The Springfield Union from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)

THE SPRINGFIELD UNION, SPRINGFIELD, WEDNESDAY, JULY 14, 1937 4 New York Stock Exchange Review: Latest Industrial 4 and Financial News STOCKS UNEASY WITH MAJORITY CLOSING LOWER Downward Drift Attributed Largely to Profit Selling and Lack of Buying Interest STOCK AVERAGES Compiled by The Associated Press 30 15 15 60 Ind. Rails Util. Stks. Net change 1 Tuesday 94.2 40.6 41.8 67.5 Previous day 91.4 41.0 42.2 67.8 Month ago 89.1 40.3 40.3 64.5 Year ago 88.1 37.1 51.3 66,4 1937 high ......101.6 49.3 51.0 13.3 1937 low 87.9 36.1 39.1 62.6 1936 high 99.3 43.5 33.1 72.8 1936 low 73.4 30.2 55.7 MOVEMENT IN RECENT YEARS. 1932 low 17.5 8.7 23.9 16.9 1929 high 116.9 153.9 184.3 157.7 1927 low 51.6 93.3 61.8 61.3 NEW YORK, July 13 -Stocks shifted about uneasily in today's market and the majority closed fractionally lower with a few off 2 points or SO.

New winds apparently did little more than ruffle the market's sails and the generally downward drift was attributed by brokers largely to profit selling and lack of buying interest rather than to any. pronounced urge to liquidate. The Associated Press average of 60 stocks was off .3 of 8 point at 67.5. Transfers totaled 819,110 shares compared with 1,018,840 yesterday. The relative weakness of automotive issues bad a dispiriting effect on the list at the start and steels, which displayed an early tendency to add to their Monday's advance, finally slipped with the rest.

U. S. Steel Lively U. S. Steel again was one of the liveliest performers.

It canceled its loss in the final hour on the revival of gossip the corporation will soon do some financing involving rights to stockholders. The issue slipped slightly at the last and ended off of a point at Earnings prospects aided some stocks. especially American Can which jumped to But Douglas Aircraft and Union Oil of California were off an upturn in net for both concerns, the former at and the latter at Most oils, however. held to a narrow range. Texas Corp.

was up at Some farm implements continued in demand. Gains were retained by Deere at and International Harvester at Packing company issues were as higher meat prices were expected. Armour was up at and Wilson improved at John Morrell was ception, dropping 4 at 31 following yesterday's dividend omission. Chrysler lost at 103 and General Motors yielded at Demand for new cars was said to be easing in some sections. On Downside On the downside were Bethlehem Steel Westinghouse General Electric' Santa Fe N.

Y. Central Southern Pacific Consolidated Edison Public Service of N. J. Anaconda Kennecott Montgomery Ward U.S. Rubber Union Carbide and American Rolling Mill 37.

Higher were Western Union at Union Pacific Libby -Owens Loew's Newport Industries and Container Corp. 31. Bonds were quiet and mixed. A jump in wheat futures off 5 to 6 cents a bushel followed an uprush at Winnipeg on forecasts of an export shortage and black rust age. Corn -was unchanged to up Cotton gained 35 to 50 cents a bale.

Sterling and the French franc were virtually unchanged, but guilders rose swiftly in terms of the dollar as the French apparently sold dollar balances and bought gold in The Netherlands. No undue offerings of American securities by foreign holders was reported. Boston Market By The Associated Press High Low Close Ch'g Am Pneu Svc ..1 1 Am Pneu Svc pf Am Svc 1 pf 15 15 16 Bo Me pr pt Boston Elev East 6 East pt 44 44 44 Fast pr pf 63 63 63 SS East SS 2 pt 48 48 48 Edison El 135 Employers Gr 21 21. Gen Capital 43 43 43 Gilchrist Isle Royale 314 Mergenth Lino Nat Narrangst Re. 8 8 NE Nor Butte Old Col RR ....19 19 19 Quincy Mng ....8 8 8 Shwmt Assnct 13 13 13 Torrington Unit Gas Corp Shoe Mach 86 86 Utah Metal Venez Hold 1 U.S.

Government Bonds By The Associated Press TREASURY High Low Close 47-52 116. 115.30 115.30 43-45 106.18 106.18 106.18 4s 44-54 ....111.16 111.16 111.16 48 44-54 reg ....111.14 111.11 111,14 46-56 .109.30 109.30 109.30 43-47 106.31 106.28 106.31 41-43 Sick: .106.8 106.8 106.8 14-46 106.18 106.15 106.15 44-46 reg 106.11 106.11 46-49 105. 105. 105. 39 51-55 .102.30 102.30 102.30 3 55-60 .100.27 100.24 100.26 55-60 reg .100.20 100.20 100.20 45-47 ...102.29 102.23 102.23 51-34 99.30 99.28 99.30 56-59 99.23 99.23 99.21 49-53 98.1 98.1 98.1 FARM MORTGAGE 38 49 .102.18 102.16 102.18 61 .103.2 103.2 .103.2 HOME OWNERS LOAN 33 A 53 .102.9 102.8 102.9 49 100.20 100.18 100.20 42-41 .100.10 100.7 100.10 U.

S. TREASURY BALANCE WASHINGTON, July 13 -The United States Treasury balance a8 July 10 was $2,508,209,169.65. Complete New York Stock Exchange Closing Quotations -By The Associated Press Leased Fire. Sales (la 100s) High Low Close Ch's. 4 AcmeStl 76 76 13 Adams Exp 5 AirReduc' 3 AirWayEA 7 AlaskaJun 43 Alleghany 5 41 7 227 9 Allied Mills 23 29 AlliedSt 19 1 AlliedStpf 17 77 77 33 Al-ChMig 2 AlphalCem 25' 25 25 2 AmalLea Amerada 92 93 -1 2 AmAgCD 94 94 13 AmBk Note 1 AmBkSh 63 63 63 14 AmCan 102 1 AmCanpt 156 156 156 1 3 83 10 31 311 6 AmCoAlco 223 1 AmCrySug 10 AmEncausTil 9 9 12 1 53 53 53 4 1 AmHawaiSS 16 16 5 1 pt 1 A HomePxd 43 43 43 -5-16 2 Om Ice pf 5 AmInternat 7 Am Loco 5 AmM 20 2 Am Metal 51 29 10 3 5 52 52 22 21 81 AmRollMill 38 37 37 7 AmSeating 27 27 37 93 20 3 Am AmStiFdrs Snuff 3 4 AmStores 18 18 2 AmSugarR 4784 1 AmSugpf 12 AmSumatT 9 168 5 Am Tob 16 AmTob 18 AmTypeFd 1 42 AmWat 7 Am Woolen 4 Woolpf 63 65 65.

47 14 14 45 Anaconda 3 AnchCap 21 21 1 APWPaper 357 ArmIlI 21 ArmstrgCrk 57 366 ArmstCkrt ArnoldCon 13 13 13 9 AssdDryGds 18 10 821 2 Atchispf 98 98 12 AtICLine 18 AtiReAn 32 3 AtlasCpf AtlasCorp 1 Atlas Pow 71 71 71 2 AuburnA 1712 17 8 AustNich AviatCorp 61 7 34 BaldwLoc 61 20 BaldwLasd 5 41 29 7 29 8 33 33 9 BarberCo 1 BarkerBros 26 26 26 20 Barnsdall 2 BayukCig 1 BeatriceC Belding-H 8 BendixAv BenefILn 22 34 BethStl 92 2 BethStlipf 118 118 5 6 Blaw- Kr 25 25 48 BoeingAir 33 5 BohnAlum 43 421 9 Borden 20 Borg arnr 45 2 BotanyCMA 17 BridgeptBr 18 10, 2-Bristol Briggs 41 41 42 41 2 37 10 BklynManT 21 7 BklynMTpf 68 63 Bklyn UGas BrownShoe 45 45 BrunswBal 2 Bucy-Erie 18 14 Budd Mfg 9 BuddMfgpt 75 75 75 Budd Bulova Wheel Wch 56 1 BurlngMills 12 18 19 BAdMa 3 BushTer 1 19 19 19 2 7 ButlerBr ButBrspf 23 7 15 ByersCo 23 2 ByronJ 29 4 CalifPck 36 36 36 1 CalPpf 51 51 51 31 Calz-L 4 13 15 14 6 CampWy 16 CanDGA 50 12 1 3 CapAdA 2 CarpStl 1 3 CaseJI 160 169 3 Cat Tract 26 Celanese 5 Celotex 42 42 10 Cent Fdy 8 8 2 Cent RRNJ 191 2 Cen Vi Sg 123 6 Cer de Pas 15 Cert-tecd 15 14 2 Chm 17 56 513 Ches Cor 79 9 4 3 1 pt 12 12 12 1 ChiGt West 2 ChiG Wpf 7 ChiMailOr 1 CAISPP 2 2 2 20 CMSPPpt 48 3 ChiPuT 41 41 8 ChiPneuT 26 26 SE 1 1 2 2 ChiYel1Cab 16 48 2 Chrysler ChildsCo 11 103 11 103 11 2 City 2 CityStrs 76 2 Clark Equip 39 39 39 3 ClevGrapB 41 32 90 CluettP CluettP 10 Colgate-P 19 19 54 54 54 3 ColFuelIr 38 38 2 39 2 ColumPvtc 301 30 30 10 ComiCred 63 9 CominvTr 65 21 ComiSolv 31 2 5 Spf 34 55 65 2 CondeNast 131 5 Cong-Na. 37 37 4 Cons.Airc ConCoal 9 32 Con Edis 351 11 Contiispf 103 Con Film 3 2 Con Filmpf 13 72 ConOil 1614 29 ConText 56 ContCorp 311 31 1 ConRI.Supf 61 Sales (in 100s) High Low Close Ch'g. .60 FoodMpf. 114. 114 114 40 Fuller2pf 33 .40 Gamewell 25 25 .20 GenMillpf 120 120 120 .50 GSCastpf 61 58 58 .10 GothSHpf .10 Ham Watchpf 104 104 104 1.60 IntRCAm.

.10 IRCAct 614 .10 IntSilvpf .50 123 .40 Kinneypt 45 45. .20 LacIGpf 30 30 -30 .20 .80 Lorillpf. 130 130- 130 .30 Mengel5pf .30 MidiSt1 1pf .10 MilElRy pt 98 98 08 .40 Min HnypB 114 114 114 .10 57 57. 57 .30 Mulling pf 92: 1.80 Murphy pf 106 106. .10 NatDPpfB 111 111 111 2.80 NatDStrspt 7 1.20 Newber5pf 106 106.

106 .30. 23 23 23 2.40 NYDock 9 9 1.10 NYDockpt 19 .20 100 100 1.90 90 1.60 PacCst 9 .10 106 106 106. .30 PacCipt 29 1.60 PacC2pt 17 .10 Panhpt .20 Parafpt 100 100 100 1.00 PhilRTr 5 5 .20 PhilRTpf 2.30 PitStlpf 92 91 91 .20 33 33 33 .10 PitUnpf 100 100 :100 1.10 2.20 PureOilpf 110 110 .10 ReynoldsT .10 SafeSt7pf 108: 108 108 .10 SafeSt6pf 101 101. 101 .30 ScottPaper 39 .10 SheafPen 35 35 35 3.20 171 166 169 .20 SlossSSpf. 101.

101 101 .40 Spald1stpt 61 61 61 1.20 SpangShpt 1.00 ..10 SpicerpfA SpiegelIpf 46 87 46 46 1 .10 UnitE Biscpt .30 UnivPi1stpf 70 68. 70-. .50 22: 22 .60 WcPeEl7pf 94 .20 WPP6pfex .50 99. 99 1 .40 WriAero Sales, 819,110 shares. Foreign Markets LONDON, July .13 (AP) Stocks closed irregular.

Transatlantics, mines and home rails were Arm, off slightly from the highs. Industrials and oils were uneven. our PARIS, July 13 (AP)--The Bourse closed generally. heavy. Government bonds had losses as high as 90 points.

Bank of France ended 80 points net lower. LIVERPOOL, July 13 (AP) -Wheat futures closed to higher. Cotton ended quiet and steady, 1 to points lower. Investing Companies By The Associated Press Bid Asked Admin Fd 2nd Inc 18.71 19.90 Affiliated Inc 10.17 11.20 Amerex Iold 26.50 28.25 Am Business Shrs 1.21 1.33 Am Gen Eg Inc 1.08. 1.20 Ani Stocks 5.25 6, Asso National 7.63 8.50 Asso Stand Oil 7.50.

8.37 Bancamer Blair 8.87 1. 9.87 Bankers Nat Inv 3.62: 4.25 Basic Industry 5.01, Boston Fund Inc 24.91. 26.64 British Type Inv .54 Broad St. Inv 35.58 38.05 Bullock Fund 21.87 23.62 Can Inv Fund 4.55 4.95 Central Nat Corp A 40. 42.

Central Nat Corp 6. 8. Century Shrs 26.04 38. Consolid Funds Corp 9. 11.

Continental Sh pf 17.50 18. Corporate Trust 2.97 Corporate A A 2.81° Tr A A mod 3.63 Corp Tr Accum Ser 2.81 Corp Tr Acc Mod 3.63 Crum Forster 26. 27. Crum Forst 8 pf 115. Crum Forst Ins 32.

35. Crum Forst 'Ing 7 pf 112. Cumulative Tr Sh 6.33 Depos Bk Sh 2.43 Depos Ins A 3.49 Depos Ins Shrs 3.25 Diversified Tr 11.75 Diversified Tr 5. Diversified Tr 7.40 8.20 Dividend Shra 1.99 2.14 Equity Corp $3 pi 36. Fidelity Fund Inc 28.18 30.35 First Boston Corp 26.25 27.75 Fiscal Fund Bank Shrs 3.61 3.93 Fixed Trust Sh A 13.06 Fiscal Fund Insurance 3.88 4.22 Fixed Trust Sh B.

10.88 Found Tr Sh A 4.85 5.20 Fund Investors Inc 24.08 25.43 Fund Tr Shrs A 6.21 6.88 Fund Tr Shrs 5.70 General Capital Corp 43.19 46.44 Gen Investors Tr 6.97 7.58 Group Sec Agriculture 2.06 2.23 Group Sec Automoblle 1.41 1.53 Sec Building 2.09 2.26 Group Sec Chemical 1.63 1.77 Group Sec Food: 1,99 1.08 Group Sec Invest Shrs 1.62 1.76 Group Sec Merchandise 1.45 1.58 Group Sec Mining 1.77 1.92 Group Sec Petroleum 1.55 1.68 Group Sec Equip 1.50 1,65 Sec Steel 2.16 0.34 Group Sec Tobacco 1.05. 1.15 Huron folding .60 1. Incorp Investors 25.33 Instl. Sec: Bank Group, 1.76 1.90 Instl. Sec: Insurance 1.69 Investors: Fu Inc 15,68 16.64 Keyston Cust.

Fund B-3 21.26 23.24 Major Shry Corp 3.12 Maryland Fund 9.57 10.49 Mass Invest Tr 28.37 30.12 Mutual Invest 16.15 17.65 Nation Wide Soo 4.46 4.56 Nation Wide Voting 2.05 2.21 Natl- Investors 7.41 7.69 New England Fund 18.88 20.30 I Shra 3.75 Stocks, 1k Stocks 11,56 12.48 Storks Bldg. Supply 11.73 12.67 Stocks Elec 1Cquip 12.56 13.56 Stocks. Insurance 10,52 11.37 Stocke Machinery 13.50 14.57 Equip 14,37 16.61 Stocks ateet 15,67 16.90 North Am Bond Tr 59.13 63.37 Nor Am Tr Shares Nor Am Tr 8h 1955 3.47 Nor Am Tr 8h 1956 3.41 Nor Am Tr 8h 1958 3.31 Northern Recur 80. 85. Plymouth Fund Inc ,86 .97 Quarterly Income Sh 18.01 19.76 Repres Tr Shra 14.11 Repub Invest Pund 1.30 1.60 3.75 4.75 Solected Am Sh Ino 14.87.

16.21 21.04 Stand Am Tr Shre 4.15 4.40 Stand Uti 86 .92 Super of Am Tr 4.13 Super of. Ana Tr 2.17 Supor of 111 Tr 4.27 Super of Am Tr Super of Am Tr 7.87 Super of Amt Tr 7.87 Supervised Blare 14.43 15.69 Trustee Stand Inv 3.07 Trustee Inv: 3,03 Truatre st OIl Ahre 1.97 Truster St. OIl Shre 7.76 Trusteed Ani 131c 11 .87 .97 Trustond Industry Shra 1.51 1.67 US Eing ft Ac A 16.62 17.13 US Elec It Pow 2.60 2.70 US El L.t Voting 1,01 1.09 Wellington Fund 18.80 20.62 RUBBER MARKET YORK. July 13 (AP) -Crude rubber futures opened steady, points. higher to 3 lower.

September, 19.15; December, 19.30: March. 19.43 Crude rubber futures closed barely steady, 6 to points lower. Smoked ribhed spot 19. (nominal). WHAT THE MARKET DID Tues.

Mon. Advances 218 400 Declines 380 .161 Unchanged 168. 129 Total Issues 796 780 Utilities Fall Off On Curb Exchange NEW. YORK, July 13 (AP) -Curbstocks with mark-ups in selected industrials but losses in utilities. Sherwin: Williams 'rose to 139, Aluminum Co.

America was 147, American was up to and Pittsburgh Plate Glass was up to Among the losses from fractions to 2 points were shown by American Gas. Electric at 33. American Super Power Arkansas Natural Gas 71; Cities Service Electric Bond and Share Niagara Hudson Power Northern States Power 21, Standard Power Light. United Gas and United Light Power Higher among oils was International Petroleum at up On the downside were Gulf Oil at Leonard Oil and Sunray Oil Sales totaled 213,000 shares, against 218,000 FEVERISH RISE IN GRAIN PITS Canadian Wheat Crop Estimated at One Third of Normal CHICAGO, July 13 -Running up like wildfire, wheat prices went as much as a bushel skyward here late today in excited Chiefly what set the market aflame were estimates that the 1937 Canadian wheat crop had already been reduced by drouth and heat to as low as 000,000 bushels. This would be approximately but a third of normal.

At the close wheat was 5 to 6c above yesterday's finish, corn unchanged to up, and oats to 2o higher. Closing Grain Prices Wheat: July, 1.25⅞-1.26; ber, 1.26¼; December, 1.28½. Corn: July new, 1.28¼; July old, 1.25¾: September, 1.13¾-1.14; December, July, 43; September, December, July, September, December, No barley. Earnings Reports NEW YORK, July 13 (AP)- -Union Oil of California for the June quarter, today reported estimated net income of $3,000,000 after charges, but before undistributed profits surtax, equal: to 30 cents a common share aaginst 200,000 or 30 cents in the preceding quarter and $1,600,000 or 36 cents in the like 1936 quarter. For the first six 1937 months estimated pet profit was $5,200,000 or.

$1.11 a common share, against $2.000.000 or 45 cents in the first half of the last year. United Fruit Company for the six months ended June 30 reported estimated profit of $7,592,000 before taxes, 6,878,000 in the like period. Estimated profit for the June 'quarter was put at. $4.196.000 before taxes against $3,396,00 0in the previous quarter and $4.228,000 in the June. 1936, quarter.

Earnings of Western Union Telegraph. Company reported to the FCC for. both April and May, and showing substantial reduction in net, while gross continues to expand moderately. directly reflecting the additional burden on operating expense as a result of the wage restoration, granted employes effective April 1. May gross of $8,541.268 showed close to a 6 per cent increase over May a year ago, while net, income after charges and available for dividends of $120,942 compared with $570,717.

Net income for the five months to May 31 was $1,830.972, or $1.75 'a share, against $2,229,599, or $2.13 a share for: the similar. months of 1936. 1 Gold Imports in June Totaled $262,102,813 WASHINGTON, July 13 (AP)-'The Commerce Department reported today June imports of gold into the United States, totaling $262.102,813. were the largest for any month since the gold sterilization program was started last December. May imports totaled $155,366.073 and in June, 1936, $277,851.371 worth of the metal was brought into the country.

Exports of gold during June totaled $80,744. June imports of silver aggregated $6.021.741,. compared with $3,164,513 in May and $23,980,565 in June, 1936. Exports of silver in June were 066. Bank Stocks By The Associated Press Bid Asked Bk of Man Bankers Tr .68 70 Bklyn Tr ...117 122 Cen Ian 130 Chase Nat ...54 56 Chem Bk Tr 63: 65 Commercial 190 196 Cont Bk Tr Corn Ex Bk Empire Ter 30 31 First Nat (Boston) First Natl .2215 2255 Guaranty Tr J.

329 331 Irving Tr Manufct'rs Tr .54 56 Manufrs Tr pf ....50 52 Natl City 50 NY Trust 138 Public Titlo GET 12 TREND ON BOND MARKET MIXED A Sales '(in 1006) High Low Close, Ch's 3 Cont Baka 26 26 ContBakB 15 ConCan 56 56 2 ConDiamF 20 201. 20 9 Contins: 39 39 3 ContMot 27 ContODel ContStli: 30 CornProd 63 Coty. 16 CraneCo 47 47. 2 CrancCo 116 23-32 116 23-32 116 23-32 3 2 CrCopfnew TV 30 1 5 CrosiRad 223 22 6 CrownCork 76 10 CrownZel 19 19. 1 CrZelpf 93 99 6 Crucibles 14 -AS 2 CubaCo 1 1 CurtisPub 20 Curtiss- WA 20 58 3 Curtiss- CurtisPpt Wr 79 68 791 A 20 DavegaSpf 20 19 1 29 29 29 Deis-WV-G 31 4 11 16 DetoitEd 1 DiamMat 27 27 27 1 DiaTMot 7 DistCpSeag 1 Dix-Vor 2 Doeh DieC 11 DomeMines 41.

41 8 DomStrs 9 26 DougAire 61 1 DowChem 2 DresserA 9 duPtdeN 1 du Pontdeb 133 133 133 10 EastRoll 13 6 EastmanK 179 178 178 2 EatonMt 5 3 EIPaSONG 11 5 5 5 3 ElAutoL 6 ElBoat 36 10 3 70 6 77 76 ElStorBat ElkHorCpf 5 Endic-J 54 54 54 2 60 1 EquitOf 13 ErieRR 16 16 2 Eureka VC 814- 3 EvansPrd 23 23 4 ExchangeB 3 FairbMor 1 FedLtTrac 2 3 FedScrew 714 3 Fed WatSA 4 2 FedDStrnf FederatDSt 35 60 95 8 FidPFireI 40 40 5 33 33 6 First NatSt 42 41 42. 5 Flintkote 30 $0 1 FlorenceSt 51 51 51 3 Follansbee 1 Food Mach 51 51 51 6 Foster Whl 2 Franciscos 9 5 FreeportSul 2 Gabriel A 5 Gair Robert 4 GarWodInd 13 4 GenAmInv 5 GenAmipf 100 2 GenAmTrns 68 68 63 9 Gen Bak 13 1 GenBronze 3 GenCable 26 26 26 GenCigar 64 Gen Elec 9 Gen Foods 38 2 Gen Mills 91 3 GenMot GenMotpt NE 3 Gen'itInk 1 GenPubSve 4 3 3 Gen 35 36 2 GenRefract 59 58 58 2 Gen TheEq 24 24 to GenTimeln 37 37 19 5 Gillette. GimbelBr 15 23 23 2 GliddenCo 45 44 26 Gobel 1 Gliddevpf 52 52. 52 2 GoebelBrew 6 6 27 Goodrich 42 401 40 40 1 GothSilkH 72 Graham- 4 13 GranbyCM 10 1 Grand Union 3 3 3 2 GrandUnpf 19 19 2 GraniteCS 11 Grant: 8 GtNorIOct 30 GIN NoRynt 521 51 51 4 WestS 3 Green 79 Greyhound 16 1 Guantan Sug 1 Hack Water 30 30 30. 11 Haml1Wtch .28 3 Hall Print 3 Harb Walk 2 Hayes Body 51 5 5 2 HazlAtlsGI 6 HeckerProd 12 12.

1 HreulsPow 156 156 156 HerChoc 58 58 58 321 3 Holland 3 HollySug 32 32 32 30 HomesM 50 7 Houd-HB 21 42 HousOil 3 HowSnd 1 3 3 3 13 HudsMIt 14 Hupp Mot I 16 IllCent Ind Refin 12 Indust Ray 19 InspiratC 3 8 Ing Rand 131. 131 131 EASE 10 Insuranshct 5 5 5. 2 InterbRT 7 101 InterlkeIr InterconR 1 IntAgricul IntAgrpt 60. 50 IntBusMa 155 155 155 30 11 Int IntHyRIA Harvest IntMining 131 50 IntNik Can 62 61 6 5 13 13 13 18 8 103. 102 48 117 19 InterstDSt.

1 IslandCrkC JewelTea 74 74 74 11 Johns-Man 130 129 130 7 KanCityS 19 19 KanCitySpf 31. KelHay 31 Kenecott 59 3 16. 16 16 2 KimberlyC 1 Kinney 514 2 Kresge :20 KrogerGr 1 Lambert 19 5 26 Sales (In 100s) High Low Close Ch's. 2 LehghPCxd 351 2 Lehigh ValC 2 1 Cpt 10 4 Lch LehmanCp ValRR 15 15 413 1 LernSt 42 42. 42.

21 26 LOFGlass 2 1 LimLoc 65 65 65 7 LinkBelt 68 57: 58: 6 LiqCar 30 Low's 1 Loew'sp 1061 011 LoneStC 57 12 Loft 2 Long -BA Loos-WB 6 LorilP: 1 Nash 10 LudlumS MI 3 MackTrk 31 44 31 31 1 00 MacyRH MagmaC 3 MaracOil 10 23 Marsh Fld 26 8 MartGLO 6 Mart-Par 9 9 9 5 3 Masonite Mathalkali 2 MayDpt Strs 62 62 4 3 McCall 27 27 McCrorySts McGrawHill 1 4 McKesportT 3614. 13 McLelanStrs Corp 1 MelvilleShoe 5 5 Miami Cop 16 MidContPet 30 30 29 MidlandStl MinMolImp 41 14 41 4 1 Minn MissionCorp MIpt 98 98. 98 6 Mo-Kan-T 6 Mo-K-T pt 26 3 Mo Pac 1 MohawkCpt 7 MonsantCh 98 43 Mont Ward 2 31 31 8 Mother Lode 3 5 Motor Motor. Vh Prod 29 20 2 MuelBrass 4514 09 MulMfgB 26 26 3 Muns'wr. 27 27 13 MurCorp Nash-Kelv NatAcme NatAriat 31 NatBisc 28 28 28 NatCashR 33 28 NatDairPr 8 Nat DepStrs 18.

NatDistill 31 31 14 Nat Gyps 5 Nat Lead 35 10 Nt 1 NRMx 2pf 14 Natl Stl 86 86 12 Sup Sp pf 125 125 125 Nat Tea Natomas 97 3 Neisper Br. Newb JJ 89 Newp In 35 1 NY Air Br 77 77 77 86 NY Central' 2 NY 3 NYC Oma 23 2 NYInvest 1 1 1 NYNHpf 16 1 3 NYShipbld 1 NorfolkW 239 239 239 -1 21 NoAmAvia 30 NorthAm 32 NorthPac 31 30 43 OhioOll 21 31 OliverFarm 67 13 Omnibus 15 4 4 OppenCo 19 OtisElev 44 43 43 17 OtisSt1 1 15 Owens- 95 10 PacAmFi 19 18 19 6 Packtg 44 14 41 7 PacMills 13 26 33 PackMot 9 9 1 61 Para Pict 1 ParPic2pt 39 Park Utah 1 ParkeDiv 38 38 38 1 Park ParmeleeTr Rust-P 9 PatheFilm 3 PatinoMin 6 PeerlessCrp 2 Ford 2 PenneyJC 2 4 Penn- DCem Penn-DpfA 51 -50 50 11 PennRR 01 PetroCorp 20 4. PfeifferBrw 36 P'helpsDodg 48 1 PhilaCo6pf 5 PhilaRCI 7 91 91 93 PhillipsPet 8 3 PittCoal 15 12 1 PittSu 30 30 30 8 Pitt United 1 PittstonCo 16 PlymOl 1 24 24 24. 5 2 PressStIC 4 13 PubSrvNJ 41 40 1 127 127 127 -1. 2 100 100 100 4 Pullman 58 122 PurcOil: 21 1.

N. 3 PurityBak 16 16 47 Radio Radiocvpt 70 70 15 2 ReadingC 2 RealSilk 9 9 9 3 1 Reis1pf 10 RemRand 25 3 ReliableSt 1 Rmlpfww 82 82 82 22 Reollot 6 6 113 RepubStb 39 2 RepStlpfA 103 103 2 37 37 37 ReynoldsM 26 ReynoldsS 22 21 8 ReyTobB 1 RitterDent 1 RoanAntC Ruberoid 38 38 38 1. Rutindpf 4 Safeways 5 StJosLead 5912 59 2 StL San 1 StL San Ipf 3 SavageArm 21. 14 SchenleyD 43 431 1 Schenly Dpf 4 Schulte' Ret 20 SeaboardAir 5 Scab Air pf 13 Seab Oil 23 ScarsRoeb 6 Servel. 30 1 SharonSCrp 36 86 36 10 11 'Sales (in High Low Close Ch'g.

3 ShattuckFG 23 Union 28 6 SilK Coalit 15 15 8 Simmons 49 2 Simms Pet 59 12 Skelly Oil 59 I Smith A 0 35 35 35 172 Soc-Vac 21 20 SAm 4 2 So RSug 35 35: 35 2 So Cal Ed 16 Sou Pac 49 19 Sou Ry 11 Sou Ry pt 47 PR 1 Spalding 8 8 8. 14 SparksW 29 SperryCorp 2 19 1- SpicerNfg 2912 29 16 SpiegelInc 36 StdBran 10 StdComTb 9 5 1 StdInvest 29 Std0ilCal 9 StdOilInd 43 46 StdOiiNJ 70 69 70 3 SterlProd 2 Stew Warn 10 Stone Web 42 Studebaker 1 SunOil 68 68. 68 -1 3 SunshineM 22 79 SuperiorOil 4 SuperiorStl 35 35 2 SweetsCo 18 3 SwiftInt 32 32 7 SymGldww 9 CymGldxw TennCorp 13 13 1 45 45 45 FERN 59 TexasCorp 10 TexGulfPrd 9 TexGulfSul 36 14 Tex PacCO 20 4 Thermold TexPacLT 2 ThirdAve 3 37 3 ThompPro 10 19 Tide WAs 19 12 TimkDetA 33 3 TimkRB 64 63 63 30 Transamer 4 WA 1 IV 21 TriContC 814 814 3 TruaxTrae 1 TrusconStl 19 2 TwenCFF TwCityRT 10 10 10 5 TwinCoach 20 2 3 UnderEll 88 ST 14 88 2 81 80 81. 39 UnCarb 43 UnOilCal 2514 5 UnPac 132 2 UnPacpf 6 UnitAirLi 53. UnAirCp.

31 30 2 UnitBis 1 UnitCar 12 UnitCorp 5 39 UnitCppf 33 39 1 UnitDrug 3 UnDyewd 12 Unit EelCoal 3 Unit Fruit 801- 33 UnitGasIm 4 Unit Paperb 6. ForS 18 1 USDistrib 7 USFreight 5 USGyps 116 116 5 18 2 USHoffMpt 60 1 USIndusAl 32 32 32. 6 USLeather 2 USLeaA 17 17 17 3 US Pipe 53 53 17 13 29 USRubber 6 USRub1pf 95 6 USSmitR 91 91 285 USSteel 7. USSteelpf 133. 9 UnitStrs.1 1 UnitStrs 49 UnitStockyd 1 9 Univ-CyStl 22 Vanadium 6 Va-CaChem 9 4 Va-CCh6pf 56 56 WV 3 WabashR 6 6 6 2 WabpfA 2 1 A 7' WaldSys 2 3 Qalgreen Walgrpfw 86 851 86 26 Walworth 15 1 WrdBkA 32 32 32 3 WraBB 54 WarnPic 141 29 2 WarBros Warn-Quin.

1 War Bevp 24 24 24 13 43 3 43 1 WaukMot 10 WaynPm 6 5 WestAuS 29 29 2 WestMary 1 WestPac 6 WestPacpf 7 36 WestUTel: 11 WestingAir 7 4 WestvacoC 1 West 3012- 4 WheclingS 54 54 21 WhitelIot 24 2 WhteRkMSp 2 IVSew Mach 5: 6 35 8 131 1 31 Woolworth 2 Worth 36 2 WrigleyJr 68 68. 2 YaleTowne 55 40 2 YoungsW 40 40 40 31 YoungstShT 90 1 YoungSTpf 7 9 ZenithRad 2 Zonite Prod 6: 6 Inactive Stocks Sales (in 100s) Hign Low Close Ch'. 2.70 AmShBldg. 50 .10 Atlas Pwp 121 121 121 .20 AustNichpA 35 35 35 .20 Barkerpf .40 BonAmiA. 1.20 BonAmiB 45 45 .20 BushTEdgp 28 28.

28 .40 Byerspf 69 69 .10 CanSouRy .10 CentIllLtp" 100 100 100 .40 Cert-td6pf 56 56 .50 107 107 107 .30 1.00 .10 Celotex pt 78: 78 78 .50 ClevEIlpf .10 .70 1pf .30 76: 76 76 .20 Con CI pf 40 40. 40 2.00 Corn Ex 61 64 .20 Cn Cppww 86 86 86 .90 Cuba RRpt 11 10 10 1.00 Cub-AS pf 112 112 112 .60 .10 Dix-VA 36 36 36 .10 Duq I1pt 11214 .90 Fairb Co A Speculative Issues Lower, Federal Liens Stick to Narrow Path NEW YORK, July 13 (AP) -A few foreign loans and secondary domestic corporate issues did most of the climbing in the bond market today while obligations with a speculative following turned down in sympathy many As the mid-year rally, one of the broadest in. months, lost headway, trading dwindled in many of the recently. active' favorites, notably secondary rails, but dealings broadened out in some foreign issues. Federal loans stuck to a narrow path and most top-grade corporate issues clung to recent gains.

Up moderately were American Foreign Power 5s at Santa Fe General 4s at 111, Northern Pacific 4s at 105 and Western Union 5s at. Transactions. totaled $6,451,000 against $5,753,000 in the previous session. 4 Without any significant change in money and business news, bond traders were concerned chiefly with the internal conditions of the market. Some analysts contended the extent of the previous rebound, most of the June losses, justified a slower pace.

Cotton Futures Gain Slightly, NEW YORK, July 13 (AP) -Early, moderate gains in cotton today attracted realizing and Far Eastern selling owing to favorable weather reports from the South and nervousness over the Sino-Japanese situation. October sold: off from 12.44 to: 12.35 and in midafternoon was quoted at with the list net unchanged to 2 points higher at that time. Trading was quiet. Futures closed steady, 7 to 10 higher. July, 12.39: October, 12.44-.45; December, 12.36: January, 12.37; March, 12.43; May 12.45.

Spot steady; middling 12.94. NEW YORK, July 13 (AP) -Cotton futures opened steady, 1 to 2 points lower, under Far selling and favorable weather. July, 12.27; October, 12.37; December, 12.27; January, 12.27; March, 12.30; May, 12.35. Franc, Dutch Guilder Up, Sterling Rate Eases NEW YORK, July 13 (AP) sharp rise in The Netherlands guilder, a small gain in the French franc a drop in the sterling rate marked foreign exchange dealings today. In New York guilder jumped cent at 55.08 cents.

A mild repatriation of Dutch short-term funds purchases of guilders by the French stabilization fund were held responsible. Trading was light. French francs added cents 3.88½ cents. Sterling was off at $4.97, Swiss francs were quoted at 2292 up .01 cent and Canadian dollar at. 99.83 13-16 was 1-64 cent higher.

The German registered mark which gained heavily last week on commercial requirements dropped cent 22 cents and the travel mark was .65 cent' at 26.45 cents. Continental selling of the dollar forced that unit down in London, where it closed at $4.97 to the pound, a net decline' of 9-16 cent. It finished Paris at the equivalent of 3.884 cents to. the franc against the New overnight rate of 3.88⅜ cents. Insurance Stocks By The Associated Press Asked Bid Aetna Cas 89 93 Aetna Ins Life 2714 29 Am Equit 39 Am Reins 40 42 Am Am Surety 52 54 Automobile 29 Balt Amer Carlina 25 City of Lite: Conn Gen Fid Dep Contin Cas 28 30 Firemans Franklin Fire Gen Reinsur Glens Falls Globe Rep Globe Rut Great Amer 2614 28 Hanover 4......

31 Hartford Fire 77. 80 Home Fire Sec Home Ins Homestead 19 Knickerbocker Lincoln Fire Maryland Cas: 5 34. Mass Bond 67 Natl Fire Natl. Hampshire Liberty 48 49 Nor River Fire Phoenix 901 Prov Wash 33 35 Rever In 25 Rossia Ins 11 St Paul Fire. Springfield Fire ..113 116 Sun Life 625 675 Travelers 464.

474 Fire Westchester 3614 LONDON GOLD PRICE LONDON, July: 13 (AP) -Bar gold declined 3 pence to 139s 11d per ounce (sterling price equivalent to Ar this time we are prepared to add a limited number of salesmen and customers' men to our organization. In a desire to be of greater service to our customers we are increasing the scope and facilities of our Research Department which should be of additional value to all concerned. shall be glad to hear by letter from anyone qualified for the position of salesman or customers' man. Jackson Curtis ESTABLISHED 1879 V. Members New York Stock Exchange and other Security and Commodity Exchanges Third Nat'1 Bank Springfield Boston New York Cleveland Akron Elmira Philadelphia Providence Worcester Cambridge Lynn A and .09 and at cent the cents at off in York A.

The Springfield Union from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)


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