The Bangor Daily News from Bangor, Maine (2024)

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The Bangor Daily Newsi

Bangor, Maine

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Ip" I THE BANGOR DAILY NEWS BANGOR MAINE TUESDAY NOVEMBER 5 1940 FOR NEW NT ADS DIAL 6441 1 Social '(Events and News About Clubs Local Organizaiiorif Activities 1 Women's Votes Today May Determine Election I Bangor Bridal Couple Madeline Wheeler! Name Cast of i Women Have Roleiji njlBHS Play rmn W4s Sprague iril Simple Candlelight i Leaders of Both Parlies Matching Vom anV Part in Campaign Mary Richards Becomes Bride BHS Dramatic Club Is To Ic Seen in a Revival1 ice' in Chcrryficld Saturday if i i p- mf Weds Vincent Wilcox in Simple Ceremony Mon-v: day Morning I ytiNi i Little adapted by Paul line Phelps from the well known book by Louisa May Aloott will be the venturesome production presented byj the Bangor High school Dramatic' club on Friday Decern ber 13 Tryouts have been held -for parts with tpe following results: Jennie Johnson as Hannah Janet Reid as Meg Dorothy Cole as Jo Margaret Knowlton as Mary Farrar as Amy Dorothy Hill as Mrs March Frank -Wood as I-aurle Dorothy iMurch as Aunt March Reynolds as Brooks Douglas Moore as Reverend March and Charles Butera as Professor Bhasr This story of four little Women and their growing up is too well known through Louisa May book arid the screen version to be further described Miss- Evelyn Haney is directing the play She Is dramatic coach at the high school expression teacher and chib adviser to both the senior Dramatic club and the Workshop group eynoltd will furnUh the Jove In-I iy the Bangor High School Ira-1 1 113'i play "Lit tie ifi (ii writ for it original book and Ml Reid will play Meg marriage and later the birth of I I I di Jonathan Hunt chapter a vl bnr of Hermon Saturday evening than 80 were present for th nectihg at which there were repre-ebtis lives from- the following blasters: Tuscan of Bangor River-: idle' br Orland Nonpariel of Dan-i Star ln the East of Hamp-John Chase of Carmel and Cheer or Oi ono 5ood jpfeit Inquished guests included By' RUTH COWAN A SHING TON Noyl How the "little votepj In this election may determine howl the na tion goes (i (ii The suspicion has developed: in this campaign that she doesn't al wavs vote the way some man I tells her (The oid-time srti -suffrage argument i In fact in this election in which women have been more: active itfaan at any time since they got the ballot 20 years ago there hare been re- pea ted references to the womens along with the the labor etc Just how: this hew bloc if there Is Fueh will vote has many male po litical dopesters worried I as ft hey ponder estimates that theire 25-000000 women eligible to ballot -out of 60000000 qualified vboersi ij To add to their uneasiness the na tional Democratic Division has -dug up figures shoving that in several states and very important states women voters actually outnumber men 1 1 I M'j These figures indicate in Illinois which has a bloc of 29 electoral votes claimed by both the Democrats and the Republicans 56 per centvof the i eligibu voters are women Thtn in California the percentage of women voters is 54: ilm Montana 53 Indiana 52 and In Kansas and Missouri 51 ij Miss Marion Ei Martin director of the National Republican Women's Division predicted that the vote may play an importanupart in thia election 1 1 This ahe said Us reflected in such gains as irj Nw York City where 316476 more womenare registered for the 1940 election than in 1336 Miss Martih and Mrs i i porothy McAllister national directoi of the Democratic" Division have ccnstantly beat from the campaign drums the tune that this Presidential election Is dneof particular Interest to wemenr i Mrs McAUisteg contended Ijthe' re-election of President Roosevelt means the 'continuation of a 1 pro- gram of social elfare Miss Mar-- tin countered! that! the election of Wendell Willlcie mean the pres enauen of all America's greilt arutt i tutilorsA i j- Word that their! tnm-toni have been' heard come from i nop-parti-'sen source Miss Marguerite Wells I president of: the National League of Women Voters i said I "have evideare aplenty that women! i ac count for their full share tin' Ihe yi of i if phenomenal interest and acctvi the i illk-hr-i! 4t CHERRYFIELD Nov Mtwi Madeline A Wheeler daughter of Rev and Mrs Herbert! Wheeler of Cherryfleld became the bride of Frank Mi fepraguej son: of Mr and Walter Sprague of Worcester in an attractive candlelight wed ding Saturday afternoon at 3 oclocK in the Baptist church Rev Mr Wheeler: father- of the bride read the single ring ceremony in the presence of iirmny ana friends of the young couple: i Evergreen and talisman roses decorated the church- I 1 Mrs George Freeman at the organ console played Incidental music and Mrs! Arlene Joneiister of the bride sang Love You Ihe bridal party entered thiirch to the strains of Bridal Chorus' from 4fThe Wedding by Mendelssohn was played for the recessional 7 Mrs Arlene -Jones sister of the bride was matron of honor ana Walter i Sprague father of the bridegroom was best man The bride was attractive a gown of soldier blue crepe with wine accessories She complemented her costume with' a corsage of i talisman roses -j Mrs Jones wore royal blue transparent velvet with matching accessories Her corsage was of red roses I' 1 Mrs Wheeler mother of the bride was lovely in a black crepe ensemble lfrr flowerswere white carnations Mrs Sprague mother of the bridegroom wore royal blue transparent velvet and her flowers were Tvhite carnations Following the ceremony a reception was held at-the bride's home which was attractively decorated with bouquets of yellow roses A cake made by Mrs James Mahaney and presented to the bride by the bridegroom's parents was cut by the bride Assisting in serving refreshments were Mrs Walter fifprague Mrs Arlene Jones and Mrs Wilbur The guest book was jin charge ot Miss Mary Wheeler sister of 1 the bride- -j j' Mr vatid Mrs jBprague'left Saturday 'lor a wedding trip! to Niagara Falls After Nov 10 they will be at home to friends at I Dayton street Worcester Mass Mr Sprague was graduated trom the Auburn Mass schools' and is now in the employ of'Leland Gifford company of Worcester as an airplane mechanic Mrs Sprague was graduated -from Cherryfleld academy and has been in the employ of the Bangor- State hospital as nurse attendant 1 Out of town 'guests attending the wedding Included Mr and Mrs Walter Sprague and Mrs yr Wilbur Of Worcester Mass Frederic Harper of West boro Mass and Miss Marie Reed and Miss Carolyn Soper of Bangor I- Lulu Morse of Bangor-rhtid conductress and Mrs Jo-ihjinq I Moore pt Orlsnd grand rRnJfri ti'-h 1 Following jinptioria -supper wsa rj-vett under ihe' chalrmnvhlp of if Ola ratten ij 3m)inectlciJt mad prohibition laws rjlsrjai Miss Mary Louise Richards land Vincent Wilcox -were Monday morning in the rectory of St John's Catholic chorch I i s4 a 1 Janet Reid left and Clifti teret In the play to be produ edj matle club on Friday December noted for It stage and screen ter form by Iouisa May Alcott! Rey and Brooke whoae courUhlp er dii twin children Bangor Red Cross- Has Big Quota of 1 Knitted Garments Mrs: Ayer chairman of Bled Cios knitting In Bangor nounced last evening that she some member-of her committee be at a room at the Bangor Pufcbic Library every afternoon from 130 to 5 o'clock except Saturdays commencing next Monday Those who would like to knit tot the Red Cross are asked to their material and instruction from the committee at the dejg na ted hour at the library The quota which must reajdy for shipment the middle of JaitU-ary consists of 80 men's sweater 100 sweaters 600 c'hildrPpV sweaters 100 pair of aocks 100 pMi of mitns ahdt 25 mufflers In order to (complete this quit the cooperation of every Banfoif woman who can knit is need Mrs Ayer said last night Jonathan Hunt Chapter Holds An Inspection Miss Gladys Stetson of Banfi district deputy grand matron' Jn IiJU m- rnri ji 'r'' IN HARRIS TWEED Miss Mary Louise Richards daughter of Mrs Caroline Richards of 54 Pruit str6t and Vincent Wilcox-son of Mr and Mrs Charles Wilcox of Mapleton were mar ried Monday morning at 8:15 ln the rectory of St John's Catholic' church Rev Harold Butler officiating Mr and Mrs A Richards were attendants -The bride was attractively gowned in a teal blue ensemble with which she wore Indian earth accessories Her corsagefwa of Talisman roses Mrs Richards wore teal blue with wine accessories and 1 her shoulder bouquet was of red roses Following the ceremony a wed ding breakfast was served to the bridal immediate rela tives at the Penobscot Exchange hotel' A wedding cake made- by Mrs A Richards was i cut by the bride at this time Mrs Wilcox was graduated from John Bapst High school Mr Wil cox was graduated from Maple-ton High school and the Maine School of Commerce and now is jemployed by Charles Murray in this city Among i the out-of-town guests attending i the ceremony was Mrs Virginia Cnbbons of Montclair sister of the bride BUS Schedule of Events This Week Thi following is 'the program of events at Bangor High School for the current week Today: Band rehearsal in assembly hall at 2:30 Play 'rehearsal in assembly hall at 2:30 and 6:00 Junior prom meeting In room 304 Wednesday: 1 Oracle board meeting in room 315 at 11 14- Orchestra rehearsal in assembly hall at 2:15 Play rehearsal in room 104 at 2:15 Play rehearsal in assembly hall at 2:30 and 6:00 Rifle club meeting in gym at 7:00 Thursday: club meeting in room 315 at 11:14 Debate club meeting in room 307 at 2:15 -i Glee club' meeting in assembly hall at 2:30 Play rehearsal in assembly hall at 4:00 i Friday: Rally for Brewer game at vi I Play rehearsal in assembly hall at 4:00 Saturday i Rifle club meeting in gym at 9:00 am "'r Monday Nov 11: Armistice no Football at Brewer The James Bigelows Honored on -Fifth Wedding Anniversary i and Mrs i James Bigelow were honored at a surprise- party Sunday evening by many5 of their friends at their new home 56 Bou-telle Road the occasion being their fifth wedding anniversary Games were played during the evening and prizes wef given to the win ners of each game played Refreshments were served Mr and Mrs' Bigelow were presented many lcvely gifts' Those attending the party were Mr and Mrs Bernard Wilbur Mr and Mrs Percy Frazier Mr a nd Mrs Earle Page Mr and Mrs Arthur Deafp*rn Mr andr Mrs Benjamin Bigelow Mr and Mrs Vernon Hodsdon Mr and Mr? Remie Michaud Mrs Ada Pascal Mrs Edith Swan Mrs Marie Hopkins' Miss Isaballe1 Foley and Miss Ethel Harrtman Others unable to attend- sent gifts Pioneer American made wax for candles by boiling berries of wax-berry plants PUCK DRAKE SAYS "you couldnT wish for A ANyTHINS NICER THAN THOSE LUSCIOUS STUDIO i inMM V4 rhoto by 81 II IT rhotosruphrr Announcer if --V lb Airs Richard Martin will be' the announcer and commentator at the pageant Wednesday evening to be given by the Bangor Federation of cltihs in observance of its thirtieth anniversary: Little City PTA Plans Benefit V- I-- Card Party Thursday Evening for Fund The Little City Parent-Teacher Association will sponsor la public card party in the Mary Snow school building Thursday: evening Profits will go to the school' fund This fund has had- many demands this season and additional money is heeded forV the work the association' pl ns to dO) A number of children are to be fitted with glasses the' milk for the school lunch project must be furnished and other charitable' demands met from time to time Reservations for the 'party should be made with Mrs Leo Webb of 187 i Center street or Mrs Porter Elliott of 432 Essex street Willis Again Heads Mineral Club Malcolm Willis was re-elected president of the Bangor Mineral society at the annual business meeting held in the lecture room of the Bangor Public? Library Other- of- fleers named were True Trefe-then- vice president: and Mrs John White- secretary-treasurer i i During the course of the business meeting plans Were discussed for enlarging the membership and for bringing speakers before the -club It was voted to )rbld several Informal meetings lf the homes of-members' when the collection qf! minerals of the hosts and hostesses can be examined by members Arrangements were also made-for a study course op the identification of common-rocks and gems BUY EE! Get ground to ordeh for full flavor Every 7th family in America buys Coffee AT ALL A A SUPIR MARKITS CIIILOREIfS KELP FOR i HI Due ts Cheat Colds Hubehevt and thro with Mild Mil-(rol (made expecUlly for children! nuirkly relieve ditre of hron-ithii sad spasmodic rroupy rough 'll Ir 1 rmLnuY (COATS hair D97t5 aportij Goats P' i 1 1 a i itrURpa imj GOATS Bangor Zontiaris Twenty Third Anniversary Celebrated Witlj Dinner at Bangor House 1 f-' -H! IJ Bangor Zonta club juined 'last night with other Zontiah through put 'the world in observing the twenty-third birthday pc tiej or gamzation The Btngorpgroiip had a dinner party at the House jat which Missj Alice We herell president presided This weirk has been set aside National Zonta Week ahd epecsal events are i being held by clubs everywhere jin 'recognition 1 i -I Table appointments': carried lout the Zonta colors of mahogany apd gold in tapers and flowers: i i The Bangor club voted a jam of feney last evening to 1 be: sent ito the Canadian club -to be us-d fop the of women ine distress in 1 Red Cross Plank ij i Rally Wednesday 1 1 1 1 i I II Call Workers to Meet Lecture' Room at Bangori Library Women to Meet Wednesday Miss Edith Sea ih a Sacoj to Preside at Ham 1 mond St Church MIss jlEdith Scamman of Saco president of the Missionary Council of the Cbngregational-Chrlstiao church In Maine will preside Wednesday over a meeting of that group In Hammond Street Congregational church Miss Scamman who spoke recently before a group at All Souls church is an experienced collector of rare plants for such institutions as Harvard and Oxford universities She first became Interested in nature study as a hobby and then returned to school for Jihe necessary sclentinc background She says that botanical collecting Is not' for a tenderfoot: that some knowledge of plant taxonomy is needed pell as good health and a keen tast8 for Since many of the herbariums have little spare room the demand to largely for Specimens from places where no Important collecting has been done or from-'herbarlunrvi Jack ing specific types of material Besides making field trips to strange places followed by classifying the specimens and research Miss work consists bt giving many nature and travel talks Mrs Raymond Cosseboom ante of the pastor of the South Brewer Congregational church will conduct the opening7 devotional services at 9:45 Wednesday morning Mrs Cosseboom will be assisted by Mrs Leland Betts as soloist Plan Carnival Annual Affair at EMGH Thursday Evening Committee Named The student nurses at the Eastern Maine General hospital will hold their annual-carnival Thursday evening at 8 o'clock at the residence iThis always one ef the outstanding events of the fali season -forj nurses and their IrfVnds and 8 large attendance is expected It is being held to raise money for the! recreational fund" of the nurses and a small admission win be asked Mls Katherine Towers instructor in nursing arts assisted by Miss Frances Gorrow science instructor is in charge The committee ol student hurses is compose of Miss Eleanor Bloch Miss Ethel Cavford Miss Edith Cousins Miss Grace Hunt Miss Eva rarspns Miss Ruth Starkey and Miss Marjorie Hayden The evening' program will include an Rrray of attractions Include ing a chamber of horrors freak show- fancy Work booth "wonder and a' floor show Rerresh ments will be served during the eve ning Monthly Sports Dinner Series ill Open This Evening: The first of a aeries of monlhlv Senior sport dinners will be held at the yMCA this evening at 6:30 o'clock According to Lawrence Furrow publicity chairman announcements have been ent out to all members of the senior division- and nearly 50 are expected to attend 1 1 Following the dinner a' short business session will be held to set Up committees for the basketball league and tot November' social events Plans for boxing badminton and weight lifting clubs will be discussed Following the business session a program of sound tnovles will be shown The commute for event Is composed of James Mayo chairman Walter Mlliskl Robert McDonald and Wiliam Reynolds A bagpipe boom is keeping Scot-tish manufacturer at work night and day Many orde i have been placed to replace Instruments left on the beach at Dunkerque France when the British evatuated City Federation IPrepares Pageant Mrs Richard Martin To Be Announcer for Event Wednesday Night Mrs Richard Martin will act as announcer and commentator for the pageant to' be by the Bangor Federation of Women's clubs Wednesday evening In the Hammond Street Congregational cjiurch In observance of Its thirtieth anniversary A glimpse of the workings behind the footlights will be given when they will witness what happens at a dress rehearsal of a skit featuring events in the early history of the woman's club movement from the 1890's to the present time A large cast of women besides the stage director and her assistants have parts In the various episodes which are expected to bring "forth costumes bf the Gay Nineties rs well as those of preceding depades The actresses have been drawn from the federated clubs of the city)' Miisic of the various periods depicted by each In the second haft of the program will accompany the (scenes enacted by the club groups Each club has prepared Its section of the program and much originality and variety are anticipated 'Members of the Bangor Junior Woman's club will usher and assist in the serving of refreshments following the program Queen City! Grange Holds Business and Program Meeting Queen City Grange met Saturday evening Worthy Overseer i Guy Bradbury presiding Harry Beatty acted as overseer ffftd Thelma Parsons as gatekeeper Mr Ross and Mr Bradford were members ot the executive committee Worthy Master Hoyt of Holden Grange was a guest for the 5neet-Ing to Church as observed this week at the East Bangor Congregational church Ray Morse reported in the mystery ride which was enjoyed by Queen City and Riverside Grange last Thursday i It was voted to Invite the Eastern Star Grange of Hampaen degree team to Work the third and fourth degrees i at me meeting on Nov 16" The program I consisted of songs by the Grange' readings and quiz won by Mrs Bradford and a stunt presented by the young people During the program there were remarks by Mr Hoyt ol Holden I AH Souls Has Meeting The Association of' All Souls' church met In 'the vestry Monday afternoon sew for the annual fair Mrs Charles Cam jeron general chairman for the lair and Miss Grace Flske financial chairman: announced that plans were moving rapidly forward for this event' which: will: be held in the vestry Defcember 4- Committees for the fair will be announced later this month During a social hour tea was served with Mrs Edward Bland-ing pouring at an attractively appointed table the decorations for Which were carried out' in the patriotic colors The tea committee was composed of Mrs Cayting Mrs Alexander Mrs A A Rand Mrs Harris and Mrs Helen a Leonard Invitations Being: -Received for Atwood-1 Wedding Invitations are being received by friends in Bangor to the wedding of Miss Barbara Louise Williams daughter of Wallace Williams to Jack Sanden Atwood of August son of Mr and Mrs Frank Atwood of Bangor -The ceremony will take-place Friday Nov 22nd at 8 o'clock in the evening at Putnam Lodge Danvers Mass A reception will be held following the ceremony at 7 Garland street Lynn Mass ColdsGo Doiffl Get After Distress Improved Vicks Way a cold has down" rails- ing coughing muscular soreness- or irritation in upper bronchial tubes see what a Mas- can do for you I With this more thorough treatment the poultlce-and-vapor action of 'Vicks VapoRub more effectively PENETRATES irritatedatr passages with soothing medicinal vapors STIMULATES chest and back like a warming poultice or plaster STARTS reuevinc misery right away I Results delight even old friends of VapoRub TO GET a "VapoRub with all its benefits massage 7 1 VapoRub for 3 minutes on IMPORTANT RIB-AREA OF HACK as well as throat and chest-- spread a thick layer on chest cover with a warmed cloth BE SURE to use genuine time-tested! VICKS VAPORUB 1- jCAVALiTlY TWEEDS IJ I0s9)c5 I Fur Trimmed IN LOVELY 4S DRESSiYi FUR IN IN WITHOUT FUR IN fe Red Cross will hold a ral for RoH Call workers in? Bangor at the Bangor Public 'Library lecture room Wednesday afternoon! at 12 o'clock CoL Sherman j- Shunt-way' chairman ot Penobscot County chapter of the America rf Red Cross win give 'an address He i will: be heard in an inspirations! talk concerning the Roll Call needs' at this time 1 Mrs Esther Baldwin executive secretary of! the Penobscot County i chapter and Miss Marguerite Mc-Quaide field represent a tivq fofr Maine will also' $ddress the 'group Roll Call workers whi will1 i take part in the campaign Nov' ill tr Nov 30 are junder the general chairmanship pitr Mrs jsEdpar' -H Keith wpe ha been busy for the past 'several' weeks getting 'he organization set) up 1 i 1 The meeting Wednesday is expected to he a modt enthiiMRstic and interesting occasion and large 'at4 tendance of workers a n4 friend si of Red Cross are expected attend 3TYLIN rer Hi jf'irrediCoats Gorgeously IN AN OUTSTANfDINr DIFFERENT LQQ1CING STALES COLLECTION OF ss2ra BANGOR -Instructions CREWEL EMBROIDERY Foil Line Artj-Craft Industries Materials 1 Coslume Bel and Bag Designed i LILLIAN ImcKAY GORDON! I Middle Court -Brewer I fy Appointment Tel 4964 t-t -) CORTEIll 9 CENTRAlH-23 HAMMpNDi.

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The Bangor Daily News from Bangor, Maine (2024)


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Author: Kerri Lueilwitz

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Views: 6124

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Author information

Name: Kerri Lueilwitz

Birthday: 1992-10-31

Address: Suite 878 3699 Chantelle Roads, Colebury, NC 68599

Phone: +6111989609516

Job: Chief Farming Manager

Hobby: Mycology, Stone skipping, Dowsing, Whittling, Taxidermy, Sand art, Roller skating

Introduction: My name is Kerri Lueilwitz, I am a courageous, gentle, quaint, thankful, outstanding, brave, vast person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.