The Daily Progress from Charlottesville, Virginia (2024)

1 PAGE FOUR THE DAILY PROGRESS, CHARLOTTESVILLE; A MONDAY AFTERNOON, $5, 1949 The Daily Progress every afternoon except Sunday Batered at the postoffics Second at Class Charlottesville, Matter September, TELEPHONES Business News and Editorial 2-01115 'RATES BY CARRIER WITHIN CITY LIMITS WEEK, OUTSIDE CITY UR BY MUTUR ROUTE PEA WEEN -BY MAIL PAYABLE Virginia Other Miles IN ADVANCE One $0.00 $1.00 Sta Months $3.75 Three Months $1.75 $2.00 One Mouth MEMBER OF. THIS AMMAIATED PREMS MONDAY, DECEMBER 10, A Virginia's Rise In Corn Production: An Important contribution to the economic progress of Virginia is being made by such men a Bill Pace, of Proffit, 'Albemarle County's champion corD grower for. 1940, and the others, who set high marks Lo this year's 100-Buahel Corn Club petition. It la becoming increasingly plain that Virginia's agricultural future lies largely in. the.

continuing growth and improvement of its livestock industry. That is especially true in this Piedmont ares. 'And while it has been demonstrated that good beef can be produced on grass alone, corn is cacoodingly helpful. 'And it is a virtual necessity for, efficient pork One of the major obstacles to the development of livestock growing has been the scarcity of locally produced feed, necessitating imports from distant areas at high transportation "and handling costa, We are not favored with an over abundance of good corn land, but if we can increase production. on what we have to something approaching the, levels possible by our 100-bushel farmers, we will ba well on the way to's solution of the problem The experts at Virginia Polytechnic Institute are doing their part through the development of 'suitable to Virginia conditions.

Through their efforts and through those of progressive farmers the State's average per-acre corn yield is steadily rising. From 28th among the Slate's of the Union not many years ago, it has been brought to eighth place, not far behind the so-called corn a belt States of the Middle It is a record that promises much for Viri ginia's agricultural prosperity and stability. Congress And Steel So far as any congressional Inquiry is concerned, the pertinent question is not whether the United States Steel Corporation's new prices are higher than necemsary, as suspected by certain members of the United States Senate, but whether a truly competitive situation exista in the steel Industry. In a free, competitive economy it is no business of the Congress or of any other branch of the governmeat what a price 4 producer or distributor, asks for his goods. He is entitled to what he can get, and if he asks too much he will be the loser because body else will get the business.

It is different In the case. of monopolies. In the absence of the natural restraints on prices by competition, It Is necessary and proper for the government to protect the public against exerbitant" charges." That is what various Federal and State regulatory agencies attempt to do la regard to rates In the fields of electric seryico and telephonic, and telegraphic communication, In which competition of the sort that prevails in most lines of business activity is not feasible. In the manufacture of steel competitive: Industry? if it la, there la no occasion for alarm at U. 8.

Steel's decision to advance its prices. 'For it the new prices are too high, the corporation can be trusted to. lower them as soon as it finds that they are driving business elsewhere. But if, steel' is in fact the sort of monopoly in which prices can' be determined by the arbitrary decialon of a few men, without much ret gard far market conditions, then the matter is indeed a proper subject for congreasional study. For where monopoly exists, government must either regulate its prices or better, where possible, use its authority to restore competitive conditions.

Comparative Production A news photograph from Paris, where the French Communists are already celebrating the approach: ing (December 21) seventieth anniversary of the birth of Josef Stalin, pictures a huge chart on which shown what' purport to' be the industrial pro-! duction records of the Soviet Union, the United States, Great Britain and France. A 2 a Communist propaganda chart, it naturally; pictures Soviet. production as soaring skyward, with that of the United States far behind and Britain and France barely holding their own. Authenticity of the figures on which it la based are subject to question. Industrial production la a government secret in Russia and it is doubtful that the Paris Communists could get the correct "tion if they wanted it.

But even it could be assum ed that the chart is accurate, it wouldn't mean much. Whatever It's rate of. Increase, Russia's industrial: production is still far below that of. the United States and western Europe. It will have to do a lot of rising to catch up.

We, would be unwise, nevertheless, to take too complacent an attitude. Productive superiority is by. no means the only thing that makes our system preferable to that of communism. Our individual freedom would be worth a lot, even if no economic vantages accompanied it. In the race to determine which system shall ultimately prevail, however, it is important that we keep on proving to the world that freedom is best, not only, for' its own sake but bei cause.

it also gets. the best results from a purely. economic standpoint. to Georgla woman picked 108 four-leaf clovers in yard. It's nice to know there is that much good' luck around.

By Peter. Dee, 19 Political dopesters now think Gen. Dwight D. 7 presidential prospects will imo prove it and. the international situation seta worses if danger of war is really Imminent In Eisenhower's 'chances are ed pick up.

The reasoning de that under prewar there will be popular demand for military leader unites the if, on the other hand, there. are good prospects for tinued peace, with domestic aucs the primary concern of the voters. Eisenhower's political: peal will greatly lessened. Hell fee the Tenth Round Makings of another bitter. unifie cation loud are now kicking around in the Joint chiefs of stalt.

It' out of -last year's Key West agrece ment, under which various roles were assigned to the Army, Nary and Air Force. One of the primary: assignments given naval aviation was: the Ayins of submarine patrols. This was also made a cola: lateral assignment' for the Air Force. The question which. now arises la.

whether Navy flyers will assuma command 'over Air Force units assigned to this duty, whether they will operate Inde pendently, Anti-submarine speciallate are pressings for decision this matter. It's a bot Nice Trick If You Can Do It Louts H. Bean, author of last year's controversial book to Predict Elations," 1s "writing" sequel, It will be published. vance hot the 1860 congressional and The new book will analyse election returns. Mr.

Bean Mays he doubts If many people correctly what happened la that eventful year. In addition, the book wut analyze factors influencing the 1860 elections Title for the new work has not been selected. "Winning Without Coattalla" and "You, Too, Can dict Elections" bare been ed. Author Bean's regular job la that of an economist in the Depart meat of Agriculture, Collecting and analyzing election Ratistics has been bia Bigger Electrie Reserves Danger of an electrie shortage, which has bothered many U. 8.

areas in recent pre-Christmas, peaks la perioda, will be this year. Several factors are sponsible. U. electrio utility com pealed capacity 66.8 million kilowatts at the and of 1948 la 43.7 million kilowatts day: Coal, Aluminum dustries hate seen shut down Worsening World Relations Would Boost Ike's Prospects Edson strikes for long periods this year and wilt not be back at peak pros duction and power consumption until January, when the demand for power normally begins to slack off, Racest rains in the northwest bate cased the autumn water shortage there. By curtalling alumInum production, people in the northwest will be able to have all the Christmas tres lights they want this year, for the first time alace it the began, spite of this year a Improved situation, Federal Power Commie.

sion officials still do not feel that the B. has adequate power reserves to take care of the unprecedented postwar, population and industrial, production increases. Total power consumption this year is expected to pe about 191 billion kilowatt-hours, as against 283 lion kilowatt, hours last year. The figure would have bees one of two billion kilowatt. hours higher this year but for the strikes.

Power. have to plan for come: parable growth in coming years. Dead But Not Forgotten Talk of rearming western many is being officially, played. down fof the simple, reason that. such move would probably suit in the fall of the present French sovernment.

Thes would means swing to. Communism or Dee Gaulleism, Either 'la considered worse than leaving western Cere many unarmed. Field. Marshal. Montgomery tee cent vlalt-to the United States is.

now. believed to have been Ing mission to convince American on the need for rearming Germany, It that was the mission, It falled. Chancellor rid Adenauer's "retraction of marks recently attributed to him, calling for rearmament of western Germany, leaves the Issue very ficially dead, for the time being least, But watch for revival. Something To Hold Pockets Down Platinum hoarding' is now being pushed as a bedge against inflation, Platinum Is now worth approximately twice much -as cold roughly $70 troy ounce, as against $35. Since platinum la not used in any currency, there are no govern ment regulation against boarding; In fact, when the Treasury recovers platinum la melting down old jewelry bought for its gold tent, the platinum la sold at auction.

New York metal brokers have been stering platinum at retail to hoardere la 60-ounce units worth about $1500 and five ounce disks worth about $350. The latter, roughly two Inches in diameter by an eighth of an inch thick, said to stack: nicely in a deposit Washington Daybook Johnson Gives Encouragement: To. Western Europe's Leaders By Tris WASHINGTON, tary of Defense Louls Johnisca riven discouraged military and political leaders of western. Europe needed shot-in-the-arm, At a series of private In London, Parts and Berlin, the tall secretary exuded and frankness. spoke from the cuff and answered all questions readily.

Johnson said at these closed-door sessions do not believe there will be war in the near future. cannot, of course, completely ass that the Soviet will not strike before dawn. But I de not believe, from all the data gathered by our intelligence, that Russia coonomically capable of sustalaing war. But I have told my ple and the military we must ready at four o'clock la -the Ins. just la The Secretary informed the era European bigwigs the billion dollar budget cut in his department to no way effect, defense or' our commitments to our.

he explained, "are just cutting out extravagance." JUST FOLKS By Edgar A. Guest BEING GOOD Laugh him, you Chuckle at' him, turned polite: that method underlies His attempts to do the right, But with Christmas drawing near Make Let's the effort it once now that we To. be rood we can year Just a trick of children small, Artful little girls and boys, Hoping Claus 'will call With gifts of glittering toys? No! We grown-ups use it too, Letting all around By. the gracious things we Just how friendly Are shamming, when we Christmas one and Overlook and smile Every Irritation small? Or, with Christmas drawing As the children, are not the day has come and Being good A Being A PROGRAM POINT REORGANIZATION PREDICTS LUCAS OF CONGRESS DISPLACED TAXES HOUSING FARM RENT THE DOCTOR -SAYS Accident-Prone People Should Be Kept From Harming Others By P. Jordan, M.

D. Accidents of all kinds are cases of Invalidism each sponsible. for many deaths and Nearly every genetal hospital many patients la it all the time who have been injured in one or. another--and many could have been prevented, Some people seem ticularly likely to he Involved la accidents. In recent years the FOR who special liability to accidents has been called an -An example recently quoted la Interesting.

In the state of necticut, a six-year study showed that about per cent of drivers of autpmobiles Involved la traffic cidents are lavolved la more than of wall. such: accidenta The same thing applies la industry. For large trucking company has reduced its accident rate to one of. Its previous record merely by discovering those drivers who were accident prone and by. transferring them.

to other duties. Us' An All this may mean life or death to the rest of us because. at time we may ret tangled up at stop light with someone who just, cannot stay out of trouble. This was only. too well shown not long In the death.

of Margaret' Mitchell, the mythor of "Gone With the Wind," who was "hit by automobile drives by someone who had long record traffle trouble There are ways of picking these dangerous people out, It has been out, for example, that the socident-prone: Individual claire of even Impulsive. He for she) concentrates upon immediate pleasures or satisfactions and apt to act upon the spur 'of the moment." The son has an lastinct. of. rebellion and resentment and demonstrates' the abow-off'. and "don't cive-s.

type of Is athlete's foot contagious? If so, la there danger of catching it from shoes that have been worn by an infected person! ANSWER: The answer is yes to both questions. WE, THE WOMEN A Needed Pat On The Back For Mothers Forced To Work By Ruth Millett: don't you write something. young widow writes me will dive a little encouragement to the thousands of working mothers. who work because. they have.

tonot from choice To we read," she points out, "tends to make us feel that weare our children, giving, them poor start in life, denying them the right to be brought up by their own mother. are many young mothers like me who have to work because they are. both mother and father. There are many. others who have had" to take toba to help meet the rising cost of Iving.

Why should we be made to feel that we are falling our children--when we are doing what we have to do? That mother certainly has point. There may be some mothers who put their children. in. nursery schools, turn them over to. grandparents to bring up, or let maid look after them Just because they a career more fascinating than full-time Job of motherhood.

But the, majority of working mothers work because they have to, pay check to support or to help support their children. Unfair To Slake Them Feel Gallty Any advice they are riven ought to start with that fact Armly It is wrong to auch women how much they' are missing by: being only part-time mothers, to keep them feel gullty about working. when work they mustaand to talk as though the only solution to the problem of the working mother. is for her to quit her job and atay at home. It's hard enough being a working mother without feeling rullty about do let's the working mothers.

who have to work a pat on the back and if they want it some sound advice on how they can do good The Nation Today Scientists Learn To Deal Poisoning WASHINGTON, Dec. Harlow 19 States scientists cult answers 'and to one of the mo atomic warfare; terrifying For safeguard three years they here and lethal againat the ated plosions. in some types of radioactive, since The search in stomle the underwater expli of 1946. bomb in the Bike military results of those taste The and Atomic to mission scientists looking! prevent contamination ple and objects For to cleans and objects of the poison. on new publication of "handling radioactive by and summery of studies the an 'Army engineer shi problem is not quite as was once belleved, Its The AEC report mention Oak Ridge, labd have been seeking better for decontaminating equipment and general i It comments: work will be.

only the atomic gram but. also to the armed in developing means of del Insting equipment in comba is reported on velopment of strippable Alas tai be used to. cover cantal apparatus and, it necessary by remote, control." At other" laboratories, "similar coatings "have veloped for painting hot From time to time taminated paints can be and, the laboratory walls thus become permanently Inated." Atomic experts use the "hot" to designate anythi dangerously radioactivel "hot" ships in the Bikid were those sprayed with sal made "radioactive "by the water burst of the bomb. "At Bikini, various exped efforts were made to cleans of the radioactive contamd La Col. Richard D.

Wolfi engines, in an article apped the current editions of two clat magazines, Anti Journal and the Military Ei describes three general tried. he writes sista of. surface removal In this category are the mi methods used to date in dei lastion of ships, In crude they Include paint removal tic solutions and such brut methods as sandblasting and ing to remove paint and par surface of the material "The second approach is decontamination without character of quality of face; this method includes of chemical solutions. to the contaminants and cart away. third method lavoli means of- preventing con tion, including such devices laterposition of a water Ale surface which mechanical pedes the attachment of con tion to the surface itself." 20 YEARS AGO TODAY Funds coming In toward, the furnishing of a ward in the new Martha Jefferson Hospital as me morial to the late Dr.

J. Fulton Wile One contribution came from Oxford, N. C. From The Progress of 20. years tago: "A skating club la being.

nized amops: the students of the University, A number of young men have carolled and it is proposed to raise funds for the purpose of putthe -University Ice- pond condition for Myrtle O. Hooper, of South Fourth Street, died at a local hospital. She was a native of Orange County. Besides her husband, she two sons and four daughters. The girls' basketball squad Lane High School is rounding Into shape for the coming members of last year's with the squad this season--Harriet Polly McMurdo and ella Maupia, guards; Dorothy Margaret Estes and Rosa belle Sprouse, forwards, and Ann Res, captain, who will alternate and forward Mrs.

Amanda E. McCary, wife of William McCary, 'died her home at Alberene. She tire of Novanas County, and was 72. Besides her husband, she is vived by four children, one of whom la R. B.

McCary, of Charlottesville The city' wan visited this morting by warm rain, Tollowing several days of pretty weather. Q-Are. there some fruits that cannot stored la tor? -Only the banana harmed keeping in the refrigerator. The best temperature for banana storage is about 57 and they are susceptible of damage at peratures. below 50 -How old the title Prince of Wales? A--This title, customarily on the eldest son of the sovereign and heir apparent to the throne of Great Britain, dates from the reiga of Edward when Wales passed into English: it true Georte Washington was not bors on 2nd of February?" -George Washington was born on the 11th of February, in 1732.

But his birthday now falls on "the because, after Washington's birth, the calendar was revised. -Which state' has the largest number. of different. kinds of tress? A -Florida has 310 species of native and naturalized trees. Tex.

18, At a press conference la Berlin, reporter for Pravda, the Russian newspaper, tried to trip him. by' asking; "Why did the United drop the plan to raise western Cerman army Johnson amlled and commented quietly: reminds me of question a asked in fun in the United States, Why did yod stop beating your wifer: Your question la like that. We can't abandon a we never had." P. only. member of the Johnson staff who took a ribbing on the trip was Air Force Sergeant Stephen Moreland, The -U.

Mai rines: stationed at the American Embassy in London took one look at hie fancy new Air Force blues and cracked, "You look just bus driver, sergeant. DISGUSTED SOLON Senator Paul Douglas lost his usual calm and angrily banged the table in dierust at government extravagance, This happened at a closed meeting with the President's coonomic adLeon Keyserling. and John: D. Clark: The two cconomists were defendIng'. Administration spending pol: icies when the Independent crat: interrupted them.

He said imi patiently, "There are bureaus ed full of people doing nothing. There are thousands of employees of the rovernment doing only 1 tow hours of. work day, It waste, sheer Then he banged on the table. hard Keyserling and Clark Ainched. The Senator went on: the waste were eliminated, we could save tour billion.

dollars that might be spent more usefully." (One of Senator Douglas' admitere la Rep. Jesse Wolcott, the of Republican economie stratery in the House. Atter serve Ins with Douglas on the Joint Eco: nomic Committee, Wolcott confided to a friend, "I have been pleasantly disillusioned about: Paul Douglas, He la a great 'man' DEPOSED The latest, and unreported, victim of the purges convulsing Eastern Europe la the of modern Communism, Rumania's Ana Pauker. This boz-shaped lady was the heroine of Communism and was put la power in Rumania: by the Kremlin, But reliable intelligence reports on the latest and mysterious meeting of the Cominform tell" of her This gathering of Communiam's high command held in a remote Hungarian towa. Ana Pauker was not present.

and is said to be in dis- Italian Film Ha Best Of Year Job chlid-care possible along with holding down job. Compared with the working mother the full-time mother has it So why abould 'she get all the dory- nothing and the working mother get but the Anger of scorn? That la not only unfair, but completely unrealistic. For "In sands of homes today Mama has to work if the children are going 'to So They Say and sundry what the businessman does for the entire community and how he does It better than anybody else. -L W. Grasskamp, vice president, American Can Co.

Only here and there will you And Individual who has yet wrapped his mind around the bard, cold fact that the Kremlin is really aiming at world -IA 'Administrator Paul Hon. The time has come for the Ameri can businessman to stop worrying about what somebody is going to do to him and to, start telling alt We need more of that good, oldtime Americanism in our dealings with Stalin. He understands that kind cot talk. -Phillp For threetime governor of Wisconsin. I have no time for romantic preoccupations while I am visiting air deldi, armored bases and aircraft carriers.

Shah "of Iran on In U. 8. The U. Bureau of Reclamation estimates 16,840,000 more acres could be in western states NEW YORK, Dec. postwar.

Italian film 1 picture of 1949, says the Board Review of Pictures. Cholas of the film, Thief," was announced by the board's Committee ceptional The movie' tor, Vittorio de Sica, the year's best Also listed among the films were "The Quiet On truder in the Dust," "The "Devil in the Flesh," Year "He the Brave, "Letter Wives" and "Fallen The chose Richardson' acting In and "Fallen Idol" best in 1949. Meritorious performance went to Gerard Philippe in. the Flesh," rani and Bicycle Thief." and Pierre pay in The Graham Greene's "Fallea Id best script nominatio board, founded la 19 The is to non-profit represent organization the motion! The group is bes publie. autbor and Quincy Howe, 1' Georgia and California in that order.

What kind of an the National It is primarily a scien search advancement Institution. of geographical Its object edge popular 1 considered the What is American his forest The Are in Peshtigo Fire In October, 1871 burned over: whet ain in 000 acres were towns and settlements persona per away and 1,800 The heaviest Li recorded the hours Philippine was at Islands in.

The Daily Progress from Charlottesville, Virginia (2024)


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