Hazbin Hotel Story Ideas To Give Away - Chapter 39 - Fantasyandromancelover (2024)

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Peter Parker/Spider-Man (Raimi's Version) - Alastor

Peter Parker/Spider-Man (Webb's Version) - Angel Dust

Peter Parker/Spider-Man (MCU Version) - Moxxie

Mary-Jane Watson - Charlie

Gwen Stacy - Vaggie

Michelle Jones - Millie

Harry Osborn - Blitzo

Ned Leeds - Fizzarolli

Uncle Ben and Aunt May - Alastor's parents

J Jonah Jameson - Husk

Norman Osborn/The Green Goblin - Adam

Dr. Curt Conners/The Lizard - Asmodeus

Dr. Otto Octavius/Doctor Octopus - Sir Pentious

Max Dillion/Electro - Travis

Adrian Toomes/The Vulture - Chazwick

Flash Thompson - Striker

John Jameson - Vortex

Liz Alan - Queen Bee

Aleksei Sytsevich/The Rhino - Valentino

Two years have passed, Alastor along with his cousin Angel have graduated from high school and are now attending college together. Their younger cousin Moxxie, is entering his senior year and is almost fully recovered from being paralyzed while on the verge of getting of an acting scholarship while Charlie, the secret love of Alastor's life is making it as a successful actress on Broadway and her best friend Vaggie has recovered as well from her coma. But on the downside, Angel who was Vaggie's boyfriend, chose to break up with her out of guilt, and because Alastor is now fighting crime alone as the Deer Demon, he finds himself constantly overworked, failing his classes, and becoming estranged from the people he loves. His friend Blitzo has become obsessed with killing the Deer Demon, still blaming him for his father's death and Charlie still has feelings for Alastor and feels that he's hiding something from her.

When Moxxie notices how stressed and overworked Alastor is, he begs him to let him become the Incredible Imp again but Alastor refuses, insisting that he will not lose another member of his family to crime. Still Moxxie feels useless and without a purpose, so Charlie invites him to join her theater trope which he accepts. There he's introduced to Charlie's handsome leading man Vortex, her best friend in the acting world Bee, and the lovely new-commer Millie whom Moxxie is instantly smitten with.

Later, Alastor's boss Husk, sympathizes with his home life and decides to give him an opportunity to boost his pay by choosing him to do the report on recently discovered scientist Dr. Dominick Pentious who has become the newest research developer for Blitzo's company. Alastor is thrilled, not only for the opportunity to make more money but because he knew Dr. Pentious as his instructor from science camp as a boy. Blitzo arranges for Alastor to meet him, his wife Cherri, and his assistant, a college professor Valentino before the presentation. Dr. Pentious still remembers Alastor and the two strike up a friendship, bonding over science and their respective dreams. Dr. Pentious's dream is his latest project, a device that can generate fusion power and will offer what he believes to be a more safe and pure form of electricity. Alastor is impressed but is skeptical of the machine, asking if Dr. Pentious has miscalculated which he assures him that he hasn't.

One day Vortex asks Charlie out, she likes him but isn’t sure about dating anyone because of her feelings for Alastor. She tells him she’ll think about it and later gives Alastor a ticket to her show, asking him to be there which he promises to do so. Unfortunately, on the night of the show, stopping a robbery prevents him from arriving at the theater in time and he misses her show. Alastor meets Charlie the theater and tries to give a valid excuse but she can tell he’s lying, which hurts her. She pleads with him to be honest with her but he can’t. She then angrily leaves with Vortex. Alastor goes home that night upset as the Demon Deer but suddenly his powers stop working.

Meanwhile, it turns out Valentino is secretly jealous of Dr. Pentious’s accomplishments and has changing the doctor’s notes, and sabotaging his work in order to steal it for himself. He’s also sniffing after one of his students, Vaggie, and harasses her. Charlie advises her to report his actions but Vaggie refuses because he has threatened to have her expelled from the university. Weeks pass, Charlie starts dating Vortex which causes Alastor to become depressed and Angel tries to see if he and Vaggie can be “just friends.” But while their love lives are a mess, Moxxie’s relationship with Millie flourishes. She goes with him to physical therapy and he works with her during rehearsal, and over time he learns that she used to be a fan of The Incredible Imp, because he made her feel like she could do anything. This makes Moxxie miss being a hero even more but being with Millie gives him purpose.

On the day of Dr. Pentious’s demonstration of his invention, he wears an exo-skeleton suit with the D.N.A of a snake in order to withstand the extreme heat and keep the machine under control. Alastor, Angel, and Blitzo attend the demonstration and at first, all seems to go well. However, suddenly the machine has a power spike due to Valentino’s tampering and it causes the fish ion to destabilize. Pentious refuses to shut the reactor down though which results in it going critical, killing Cherri, and fusing Pentious to his suit. As Deer Demon, Alastor shuts down the experiment and Angel catches Valentino fleeing the scene with some of the doctor’s notes. At the hospital, Pentious goes mad from the experience and slithers off into the shadows. Valentino finds him and convinces him to re-build the machine but only so Val can secretly take all the credit for himself. Dr. Pentious then renames himself Dr. Serpent and becomes a criminal, robbing banks for money. One robbery in particular almost leads to him killing Marie and Alastor unable to save her due to momentarily losing his powers, but luckily Moxxie trips him up and rescues her. Despite this, Alastor scolds Moxxie for risking his life again. But Moxxie retorts that he’s not as helpless as he thinks and that Alastor can’t keep doing this all on his own.

At a premiere party at the theater, Charlie becomes engaged to Vortex and Blitzo rants at Alastor in a drunken rage, accusing him of being a disloyal friend. Alastor suffers an emotional breakdown over his inability to balance his life, with the stress stripping him of his powers as a result. Unable to take it anymore, he quits being The Deer Demon, returns to his normal life, and attempts to reconcile with Charlie. As for Charlie herself, while her parents are thrilled with her decision to marry Vortex, her friends are not as supportive. Bee is angry and becomes distant, and Vaggie can’t help but be skeptical about the engagement. Asking Charlie how she really feels and if she really loves him. Charlie insists that she does but Bee angrily accuses her of only marrying him for publicity.

Vaggie voices her concerns to Angel who remarks that it’s probably none of their business. Vaggie then tells him that she just doesn’t want Charlie to make a mistake and throw away a chance at happiness, “Like some people.” Angel sees the allegory and tries to explain but they are interrupted by a jealous Valentino who attempts to get Angel to leave. Angel however stands firm and decides to do his own secret investigation on Valentino with Moxxie secretly helping him. They soon discover Valentino's plans of sabotaging Pentious's work.

One night, Alastor finally sees Charlie perform in her play much to her delight and afterward, he invites her up to the top of the church to witness a beautiful viewing of the city and they share a romantic slow dance which is witnessed by Dr. Serpent. Charlie realizes that she's still in love with Alastor and wants to be with him, but doesn't want to hurt Vortex. Alastor tries to confess his feelings for her but she becomes confused and leaves before he can, though she promises to talk to him later. As he walks home that night, he spots an apartment building on fire and learns that a little girl is trapped inside. Despite his loss of powers, he goes into the fire and successfully saves the girl but learns that one poor soul got trapped on the floor, perishing. This causes Alastor to feel guilty about his choice to quit.

Meanwhile, Blitzo who is still obsessed with getting revenge on the Deer Demon, is visited by Dr. Serpent. He demands that he give him tritium, threatening to kill if he refuses. Blitzo agrees under the condition that Dr. Serpent brings him the Deer Demon so he can kill him. He tells him to find the Deer Demon through Alastor but he also tells him not to hurt Alastor. Dr. Serpent agrees to the deal and before leaving to find Alastor, he builds an exo-skeleton for Valentino and charges him with guarding the reactor until he returns. Alastor eventually decides that his responsibility to the city are more important than his personal needs and tries to become the Deer Demon again but his powers still do not return. He goes to Angel and asks him to become the Spider Sinner again until he gets his powers back but Angel still refuses out of fear and guilt. Moxxie once again offers to return as the Incredible Imp but again Alastor refuses to let him, but he does apologize for snapping at him earlier and is glad that he still has a hero's spirit.

The next day, Bee visits Charlie and apologizes for her behavior. She reveals that she and Vortex used to be a couple and that she still loves him, but chooses to accept their engagement if Charlie and Vortex are truly in love. This makes Charlie's doubts about the engagement grow and she invites Alastor to meet her at the cafe to talk. She asks Alastor if he loves her, but having convinced himself that his responsibility as a hero makes it too dangerous for him to be with her, he tells her no. However Charlie can tell he's lying and instead of getting angry, she asks him to kiss her. He complies. But before their lips can touch, the cafe is ransacked by Dr. Serpent who kidnaps Charlie and threatens to harm her if Alastor doesn't find the Deer Demon. Seeing the woman he loves taken away from him and knowing that she needs him, Alastor's powers are restored and he once again becomes the Deer Demon.

He confronts Dr. Serpent at the clock tower and a fight breaks out. Eventually, they battle on a train which Dr. Serpent destroys the speed bar on the train, as it explodes on Alastor's mask making it blurry, he takes it off. He uses all his strength to stop the train from falling off the unfinished track and saves the people, passing out in the process. His identity is exposed but the people on the train are so grateful to him for saving their lives that they return his mask and vow to keep his identity as secret. Dr. Serpent returns, and ends up knocking Alastor unconscious and delivering him to Blitzo. After giving Dr. Serpent the tritium, Blitzo pulls out the knife and prepares to kill the Deer Demon. But when he unmasks him, he's shocked to discover that that Alastor is the Deer Demon. Alastor tells Blitzo the truth of what happened to his father Adam but Blitzo doesn't believe him. Still he reveals to him where Dr. Serpent is upon learning that he has Charlie.

The Deer Demon makes his way to Dr. Serpent's waterfront laboratory, with the doctor putting the finishing touches on his makeshift reactor. He finds Charlie chained up and attempts to rescue her discreetly, Dr. Serpent catches on and they fight once more. During the battle, the reactor turns on and Charlie is nearly sucked into the fusion but Alastor saves her in time. Valentino then attacks them both so Dr. Serpent can finish the machine. Soon the police and the media are drawn to the scene. The battle is televised and upon seeing Alastor and Charlie in danger, Moxxie becomes the Incredible Imp and goes to help them. Angel then sees a televised confrontation between Vaggie and Valentino, in which she finally stands up to him, prompting Angel to become the Spider Sinner again. He comes to Vaggie's aid and tells her to inform the police that everyone needs to be evacuated cause the machine has been re-built. The Spider Sinner and the Incredible Imp fight Valentino, allowing the Deer Demon to subdue Dr. Serpent. He reveals his identity and attempts to appeal to Dominick Pentious, pleading for him to stop the reactor. Valentino interjects, trying to manipulate Pentious once again but when Angel shows Pentious the evidence of Valentino's betrayal and how his sabotage pretty much caused Cherri's death, Pentious furiously kills Valentino. Still, Pentious is not ready to give up on his dream but Alastor manages to convince him to shut down the machine for the greater good.

With his sense of humanity restored, Dr. Pentious uses his strength to collapse the building and drowns the reactor at the cost of his own life. As the building falls apart, Charlie is nearly crushed by a falling beam but Alastor rushes to protect her, forgetting to put his mask back on. Charlie sees Alastor's face and finally knows the truth. Alastor confesses to Charlie that he loves her more than anything in the world but can't bear to let anything happen to her, so they can't be together as long as he is the Deer Demon. After that he returns her home and is later comforted by his cousins, causing him to admit that he really can't be a hero all on his own and that he needs them. They all agree to be a team again.

As for Blitzo, shocked by the trauma caused by revelation of Alastor's identity as The Deer Demon, has visions of his father Adam ordering him to avenge his death and leading him to a secret room containing all of his father's Dark Archangel equipment. He looks at the equipment and takes the serum his father created.

The next day Angel and Vaggie reconcile and resume their relationship, then attend Moxxie's debut performance with Alastor. There Moxxie and Millie perform a romantic love scene and have their first kiss. After the show, Vaggie and Angel go to Charlie and Vortex's engagement party but can't help noticing how troubled the bride to be looks. Charlie wanders off and overhears Vortex speaking with his agent about his decision to marry her. It is revealed that the proposal was indeed a publicity stunt that his manager pressured him into and that he's really in love with Bee. Learning this, Charlie releases Vortex from their engagement, urges him to be with Bee, which he thanks her for. Once she's alone, Angel privately converses with her, revealing to her that he's the Spider Sinner and that he broke up with Vaggie because he was afraid of something happening to her. But he also confesses that it was the worst decision he ever made because being without her only made him feel so alone and depressed, like he had nothing else in his life to make him happy. He tells her that Alastor is probably feeling the same way and that she shouldn't throw a way a chance at happiness like he almost did.

Inspired by this, Charlie leaves the party and runs back at Alastor's apartment. She tells Alastor that she wants to be with him no matter what and that they need each other. Alastor then realizes that he needs to be a hero not just for the city but for her and they share a passionate kiss. Suddenly a fire truck is heard, signaling danger. Charlie encourages Alastor to respond as the Deer Demon, and he goes off to save the day with the Spider Sinner and the Incredible Imp working alongside him.

Hazbin Hotel Story Ideas To Give Away - Chapter 39 - Fantasyandromancelover (2024)


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Name: Sen. Emmett Berge

Birthday: 1993-06-17

Address: 787 Elvis Divide, Port Brice, OH 24507-6802

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Job: Senior Healthcare Specialist

Hobby: Cycling, Model building, Kitesurfing, Origami, Lapidary, Dance, Basketball

Introduction: My name is Sen. Emmett Berge, I am a funny, vast, charming, courageous, enthusiastic, jolly, famous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.