Belfast News-Letter from Belfast, Antrim, Northern Ireland (2024)


NOTICE. HPHE ABOVE PROPERTY WAS SOLD BY I GENTLEMAN OF MANY YEARS' EXPE-1 rivats "eaty this 10th day of September, 1 mBNCE wishes an Engagement as Traveller Oorn Mill. Would assist In Keeping for a Flour or Corn Mill. Would assist in Keeping Uum rmu auierasnaa rare or accideMn, com f5 mUdr thafc tho old dom and America- the rate of accidents, com- tne comptrciuer or the iron way, tne maximum of safety misht be greatly extended At the annual maeting of Certifying Surgeons of Great Britain and Ireland, held in Leeds on the our townsman. Dr.

C. D. Purdon, read a saner on the mortality of fla3r mill and i i as compared with other classes ooooo of the 'community, tne dueases they Lsbour undex, and the causes thai render the death rate from phthisis so hi eh The paper has just been published in rjamphletform, and we desire to refer to it as early and a3 prominently as possible. Dr. Purdon haa had ample means of investigating the subject, and he has employed them to much advantage.

We learn from him i that the population of the Belfast district, allowing the usual rate of increase since the last census, would amount now to 200,348, which he divides into three classes the flax mill and factory workers, numbering 28,127 the artisan and labouring population, numbering 165,221 and the third, the senferv and mercantile, i uumuBuug aoout An examination ol gn reason to Unow they all, common with him-the tables appended to the paper shows that flf. considered it a privileged duty to be called on in there were 4,853 deaths in Belfast E'. Rev, Charles Keavp.r mTft man WANTS. WANTED, A SITUATION AS PANTRY-BOYorBiotsina Hotel Apply to K. (12219)," Office ot till Paper.

Books and General Management. Eichest re- ferevices and security. Address, W. (12Z31," Office of this Paper. TO LINEN MERCHANTS.

A YOUNG MAN of several years' experience in a linen Merchant's Office wishes for an Engagement as Invoice Clerk or Assistant Bookkeeper. First-class references. Address, (120S8)," Office of this Paper. "ANTl'D, A SITUATION AS ASSISTANT )f or Under-Maiwger in a Grocery Estab lishment, by a most respectable Young Man, who his bad seven years' experience in one of the best houses in tho trade. First-class references.

Address, Post Office, Carrickfergus." 11064 WANTED, A SITUATION AS ASSISTANT ia a Grocery Establishment by an active, steady Young Man, who has had several years' experience in a first-class Houae, from which he, can furnish the best references. Would have no objection to travel occasionally if required. Address, A. (12143)," Office of this Paper. ASSISTANT BOOKKEEPER.

A YOUNG Man, who has some experience in oflice work, and would accept a moderate salary, wants a Situation as Assistant Bookkeeper, Entering or General Clerk. He has excellent testimonials from former and present employ ers. Address, M. (12144)," Office of this Paper. HOUSE-MAID OR CHILDREN'S MAID.

A Situation wanted, by a very respectable Young Girl, as House or House and Parlour-maid, or Children's Maid will be disengaged on the 1st October is a Protestant. Papers can be seen at Mrs. KINNEAR'S, 31, Queen Street. 12197 ANTED, A SITUATION AS VALET OR A1X ii a AUVI.UUUUV, CU JL.IJ.4BlU Ui VV rience, having served more than five vears in last situation as such can act as barber, correspond, if necessary is a Protestant age, 36 years good references, Can be heard of by applying at 12, GLOUCESTER STREET, Belfast. 12196 YARN BLEACHER.

A GOOD, PRACTICAL Man ia now open for a situation as above ing, Boiling, and. Scouring of Yarns, having had charse of several of the lartrest concerns in the North. Highest references as to character, ability. can be eiven. Please address, Bleacher (12084)," Office of this Paper.

WANTED. A VACANCY HAVING OCCURRED IN the Incumbency of the Parish of Greyabbey, County Down, Clergymen in full Orders desirous of the appointment will be so good as to apply to the Nomiijators, csto of J. BROWNLOW, Esq Mountstewart, Newtownards, from whom sli necessary information can be had, 17th September, 1873. 12156 ITTTApTT-Rn I'MPi fvr ,1 for the Wholesale Woollen Denartment. 12IS1 JOHN ARNOTT CO.

(Lu.) WANTED, A FIRST-CLASS TAILOR, WHO will both Cut and Sew. Apply, personally, to WM, J. CHAMBERS, Killinchy. 11972 HAWKINS, ROBERTSON, FERGUSON, CO require a few respectable Girls as Apprentices to the Mantlemaking. Bank Buildings, 1873 12207 A BUNDLING PRESS IN Arjnlv.

statins lowest nrice and where to be niw, to Press (12142)." Oflice of this Paper. FTJRNITU Furnish a moderate-sized House in Belfast. Beply, with terms and particulars, by letter, to L. T. (12179)," Office of this Paper.

ANTED, THREE RESPECTABLE AND well-educated Youths as Apprentices to the General Drapery and Housefurnishing Business, ALEXANDER. ORR, REID, 32050 155, 157, 159. 161. North St. TTANTED, A FIRST-OLas juhn PARING WastflT Tn ni.Mo (t txauA.

1UWOU liberal wages will be paid. Apply, by letter only, to Royal Hotel, Belfast. 12109 "TIT" ANTED, FOR A MANUFACTORY IN Belfast, an Apprentice who has a taste for Drawing. Apply by letter, addressed T. B.

G. (12137), Office of this Paper. FANCY BOX MAKERS. WANTED experienced Cutters for Board and Paper-good wages. Address, M.

106, W. H. SMITH SON, Advertising Agents, Manchester." 12020 ANTED, GOOD PALLIASSE AND Mattress Maker. fWnafcain 'i and good wages. Apply to R.

WATSON, 92, Donegall Street 12210 ANTED, A MILLWRIGHT, ACCUSTOMED tn f.hanara nf uuiu lutui uuc jjuainoji win oe permanent. Apply, by lettsr or personally, to WEBB. BROS Randalstown. 12185 'ANTED, FOR A LARGE DRAPHTiv VVooiien Hand- alan b. onrl -r- 4.1,-0:1.1 and iancy Department.

Address, C. (12191)," Office of this Paper. nrr ANTED, A YARDMAN, WELL-AC-If ODA1NTRT rH, omen uattie, ana able to Milk Apply to JOHN SIMMS, Parkmoant, 12190 ANTED, IMMEDIATELY, TWO SALESMEN for the Grmnro.1 Two smart, well-educated Lads aa Apprentice's Apply to ARMSTRONG MATHKRS, Lnr'gaa. 11664 APPRENTICE WANTED FOR and Ironmongery Housefurnishing THE Busi- nes3. The NORTH STRRKT urm-ora-cm MOUSE, 120 122, North Street.

1202S TTTANTWD 'OTMTi'nT irnrar -tr Atiolv in -Dii. xi 1 iiuuiucr, insn street, Downpitnck. nSTANTED, THREE OR FOUR HUNDRirT 7 iau. uuu size (j 6 inches by inches by 33 inches, delivered free iu u-Lauenesuer. Annlv to Me 00.

fiimitad; 'i. oiiug lowesc pneo tor OMhpieoe. I2103 TTANTED, A STEADY, EXPERIENCED ii nnnA 7: wno can correspond. One havmg a knowledge of the Hardware Trade preferred. Apply to ROBERT VANCE, Mercantile Registry Office, Corn Exchange, Belfast.

12070 GEORGE! on" XX require, immediately, a well-educated Lad as DfaTradl 6ea" JL1, High Street, Belfast. 13972 'Atrll EXPERIENCED TRAVEL ppply, by letter, to (11967)," Office of this wUUV. ioi-uj ivy re mirfln. C0- REQUIRE AN ASSIST-ANT for thpiV -Rof-1 also, anAppreniice. 3 -ment at 202 204, North Street.

Belfast, 19th bept 1S73. 12132 ANTED, AN EXPERIENCED ASSISTANT iho 0." -i. a 1 uuuuM-ji' mra preierrea. Apply, with copies of testimonials, which must and stae expected, to B. Office of this Paper.

PATTERN MAKER. ANTED, A FIRST-CLASS IRON- jlo a cievor. Etjeauv workman hhArfll ra-nasi a. t. "6w iijt uuuauuiti employment will be given.

6taiiDS ge where last employed, to A WAWTHII A Ort-DUi'lD imm i Llerk. comDetent to draw Dbbo ot.i rri A UMU UaVD Abstract, Title, and assist in the conduct of a Country Solicitors Offije. Apply, with conies of testimonials, ntatinntenm. to W. J.

DEALY. Solicitor, la yuay, DnbJm. 12183 4 PPRENTICE WANTED. WANTED, A ia respeetawe, wen-educated Lad, about 16 years of age, as an Apprentice in a Merchant's Office. Address, in applicant's own writing, "Apprentice Box 163, Post Office, Belfast." 12217 WANTED, LEFT-OFF CLOTHES descriptions, iinifonns, miaoellaseons property, the highest prices given.

Ladies or Gentlemen waited on by addressing Mr. or Mrs. BERRY, 6, Hercules Place, or 41, Rosemary St Joncy Orders or Cheques by return for Country t-cierencas every town JroUnd, iJ Banking Company. 1489 ADIES' Asp GENTLEMEN'S MST-QW WEARING APPAREL ZZASlyMr- M.MMn, and per- IS3 r9fflited 1 3, WILLIAM STREETloUTH, Belfast 7848 on SALE PUBLIC AUCTION THE ENTIRE STOCK OF A BOOT SHOE JiAJ RELl, Removed to the MAKT for convenience of Sale. have received instructions to Sell by AUCTION', the Mart, 7, OEO ROE'S LAN Repast, oa TL'KVDAY, 23rd September, at Eleven o'clock sharp.

BOUT 1.000 PAIRS OF BOOTS S- SHOW? of various sizes, for Ladies. ftfTitlptnen o.nA Children, ia Calf, Kid, and other Leathers. Tha above Stock is well worthy the attention of the Trade will be Sold in Lots to suit Purchasers. Catalogues, containing full particulars, may be had at the Mart; and Goods on view day nroviouB to Sil-j. Terms Cash; Purchasers to pay 5 Pees.

THOMPSON ANDEUSON, 110G1 Auctioneers. EXTENSIVE SALE OF STOCK BY AUCTION I have received instructions from Mr. William Luul'O, Benvor Cottage, Glcnravel, to Soil by Public AUCTION, at BKLLAHILL, near Camekfergus, on THURSDAY, 25th September, 1S7S, HpHE FOLLOWING VALUABLE STOCK 70 A Bullocks, three and tour yearaold; 50 tleifers, three years old (Eat) 400 blajk-faeed Withers, three and tour years old fat) 1G0 one-year-old Cheviot Wethers 240 black-faced Ewes, three and four years old 100 black-faced Yield Ewes (fat) 120 cross-bred Lambs, End 20 Mule lambs. Luncheon at half-past Twelve. Sale to commence at One o'clock p.m.

DAVID EASTINGS, Auctioneer. Belfast, 115. Joy Street, 13th Sept, 1S73. 11P42 DESIRABLE VILLA RESIDENCE, AT SYDENHAM, NEAR BELFAST, FOR SALS. To be Sold by AUCTION, at the MART of Mr.

I'nAMSItS, No. 10, WARING- STREET, on FRIDAY, the 20th day of September, 173, at the hour Twelve o'clock noon, mus COUNTRY RESIDENCE AND PRE-JL MIS S3 known as DUNDELA HOUSK, at present in the occupation of William Crawford, Eaq. The House contains tvfo large Reception-rooms, five Bed-rooms, and every necessary accommodation for a Gentlemen's family. The Grounds contain 2 acres and 26 perches Statute measure, or thereabouts, and are teror laid out. The Out dices, Stabling, Coach-house, are commodious and conveniently circ*mstanced.

An Omnibus passes the gate frequently during the day to and from, Belfast. For title and terms of Sale, apply to ROBEbtT CASS ID Solicitor, 47, Donegall Place, Belfast. IISOO WAI, HARTLEY, Waring Street. AUCTION OF INTEREST IN LEASE, GOOD WILL OF BUSINESS, LICENCE, AND BAR FIXTURES' THE GLENWOOD TAVERN" AND PLEA- 8 UK K-O ROUNDS. To be Sold by AUCTION, on the Premises, SUANKUILL ROAD, Belfast, on SATURDAY, 27sh September.

at Twelve o'cictilt, FS liE IN LEASE, GOOD-WILL JL of Business, Licence, Ilir and othar Fixtures of the Old-established Wiac and Spirit Store ai TBEfiLESWOuD TAVERN AND FLEASUU CLSDS." Tiro remises are held by Letter of Le.iso for jN'iii Years from August, la73, at themodente rent oi There is already a Good Trade attache to the Premises, which can be largely increased. The House is in tirt-class order, and well adapted for a family; the Grounds are beautifully 1-ti-i out, a largo sum of money having been expended on the prem-scs generally to bring them to their present state of perfection, and can be seen anv time. Terms Oi-sb; parchasers to pay 5 per cent. Auction Fees. HUGH HAMILTON, Auctioneer and Valuator.

Commercial Sale-rooms. 3-3, Ann Street, Belfast, Sept. 19, 1S73. 1219 i ANNUAL SALS OF SHEEP AND LAMBS AT LE AT I 1 K. rE HAVE BEEN FAVOURED WITH instructions from General Viannnwt.

Tzxvuxrowx, K.C.B Sell by Public AUCTION, at the HOME FARM YARD, on MONDAY. 29sh September, at Twelve o'clock, sharp, the following ull y-selscted Stock LoT 1 20 EWES tit for the Batcher, First-class, Half-bred, BREEDING EWES. 3. 40 First-cuss, Half -bred, Black-faced, BREEDING EWES. 4 40 Three-o.

aacter-bred Ewe LAMB 3. 5. 40 Wether LAMBS. 6. 60 Cross-bred LAMBS.

N.B. The above Stock is -well worthy the attention of intending purchasers, being well selected, and at pre ient in good condition, Loss 1 and 4 ir-ticalarly so. Commission at Sale. Terms Cash. Purchasers to pay Auction ENGLISH ARMSTRONG, Auctioneers 12205 and Valuators, Antrim.

COUNTY MON AG if AN. ATTRACTIVE SALE OF SHORT-HORNS (without reserve), at A CASTLE. Subscriber is favoured with instructions from the Right Hon. the Earl of Daktmy to Sell (without reserve), DARTREY o- FRWAY, Srd OCTOBER, 1S73, TJTTEJJO RC SUnPT.TTOTj: r-i TTr HRlfERS AATn ttrrr.T. nii.viiia lhe majority of the Cows and Heifers are got by the Czar, 2307Q fused for three years at the Norma or Fame tribe; the Lamp cf Florence by Lamp of Black Prince by Booth's Gallant Knight, The O-ows Butterfly, Beautiful, Princess Warlaby (winner of numerous first prizes), and a few others, are retausd aa the nucleus of new herd.

All ths animals, many of great promise, entered in the Catalogue will be sold without reserve. There will be Sold 50 Pure-bred Hogget Leicester EWES. Lunch, 12-30. Sale to commence at 1-30. GAVIN LOW, Auctioneer, Cattle Saleamast-er, Biackkr.ll Place, Dublin.

SST Catalogues on application to the Auctioneer. Dartrey is two miles from from Rock-corry, five from Newbliss Ra-hvay Station, and ten from Monaghan. 121S4 VALUABLE FARM OF LAND, CORN AND i-'LAX MILLS FOR SALE T- be Sold by PRIVATE CONTRACT, with the Cousentef the Landlord, rip AT FARM OF LAND, TOGETHER WITH J. CORN MILL, TWO KILNS, and FLaX MILL, known as Mills, in the Parish of Down, and formally in the uos-seoaion of the late Mr. Hugh Galbraith, situate in a very peaceable locality, in the centre of a prosperous grain and fl.w growing district, quite close the of Crossbar (a station on the Belfast r.r-.d County Down Railway), in which a fair is held monthly ens of the best cattle fairs in the county 5 miles from Downpatrick, 3 miles from Iviily-Iiagh, 4 miles from iJallynahinch, 4 from Saintfiald, (sit tti'l marksi and within one hour of iy ran.

Jjive trains daily each way. The Farm contains 5-1 acres 2 rood3 IS perches, and is held under Win. Keown, Esq M.P., one of the best lau in Ulster. The land is all in the very state of cultivation, and weil drained-th-. gr-iater portion of it is laid down in grazing (clover and grass), with about -I acres of rich mea dow, which yields large crops of prime hay.

It ia excellent grazing land each field is well fenced with stone and thorn hedges, well watered, and enclosed with iron gates. There ia a comfortable Dwelling-house, slated, with good Garden, situate ia the centre tho farm, commanding a most extensive and picturesque prospect. The Office-hoasea comprise an excellent Barn, with a first-class four-horse Threshing Machine, Stabling for three liorscs. Car-house, Byre to accommodate twelve lk-vl of cattle, Dairv. with dhnmiWo.

c'ai all two stories high, with substantial lofts for storage, slated, and built of the best material there are sheds for young stock, Piggeries, the forming a square, well enclosed yard, Zh-t lata proprietor expended large sums ia improving tho land and erecting buildings. Too. Threshing and Churning Machines can be hid at a valuation. Corn Mill is fitted with three pairs atones tor grinding wheat-en and oatmeal with two good Kilns attached capable of drying a larcm qv.aitity of gran daily. In the Flax Mill there S1V There are good for ftorn-H-: arorwwl and umlrowcl Flax 'Che "Jl working order 19 Ul't aburvbovt water supply wzhle dtiviog tne three motive power nf mVh vr-'ue.

-there is, atct always has been, a very ex t--t-iive business oAtncbod to these Millii To any Person with capital no more suitable pre laifcs could be had for carrying on a large business located the centre of a rich grain-product Wsf In the immediate vicinity a very lucrative grain buaiaaaa has baen carried on with lu-ch success for laauy yeartr. Jntendinc Purchasfcrs can view the Premises on TUESDAYS, THURSDAYS, and SATURDAYS, time of Sale, from Two o'clock each day, and obtain full particulars. 'alt-'l IVuposala will be recti; eA by tho up t) WEDNESDAY, 1st 1S73. v. ill himself to the rt.

of money at time or the talancs on getting possession, which can be had immediately. the i- archer information can be had from the Vendor HUGH A DAT Lissar-i Mills, Kil- more, Lisbnrc; or, 11 13, ARTHUR STREET, Bel. fast. September 4, 1S73 il La a future dav will fa -Cn a f.jtnrfi nav will Sold the Live of which 11557 Stock, Ciop, Farming dni Notice will bo iriveri. be 85, 71 to tiiiw As in PLACE PRESBYTEBdAN CHURCH.

1 WHILE ALTERATIONS ARE BEING TW nwi 01 1. t. SER VICES ba hold in the ULSTER HALL. m-jnang, Halt-past Eleven o'clock. Evening, Seven o'clock.


on SUNDAY, tke 21st September, 1S73-In the Morning, by the REV. THOMAS J. WELLAND, M.A., a Incumbent of St. Thomas'; And in the Evening, by the REV. CHARLES ALLEN, A.B., Incumbent of St.

Paul's. A. tor each S-irmon a Collection will be tlken up iw assist in paying off a debt of 41, which still re mams upon the Church Expenses Fund. As the means of the Congregation are fully taxed to meet the assessment of 55 per annum to the Diocesan Scheme, the Select Vestry are compelled to appeal to the Christian public to assist thorn in paying off the only Debt remaining upon the Cnurch Funds. Subscriptions from those unable to attend will be thankfully received by Rev.

CHARLES ALLEN, Bev- CHARLES SCOTT; or the Churchwardens, SAMUEL H. GREER, 46, Dock Street; Mr. FRED. W. REW, 35, Brougham Street or by any Member of the SELECT VESTRY.

11937 s' OPENING SERVICES." HE NEW WESLBYAN MISSION CHURCH, Hafx Stekbt, Sasdt Row, Will be Opened for Divine Worship on SABBATH, tile September, 1873, when the REV. T. BOWMAN STEPHENSON, B.A of London, will Preach at Eleven o'clock a.m. and Seven o'clock p.m. Collections will be made at both Services in aid of the Building Fund.

A PUBLIC MEETING Will be held in the above Church on MONDAY Evening, 22nd when the Rev. Mr. Stephenkoit will give an Address on Mission work in London. ReV. JOHN WhITR and nttr ftar.fl-mn 7I i.I part in the Meeting.

jiuaussron, sixpence each. 12054 INDEPENDENT CHURCH, DONEGALL STREET. JL HOLLOWAV Ta above Chtircn on TO-MORROW Morning at Eleven I -uv" J- tne Evenina at Seven o'clock. Mr. ROBERTS will Pr-K a i -r.

i win icaun Albert rJridp-e Trcrfp.rtArn-tpf to -o- 1- ma iivenins; at Seven clock. i--m A ILL BE DELIVERED IN ST. ENOCH'S CHURCH, on MDNHAV October, bv tho Rev. W.

of St. Matthew's Established Church, Glasgow. Proceeds for the benefit of a Miaeion to the neglected Poor. 1213 4 EN PASSANT, FROM DAY TO DAY, OBSERVE OUR FEW LONDON TWEED 8, COATINGS, WILSON, TAILORS, 1, DOB EQ ALL STREET, 12069 PIGEON SHOOTING at NEWRATH BRIDGE HOTRf, On WEDNESDAY, 8th October, For Cup, value 20 So and optional Sweepstakes of 1 Sov. each.

Particulars on application to R. HUNTER Newrath Bridge Hotel, Co. Wicklow. 12220 THE "ROYAL ANCHOR" LOCK-STITCH HAND-SEWING MACHINE. npHE DESIDERATUM IN A HAND JL MACHINE at last supplied, viz A really flrst-class article, fit to iSew any Material, easily worked, and silent in motion.


C. DAVIS ior upwards of thirteen vears. The Poor attended to Gratis from 9 till 10 o'clock Every Morning (Sundays excepted). 6014 Established fvr ihe Sak of Belter Class Goods at Moderate Prices. ADIES' COSTUMES POLONAISES -IU HSU 3, BRIDGE STREET.

LADIES' FASHIONABLE SERGE at IGa CJ, ISs 6d, and 22s Gd LADIES' ALL WOOL FRENCH COSTUMES, From 42s to 3 Guineas LADIES' RICH BLACK AND COLOURED SATIN SKIRTS, Quilted to tee Waist, From 15s lid to 37s 6d each; LADIES' BLACK LUSTRE COSTUMES, at 10s 18i 61 and 25s each B. 'HUG II 3, BRIDGE STREET, BELFAST. Immediate Employment can be given to Thirty DRESSMAKERS. Must be well recommended for First-class Work. 12199 ECONOMY IN FUEL.

AVE HALF YOUR COALS BY "Sr-Cil the improved AMERICAN COOKING AND HEATING STOVES, In great variety Sizes and DeiAgrm. Illustrated Price Lists, post free, on application to JENNINGS New Ironmongery Warehouse, Lombard Street, Belfast. 1686 SPORTING, AZE OCTOBER MEETING, 1873. The DOWNSHIRE CUP, added to Sweepstakes of 5 sovs. each p.p.

Nine snbscribers. LaDIES' CUP, added to a Sweepstakes of 3 sovs. each p.p. Twenty subscribers. For further particulars, apply to the SECRETARY, Maae Race Committee, Hillsborough.

11574 The Daunt for this Season is Wm. Younger Co 'n Light Dinner Ai.e. Spurklinsr, refreshing, invigoratins contains hut little alcohol, causes no ncicl*ty or drovvsineM and is suitable for the young old, Recommended lv the nteilical faculty as fin excellent tonic. Snlri In- all grocers- -price Is Oi per dozen pints. Can be had in wood from IRVINE wHoIenale ajrp.nts for nifiroi- -j sterns, 5 ft 7, oimicpstM- Street, Belfast.

Breweries Edin-burRh-estalilisbed 1749. 770 THE JMPI AT7 Tfbtii 13 TZTiiiV wut lootb Paste this delicatu coating becomes sound, white, ivuiy. ii ib LitjiiHniiuijy iragrant. oulii ju ocuiuhi ruts, is ana oa eacn, by all Chemists Cracroft's White Enamel for Stopping Teeth is sold in 6ci Packets. Agents Canikell, Davidson- Leslie 20 LPA.O, jULHlilLj.

Inexpensive Hair Kkstorkr. tockver'n Sulphur Hair Restorer ia guaranteed to restore grey or faded hair to its original colour in a few ilavs. Precisely nimilnr to more costly pi'mmtlnDj nf kiml. Large buttles, la Cd each; ail Chemists and Huir-drwtaers. Agents Camreu.

Davidson, Leslie, 10, Caatle Place, Belfast. Health, i-iiRtNGTij, asd -Pepper' Quinine and Iron lunic strongtheni the nerves, increassa the quantity uf bioud, promotes appetite, improreM Uigeaiion, amniutss lliu smnw. and thorouchlv rim li.vilth it take. Bottles Csl (loses), 4s Oil; next Us; stone jars Sold by all Chemists. Be sure to ask for Pepper's Pre! piu-ation.

Agents Cajvtrbll, Davidson, Leslie eo Caatle Place, Belfast l90ejt To All who SinvKER. from Consumption, Bronchitis Asthma, Counts, Colds, Hoarseness, Diptheriu, or diseases the Tnrotit or KeQiratory Organs, try Biwn's Herbal Remeitieii, wb.ich have permanently cured thousands of oases. sample bottle will piove its grunt officacv, and may ba uinrjjc irm tne jrrupi-ifctiji-. sulterera sliould believe their cases incurable till they have tested one sample, which will be sent liy post, to any address l.rirruifrW.jif. ii 1 sanrpleB and particulars of the ropiedies, address O.

Ekown, 2, King Street. Covent Garden, Loudon, 7211) FISHER WICK In ia the It List or Cabrt Passexohw, per Royal Mail earner Citv flf TtmmU Ttni, ew Liver. px.I sailed September 6, 1873: Miss Annie Davidson. Mr. Henro Wsu-l- Dawson, Mr.

T. H. Oalerdine. Rev. Dr.

Meacham. Mr. William Pice, Mr. A. Obert, Dr.

Spooner. Landed at QueenstownMr. J. Robmitt and wife. Nbwtow.nards Ths Haevest.

Although in some places reapers 3re to be seen in active operation, the greater portion of the grain in this locality has been secured. Late eroos have been na4 te fields by th detained in the fields by the rain bat the strong s.u.m.oij, nava a treat measure uuu, omul compensated iur tnis arawback. The rjotafvpu. rl "ne execpaon of the Skerries, are aevnrnlv KlS'i1, EOt orc.tLsu! -one-half oi and Aberdeens and mangold wurtzeL present encouraging appearance. Correspondent.

Belsast Young Mes's Chbistias AssociAnoir. un itrarsday evening the opening meeting of this association took place in their rooms, Lombard Street. There was a large attendance of the mem. bers and friends. Tea and its accompaniments were partaken of in the library room, during which social converse evidently added much to the enjoy-ment of the hour.

After tea, the company having retired to the lecture-room, Chas. Wolffe Shaw! fisq was called to the chair; and the Rev. Charles oeavcr conducted the opening devotional exercises. I he Chairman, during the course of his dwelt largely on the interest the vice-prasidents took ia the welfare of the association, as he had "ljj ll ujuo jMiauuu, us lie nac reviewing the leading current events in the religions world, impressing the necessity for young man like those before him to go forth and assist others to evangelise the torvn of Belfast, and to interest themselves in Christian work both at home and abroad. The Rev.

Mr. Will iiijU at aTV CIA coaraging observations; after which, the chairman i introduced the Rev. Mr. Gall wlm eloquently set forth the golden advantages to be eo joyed by the organising of young men into associations to carry on the ChriB'ian work. The Rev.

Mr. Williamson closed the meeting with prayer. Much of the prosperity of this exceedingly valuable association, we consider, is meritoriously due to Mr. Moliaa, the haa. secretary, and we should be glad to see many more of the young men of Belfast in its rankc.

Cos-cbbt and Readings is Boxaghadke in aid or the Coal Eote foe the Poor of all Desomi-yATioNS. Several ladies and gentlemen, of this town, anticipating the want of coal f.r the poor, which the high price that indispensable article now is, and its probable coutlnuanos during the Winter, devoted the evenings of Tuesday and Wednesday last to the giving of concerts, interspersed with readings, in aid of this most desirable object. Having secured the services of our talented townsman, Mr. D. Leonard, the Market-honsa on both evenings, notwithstanding the latenses of the season, gave evidence how cheerfully the call was responded to, by the full attendance cfths public of ail ranks on both occasions.

The several gleeB and songs were executed in a manner ttxat would reflect credit on a high class of professional singere. and this, combined with the well-known ability of the reader, afforded an entertainment which will not be soon forgotten in this charming watering-place. The excitement for two hours each night never for a moment flagged, and the versatile talent displayed by Mr. Leonard was the theme of universal admiration. He was amply rewarded by the hearty applause of his audience.

After two hours' irjtsllectual enjoyment, the usual vote of thanks having been given, the entertainment ended with the singing of the National Anthem. Cor, Balltnahisch Monthly Fair. The last monthly fair held in this town was much larger than the previous one. Fat cattle were scarce, but the demand was good, and prices ranged from 12 to 18. There was a plentiful supply of store cattle, but thc-y were not much sought after.

Yearlings drew from 4 to 5, and some sold as hieh as S. and even icr-nt-. from 8 to i0 as a rule. There was a fair supply of milch cows, but the demand was slow, and from 12 to 20 were realised. Sheep sold at from 25s to 50s each one lot of fifty was bought by J.

Per-cival Mar-well, at 4Ss each. Lon-esvond-nt. Fatal Accident at Balli'mena co*koxier's Inquest. Ballvhssa, Fbiday. To-day, William Raphael, Esq coroner for the district, held an inquest on the body a man named William Hall, aged about seventy-four years.

From the evidence it appeared that the deceased was comiDg down a stsp-iadder in his house in Castle Street, on Monday last, and when within three steps of the foot of it he accidentally fell and came in contact with an old coal-box, which, according to the medical evidence of Dr. Ross, fractured soma nf hia i-ihn but the immediate cause of death was the rupture of a small blood-vessel. He died on Wednesday. The jury returned a verdict in accordance with the medical evidence. Correspondent.

A Child Overlaid bf its Motesr Cohoses's Ikquest. William Raphael, and a jury held an inquest at Tilly, about five mileB from Bally-rnena, on the body of a child named Thomas James O'Hara, aged seven months, son of William O'Hara, of Tnlly. From the evidence it appeared that the child had been overlaid by its mother on Sunday morning last, and was found dead on her breast. A verdict in accordance with the facts was returned Correspondent. The Rev.

T. J. Forsyth gratefully acknowledges the receipt of 10 from Sir Richard Wallace, Bart, M.P., through F. L. Capron, for the school of the Independent Church, Bridge End, Lisbum.

Sebmoss, On Sabbath, 7th two very able and impressive sermons were preached in Mov Presbyterian Church by Rev. James Warwick, Carrickfergus. Tha attendance both morning and evening was large and respectable, many of other Protestant denominations being present. A collection was taken after each service to defray debt in- L.U1JC.L; jlij icuouu improvements tne cnurch. The sum realised from all sources amounted to cloee on 50.

The collectors were James Sloaae J. P. T. Peel, Armagh; John Patterson, Grange 'Robert Patterson, Henry Hillock, Armagh; James Hillock, Henry M'Kean, Benburb; T. Harper Gorestown Alfred Goodlatte, Salem Lodge and Joseph Patterson, Eaqra.

The following subscriptions were received Captain Corry, M.P., C. M'Coon, London; Jackson Byers, each The minister and committee take this opportunity of thanking Mr. Warwick for hia services, the gentlemen who collected, and the friends jaijiuiy Jacilli OUJJScriptlDnS. 121V3 Theological College of tub Presbyterian CHTTKCH ESGLiND SCHOLARSHIPS. At the meetings of the Board of lamination held this week in.

London, after competitive examination conducted by printed papers, the Anderson Scholar-ship was awarded to Mr. Martin Lewis, of Chester who gamed 946 marks out of a total of 1,000 and the Roberteon Scholarship, to Mr. Thomas Sten-house of Hampatead, who gained 595 marks out of total oi 72o. These scholarships are of the annual value ot 30, and arc tenable during the i who are required to take the degree of M.A., or second year's theological scholarship, of the' value frf20, yarded to Mr. Thomas M'Gregor, ot Shields, whose papers earned 602 marks out of a total r.f 70.n jl reports were received from the examiners, of the Hamilton scholar, Mr.

John Reid, of Salford of Duncan scholar, Mr. Thomas Molyneux of Liverpool, undergraduate students the former of University of Glasgow, the latter of Trinity College, Dublin; and of the Gillespie scholar Mr James Morton, of London, a theological student third year. Arrangements were made for eiv-ing candidates the exit examination, which is held, printed papers and orally, at the cloBe of the theological course, the option of obtaining ther a simple pass or honours. Aughstacloy Base- of Hope, The first demonstration in connection with the Aughnacby Band Hope Association was held on Tuesday, the 16th inst The two bands of which it is composed as-Mmbled- in their respective places of meeting, the Presbyterian and Wesleyan School-rooms, at twelve o'olock, and having rmed into rank, united, to the number of about 200, and, headed by the Baliy-gawley flute band, marched in procession, carrying number of flags and banners with appropriate mottoes, through the town and out to Garvey the residence of Robert Montgomery, Esq where every arrangement that kindness and thoughtful-ne3S could suggest had been made for toe entertainment of the visitors. After the young per.ple amused themselves in various ways, were distributed, and then, a photographic view having been taken of each association separately, the magnificent rains of Garvey Castle forming a background to the picture, the procession reformed and stsrted for home, which they reached five o'clock.

After a hearty tea, and some first-rate speeches, the parties broke up at eight o'clock knowing what to be most delighted with the splendid wjather. tit* rendition at Garvcv. or tho perfotmauce of the Kailygawhry flute baud. Giant praise- is due to Mr. Airs.

Montgomery for the exertions they made to promote the enjoy nrent of party, and ti the Rev. Mr. Adderlny ior his kindness iu bringingover the band. Correspondent. SewTOWKASDS A3 A MILITARY Gektre.

We the capabilities of this town as a oentral depot military and we are gtad to know that there is a strong probability, if not a certainty, that salubrious fmd most suitable locality has been chosen as the locale of a central depot, and that barracks will be erected capable of accommodating some 4. 000 aoi fliers. Than th practice-ground iu the towtiparts there is no better place in Ireland ior puipssc, snd so commodious is it ia this i-ysct Hit tk Royal Irish CVEitalirlury vserc sent c-jr- fur vjtfcuise iu their training ivioipia)U 1 7.1011 u-fc. Juy3Nii.e Exocesion. Al-oiit three hundred children, boy and girls, connected with Whitehall Street Sunday-schools, Clones, and accompanied by their teachers, arrived at Enniikillen on Wednesday mornipg to enjoy their annual excursion.

They visited Castleooolo (Earl of Belmore's seat) in early part of the day, and had refreshments served to them in, a 6e3d there by the consideration their friends. Having marched through the seen anything woith returned again by the p.m. train. Lv7 or Cat n-ndcr. from a of yt I on by tan for 200 has This rmm nf aU matte of ely phonal andTrCteltZ arc charged as adverttiiemBnta, Casual Advertiaomenta must In p.

i viuij case oe pre-oaia. No orders for odd papers attended to nnleas postage ktj pay tor aame. HIGH WATER AT BELFAST-Moming, 10h. 16m. Evenlr.u -This Dav.

10a. 31in. BELFAST: SATURDAY, SEPT. 20, 1873. The Spanish Cortes, at their night sitting on Thursday, approved by a majority of 124 aaainst the proposal to suspend the session till January next, leaving Castelar practically dictator during the recess.

A telegram from Port Ven-dres states that the peasants and working men of Estremadura have resolved to oppose the exportation of cereals from their province. They have sent a deputation, composed of members of their own body, to the Civil Governor of Bada-30s to announce this decision to him. That ofli-cial, however, declined to support their viaWs. Socialists are taking advantage of the state of aifau-s, and disturbances are expected. The Insurgents in Eciga have interrupted communication on all the roads leading to their town.

General Parea has, however, sent Senor Lopez Pinto with troops to re-establish them, and to put down the insurgents. Ths judge of Erzdeka, Frontera, has summoned all the captains of volunteers by him to answer tho accusation of rebellion against the constituted authorities. A cable telegram from New York brings news of several heavy failures having taken place. The fjrms of Messrs. Jay Cooke Co.

-and Messrs. Pisk Hatch have suspended payment and an uneasv feelino- haa immi ir, 4 J---; in jt cgai LL lu some other houses connected with railroad enterprises. Fourteen firms in all have already failed, consequence of which there ha.s been a heavy run on the banks, some of which, including the first National Bank in Washington, have closed. Tho death announced. of the Emperor of Morocco is A Versailles telegram says the statement published by the Frame that the Comte de Chambord has congratulated the Archbishop of Pans on his charge to the clergy of his diocese is denied in Legitimist circles.

An inquest was held in the General Hospital yesterday on the bodv of ths Cougan, who died in that institution on the previous day in consenuenrm nf in-inra on tamed by the bursting of a boiler at Albert Quay on the loth of August. The jury, after having heard the evidence, returned a verdict accordingly, and added that, in their opinion, tha accident was attributable to the carelessness of some person or persons in placing tha boy in charge of the boiler, ha being under age. A terrible tale of railway disaster roaches us from beyond the Atlantic. Our American cousins have few equals in energy, and the results of their enterprise are really gigantic but their goaheadism occasionally leads to recklessness. Iu the management of the vast system of railway that intersects nearly every district in the United States there is too often that want of caution which, within the last few weeks, has led to such loss of life on some of the lines of Great Britain.

The Chicago and Alton Railway is one of the most important lines in that s'ection of the States, and, no to the data of the accident to which we refer, was famed for the degree of safety which attended its operations. For some time past it had been arranged by the chief superintendent that the up train should lie by on a siding until the down train had passed on. We should have stated that a very large business is done on this line. On Saturday, the 30th a passenger train, consisting of fifteen ordinary cars and two "sleep-" ing ones, each of these fully occupied, was on its way to Chicago. A freight trainthat ia, what we in this country call a goods train was running in the opposite direction.

This train was made up of twenty-five heavily-laden coal and corn cars, and was drawn by a 45-ton 10-wheelerengine. Thecondtictorofthisimmense line of cars had arrived at the spot where he should have shunted his cars on to the lie-" by," and the station-master told him to do so but the other refused to lose the time, and said he could run to tha nest station before tha pas-senger train had arrived there. "I'll do the work or burst the boiler," were the parting words of the conductor as he jumped on his engine and dashed away in spite of all remonstrance. Putting on full speed, the reckless man swept along the track, and in fen minutes afterwards the powerful engine of the freight train met the lighter one of the nas- senger train, and completely smashed it as well as several of the cars, ana caused others to roll over an embankment. The acena, as described by a passenger, exceeded all that could be conceived of the horrifying.

Both engine-drivers were killed, the brakesman shared the same fato, and dead and mutilated bodies were strewn about on all sides. One of tho brakes men, at tho time of the accident, had been standing on a car laden with iron rails, and when his remains were found among the wreck a number of the rails had got twisted round the body. A Chicago paper, in its report of this terrible catastrophe, says All the passengers who escaped were nnremit-tirg in their attentions to the wants of thewounded. Mrs. Robert M'Cart, of Bloomington, orked with a will, and did everything ia hor power to mitigate the Bufl'erings of the aflliotcd.

She taro her skirts, wrappers, and all superfluous clothing into bandages, and with nimble fingers did excellent service in drpBRlncr t.h -wnTlnrlpr) Onfl mnn in f.o j-vrrtinaT-T. lriilrpr mif: j-mp. aF fcno n-n i.v. ULL Jl. I 1 JJLU.UCU JL1LJ3 WHO UUU 1117 Hnfl K-aljoffl.

men on wp.a fitaniiincr nn n. laden with iron rails, when tha accident happened. He got caught in the wreck, and when discovered the iron rails were twisted around his remains like Laoeoon encircled with serpents. Captain William Little, of Spiiugficld, who is now dead, gave to Mr. Burgess his watch and diamonds, requesting that thev he delivered to his wife.

Hft w.i anTinno fe see a lawyer before his death, and finally an old gentleman of Lemont, who said he was one of the legal profession, made his appearance. In the presence of this gentleman and several of tho pas-aencrera. ha made a verbal will, bennpn.f.'hinnr nil ia property to his wife. Mr. Burgess, knowing the lawless character of mauy of the people along the canal in the vicinity of the accident, organised a train guard to look after the baggage and express property.

Among the passengers was an insaiie boy, who was handcuffed and on his way to Jacksonville. He was in the smoking-car at the time of the accident, and was mysteriously pitched out in the swail against the fence. His sister was in the rere sleeper, and, after the excitement had subsided, she determined to go in search of him. Her efforts wars successful. She brought him back perfectly crazy, and talking about pie-ties," All this is sad in the extreme, and ihe lesson it teaches may be learned with profit by the proprietors of railway stock on this side as well as those beyond the great sea which divides the United Kingdom from the Western Republic, the case to which we refer, the madheaded recklessness of ono man lias left many wive8 widows and many children fatherless.

A dark cloud has been cast over numbers cf households, and left vacant not a few family chairs. The owners of stock in the Chicago and Alton Railway cannot be looked upon as morally accountable for the loss of life and the hardly less lamentable mutilations of injured passen- sengers, bat all those shareholders must pay largely for the conduct of their officer. Eail-wayism has become one of the absolute necessities of nearly all civilised lands, and the degree of safety by which the travelling public able to pass on its way over the different lines becomes every iU- a matter of more im- portance. We need not refor to the accidents that occur to passengers through their own TOfmf. nf nnirtrr fja rlftcrrflfi of VloilanCG Otl part of officials could prevent casualties in cases where passengers tail to loon aner tneir own personal safety.

But there is yet some- tnina; to be done tor tne prevail won acci dents, and several of those winch nave lately-occurred ia England are illustrative of the fact. Is quite true that both in the United Eiag- Wxt (ESTABLISHED is on ti the VACANCY J'pR A CLERGYMAN WILL sac-rtly the Parish of TlRTrrwp.aTTr TTifni-Tnntifm reraardinf it lrt the Parochial Noomiators, Rathfriland. isjd. H842 WANTED IM MED LATELY, A GOOD steady, respectable Engineman and Finisher for a Bleach Held (piece work); average earnings, Twenty -two shillings per week Apply to ROBERT VtUSCiS, Mercantile Registry Ofhce, Cora.EychriDge, Belfast. 12L50 GENTLEMEN OF INFLUENCE WANTED JI to represent the Poictive Governmeat Sesu-nty Life AssuKsnca Compmy in every town in tho and Midland Counties where thelCom-aentei or insufficiently repre- For Agencies, Life Proposal Forms, or Shares apply to R.

DO UGAN, Manager for the Northern and Midland Couutios, 27, Lombard Street, Belfast. 5079 THE LADIES' REFERENCE OFFICE 21, COLISCiK Strkkt RS. REYNOLDS REQUIRES FOR THE and 1st Onknhor maids, good Plain Cooks for the country, Upper House-maids, House and Parlour-maids, Children's-matds, first-class General Servants, and Butlers. They are required for the beat situations; and Sei-vants are requested to make early application to Mrs. REYNOLDS, at her Office, 11 to 4 o'clock 11515 THE LATEST FASHIONS AUTUMN AND WINTER, 1873.



M'AULEY, SILK MERCERS AND GENERAL DRAPERS, 1, 3, fe 5, Donegall Place. 12045 DRAWING FOR THE MILLION. The publication in Weekly Numbers of CASSELL'S PENNY DRAWING-COPY BOOKS affords an opportunity to all parsons to render themselves proficient in the Art of Drawing. Cassell, Pettjje, Galpin and all Booksellers 12180 TOWN OF CAVAN. THE COMMISSIONERS OF THE ABOVE Town will receive Proposals from 3 party for conducting the Purcbaia and Slaughtering of Pork Pigs, subject to the controul of Commissioners.

with reference, will be received until the 29th by 0 JAS. MAGUIRE, Sec. Sept. 14, 1873. 12192 LEFT 4, TOMB STREET, BELFAST, on TUESDAY, 16th WILLIAM WILLIAMSON had on dark brown coat, grey trousers, felt hat, wool shirt, and blncher boots-aged 21 years.

Any information left at News-Lrtler Office will be thankfully received by his friendf. 12208 LOST. LOST, NEAR LARNE, ON 15th INST. A Black, or Brown and Tan SHEEP DOG, answering to the name of "Help." Anyone returning same to me, at CAIRN-CASTLE LODGE, Larne, or BALLY OR AIG Antrim, will be Rewarded. 32074 J.


Sent 9ZrJ EXCURSION TICKETS from Belfast, Knock, and Dundonald, by 10-45 a.m, Train 4s, 3s 6d; And from intermediate Stations on County Down Railway at Single Fares. These Tickets will also be issued by the 7-30 a m. Down Train. THOS. C.

HAINES. General Manager's Office, Balfast, I9th 1873. 121S0 BELFAST, HOLYWOOD, AND BANGOR RAILWAY. UNCLAIMED PROPERTY. MIOTICS IS HEREBY GIVEN, THAT ALL Uncahed for or Unclaimed Property, Left luggage, Goods, or Parcels left in oustody of the Company, prior to March 1st, 1873, will be SOLD, 11 not Clatmod before the 30th inst THOMAS C.

HAINES. General Manager's Office, Belfast, Sept. 15, 1873. 11981 EDO" CATION. A YOUNG LADY (PROTECTANT) DESI1ES bchoA or Family in the JSforth of Irelaad, A J3 fi -71 iiULireasi, -u.

Uihce, Liverpool." 11997 K3NCH LANGUAGE AND LITERATURE. Mons. A. BREUILLE, B.Sc. Paris).

MORNING and EVENING CLASSES for Gentlemen now in course of formation. Private Lessons. A Special Course of FRENCH COMMERCIAL CORRESPONDENCE will be opened on MONDAY, the 6 th of October, at 11 485 39, BOTANIC TERRACE, Dublin Road. FRENCH LANGUAGE. ftTADAME DOB1.E BEGS TO ANNOUNCE -LJL she is Drenarerl to roflnmp.

hfr Tnitinno irA that she intends to open FRENCH EVENING CLASSES at her Residence, 33, EGLINTON STREET, on 22nd inst. 12L22 WANTED, A VISITING- TUTOR TWO Evenings in the Week, from 7 to 9 o'clock (neighbourhood of Queen's College), for English Composition, Arithmetic, Address, stating terms, "Box 146, Post Office, Deuast. 12118 CLERK AND SCHOOLMASTER AND Infant Schoolmistress. Wanted, for Annalong Church and Schools a Clerk and Master, and also an Infant Schoolmistress. Either the Master or Mistress will be required to teach and take part in Church Music, and to play the Harmonium.

Joint ealarits 50 per annum, with a House and nearly half-an-acre of ground rent free. Apply, enclosing testimonials, to Rev. A. DUDGEON, The Parsonage, Annalong, Kilkeel, Co. Down, J2073 DANCING, DEPORTMENT, DRILLING, AND CAL1STHENIC EXERCISES.

1TR.ANDMADAMESKINNERDELEfiNGLEE i.TJL will now be happy to engage with Schools and hamilies in und out of town. Their Academy in the Large Hall, No 19 LINENHALL STREET (next to the Ulster Hall), will be OPENED for the Season on WEDNESDAY, 1st October, 1573, for both Day and Evening Classes. Prospectuses, with dajs, hours, terms, can be had at Messrs. Hart Chukchill'b, or from Mr. or Madame SKINNER, 6, Franklin Place (a uviiaau, lata 12216 ANTRIM UNION SCHOOLMASTER WANTED.

HE BOARD OF GUARDIANS ARE desiroiis of obtaining the services of an ax-penonoed SCHOOLMASTER. He must be a Single Man, of good moral character, and competent to efficiently tha dufi Salary 4o per annum, with furnished apartment andrstioiM. Periodical gratuities are also awarded by the Oomrriissionera of mnmf -n, n- factory progress of the childien, as certified by the District Inspector. AppUcation3, with testimonials enclosed, to be lat6r thsn Twel7e o'clock Noon THURSDAY, the 25th inst. Candidates to be in attendance at Two o'olock p.m.

on that day; and the person elected will be re-quired to enter upon his duties immediately (By order) Ti- Cldk of Union. Union Office, Antrim, 5th 1S73. li572 It J. of to 22g, of One not i )j'UJyJ AT ma ikish eikiit mvwTHE vjcsrei. special telkgbam.

A I. TK.iii. DUBLTS-, FRIDAV. important and interesting co-( tions, between the Irish Eight (this year's wrs of the Echo Shield) and the Viceregal tram ca-0 off at Dollymount. The match hd been by his Excellency the Lord T.v-t, alwavs manifested mi pit li tt in epur wag matters in general.

The Viceroy, aceompar led by her Escel-lency the Countess Spencer, drove to DollymcHnt with a distinguished suite, including Lo-d c-c-dish. About half-past twelve o'cfoBtc this sirt." took place over the ranges, and were iC limited assembly, amongst which were the i 4-i Mayor, the Mayor of Cork, Major I.eeca, Mr. tice Barry, and Lord- Kingston The feh shot two men short, so that the term Irish -'v't must be considered as a misnomer. The vri--nl ings opened with a sweepstake match, at in which the following contested Eari SpenceV Lord Kingston, Captains Brydges, Muir'lLvij' Hntton, and Walker; and Messrs. Riley, iiil-'e-Rigby, -Joyce (Belfast), Johnson, Llny.f' ParkaD Banks, Wahrington, and Greenhill.

The first pirz (a small sum of money) was won by Captain Muir" and five others divided second honoui's and The match of the meeting was shot at arris and was between the Irish team and the team, the former winning eaaily by many points'o spare. His Excellency shot in all the and scored some of the highest in the list. Excellency seemingly took a lively interest in tv" shooting, and regarded the sport with attentin' The shooting concluded shortly before six o'clock' Mr. Bailas kept the score for the Irish team Mr. Foster for the Viceregal.

FERMANAGH AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY. FECIAL TELEGRAM, Ths annual show of the Fermanagh Agricultural Society was held in Irvinestown yesterdiy. a drizaling rain fell, but gentlemen and farmers attended very fairly, amongst those presint being Captain Archdall, M.P., Colonel Irvine, Nichola3 Mervyn Archdall, Captain Barton, Henry Bichardaon, D.L., Major D'Arcy, MajorM'Ciinteck, The show of stock was small, probably on it-count of the rAnoval of the show from Eanii.killn1 but the quality was much improved. Bulls and stallions showed very well, the farmers maiiog aa good exhibition aa gentlemen farmers; and, they rather surpassed gentlemen in cows, pigs, aui poultry, which was of a superior description. Tiie judges of horses were Major MClintock, Janus Mackay, Qmagh; and Gerald Irvine, sq cf cattle and sheep and pigs John Smyth, Keh Clogher; Wiison, Esq of Ford; Dr.

and M. G. Burke, Esq. In the bulls first prize was taken by A. M.

Archdall. second, by Earl of EamskiUen; and in the ianaer's class, the first and eecond prizes were by William Beatty and Samuel Johnston. (gentlemen's) N. M. ArchdalL 1st prizs; irvine, 2nd do.

(farmers), George iVeir, Utpriz-; Thomas Hall. 2nd do. Stallions (hunters or bar! ness), (gentlemen's) Captain Archdall, 1st priz--; Lord Cole, 2nd do; for agricultural pursues, Sir Victor Best mare, with foal Thomas Graham, 1st prize; Wm. Wilson, 2nd do. -William Wilson, 1st prize; Christopher Coulsor, 2nd do.

Breeding ewes Christopher Couison. Is: Wm. Wilson, 2nd do. Shear ewes Johnston, 1st prize; William Wiison, 2cd do. THE A Liect-GbxbbalSib AbthvrCcs ysuuaxe, K.C.B leaves Dublin in a few days for the Cape cf Go.yd Hops, in which colony he has been appointed Commander cf her Majesty's Forces.

Sir Arthur has just completed an extensive and most tour through the North and East of Europe. from Hamburg, he travelled over Denina: Sweden, and as far as Tronoim, back Lv carrick over the Ural Mountains to bunds the Swedish coast, thtnee to Swedish, n- ii sian, Finland, abeautiful country almost unknown tr the travelling world across Finland, in the run; springless carts of the country, to Viborg, thence to St. Peterburg. From St. Petersburg Sh Arthur went to Moscow, and being strc-moued home unexpectedly, abandoned his intention of going via Kiji Novgorod and Hasan to btrg, oa the frontier cf Independent Tartary, ani returned via Warsaw and Berlin.

The 80th Depot, under Cptaia Dunn, will be attached to the 04th Regimc-nt at g-r, the barracks at Armagh are prepared i.r tne reception of the depots of those corps which arc to lorra tne oonn origaue uepor. On the embarkation of the 2nd Battalion Brigade and the 2nd Battalion 23rd Fasilbrs Africa, the Depot, with the women and chiidrer, wiil remain in Ireland. The 105th Regiment is expected to arrive at Portsmouth, from Bombay, on the January nest. The 10th Company Royal Engineers has moved from Dover to Aidershot, and the 2Sth Cscpany from Aidershot to Dover The Depot Companies of the 105th Light Irian, try have proceeded to Sheffield, there to await tie arrival of head quarters from India. The facings of the Highlanders are to Le changed from green to blue, in tiommeraora'i'in of the recent presentation of colours to the rcgimccr, at Parkhurat, from her Majesty.

THE AUXILIARY FORCES. Antrim Rifles. His Royal Highness the Field Marshal Commanding-in-Chief, with the concurrence of the Secretiry of State for War, has approved of leave of absence to the loth prox. beir.3 granted to Captain F. Austin, Royal Aotria Rifles, Ac ting-Pay master of the regiment.

Death op a Balltmena Max it Ths following is from the Quebec Mercury of September:" Our obituary columns contain the announcement of the death of an old, respectaKe citizen, M. Herbison, Esq late Deputy Supervisor of Cullas. Mr. Herbison uas a native of Billy-mena, County Antrim, Ireland, and was ior nc-avir sixty years a resident of Q.uebec. The decvassd was appointed head clerk in the Cullas CilLv- en its organisation in 1S42, and held the position cf Dmitv SunervtRrir for river ji-nnsiT-r of a having retained to the last the esteem oi the mercantile commanity and his fellow-citizens.

Tire deceased gentleman was born in Baliymeca ia 1794, and was brother to Mr. David Bcrbisuc, Dun dug. Sudden- Death. Newry, Tecksdav. This morning, as a lady natupd Wickbam.

-years of age. was waiting ibe arrival cf the train from Warrenpoint. at Dubl'i Bri'ic- she became suddenly ill, and expired, in a r. no-ments. Drs.

Ross and Kean were imms-dialy oa the spot, but life was found to be already i The medical gentlemen having certitied tha: disease of the heart was the cause of death it was not considered necessary to hold an in-nuest on tae body, which was at once removed to the of H. B. Moorehead, a relative of the ceased. Railway Pp.osecctios. Omagh, At the usual fort-nightly Petty Sessions id brio yfst-eTday, before Messrs Moonley.

i.v.-v.' nan, J.P., and Slack, J.P.. ths Lister snmm-ripd aT.r Taggart ior travelling from Derry to Onsogh wits-out a tieket; and a second summons ior railway porter, named M'Crcssau, in the diiK-ka his duty. The case was proved, an-i the was ordered to forfeit the amount of the and pay 5s costs; and for the second otftnee he was fined 10s, and 5s costs, or, in default, fourteen JvvV imprisonment. At the same Sessions a boy. ace.i thirteen years, was ordered to be sent for days to jail, and to be confined thereafter t'ar- a ars in a reformatory, for being one or a of four boys of the same age who knocked dv-sn and robbed a man near 0m3gh, a few days on public highway.

DSFRAUDISG A GiS COMPAXY HeAVV PbKa'TV. A butter and bacon factor, named Barron, has been lined 37 ISs for taking gas from the mains of the Wakefield Guts Company for his place of brtsi-ness. Asy Excuse ik a Storm. Sweet Emmeline to love, who is enjoyiisg a nice sail "Do you feel sea sick, Richard, dear Richard (with wcu ier-f in bravery) -T0, no. Umph I think the sarimps had for breakfast this morning must have been alive." Fun.

SrND ay Travelling nr Victoria. Adfpr.tati-'1'-! from the Presbyterian Aeaeuibly ot Victoria waitt-d the 5th July on the Commissioner of Hallways, iuLi agamst sunaay railway triveriing. The Commissioner replied that he must atuiy tho convenience of the public. A Light-hearted captain of a celebrated company's steamer, homeward brv.r.d, had the misfortune to run his ship a-sacrc at tfes back of the Isle of Wight. Nothing daunted, the gallant skipper, poking his first officer in the ribs, cheerily observed, We have struck iW A Shark at Euyl An unusual visitor to made its appearance on Sunday mominj, ia tire shape of a shark, measuriug upwards ot ten feet in length.

It ks.s discovered in a pool of water, tha receding tide, and was captured after a defperate struggle. Accohdikg t) the Journal a British traveller has arrivi-d ia the French capital iji news of Dr. Livingstone tiown to July. reports that the great traveilsr was than in got i health The telegram fails to indicate Ur. Livingstone's geographies! position at the time stated.

Informatics was received at Bow Street, London, on Monday, of the sudden death of hwpecwr Brennan, one of the oldest officers of the mctrep police force. The deceased had acted far soma years an agent in the Mint proeecutior end also istitrrly in the same cspicity to the tudtutrisi w.d r-etortnstory sdsoals. TiTLTvlAL Solwsss. The -iV 1 L-'J d---0 say the t.r alio Ll eilled riir 1 r. 5 among ail the rdginifiits of the l.ritu'fi holds the first place for the number oi its itf-l members.

Out of a strength of 700. no cr than have eigned the total abstiaeuce pledge. Thb Good Templar Body. A serioni dissensi'-f arisen among the Good Tenplars, si-i no pottarrt Fecticn of the Kritish is seco-red from the oiiuiiial bodv for varir-as u'-' reasons set forth in the declaration ci.dei:- e. step was taken at a meeting h.tld Chester.

The new body will be called The I'trSiS Tt-mrlar Order." Liverpool Daily Ciuritr. JOHN WARD. 12203 The Castle. TO STATIONERS, BOOKBINDERS, SHOPKEEPERS, AND WASTE DEALERS. IMPORTANT SALVAGE SALE.

To be Sold by Public AUCTION, on TUESDAY next, 23rd September, at Eleven o'clock (for ac count of whiun it may coiioro), on the Premises of Messrs. ROBT. CARS WELL Donegal! Place, Belfast, LARGE QUANTITY OF STATIONERY BOOKBINDERS' MATERIALS, As injured by the late Fire, consisting of 100 to 200 Reams Tissue Paper; 50 Reams Tea Paper; 300 Card Boards; One Rod White Web Cartridge; 4 Cwt. Purple Bags; 60 Reams Grocers' Brown Paper; 430 Reams Drab and Brown; 102 Reams 2tb. Tea do.

A large quantity of Leather Skins; Cloth for Binding, Marble, and Ornamental Papers; Wrapping Papers; Paper Cuttings; Several Tons of Waste Paper; And sundry other Articles. Also, at saiue time, Several Hundreds of Pieces of Paper Hangings; Cocoa Mats and Matting; Skin Rugs; And a large quantity of Paper Waste; Portion of tho Salvage oE Messrs. Chables Coatss Co. May be Viewed on the Morning of Sale. Terms Cash.

Purchasers to pay Auction Com-missicii. WILLIAM MONTGOMERY, Auctioneer, I2I49 Valuator, and Agent. SALVAGE SALVAGE SALVAGE ALBERT HALL SALE-ROOMS. On WEDNESDAY next, the 24th September and following day, at Eleven o'clock a.m. each day, the SALVAGE SALE of Messrs.

CHARLES COATES Elegant and Valuable Stock, very slightly damaged by water only, and removed from Donegall Place for convenience of Sale, will be Resumed in the above-named Auction Rooms. THE GOODS CONSIST OF Brussels, Tapestry, and Kidder Carpets, of the newest and most fashionable designs. Druggets, Mats, Certain Materials, Table-cloths, Hearth Rugs, Skin Mats. Leno and Lace Curtains, and Eider Down Quilts. Magnificent White Angora Goat Rug, 7 feot long.

Bollion Fringes. Oilcloths, in Roll and Squares, and numerous other Goods cssontial to a first-cla33 trade. Also will be offered several hundred pieces of Paper Hangings of this Season's Patterns. The Stock of Cirpets, Druggets, Rugs, and Oil-clotlu are especially worthy the attention of the Trade, as move desirable Goods have never before boon offered for competition in this market. Terms Cash, and 5 per cent.

Commission. WILLIAM MONTGOMERY, Auctioneer, Valuator, and Agent. The valuable and substantial Stock of CABINET FURNI IUaE will be offered for Sale by Auction in the following Week. T2U8 STATIONERY, PAPER, ACCOUNT BOOKS, SALVAGE SALE. MCARSWELL BEGS TO INTIMATE TO his Customers and the Public that the Salvage Sa as advertised, of the portion of his Goods injured by the late tire will not in any way interfere with his Business, which is being carried on as usual in 27, DONEGALL PLACE.

The Sale will be in another part of the building. Having now a full assorted Stock of Papers and Stationery, all Orders will have prompt execution. Temporary Workshops MILL STREET, where Paper, Stationery, are also on Sale. 12215 EMIGRATION TO ADELAIDE. SOUTH AUSTRALIA ASSISTED PASSAGES UNDER THE NEW LAND ORDER REGULATIONS.

(THEE GOVERNMENT OF SOUTH AUS-JL TRALIA are prepared to grant PASSAGES to the following persons 1. Artisans, Agricultural and other Labourers, Miners, and Gardeners, under 50 years of age. 2. Single Female Domestic Servants, or Widows without Children under 12), not exceeding 3o years of age. Subject to the payments as under For Males or Females under 12 years of age, 3 each ditto ditto over 12 and under 40, 4 each ditto ditto over 40 and under 50, each.

Persons paying their own Passage receive a Land Warrant of the value of 20. For further information, apply to J. DYER SON, 16, Ann Street, Belfast, U2(' Selecting Agent. FOR SALE. DOGS FOR SALE.

A VALUABLE POINTER DOG (TRAINED), L3l 2j years old also. Four very fins PUPS Apply, 12202)," Office cf this Paper. FOR SALE, ANDSTONE RUBBLE AND ROCK RUB. BISH. at the GAS WORTTS Contractor's Office, Gas Ormeau Road, Belfast, September 18, 1873.

12115 FOR SALE, 8-HORSE HIGH PRFSmre STtliw. Boiler, and a Soda Water complete. Apply to WM. JOHN M'COY, Mill Street, Belfast. Sept.

14th, 1873. 13933 SALE, A HANDSOME CHESTNUT MARE. 1V Hlfll-nPU- rt rrava t)A I.n examined by a V.S.; has been trained as a charger and to double and single harness; likely to make a good Hunter or Steeplechase Mare. Apply st Mr. JOHN ROBSON'S Horse Bazaar, 31 33, Chichester Street, Belfast.

120O2 HANDSOME TURN-OUT. SALE, A HANDSOME PHAETOW. TW food order- b. wKll.tnwn TtT.arnr MARK, 7 years old; believed sound; is well-bred, quic-t to ride; has been hunted, and constantly driven by a lady. Apply, (12189)," Office of this Paper.

TiO BE DISPOSED OF, EXTENSIVE BUSINESS PREMISES in the WHITE LINEN HALL, consisting nf T.n Stores, and very good Office. Apply to Messrs. JOHN S. FERGUSON, CO. Belfast, Sept.

6, 1873. 11586 FOR SALE, rgpHEES SASHES FRAMES COMPLETE. JL witn Sautters, Marble Chimney-piece, and Registered Grate, Kitchen Range and Chimney-piece, and two Parlour Doors. Apply at 153. Derby Place, Falls Road or to ROONEY MOONEY, 5, Denmark Street.

12131 BRICK, TILS, AND LIME WORKS. A VALUABLE WORKS, DOING A FAIR business, and capable of great extension, will Sold on reasonable terms, the Owner having to devote his entire lime to other business or an acting Partner, with capital, would be treated with Address, care W. H. Smith Aobey Street, Dublin." 12008 FOR SALE, ifNE STRONG 25-HORSR RRAM s-vriTxr-r- 26 inch Cylinder, 3 ft. 10 in.

stroke; spur segment Fly-wheel, about 16 feet diameter, in. pitch, 7 in. broad; two mortised Nat-wheels; air-pump, boiler pump, and governor, with variable cut-off motion complete; wrought-iron fly-shaft, in. diameter, and wrought-iron crank. Is about be removed for a larger Engine.

Apply to MILE WATER SPINNING York Road, Belfast. 941Q COUNTY ANTRIM. FARM OF LAND FOR SALE, BY PRIVATE CONTRACT. THE SUBSCRIBER JS PREPARED TO i-r-rosve Proposals for Sale of his FARM at KILROttX, containing 09 acres 1 rood 20 perches, Statute measure. Tho Land is in liiok i ti: ir ,7 "'ft--1 "i uuiuvuucn, ana nearly all in Grass.

order6 3ubatantiaUy bndt, and in good For particulars, apply to the Prrmr5 I itccd r.uiKKD. Trr dhtc uai-rp-r j--r cr. 'i tho Liver, Ac, fee. "Ppocne, Aiiec- tha most 'agreeable and one of the mnt 1 a inter a too free indulgence over ui'trht and spirits, a morning of this valuable medicine, its effects are truly In large Bottles. 2s.

C. CATHERY, 12. Dalston Rie. Har.knsv. Wholesale of all Patent Medicine Houses.

Sold by all Chemists. Agents for Belfast Messrs. Ball Donegal! Place Co Aroifceesries' EW). gsjs Certifying Surgeon's District. Of this number 506 belonged to the fix mill and factory classes, 3,674 to the artisan and labouring classes, and 413 to the gentry and mercantile classes.

In all three classes the greatest mortality was from phthisis and chest affection. The flax manufacturing operatives Buffer more from phthisis, than the other two classes, nearlv tlirafi- fifths of those that die annually being taken off oy diseases ol the respiratory organs, while in the other two classes the average amounts to about two-fifths. The death-rate in the preparing rooms is exceedingly high, being per tnousand the next class that suffers from the same disease is the hacklers, whose death-rate per thousand is 11-1; and the rate of mortality among the spinners and weavers is also great. "The reason that the machine-boys appear to suffer so "little is that when they become asthmatic, caused by flax dust, numbers of them leave the mills on account of suffering from chest affections, and go to other trades, where they linger out a diseased existence, or "die from phthisis." One cause of the fatality among the flax-manufacturing operatives is the habit of making bread and tea. the sole diet the consumption of stimulants is also producing sad havoc among the working classes, and not only hastening to death those who indulge, but impoverishing their families.

After minutely describing the various classes, and tha proportion to which they are affected, Dr. Purdon suggests (1). That no half-timers be allowed to work before they are ten years of age, in place of changing the sets every fortnight that the strong and well developed, who are "about twelve years old, be always kept in the "morningset, andbefore beina-soDlacedthatthe-v should be re-certified by the surgeon to be fit "for such employment (2), that nohalf-timera be employed in the unhealthy processes, and "that those who are so employed should be at "least fifteen years of age, healthy and well-" developed; (3), a thorough system of ventila-" tion should be carried out in these rooms "(4), ths wearing of the 'Baker Respirator' made compulsory; (5), a quarterly inspection "of the mill by the certifying surgeon, who should see the effect the work has on the constitution of those engaged, and if suffering from incipient disease they should he obliged to cease working also, there should be an' examination on every fresh enffasremBnt- fiiY "the lodging-houses, should be inspected "regularly, and not more than a certain allowed to inhabit each room." The pamphlet deserves attentive perusal, and it is hoped may ba useful in ameliorating the condition of a large section of the population of Belfast. Theatrb Royal Bkneiit Me. and Mes Banbmanh-.

The people who attended the Theatre last evening, on the occasion of the benefit of the two gifted artistes who are fulfilling a fortnight's engagement here, had the privDege of enjoying a really rich treat. "Macbeth" was the piece selected on the occasion the cast was powerful, and the representation of the noble tragedy was in every way unexceptional. Herr Bandmani), who has always borne the reputation of being an actor of high intellectual ability, further displayed that somewhat rare characteristic in his delineation of Macbeth last evening. His conception of tha part is evidently the result of lengthened study, and his interpretation was really admirable. In his hands, Macbeth, as the Earl of Southesk remarks, is no common assatsiD, but rather a man of an onamallv nohlfi and TiioKItt i 7 7, J1 JUaijLtXG.

Ihroughout the piece Mr. Bandmann showed his mastery oi tne character or. the tyrant, and presented him ia a manner that met with the full and hearty approbation of the audience. As Lady Macbeth, Mrs. Bandmann was very efficient.

Her acting was of high type, and partouk not a little of the intellectual character of her husband's delineation. She was frequently and warmly applauded. Mr. Warden sustained tha role of Mac-dti fia a manner no way inferior to that which lie haa shown in his representation of this, we might say, hia favourite character on previous ters inthe piece were sustained by the Kitrabers of Wfll-doiVjq (inmiiaur tirlirt iV 1 uu, MWL. LJ.

IS UlLtftU 1W eflbrts to make the moat of their parts, ably supported the three principal artistes, and the result wts that the play was well balanced and eiceliently represented. The performances concluded with ths amusing farce of "The Captain's Hot a-Mias." "Richard III." and "The Stranger" are announced for this evening. The M. Races. The Maze October meeting has been fixed for Tuesday, the 28th of October.

The reunion, it is hoped, will be productive of good sport. Ths Weather The following teleuram wain TV. ceived at the Harbour Master's Office yesterday Barometer falling fast at Valentia. South West wind freshening. Sea rising.

Independent Church, Dosegall Stbskt. It will be seen by advertisem*nt that the Rev. Wm. Roberts, of London, will preach in this church at morning service, ana Kev. John White at evening service, at which time Mr.

Roberts will preach at Albert Bridge Independent Church. Mr. Roberts an able preacher, and is sure to attract large ODDgregations. Street Accident. A man named James Keenan was taken to the General Hospital yesterday, hia ankle having been severelysprauied bythe fall off a ladder in Ciomac Street.

Car Accidkst. Gassy Dunn, an old woman, had her leg fractured yesterday by being run over by a car. She was taken to the General Hospital. The Boyal Navt. The Plymouth steamer, which arrived yesterday, had on board a number of hoys in the Royal Navy who have received leave of absence to visit their friends in this town and neighbourhood.

Sale of PitorKRTv. Mr. Cramsia held a sale on yesterday, at his mart, 10, Waring Street, of Bel-grave Cottage and plot of ground attached, situate Windsor Avenue. The biddings were Mr John Reilly, 250, 420; Mr. Gilbert Vance, 400 500, 520, 540, 555; Mr.

Cronbelm, 4So' 510; Mr. D. Brown, 5S0, 570, 580 000, 610, 620, 630, buyer; Mr. Freckelton 550, 505, 575, 585, 615, 625; Mr. John Gilmore, 605.

Mr. Thoa. Cinnamond, solicitor Donegall Street, had cwringe of tho sale. Lakse and Steaneabr Route Shortest Sea Passage. The following were amongst the passen-gers crossing yesterday W.

Jack, Ball -clare; C. W. Tweed, Larne; James Alexander, Ballyclare; W. Houston, Cam-money; Miss Ker, Stranraer; Samuel Foss. En Stranr.iPr- A.

Pillincr Ron frits Mrs. Pilling, Bolton; A. Mure, Esq Jam9S wrgconsnire; iur. ana airs. (Jlarfc, Kensington-.

J. Piwirifr. Kin .1, Vin tr-- 0 1 4LcZU. JLUm- fries; W. D.

Henderson, Esq Belfast; Mr. Close Bank; Master J. M'Gildownev Master Robert M'Gildowney, Bailycastle- Mr Mill. StanebrhJjm Mr. A.

V. Ju. u. w. iilKguu, Cbip, A.

Scheie- rieid, Sewoastle-ou-TyuB; F. J. Bayly E-u Gwport; Jos. Stranginan, Manchester- Mr' a-id Mrs. Tienes, Hoiywood; J.

Macintvre Fsn Rutherglen; W. Beck, Belfast; W. Remih Esq, SwitiKrland; Miss Henry, Kilkeel; Mrs! Dradie, Whithorn; Miss I. M. Moore, Mrs Moore MisB M.

Maddel, Craig Lodge, The Jmtiss Act. At the weekly mceting'of the Luroran Board of a the chair the clerk applied for compensation f.r preparation of the jurors' list and polling districts. After much discuBaioa, the Guardians allowed the sum of 25, which wan imamfiiously agzesa npoa aa sufficieat for the labour. J. a Jll the the the by of a had at not the to for this the 1 the of.

Belfast News-Letter from Belfast, Antrim, Northern Ireland (2024)


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Name: Arline Emard IV

Birthday: 1996-07-10

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Introduction: My name is Arline Emard IV, I am a cheerful, gorgeous, colorful, joyous, excited, super, inquisitive person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.