL REGIONS without change.

Baggage checked through to all points. East. Through Tickets information regarding the route can be obtained at the Union Ticket Office, Weddell louse, corner of Bank and Superior sts, and at the Depot of Great Western Rail way. R. F.

SWEETSER, WM. B. Gen. P'ase. SHATTUC, Agent.

Gen. Manager, W. FILKINS, Pase'r Agent, Weddelltlouse. modern improvements, are run through OF us Lia. ud between Buffalo, Niagara Falls, Cleveland and cinnati and New York.

making direct connection with all lines of Foreign and Coastwise steamers; and also with Sound Steamers and Railway Lines for Boston and New England of Time Table adopted Dec. 25, STATIONS. No. 2. 1 No.

12.1 No. 4. No. 8. Leave Clevela Via L.8.

M. S. Ry 10:20 ml 7:45 a 11:05 8. 3:45 pm Via A. (.

W. Ky. a $3:40 Dunkirk 1:25 10:00 in a 3:10 12:15 in 7:008 11 2:45 ml 6:45 18 Arrive Niagara Falls 7:05 a 4:44 8:00 12:43 a In Hornelleville 9:45 8 10:35 3:20 a Ill 12:02 8:06 a 5:32 Vi averly 12:41 8:47 1.37 a 10 0:08 a 111 1030 8.15 pm Ow 1:10 HI 9:27 1:13 a 111 0.42 a In 1:51 10:11 3:00 a 7.22 a In Albany 7:35 8.40 a 1.45 Snaquehanoa. 9-32 10:57 3:53 8.10 a 7:30 9:35 a 1.30 1u Newburg 8:35 210 a Pattersoa. 8:40 5:50 a 11.00 2.47 pm Newark.

2.05 5,15 New Jersey ork. City 9:25 9:15 6:33 7.00 a a 12 00 a in 3.30 pm 11.38 3.23 Bust 1 11.20 ml 5.39 a mu Sunday Trains leave Cleveland at 7:25 8 m. by A. G. 7:45 a.

m. by L. S. M. S.

Ry. Arrive at New York at 7:00 a.m. via Erie Railway. Trough Tickets and apartment to Drawing Room aud Sleeping Coaches can be obtained at lowcat rates at the Company's Vitice, corner of Bank and superior streets. Tickets can also be procured at the Union Ticket Offices, and at the Depots of the A.

4. W. and L. S. M.

S. Kailways. L. D. ROCKER, IM.

R. BARR, Gen'1 superir tendent. Gen'l Pars. Ag't. Erie Railway.

DRAWING Room and Sleeping Coaches, combining all days excepted), as follows: STATIONS. Mall. Line. 'Accomo'n Leave 8:40 A. M.

12:15 M. 3:55 P. M. Arrive at ludson. 9:55 1:21 5:02 110:30 1:55 5:32 6 4 Alliance 11:20 2:34 6:15 Salem 1:48 P.M.

5:18 44 11:30 Canton. 12.41 6:565 6:56 Mansillon, via 1:09 46 7:14 7:14 64 2.25 8:12 46 8:12 Maseillon, vial 7:45 Arrive at Akron 10:42 P.M. 5:47 4:00 6:40 44 2:50 A.M. Wheeling. 6:38 6:38 11:35 2:30 A.

M. 3:55 A.M New York, via Philadelphia 10:10 11:50 6:30 P. M. New York, via 10:30 46 64 6:40 8:05 3:40 44 7:20 64 7:20 3:00 Washington. 110:00 110:00 5:05 Boston 9:05 P.

M. P. M. 5:50 A.M. Cars run through from Cleveland to New York (via Pittsburgh) with but one change, viz: at Pittsburgh.

Through Tickets can be procured at the Union Ticket Otice, 134 Bank street, at the Union PusBenger Station and at Euclid avenue Station. Sleeping car accommodatious from l'itteburgh Eat can also be secured at the latter office, By the 3:55 P. M. Accommodation Train care ruu through without change from Cleveland to Cuyaboga Falle, Akron and Millersburgh. CONNECTIONS.

At Alliance with the Pittsburgh, Fort Wayne Chicago Railway for all pointe East and West. At Pittsburgh with the Peunsylvania Railroad, Allegtany Valley Railroad and Pittsburgh ConnellyRailroads. At Wheeling and Bellaire with tho Baltimore Ohio and Hempfield Railroads. TRAINS ARRIVE AT Moruing Express and Accommodation, 10:10 A. New York, Washington and Wheeling Mail, 2:10 P.

New York and Washington Express, 8:45 P. M. JOHN THOMAS, Sup't. Cleveland Pittsburgh R. R.

AND AFTER MONDAY, NOV. 13th, 1871, Trams leave Oleveland daily, (Sun- 1871, and until further will leave Cleveland and arrive low, follows No. ELAND. 6:55 Crestline. Bellefontaine.

12:35 Union. 2:57 Indianapolis. 6:25 Terre Haute. 10:35 1:09 Pana 2:40 6:16 6:00 St. Louis.

6:30 Kansas 10:23 6:55 6:25 11:00 6:55 Columbus. 12:20 5:40 notice, Passenger Trains at points named be1. No. 3. No.

5. a 2:50 6:50 a 6:25 pm 9:55 12:57 a 3-22 a 7:00 111:00 a a 1:43 3:23 a 5:30 6:50 In a 7:35 2:30 a 6:50 7:00 a a 2:50 6:50 a 9:50 12:25 a 6:40 a "BEE A Cleveland, Columbus, Cincinnati and Indianapolis R'y. AFTER MONDAY. NOV. 13, PASSENGER TRAINS returning, arrive at Cleve land at 7:30 A.

9:05 A. 3:50 P. 9:55 P. M. For THROUGH TICKETS and particular informadon.

apply at the Union Ticket Ofice, 131 Bank etreet, or at Ticket Ofice, Union l'assenger Depot, Cleveland. E. 9. FLINT, Gen'l Sup t. 8.

F. C. COBB. PIERSON, Gen'l General Pass. Ticket Agent.

Cleveland. 0. Louisville. 11:45 ml 112:35 PALACE DAY AND SLEEPING CARS Sleeping care on all night trains. ALL TRAINS leave Cleveland dally, except Sundays, and run through to Cincinnati, Indianapolis and Louisville.

ARE Late Shore and Michigan Southern Railway. ONANDAFTER notice, MONDAY, passengor NOV. trains 13, will leave Cleveland and arrive at points named in the Time Table below, as followe: TRAINS TO BUFFALO AND EAST. 1Atlentic Day Cincin't Special Leave. Express.

Express. Express. N. Y. Ex.

Cleveland. 7:45 a 11:05 a 4:10 pm 10:30 pm Arrive 8:40 11:39 a 5:06 11:20 pm Ashtabula. 9:29 8 12:49 pm 5:56 pm 12:04 pm 10:20 a ml 6:15 pm 12:53 a 2:10 7:15 pm 1:20 a 11:52 am 3:30 pm 8:89 pm Dunkirk 12:27 4:05 pm 9:15 2:43 a Buffalo 1:55 5:30 pm 10:40 pm 4:10 a In New 7:00 a 11:00 a 4:00 pm 7:00 pm Boston. 11:00 a 8:30 pm 5:05 11:20 CUNNEAUT ACCOMMODATION. STOPS AT ALL STATIONS.

Cleveland 4:30 Conneant 7:30 Leaves Conneaut 5:10 a Arrives Cleveland 8:45 a Connects at Girard with Erie Fitteburgh R. R. tor Jamestown, Franklin and the OIL REGIONS. At Erie with Philadelphia E. R.

R. for Corry, Titusville, Warren, Harrisburg, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Washiagton, At Dunkirk and Buffalo with Erie and N. Y. Central Railroads. TRAINS TO CHICAGO AND WEST.

mo Chicago Express Toledo Express. Pacific Express. A Leave M. A. M.

P. M. Cleveland. 5:35 7:00 2:50 6:55 Arrive 6:42 7:58 3:43 7:57 Oberlin. 7:02 8:13 4:05 8:12 Norwalk.

7:55 8:50 4:58 8:50 8:07 9:04 5:15 9:05 8:47 9:31 5:55 9:34 Fremont. 9:10 9:17 6:18 9:50 Toledo. 10:40 10:55 11:00 Adrian 12:15 12:15 9:30 P. M. 2:05 2:05 11:15 P.

M. A. M. White Pigeon 3:33 8:33 1,50 Kalamazoo. 5:30 5:30 8:10 Grand Rapids 8:25 8:25 11:10 A.

M. 4:15 4:15 2:35 3:55 5:55 5:55 4:15 5:25 Chicago 8:20 8:20 6:501 7:50 SANDUSKY ACCOMMODATION. Stops at all Stations. Lesves Cleveland at 4:30 p. m.

Arrives at Sandus. ky 6:50 p.m.. Leaves Sandusky 6:50 a. Arrives at Cleveland 9:80 a. m.

F. E. MORSE, Gen'l West'n Pase'r Chicago. CHARLES F. HATCH, Gen'l Sup't, Cleveland.

NO IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT an application will be made to the Governor of Onto for the pardon of George Hoffricter, who was sentenced at the February term, 1870, to the Penttentiary for three years. octan SW WILLIAM KEISEL, NOTICE. EGAL -JOHN DONALAN whose place of residence is unknown, is notided that Mary Doualan, his wife, did. on the 27th day of November, A. D.

1871, Ale her petition in the office of the Clerk of the Court of Common Pleas, within and for the County of Cuyaboga, and State of Obio, charging the said John Donolan with gross neglect of duty toward her, and visiting houses of Ill-fame and censorting with women of bad character; and extreme cruelty toward her, and abandoning her; and that he 18 the owner in fee of the following real estate in said County, to-wit: Sub-lot No. eighteen (18) of Alphonso Holly's allotment in the city of Cleveland, beiug (30) feet front on Hill street and one hundred and twenty-five (125) feet in depth. And praying for reasonable alimony in the premiand that said real estate be allowed her for her alimony or ordered to be sold and the proceeds after paying costs and expenses be paid her for ber allmony and that he be enjoined from eelling, cucuru- relief. bering or of the game and for other Which petition will etand for bearing after six weeks herefrom or at the next term of said Court. MARY DONALAN, By CARRAN CONNET her Atty's.

December 6th, 1871. dech-Aw NOTICE. Horace P. Hessiu and Joseph ll. Hessin partners trading as u.

P. Hessin Va, E. Caldwell. E. CALDWELL, OF MEMPHIS.

E. in the State of Tennessee, will take notice that H. P. Hessin of the County of Cuyahoga, aud State of Ohio, did on the 17th day of November, A. D.

1871, tile their petition in the Court of Commou Pleas, within and for the County of Cuzaboga and State of Ohio, againet the said E. E. Caldwell, setting forth that maid defendant is 11 debted to the said l1. P. Hessiu Co.

plaintiff's, apou an account which is due iu the sum of 1932 51-100 dollare, with interest from July 13th, 1871. That an order of attachment has been isrued upon the affidavit of said plaintitle and property a levy beiong- made iug to the defendant, to-wit: City lot No. 51 in Ohio upou the following described real City, in Folsom Severance's allotment, eituate in the City of Cleveland, County of Cuyahoga, and State of Ohio, on the corner of Jay and Jersey in raid city, being 40 feet front on Jay street and feet deep. The said defeudant is also notided that he is required to appear and answer said petition on or before the 25th day of January 1872. Dated November 17tb, 1871.

I. P. HESSIN By W. C. MoFARLAND, their Attorney.

nov18-6witaw THE STATE OF OHIO, In the Court of Common Cuyaboga County, ee. Pleas. James Vaughu, Plaintif, V8. John Fo rester, Janet Forrester and Mire. G.

Black, Defendants THE DEFENDANTS, Forreeter, who JOHN, reside in FOR- the rester Jauct city of Cuicago, in the State of Illinole, wili Cleve- take notce that James Vaughn, the plaintid, of land, Cuyaboga County, Ohio, did, upon the 9th day of November, 1871, die his petition in the Coart of Common Pleas for the county of Cuyahoga, and State of Ohie, against the raid John Forrester and Janet Forrester and Mira G. Black, setting forth in substance that the said John Forrester and Janet Forrester executed and delivered 10 this plaintiff a mortgage on the rollowing described premises, situate in the City of Cleveland, County of Cuyaboga and State of Ohio, and known as the southern part of lot No. twelve (12) and being fifty-tive (55) feet front on raid street and extending back at right angles from said street sixty foot, the southerly line of said lot resting on an alley ten (10) feet wide; said mortgage being given to secure the payment of a certain promissory note for the sum of 81,500 00 with the lutcrest thereon. Said petition also setting forth in substance that the said John Forrester anu Janet Forrester executed and delivered to the National City Bank of Cleveland, Ohio, a second mortgage on the above described premises to secure the payment of two certain promissory notes for the sum of $400 00 each with interest thereon, and that gaid mortgage has been duly assigned and said notes duly endorsed to this plaintiff, that he is DOW the holder and owner of the saine. Said petition also setting forth that the eand John Forrester is iudebted to this plaintiff in the sum of $80.50 on a certain pronussory note bearing date July 8th, 1871, eXecuted and delivered to this plaintiff' by said Johu Forrester and praying for 8 judgmeut against raid Jobu Forrester ou the above mentioned notes for the sum of $2,330 50 with the interest thereon at 8 per cent.

from July 8th, 1871, aid with interest on $800 00 from November 11th, 1870, up to Jury 8th, 1871, and that said premises may be decreed to be sold 10 pay the game. The raid defendants are also notified that they are required 10 appear and answer said petition on or before the thira Saturday after Fix weeks from the date hercof. S. E. ADAMS aud J.

E. STEWART, Attorneys. Cleveland, Ohio, November 21, 1871. NOTICE. STATE OF OHIO, lu Court of Common Pleas.

Cuyahoga County, s8. The National City Bauk, of Cleveland, Ohio, against The North Western Wreck ing L. lessenmueller, H. W. Luetkemeyer.

W. C. Moody, Peter Diemer, Philip. and Ileury SAID DEFENDANT, W. somewhere C.

Moody, who is supposed to resale in the State of Iowa, will take notice that the said plaintiff the National City Bank of Cleveland Ohio, did, on the 19th day of October, A. D. 1871, tile its petition in the Court of Common Pleas within and for the County of Cuzohoga, and State of Ohio, against the said W. C. Moody, together with the North Western Wrecking Company, E.

lesseumuelJer. H. Luetkemeyer, Jacob Wagemau, Peter Diemer and defendante, retting forth in substance that the said defendauts are in debted to the said plaintiff in the of $3.000 00 upon a promissory note executed and delivered by the said defendants to said paintiff, and praying for 8 judgment thereon agaizet paid defendants. The said defendant, W. C.

Moody, is further notified that the said Court did issue an order of attachment upon said 19th day of October, 1871, against the property and electe of said W. C. Moody in said County of Guyahoga. The said W. C.

Moody is notified that he is required to appear and an-wer said petition and atrachment proceeding on or before the third Saturday after six weeks from the date of this notice. KELLY, dec27-6w Attorneys for Pit'm. NOTICE. Adelheid Mautuer, V8 In Court of Common I'leas of Walter Grieve and Ouzaboga Couuty, Ohio. Grieve.

WALTER GRIEVE, whose lute and praying that said Walter Grieve pay said sum of money due as aforesaid or in default thereof that said premises may be sold to pay the same. Said Walter Grieve is required to appear and answer said petition on or before the 16th day of March, 1812. ADELUEID MAUTNER, By BARREL ANDREWS, her Att'ye. Cleveland. Jan.

18, 182. ASSIGNEE'S SELE. ASSIGNEE'S SALE -NOTICE IS HEREA by given that on Tueeday, February 6th, 1872, at 2 o'clock p. the stocks, material, fixtures. machinery, and all effects of the Printing louse of A.

R. Dixon except credits, will be cold at public sale on the south steps the Court louse of Cuyahoga unless County, eooner sold State at of private Ohio, to sale. the Terms highest to bidder, be made known at the time of sale. T. G.


Harris add J. S. Gesson, composing the Arm of M. Harris Co. of the city of Cleveland, have made An astigment of their effects to the undersigned for benent of their creditora.

All parties having claims against said assignors are re, quired to present the- to the undersigned. jan12-3w1taw AR. NOTICE. NOTICE been IS duly MERELY appoiuted GIVEN and qualided THAT as Executor of the will of Stephen Beston, late of Cuyaboga County, Ohio, deccared. THOMAS KILFOYL, Executor.

Cleveland, Jan. 4th, 1872. janG-3wltaw ATTACHMENT. P. Pentield, partnere ae C.

P. Justice of the Peace Charles P. Morse and Edward) Before D. L. Te Wood, Morse Plaintife, of Cleveland Townagainst Cuyaboga Benjamin D.

Ward, Def't. A. D. said Justice issued an order of AtTHE 21st DAY OF OCTOBER, tacument in the above action for the sum of one hundred and twenty-six dullare. C.

P. MORSE By CARRAN CONNELL, their Att'ys. ian24-3w NOTICE. NOTICE THE UNDERSIGNED bave been duly appointed Admini-tratore of the tate of Franklin Kelley, late of Cayahoga County, Ohio, deccased. SAMUEL E.

WILLIAMSON, W. I. KELLEY. Cleveland, January 4th, 1872. 41 HEREBY GIVEN THAT undersigned has been duly appointed by the Probate Court of Cuyabora County an Assiguce of John Vogel, for the benefit of hie creditors.

Creditors are requested to present their claims verifled, to the undersigned, for allowance. WILLIAM CUBBON. January 20th. 1872. NOTICE been IS HEREBY appointed GIVEN qualitied THAT a8 Administrator of the estate of Albert Tift, late of Cuyahoga County, Ohio, deceased.

THOMAS J. CARRAN, Adm'r. Cleveland. Ohio, Dec. 30.

1871. dec30-8w the OTICE subscriber IS has HEREBY been appointed GIVEN and qualitied THAT Ag Adminietrator on the estate of Conrad Butch, late of Cuyahoga County, Ohio, deceased. E. HESSENMUELLER. Cleveland, Dec.

14, 1871. jan12-3wltaw CITY NOTICE. NOTICE TO petition is WHOM now IT pending MAY before CON- the City Council praying that so much of Stanton street as lies betweeu Judson strett and the C. P. Rail road, be vacated.

jan18 THEO, VOGES, City Clerk, place of residence is unknown will take notice that Adelheld Mautner, on the 10th day of December, 1871, filed her petition against bim in toe Court of Common Pleas of Cuyahoya County, Ohio, alleging that there is due to her from said Walter Grieve the sum of $500, and interest on $1,010 from May 24, 1871, at the rate of 8 per Cent. on two certaiu notes given by him to oue Patrick lialey, and bat eard Walter Grieve and Sarah A. Grieve, his wife, on that date made and delivered to said Patrick lluley, to secure said notes, their mortgage ou the fol lowing described lands, to-wit: Situated in the city of Cleveland, County of Cuyahoga, and State of Ohio, and known a- being part of sub lots 84 and 85 in Sladc'e ahotment on Univereity Heights. and described as follows: Beginning on the east line of Park etreet at S. W.

corner of lot St; thence northerly along the line of Park street 15 feet; thence casterly parallel with south line of lot 84 to the east line of lot 81; thence south L. along the east line of lots 84 and 85 to a poipt half way between the last named point and the 9. E. corner of lot 85 (about 13 feet); thence in a direct line westerly to the east line of Park street to a point 51 teet south of the N. W.

corner of lot 85; thence north aloug the line of Park street 51 feet to the place of beginning and having 65 feet width in the front and about 13 feet in the rear, excepting therefrom the south side of game premises 80 feet wide on Park street and feet on the east elde of eaid promises, alleging that eard mortgage has been abso- DIVORCE NOTICE. John Il. Thompson, PH'E, In the Court of Common VH. Pleas, Cuyahoga Ann Thompson, Def't. Ohio.

IS THOMPSON NY hereby polided that said John I. Thompson, on the 30th day December, A. D. 1871, did file bis petition in tho office of the Clerk of the of Court, of charging the raid Ann Thompson with ubCommon Pleas for Cuyaboga County, State eence from said plaintiff for over three years last punt, and asking that he may be divorced stand frolu the for Paid Aun Thompson, which petition will hearing at the February term of tald Court, A. D.

1872. Dated this day of December, A. D. 1871. JOHN II.

TUOMPSON, dec30-6w By L. P'. SLADE, his Att'y. Caroline l'loev, pl' tr, Court of Common Pleas of VS. Cuyabuga County, Obio.

Henry ID P'loen, def't. DEFENDANT, WHO IS ANON54 resident of said county and State, and whose is uuknown, is hereby notitied that ou the 28th day of November, A. D. 1871, said plaintiff against filed with the setting Clerk forth her marriage with him, her uniof said court her petition him, form conduct, bie wilfull absence from her for for over good three and for a divorce and restoration of years. former asking Caroline Lippman.

Said cause will stand for hearing in gaid Court to as Pix weeks have expired after the first 80011 publication hereof. W. S. KEKRUISH, Attoruey. Plaintid'8 Cleveland.

Dec. 2. 1871. tw Saleue B. Felton, VP.

Charles Felton. DEFENDANT WILL TAKE notice that ou the 2d day of January, 1872, the tiled in the Court of Common Pleas defendaut Cuyahoga to be divorced from said defendant aud the County, Ohio, ber petition against coutrol and custody of their child, aleging ag cause praying neglect of duty. Said cause will be for commenc trial gross at the next February terw of said Court, ing February 12th, By ROBERT J. CHRISTY, 1872. jan3-6w Her Attorney.

GEORGE E. HOSLER, whose that place on of the 3d residence day of ig Jana uu D. 1812, Dis wife. Mary A. Hoeler, dled ber will take notice ary, petition A.

for divorce in the office of the Cierk of the court Aseigning of for cause of divorce, gross neglect of duty Common Pleas, of Cuyahoga County, Oblo, and williul absence. Said cause will be for hearing at the ensuing February term of eaid Court. D. E. ADAMS, Att'y.

January 3, 1872. jan3 ow Thomas Fittaway, PIt, In the Court of of Comagainst mon Pleas Cayabu Ann Louise Pittaway, Def 't ga Couuty, Ohio. HE SAID ANN LOUISE PITTAway. defendant, whose residence is to plaintiff unknown, but supposed to be in West Bromwitch, 4th day of November, 1871, said plaintiff fled his Staffordebire, England, will tuke notice petition againet her in said court, praying for adultery, a vorce from her, and assigne for cause, gross neglect duty, wilful absence for for more more than than three three years last past. Said cause will come up for years and habitual drunkenuees hearing at the November, 1871, term of PITTAWAY, vald court.

THOMAS By HEISLEY GRENN, hie Attorneys. ATTACHMENT. H. F. Biggar and N.

Schneider, Before Perry Payne, doing business as Schneider Justice of the P'eace Biggar, Cleveland TownV8. ship, Cuyaboga Geo. N. Church, Defendant. Ohio.

THE 5th DAY OF DECEMBER, 1871, said Justice Issued an order of Attachment in the above action for the sum of one hundred and forty -four dollars and interest from July 16th, 1870. E. D. STARK, Plt'ffe Att'y. Cleveland.

Dec. 26. 1871. dec27 8w MASTER'S SALE. TO the command of au order I of gale, issued out of the Court of Common Pleas of Cuyahogy County, ad State of Ohio, in a wherein James F.

Clark is plaintiff, and John Brown ct al. are defendants, to me directed and delivered, I shall offer for wale at public auction, on Friday, the 23d day of February, A. D. 1872, at the hour of 2 clock IA. of eaid day, at the south door of the County Court louse, in the.

city of Cleveland, in eaid County, the following described premises, to-wit: Situate in the township of Middleburgh, county of Cuyaboga and State of Ohio, aud bounded as follows: Being part of section fourteen (11) in said townebip of Middleburgh, beginning at a point in the south line of said rection fourteen (14), 83-100 chains aud 53 links carteriy of the southwest corner of said section, runuing thence easterly along the section line 13 chains and 22 links to land owned by Ackley; thence N. E21 chains 58 like to a stone; thence N. 209 4 W. 12 chains and 61 links 10 a port; thence S. WV.

21 chains 51 links to the place of beginning, containing twenty-seven 81-100 acres of land. Appraieed at $1,080.00, to the following described (premises, to-wit: Situate in the township of Middleburgh, county of Cujahoga and State of Ohio, and bounded as lows: Beginning at the southwest corner of twoand ouc-half acre lot deeded to Jeremiah Fingley; thence running south forty-tive degrees weet to a pile of -tone at the root of an elm tree: thence nearly month through the ceuter of a sink hole in the grouud to the south line of Becket's farm, so-called; thence eat in said south line of Becket's farw to bend of river, thence up north bank of river to corner of P'. Wyman's land; thence northweeterly on P. Wyman'8 land to place of beginning, containing about five acres of land, reserving and excepting therefrom the following parcel, viz: commencing at the southweat corner of above described land; thence 21 feet along the river in a westerly direction; thence nortberly 225 feet to a e'ake on the east line of raid lot: thence southerly along said cast line of said lot 219 feet to the place of begiuning. Appraieud at 81,000.00.

CARLOS M. STONE. Master Commissioner. GRIEWOLD BUCKINGHAM, PIES Attys. Cleveland, Jan.

23d, 1872. jan23-304 MASTER'S SALES. MASTERING of an order PURSUANT from TO Cleveland, O-. Jan. 24th.

1872. jan25-30d PURSUANT the command of an order of sale issued from the Court of Common Pleas of Cuyahoga County, in the State of Ohio, in the case of Charles ilabn against John Quigley et al, to me directed. I shail offer for sale at public venduc. at the south door of the County Court House, in the city of Cleveland, in said County, between the hours of ten and eleven a. on Monday, the 26tb day of February, A.

D. 1872, the following described property, Situate in the city of Cleveland, County of Cuyaho. ga, and State of Ohio, and known and designated lot No. nifty-eix (50) in Stone's subdivision of original lot number seventy (70) in said city of Cleveland, formerly City of Ouio, be the same more or lees, but subject to all legal highways. Said property is appraised at $700 00.

SAMUEL M. EDDY, Master Commiesioner. WIMAN HAMILTON, PItta Att'ya. Master Commissioner. JAMES M.

JONES, Pit's Att'y. Cleveland Ohio, Jan. 24th, 1872. dan25-30d SALE- PURSUANT 'TO command of an order of sale issued from the the Court of Common Pleas, of County, in the Siate of Ohio, in the case of Isaac Reynolds, plaintiff, against Edward Washington ct defendants, to mne directed. 1 offer for sale at public vendue, at the south door of the.

County Court House, iu the city of Cleveland, in said County, between the hours of ten and eleven o'clock a. ou Saturday, the 24th day February, 1872, the following described parcels of land, Situate in the city of Cleveland, County of cuyaboga, and State of Ohio, and bnown as part of eub-lot No. 2 of James Hoyt's subdivision of original lots 49 and 50, in the Township of Brooklyn, now city of Cleveland, described as follows commencing at a point ou the easterly line of eaid sub-lot No. 2, which is thirty feet northerly of the south-casterly corner of said sub-lot No. thence norwerly ou eaid easterly line of said lot to Detroit street; thence erly on the southerly line of Detroit street about 33 feet 4 inches to a point equi-dietant between the portheasterly and corners of said egblot No.

2: thence southerly in a line parallel with Courtland street and equally dietant between the eusterly and westerly line of said sub-lot No. 2 to the northerly line of eaid parcel of 30 feet wide and rear of raid lot No. 2: thence eurterly at right angles with the easterly line of said lot No. 2 to the place of beginning. Also part of sub-lot No.

1 in said eubdivision, the part hereby referred to beiug 31 feet in width from front to rear oft the west eide of the said lot 1. Also lot known as being all of enb-lot No. 3 of James Wade and James M. Hoyt's allotment of part of lots 49 and 50 in said city, being forty feet front on Courtland street. Aleo the undivided half in common of part of eub-lot No.

2 in the suine allotment, being thirty feet in front on Courtland street, running across the rear end of said lot the whole width. Said lots are appraised a8 followe, to-wit: The fret at the second at the third at $1,600, and the fourth at $100. SAMUEL M. EDDY, in the petition of said plaintin described, to-wit: Being in the city of Cleveland. County of Cuyahoga, and State of Ohio, and known as lot number 112 in A.

W. Walworth'- allotment of two acre lots 117 to 133, said lot No. 112 being about 80 feet front on Kineman strect (now Woodland avenue) and running beck to an alley. Said Leasehold Interest is apprained at $150 no. SAMUEL M.

EDDY, Master Commiesioner. PLAITED HESTER, Pit' jan19 30d NOTICE, Mary A. Killer, )In Court of Common Pleas, Robert V8. Cuyahoga County, Ohio. U.

DEFENDANT WILL TAKE notice in said that case the on said plaintif will. take depothe 16th day of February, 1872, at the office of Bringmade Stone, 168 Saperior etreet, in the city of Clevelaud, Stare of Ohio, between the hours of 9 a. m. and 9 p.m. of said day.

and that taking thereo! will be continued from day to day until completed. BRINSMADE STONE, jan25-3w Attorneys for Potitioner. DIVORCE NOTICE. TRANCIS COLONS, WHOSE PLACE of residence is unknown. will take notice that on the 19th day of January, in the year 1872, his wife, Louisa Colons, tiled her petition for diyorce in the office of the Clerk of the Court of Common Pleas of Cuyahoga County, Oblo, aseigning for cause of diverce, willful absence and gross neglect of duty for more than three years next preceding the Aling of such petition.

Said case will be for hearing at the eneuing February term of said Court. 9. E. ADAMS Solicitor for Petitioner, Cleveland, January 19, 1872. jan20-6w NOTICE.

Thomas Pittaway, Pita, lu Court of Common against Pleas Cuzahoga Ann Louise Pittaway, Deft. County, Ohio. THE DEFENDANT WILL TAKE notice that on the 7th day of February, 1872, the above named will tase the depositions of sundry witnesses to be used as evidence on the 1riai of the above entitled cause, at the office of W. L. Tapeon, No.

3 Great Western street, in the of Wednesbary, iu the County of Staffordshira, in England, between the hours of cight o'clock a. m. and six o'clock p. said day, and that the taking of the same will be adjourned from 'ay to day between the same hours, until they are completed. HEISLEYS GREEN, Court of Commou Bless of Cuyahoga County, in the State of Ohio, in the case of W.

P. Cooke, plaintiff, against Wm. McReynolds defendants, to mne directed, I shall offer for tale at public vendue, at the south door of the County Court House. in the city of Cleveland, in said County, between the hours of ten and eleven o'clock a. m.

on Monday, the 19th day of February, A. D. 1872, the following described property, term to of wit: Being Leasehold and interest, after which 0 thirty years from the let da 'y of October. 1872, and to extend 20 years longer at the election of the lessor, bie heirs, executora, adminietrators, or assigne, ao to the tering conditions of said leare see Vol, 3 of Leaecs, page 34), in the Records of Cuyahoga County, of the premises LEGAL NOTICE. THE STATE OF UNLIO, (In the Court of Common Cuyahoga County, baum, Pleas, Catharine Scheuer PIt'E, 1 against John Hellman, Maria Hellman, I Heury llempy, Kugel Hempy, Frederick Kretzschiner, Adolph John Stroebel, Sophia Gentz.

Mayer, Chrisdan Hansbebn. Penn'a Salt Manur'g and James THE Tully SAID Son, Def'ts. FREDERICK KRETZ. schoner. Penn'a Salt Manuf'g Co, and and where- Jus Lully abouts is unknown, will take notice that Catharine Son, whose present residence K.

bencuer baum, the plaintiff, of Cleveland, Obio, did, upon the 2d day of September, A. Picas D. 1871, for Ale the her petition in Court of Common Couury of Cuyuhuga, and State of Oblo, Henry againat Hempy, the Hald John Maria Hellman, Eugel Hewpy. Frederick Kretzrchmor, Aaolph Muyer, Christian lanebehn, Jobu stroebel, Sophia Gentz, Penn'a Salt Manuf'g Co. and Jas.

Tully and the Son, defendants, getting forth in substance that said defendants, Jobu Hellman, Maria Hellman, Henry Hempy and Kugel Hempy, Catharine executed and Scheuer- delivered to the maid plaintiff, baum a mortgage of the following of Cleveland, described County prem. of Cuyuhoga, and State of Ohio. aLd isen, to-wit: Situate in the city known by being lot number 223 in Barber and Lord's subdivis and is bounded as follows: North on lot No. cart on Jersey Bireet; south on lot No. 224; west on au alley, being 04 feet front on raid Jersey street and feet deep.

said mortgage being giveu to secure the payment of a certain promiseory note for the sum of $1,000 with interest thereon. and praylug judgment againet the John Hellman for the sum of $1,000 with interest thereon, and that said premixes may applied be in decreed satis. to be sold, aud the proceeds thereof faction of raid judgment. The said Frederick Kretzechmer, Penn'a Salt Manuf'g Co. and James Tally and son, are notided that they are required to appear and aurwer eald pe tition, settiug up their saia interest in sald premises ou or before the third Saturday after six weeks from the date of this notice.

MESSENMUELLER KELLY, dec23-6w Atty's for Plaintia. MASTER'S SALE. PURSUANCE of the command of ad order of gale issued to me out of the Court of Common Pleas of Cuyahoga County, State of Ohio, in a case wherein Arthur J. Wenham is plainti8, and Edward Kotheram et are defendauts, Ishall oder for sale at public auction, at the south door of the County Court House, in the City of Cleveland, on the 9th 3 day of February, 1874, between the hours of 2 and o'clock p. of gaid day, PARCEL we following described in the premises, city of to-wit: Cleveland, Couuty of Cnyahogu, and State of Ohio, and knowi as the easterly or nortbery half of the following premises, to wit: Begiuning at a point south 74 degrees cart, ou the coutuerly edge of the Cana basin 100 feet six inches distant from the center of a drilled in a etone set in the ground in the casterly line of Merwin etreet southerly of Lock No.

44; thence southerly to a point on the northerly line of Weet etreet 118 feet 7 inches distant easterly from the easterly line of Merwin street; thence westerly on the northerly line of Went etreet 32 feet; thence northerly in a direct line to the southerly line of the Canal Basin to a point 32 feet westerly from the place of beginning; thence along the Canal Barin to the place of beginning, but subject to such restrictions in favor of the State of Obio 85 are described in a mortgage by H. L. Whitman and William to the Ohio Life and Trust Compa. ny dated June 24, 1854, and recorded in Book 46, page 693 of Cuyahoga Couuty Records. Said erly or northerly ball fronts on the Caual Bagin 32 feet." Appraised at $2,800.

PARCEL in the city of Cleveland, Couuty of Cuyahoga, and State of Ohio, and known parts of sub lots 18 and 19 in I. L. Hewitt's sub. division of lots in the city of Cleveland, a plat of which lots is recorded in the County Records, towit: All that part of eaid lots 18 and 19 lying eartcrly of a liue drawn 47 feet and one inch easterly from the westerly line of said lote, meaning to clude in this description the brick building and the lot on which it stande, immediately in the rear of the two stores occupying the front or weeterly parts of said lots 18 and 19, and also to include herein half of the aivision wall between said first building and the building containing said two store fronting on Merwin street, subject to the right of tho State of Ohio, and its assigns to maintain a waste weir thereon in connection with the Ohio Canal." Appraised at $2.850. PARCEL Situate in the city of Cleveland, County of Cuyaboga, and State of Ohio, and known 83 the westerly part of rub-lot 18 in l.

L. Hewitt'e sub-division of lots in the city of Cleveland, a plat or which lot is recorded in the County Recorde, towit: 'All that portion of said lot 18 lying between Merwin street and a live drawn 47 feet and one inch easterly from said Merwin street, intending to include in the description the brick building on the Trout of said lot 18, and the portion cf said lot on which it stands, and including one-half of the division walle." Appraised at $1.000. PARCEL in the city of Cleveland, County of Cuyahoga, and State of Ohio, and known as the westerly part of eub-lot No. 19 10 l. L.

Hewitt' sub-division of lots in the city of Cleveland, to-wit: All that portion of said lot lying between Merwin street and a line drawn feet custerly therefrom, intending to includo in the description the three story brick building and lot on which it stands, in cluding half of the division walls." Appraised at $4,500 JAMES D. CLEVELAND, Master Commiseioner, PRENTIS9, BALDWIN FORD, Atty's. jan5-lawF MASTER'S SALE. the command decretal order of tale la8ued from the Court of Common Pleas of Cuyaboga County, Ohio, in the suit of David Morison, vi Administratore, etc, Michael Vi eber, et al. and to me directed, I wil oner for at public aucton, at the south door of the County Court House 1n the city of Cleveland, in raid County, on the 14th day February, 1872, at 10 o'clock a.

the following described real entate: Situate in suid County of Cuyahoga, to wit: First. a lot of land eituate in the township Brooklyn, and known as the cast half of jot four hundred aud two (402) in liram Stone's addition to bio City ana city of Cleveland. Second -A lot of land situate in the Townenip of Brooklyn in raid County auu State, and known Hs part of lot number four buudred aud three (403) in Hiram stone's addition to the city of Cleveland. Said addition 18 a subdivisiou of parts of origiul lots numbers fifty thive and sixty-eighty (58 and 68) in said Township of Brooklyn, now city of Cleveland. The saia lot has a frout of thirty feet (80) on Clark avenue and extends back about oue bundred and forty-tive (145) feet to the rear of said lot four hundred and turee (403) aud is taken off from the west side of raid lot.

Said first lot being 50x180, fronting on Clark avenue, is appraieed at $1,000 CO, and taid second lot is appraised at z840 00. Termy of sale cash. P. II. KAISER, Master Commissioner.

W. ROGERS,'y. jau19-5t ASSIGNEM'S SALE. In the matter of the assigument of 11. B.

Castle. Notice. HEREBY GIVEN THAT order of Court, 1 will eell at public auction, on Saturday, the 10th day of February, 1872, at 10 o'clock a. at my ottice, 124 Superior street, Cleveland, Ohio, the book accounts due said ABeignor againet the following namea persone, to-wit: Thomas Parker $18.73, W. L.

$80.91, Win. McClelland $21.01, Ww. E. Elle $135.90. E.

T. Arnold A. Vidway $1, R. E. Weeks $8.61, A.

Fret? 45 cents, G. G. Johusou $8.00, 9. H. Johneon $52.71, Il.

E. Metzker $4.55, S. sh*ter $2 60, G. A. Jobrson $3.87, J.

E. Smith $1,99, K. A. Coener $37.51, Wm. Gay Co.

$42.16. Joe Burket 81 centa, Soulterman Russer $1.38, G. W. McGill K. J.

Mclones $5.29, H. Harris $15, Bascom Bros. $1.50, E. ball $19.58, Wilson Robinson $16 08, John Crobaugh $8 63, J. M.

Betman $8 46, S. C. Manson $17.00, J. R. Bard $5 20, Lee Edwondson $1.81, H.

W. Bond $4,98, A. Lawrence $8.00. Burroughs Co, $18.20, Geo. Berry $25.05, Sioll Gunther 15 W.

MI. King $23.62, T. D. Waldbeck 88 cents, W. A.

Fibber $10.25, E. Roberte $5.25, Williams Hostetter $7.00, E. Flascher $8.47, J. Barney $8.42, E. W.

Eneminger $9.50, J. Potter $2.30, D. N. Hatfield $11.30, Geo. Potter $30.75, W.

Mason $1.04, E. P. Ingler $7.95, B. S. Green $5.50, U.

Orchardson $15.12, N. V. Snell J. Harris $1.00, Conrad Green $16 85, C. W.

Stone $20.00, D. R. Alden $20.28, A. Albert $4.70, C. C.

Carpenter $8.77, A. W. Greeu $4.10, N. U. Trial 60 Howard Upson $3.13, Dre.

E. J. Ilall $13.83, C. D. Frederick $1,00, V.

Geiter W. Lane $39.23, Colver $15.30, J. Dougherty $4.14, L. Honk Veo. Bingham $6.00, J.

Palmer $27.00, Smith Meyer $8.45. B. F. Hall $4,75, 4. ll.

Ward $3.50, J. Caekey $4,10, A. Font $5.86, C. Sikes $6.81, J. Crocker $21.00, M.

Knapp $73.15, S. A. Quayle $6 74, J. H. Hickock A.

E. Hone J. E. Colby $82.79, W. $5.12, D.

K. Cunningbain $6.00, O. D. Harris $16.20 Sawtel! $1.50, J. Q.

Treeize $10.56, W. y. Carlisle $17.60, Naron Parker $7.13, S. W. Brooks $22.85, C.

Wm. T. Day $4.15, Beach $4.25, L. Phillips $23 50, Payne $17.10, G. D.

Myere $1.90, Peters G. Co. W. $3.80, U. B.

llewitt, $6.50, C. J. Smythe $8.20, M. II. Forbes 88.00, J.

Hail $3.00, M. Minor $3.00, Perkins Rogers $11.65, D. Dockstader $8.00, W. Bishop $11.75, 50 D1. conta, Patterson Mias $8.00, Molineaux N.

Russell 45 $1.25, k. dec'd $3.25, Clark Warren $7 50, J. D. Kee gau $11.50, Mr. Newton $1 50, Miss Abby $3.50, Joseph Reese $2.15, J.

R. Herrick $5.00, J. Chamber lin $2.00, J. B. Este $1.25, Wm.

Pagnett $8.75, J. H. A. Bone $6.00, DL. C.

R. R. $5, Prior $4, J. K. Honman Geo.

$1.20, Wm. $43.52 Field $11.00, Gco. Fellows $1.00, Hoyt R. Paine $19.00, John Gooufellow $41.70, Il. $7.00, Cutter $2.50, Mygatt $3.50, Dr.

Saunders $11,20, Frank Mear83 84.07, 0, Carlton $15.50, Dr. Saunders $11.20, Henry Central Rink $2.50, M. Graves 85 ceute, W. Allery Clark $4. 50 Wu, John Greer Mr.

Baker $25.50, E. cente, larry Brown $2.75, 4. Holmes $5 90, Geo, Avery 75 cente, J. Frawley $2.00, Sam'l Lemmer $1.50, D. Donahue $16.50, Julia itomp $1.401 Mr.

$13, J. L. Kirkwood $1.25, Krauser $2.00, Harry Shea Sharp $8.55, Merkel $20.25, E. D. Sprague $1.32, James can $1 00, Alfred 0.

C. Burt Hebard $8, Policeman $475, P. DuP. Saler $2.05, Johueon $2.00, W. Stamford $1.50, Drog $11.50, Henry Zimmerman $1.00, Harvey Chamberlain $1.00, E.

1). Foote $2.00, Stanley Green $2.50. Bratenahl'e bookE. kceper Skillet $2.00, $1.90, E. D.

N. K. Merriam $38.50, M. Bruger $3.20, $5, $14.80, Henry Segur Mosely 83 37, I. U.

Tidball $18.39, 1 McCuy $10.63, Mr. Cooley $9.00, R. M. N. Taylor $57.78.

S. F. ADAMS, Assiguec of H. Castle. January 10th.

1872. jan11-4w1taw LEGAL NOTICE. PARTITION whose place of residence 18 unin known, the State but who of was last heard from at New Orleans, Louisiana, will take uotice that on the fled in 18th the day of Clerk's January, 1972, Mary Jane Garrett Pleag ofice of the Court of Common forth of that in Cuyahoga the County, Ohio, a petition getting Garrett, month of October, 1861, Alexander fee of said County, died intestate and seized in in the simpie city of of certain lands aud unements, eltuate of said Clevelaird, in said County, tp that part known as city parts of formerly to Biooklyn to wuebip, parcels of land original lots Noe. 68 and 71, which rett scribed in said petition. That said Alexander Garare particularly bounded and deleft a widow, Mary Garrett.

who is entitled to dower in said premises, and petitioner Mary Jar.e Garrett and Siafford Garrett, his eole heirs at law. That as such heirs at law they are seized in fee titled simple to of the said following premises as tepants in common, en: to wit; Mary Jane thares and partitions thereof Garrett one equal balf, and eaid believes Stadord that Garrett one equal half. That petitioner said Garrett is nut living, but 88 she has no testimony at present to catab.ish the she fact, and and desires to sell a portion of eaid premises, may asks have the one-half prayer of of said petition is that she nances said premises and appurteset off and aparted to her in severalty by metes and bounds, subject to the dower estate of Mary petitioner's Garrett therein, without in any way impairing the death: interest in the other haif, if because ol of eaid Stafford Garrett, she now has legal right to the same. Said Stanford Garrett 19 required to file hie answer therein on or before the 16th day of March, A. D.

1872. M. K. KEITH, Att'y for Petitioner. Cleveland, Jan.

15. 1872. ian15 witaw HOOF AND W. CHAMBERLAIN have this day been aumitNORMAN ted members of our Arm. Cleveland, 0., Jan.


The Evening Post from Cleveland, Ohio (2024)


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Name: Francesca Jacobs Ret

Birthday: 1996-12-09

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Introduction: My name is Francesca Jacobs Ret, I am a innocent, super, beautiful, charming, lucky, gentle, clever person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.