The Bangor Daily News from Bangor, Maine (2024)

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The Bangor Daily Newsi

Bangor, Maine

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'ary -FOR NEWS WANT ADS DIAL 6441 -THE BANGOR DAILY NEWS BANGOR MAINE WEDNESDAY FEBRUARY 20 1952- shows a parking meter on a Fort Kent curb its pretty well weathered in for the moment of the could well enough be the subject! of the CENTER PHOTO taken at Madawaska Camille Sirois points at the new street signs which are erected at conventional height from the sidewalk RIGHT PHOTO belongs to Gilbert Morin of Madawaska who probably wishes that he had contracted with someone to keep his driveway clear at standard rates before Old Man Winter reared his ugly head i MORE ABOUT AN OLD FAMILIAR storm gave Coastal Maine a severe lashing that will probably remain the chief subject of conversation in that area for several weeks to come Aroostook merely shrugged off the news as old stuff Their reasons for becoming a bit philosophical about the whole thing are amply illustrated by these Wirephotos sent from Van Buren last evening by NEWS Staffer Danny Maher LEFT PlfOTO Social Brevities And Personals Opera New Manager Here To Acquaint Self With Surroundings Prior To Taking Over On March 1 Home Culture Club Has Musicale At YWCA On Tuesday The Home Culture club held its annual musicale at the YWCA Tuesday afternoon under the chairmanship of Mrs Hilda Rand Miss Shirley Merrill talented Eangor high school rtudent entertained with charming p-aro and accordion numbers Her firot P'ano group included Ritual of the Fire and she concluded the program with Chopin compositions Miss Sylvia Applebee a student at Husson college sang several numbers accompanied by Miss Janet Cota Mrs Richard Gustin presided over the business session and reported on the mid-winter meeting of the MFWC held in Augusta Assisting Mrs Rand in arranging the program were Mrs Alberta Cleale Mrs Carmen Towle Mrs Daisy Dysart Mrs Ida Harmon Mrs Winnie Shaughnessy Mrs Maude Twitchell Mrs Clara Stuart and Mrs Thelma Anderson 75 Reservations Received For Orono Event ORONO Feb Mrs Bert A MacKenzie who is serving as general chairman for the St luncheon-card party and fashion I show to be sponsored by the Areme club Feb 26 at 1 an- nounced today that more than 75 reservations have been made for the event Others wishing to make reservations are reminded to do so by Thursday evening Mrs Cordelia Bell is serving as ticket chairman and is being assisted by Mrs Carl Myers Mrs Oscar who is in charge of the fashion show has announced that in addition to the high school girls the following will also serve as models: Mrs Wayland Shands Mrs Franklin Witter Mrs Joseph LaBeau Mrs Bessie Rogers and Mrs Bert A MacKenzie Miss Melva Tenney will assist Mrs with the fashion show Tallies for the card party are being made by a group from the 1 seventh grade at Orono high school under the direction of Miss Neva Browning of the high school 'faculty Mrs Charles Sleeper a member of the Areme club will also assist If experience means anything the Bangor Opera new manager Arthur Allaire who takes over March 1 should have little difficulty with his new job The Herkimer native who arrived here Friday to become acquainted with his surroundings before he officially assumes his duties has some 21 years of theater experience behind him On March 1 the Opera House will separate from the Park Amusem*nt company which for years was part of Allied Theaters and will become a part of the New England Theaters Inc chain The Bangor Bijou theater the Bangor Park theater and the Strand theater of Orono will continue to be operated by the Park Amusem*nt company The move is a result of a Supreme Court nation-wide ruling to dissolve movie combinations that included distributors and exhibitors Allaire succeeds Cornelius Russell Jr as manager of the Opera House Russell is also president of the Park Amusem*nt company Other company owners are Bernard Harkins of Old Town vice president and Cornelius Russell Sr treasurer Harkins represents the Fernandez estate of Town The new manager came to Bangor from Barre Vt where he was manager of a theater since 1946 AHaire began his theater career in 1931 by ushering after attending St college in Vermont In 1933 he became assistant manager of a theater in Barre He got a look at Maine in 1936 when he was made manager of the Maine theater in Waterville He followed this by relieving managers throughout Maine New Hampshire and Vermont from 1938-1940 Dur- ARTHUR ALLAIRE Mr and Mrs William Wright 411 Stillwater avenue Old Town are announcing the engagement of their daughter Donne to Edgar Gray Jr son of Mrs Violet McAuliffe of Gilman Falls avenue Old Town Miss Wright was graduated from Old Town High school in the class of 1951 and is now employed by the Old Town Hardware com-1 pany Mr Gray who is at present a patient at the Veterans hos- pital in Togus was previously employed by the Murphy Motors' Inc in Old Town A member of Tedd Laite post American Legion he served three and a half years in the Army He attended Old Town schools No date has been set for the wedding Old Town Pupils To Give Annual Marionette Show OLD TOWN Feb The Marionette show an annual event at the Herbert Gray school on Stillwater avenue will be presented Wednesday and Thursday at the school at 7:45 pm for the general public Featuring this year Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs the show will mark the fifth year such a project has been carried out by Principal Benoit Bouchard and the pupils of his sixth grade room In previous years the shows were: Cinderella Sleeping Beauty Frog Prince and Rumpelstiltskin All 32 pupils of the sixth grade room will take part after having previously written the script for the story as an English class project Marionettes have been made by the pupils and a stage constructed under direction stimulating interest in composition music dramatics reading and oral expression Some of the pupils have learned the art of manipulating the marionettes and have speaking parts or are responsible for the musical background and introduction Members of the cast are: Eleanor MacKenzie as Snow White Carol Webster as queen: Teddy Wooster as king and others are Richard Du bay Walter Goodwin Robert Dow Pearl Brayson John Flanni-gan Wayne Turner Richard Leonard Billy Glidden Vaughn Luce Allen GUes Ralph Guay Louisa Oakes and Clyde Grant Puppeteers are Wayne Turner Louis Daigle James Francis Matthew Sappier Reuben Phillips John Cowan Francis Oakes and Bernard Duplissie Vinal Kimball has charge of the microphone and sound effects Marylyn Hutchinson and Myma Inman are ushers Louise Ketchum and Judy St Lawrence have charge of puppets and scenerv Nancy Brown and Diane Bowley have charge of records and background music Robert gives th4 introduction and Nona Taggette introduces the seven different acts Assisting Bouchard and the boys in construction of the stage and scenery is Iawrence Waye school janitor and assisting with the sale of tickets are two teachers Mrs Anna Goodwin and Miss Eva Bennett Due to the small seating capacity of the school gymnasium it will be necessary for the following arrangement in the nine presentations of the play morning and afternoon presentations for the local schools by a previously arranged schedule and a special show -on Thursday at 7:45 pm for the Parent-Teacher club and friends As usual there will be novelty acts with some of the popular ones repeated with changes from last year including Pimbo The Clown Sonny Child a piano playing novelty act Heap Big Chief All March 6th The Matinee club will meet Thursday at 1:30 at the home of Mrs Donald Applebee Essex street Puahaw lake The Girl Scout club will meet Thursday at 7 :30 at the Girl Scout headquarters Mrs Ann Flckett elementary school supervisor will speak on Problems in The Golden Age club met Tues- day afternoon at the YWCA Mrs Edna Hersey presided at the meeting at which reports were presented It was voted to change the meeting days to the first and third Thursdays of each month Mrs Edna Hersey read a poem and an article on a Golden Age club and Mrs Orrin Leach told of the organization of the first Golden Age club in the country Miss Marilyn Stine hfield entertained with piano selections and community singing was enjoyed Whist and canasta were in play after which refresh-menu were served by Mrs Isabel Gunn Mrs Annie Hutchings and Mrs Grace Bogan The program was arranged by Mrs Georgia Whittier Mrs Orrin Leach and Mrs Grace Bogan The Independent Sunshine club met Tuesday afterpoon at the home of Mrs Ada Wedgewood 122 Allen street Mrs Ophelia Man- cheater presided at the business meeting at which plans were made for a dinner at the meeting March i 4th at the GAR Isiemorial Home Cards were in play and prizes went i to Mrs Bernice Phillips Mrs Ger-trade Grant Mrs Hattie French and Mrs Manchester Refreshments were served by the hostess during a social hour There will be a meeting of Norman N7 Dow Auxiliary No 176L VFW Thursday at 7:30 at the VFW hall The winners in the baby popularity contest held in connection with the play I "Shooting Stars' presented for ithe benefit of the polio drive will be presented loving cups at that time Ronnie Gaile Stater daughter of Mr and Mrs Sidney Stater of 97 Third street is a patient at the Eastern Maine General hospital 1 Willis Weeks district manager of the New England Telephone and Telegraph company who was scheduled to speak at meeting of the 9280th Volunteer Air Reserve Training unit will not appear tonight but will speak at a later meeting when road conditions will permit a larger number of members to attend The regular meeting will be held tonight as usual Mr and Mrs Harold Bell of 243 Center street are announcing the birth of a son Richard Wayne at the Eastern Maine General hospital on Feb 10 ing this time he was in Houlton and Fort Fairfield In 1941 he was manager in Rockland Bath and Rutland Vt for short periods In 1942 he was called into the service and did special service work aboard an Army transport He went from the service to Barre in 1946 Although he doesn't officially begin his duties until March 1 Al-I laire has been relieving Russell somewhat in the managerial duties catching on to the local operation He had little to say about the future other than that the situa- tion would be a competitive onk 1 from March 1 on He seemed quite i optimistic about the job ahead of I him and expressed himself as pleased with the situation thus far Allaire is a member of the Amer- ican Legion and the Elks and Lions club6 The Women's auxiliary ef St hospital will meet Thursday at 7:30 at the Mary 6now school Members will work on hospital supplies Refreshments will be served during a social hour under the direction of Mrs John Qninn assisted by Mias Alice Maney Miss Mary Matty Mrs Arthur Nichols Mrs Paal Pooler Mrs Morris Bloom Mrs Ernest fhrtstakoa Miss Frances Donovan Mias Katherine Tartre Mrs Allan Woodeoek Mrs Evelyn Smith Mrs Thomas Jordan and Miss Edith Innis "The Secret ol a Triumphant arill be the topic of Rev Walter Cook at the mid-week service of the First Baptist church today at 7:30 Mrs Bath Cushing will be in charge of special music and instrumentalists will be Kenneth Howard flute and Mrs Prances Snow violin The Bangor Circle of DoMolay Mothers will meet Thursday at 6:30 in the Crane Room at St Episcopal church Jor a covered dish supper This will be an important business meeting and all members are requested to attend -r The Ladies society to the Brotherhood of Locomotive Engine men Firemen met Tuesday evening at the home of Mrs Mary Dau-phinee 46 Larkin street Mrs Lillie Camao presided over a routine business session Refreshments were served by the hostess in the form of a Valentine party The Kegs dub will meet today at 7:30 at the home of Mrs Earl Page 147 Court street The Ladies Union of 4he First Baptist church will hold an all-day session in the church vestry Thursday commencing at 10:30 a Members are asked to bring old sheets for white cross work and to bring their lunches All women of the church are invited to attend The business session will be held at 3:30 The Thursday Night Hadassab Study Group will meet today at at the home of Mrs Milton Lincoln 112 Broadway Mrs David Gorlin will review John Roy Carlson's "From Cairo to The WSCS of the First Methodist church will be held in the vestry Thursday at 7:30 and will be a combined circle meeting and quilting party Mrs- Clive Wentworth is program chairman and she is being assisted by Mrs Frank Banks Mrs James Mason and Mrs Gerald Kinney Hostesses will be Mrs James Mason Mrs Ward Shaw Miss Thelma Reb-atock Mrs Brookings Mrs Allen Rooks and Mrs Richard Hastings 3 The Nifties will meet today at 7:30 at the home of Mrs Harry Dinamore 33 Bryant street The meeting of the Queen City Townsend dob No 5 scheduled for tonight will be omitted The next meeting will be Wednesday Feb 27th at the home of Mr and Mrs Fred Shepard 31 Pier street at 7:30 Mr and Mrs Earl Downes of 146 Thirteenth street are announcing the birth of a son Gary Paul Downes Feb 11th at the Eastern Maine General hospital Play Presented At Baptist Church A play was presented at the meeting of the Baptist Youth Fellowship Sunday night at the Calvary Baptist 1 church Brewer under the direc-! tion of Mrs Douglas Auld The case follows: father Sylvia Good- rich mother Beverly Nickerson daughter Joan Dean and Christian young man Pauline Damon Mrs Auld gave a short talk on the subject Robert Ayer Jr was the leader with Clayton Rogers at the piano Prayer was by James Hay Peggy Goodrich and Joanne Lord were heard in a vocal duet Twenty -one members were present Bangor Grange Plans Card Party Bangor grange will hold a public card party Friday from 2 to 5 pm in the grange hall outer Ohio street under the direction of Mrs Olive Emery committee chairman An oyster stew supper will be served from 5:30 to 7 pm Donald Chase and Halton MacDonald are co-chairmen of the supper committee and Edward Cranston will he charge of the dining room William McKinna is ticket committee chairman An entertainment will be pre-i sented at 8 pm The committee in I charge is Mrs Georgia Gray chairman Russell Peavey Earle Hillman and Mrs Olive Emery Owen Gray has charge of printing i the programs The program will include songs music and tableaux from "The Life i of Stephen Poster Mrs Gray will be the narrator Stephen Foster Russell Peavey: Jeanie Mrs Ge- neva Peavey and Morris Foster Earle Hillman John Townsend will play a violin solo Others taking i part will be Mr and Mrs Heslin I Hartford Charles and Walter Sheridan Mr and Mrs Ethridge i Fowler Mr and Mrs Edwin Wil-! son Mr and Mrs Wilford Raymond Mr and Mrs Irving Bow-i den Joe Cole Clyde Lougee Owen Gray and Dixie Mr and Mrs i James Currier Mrs Mabel Roundy Mrs Eva Boynton Clarence Chase Jr Donald Chase and a chorus of 24 members Dancing will follow with old and new dances on the program Dick Cole will be the caller for square dances and music will be by the grange orchestra Mrs Olive Emery piano: Chester Betterley drums and Mrs Miriam Edge-jeonfi violin Smoke No Fire Kilroy The Kop and the skeleton act Proceeds from the show will be used for the school project fund of the Herbert Gray Parent-Teacher club Dillingham who urged all members to attend the WSCS Joint meeting at the church on Thursday Mrs Lewis Staples spoke on India and the worship service was conducted by Miss Edna Dearborn Mrs Dillingham assisted the hostess in serving lunch The second meeting of the year of the Friendship Christmas club was held recently at the home of Miss Helen Getchell 46 Patten street Mrs Arleen Bradman was elected secretary to fill the unexpired term of Mrs Helen Bonder who has resigned A red and white box was filled with Valentines with each member drawing one Gifts also were exchanged by the members and refreshments were served at the close of the meeting Those attending were: Mrs Thelma Dorr Miss Helen Getchell Mrs Evelyn Dunton Mrs Charlene Morse Mrs Arleen Bradman Mrs Phyllis Partridge Mrs Glennis Bryant Mrs Abbie Morse and Mrs Gertrude Gaudette Iota Phi sorority met Sunday afternoon at the home of Freedman 35 Garland street with Toby Singer president conducting the meeting Liana Hudes of Israel was taken in as a full member making a membership of 16 in the sorority Plans were made by the group for a baby-sitting project i to earn funds for the sorority treasury Future plans also include a senior banquet sorority camp and a mother and daughter tea Refreshment were served at the close of the meeting with Estelle Gotlib and Rachel Nachum assisting the hoetefc Betty Ann Andrews Celebrates Birthday Betty Ann Andrews celebrated her ninth birthday at a party recently at the home of her grandparents Mr artfl Mrs Arthur Andrews 7 King's court South Brewer Games were played and prizes were won by Maryanne Sullivan Carl Feliciani Barbara Snow Alice Waddell Marcia Osgood and Sherrv Adams Refreshments were served including a decorated three-tier birthday cake made by her mother Mrs' June Andrews Many lovely gifts were received Others present were: Mrs Clara Sprague and daughter Jane Ellen Mr and MTs Arthur Andrews i James Andrews Barbara and I Janice Pierce Lorraine Osgood Frances Doane Janice Keenan and Jane O'Connor WSCS To Sponsor Birthday Party The Society of Chris-tion Service of the Brewer First Methodist church wll sponsor its annual birthday supper Friday at 6 Baked ham and baked fish will be served A limited number of tickets will be sold and may be procured from members of the society Mrs Ethel Goodwin is ticket committee chairman Committees are as follows: publicity Mrs Alice Church Mrs Elizabeth Gilmore Mrs Maxine Gray Mrs Pearl Abbott Mrs Florence Norris Mrs Aetna Jef-ferds and Mrs Alberta Eaton kitchen Mrs Helen Elkin Mrs June Paine Mrs Jemima Naugier Mrs Eva Homsted Mrs Mabel Sherman Mrs Susie Connor and Mrs Natalie Mclnnis dining room Miss Arline Foster chairman tables will be in the charge of the following: January Mrs Virginia Miles: February' Mrs Lora Ivers March Mrs Florence Norris April Miss Francena Morey May Mrs Etta Young June Mrs Jeannette Nickerson July Mrs Carlene Le-veille August Mrs Barbara Bean September Mrs Eluabeth Gilmore October Mrs Ruth Carroll November Mrs Pearl Abbott and December Mrs Maxine Gray The following men will assist with the coffee Laforest Mathews Verrill Gilmore Willis Nickerson Hassell Norris and Allen Miles Heart Fund Tag Day Prizes Awarded Here Prize winners among the workers of the Heart Fund tag day held here Saturday were announced today by Mrs Wilfrid I Comeau co-chairman of the local drive Douglas Dunning 40 Market street was the winner of the first shift with Ruth Theriault of 105 Pine street taking the prize for both the second and third shifts Ten boys joined the ranks of tag day workers this year with the prize winner being one of them Total collections from the tag day totalled $72544 Nearly 60 solicitors took part in the drive Saturday under the direction of I Mrs Kenneth Plummer tag day chairman Women workers who played a prominent part in the effort Satur-j day were Mrs Myron Foster Mrs Francis Allen Mrs Frank Allen Mrs Fields Pendleton Jr Mrs Edward Babco*ck Miss Avis Lethiecq Mrs Wilbur Man ter Mrs Polly Graham Tarbell Mrs Frederick Snowman Mrs Robert Feeley Mrs Cornelius Sullivan and Mrs Russell Peters Girl Scouts also manned booths in stores throughout the city 5 Troop leaders whose Girl Scouts assisted included Mrs Carlyle Johnson Mrs Russell Peavey Mrs George Levenseller Mrs Dwight Russell Mrs Merle Bowden and Mrs Shirley Footman Girls of Mrs Paul troop helped arrange equipment used by work- ers including the heart-shaped money containers and counted the tags This work was done the day i previous to the tag day Junior Members of all three WSCS circles of the First Methodist church will meet Thursday at the church for an all-day session Members will work on tacking a The Penobscot Valley Nasson club will meet Thursday at 7:30 at the home of Mias Helen quilt during the morning and a Orberton 140 Grant street A social evening will follow the business meeting box lunch will be served at noon A regular meeting will be held jointly by all circles in the Charity Circle of King's Daughters will meet Thursday at 2 at the Home 89 Ohio street Members will sew for charity during the afternoon Hostesses will be Mrs Klngsbiiry Mrs Emma Redman Mrs Charles Bond and Mrs William The Lois Parker Circle of the Hie meeting of Oriental Division Grand International auxiliary to the Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers scheduled for Thursday afternoon has been cancelled The tn attendance The business meet-next meeting of the group will be ing was conducted by Mrs A A WSCS of the First Methodist church met Tuesday morning at the home of Mrs Forrest Page 220 Silver road with 10 members and senior high school girls and boys participated in the actual 1 soliciting Saturday VALLEY FORGE: Inspiration for Today By Jay Heavilin and Ralph Lane Washington hod few doctors fewer drugs The desperately i 1 1 were bduled in open wagons over bumpy roads to hospitals than 50 miles away But the hospitals locked mines the doctors knowledge No one suspected Popular belief has it that as disease swirled through the ranks of the Continental Army Washington walked into the forest knelt upon the snow and prayed for divine help Though the story is suspect it is certain relief did arrive in the form of spring and Boron Frederick von Steuben I Word i connot describe the despoir of General Washington as I be watched dread disease infiltrate bis camp The first sick I Volley Forge revealed 3000 men unfit for duty A month later typhus and smallpox hod swelled the list to 4100 germs were parasites that? live on filth Had stricter attention been paid to sanitation hundreds of lives might 20 more thon third of the entire Army hove been saved HOW DEEP WAS MY DRIFT Motorists along outer Union street had difficulty yesterday in viewing the landscape along either side of the road because the drifts were so high So high in fact that you might miss seeing the car buried alongside the street if you look real close (Staff Photo by Webb).

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Author: Rubie Ullrich

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Name: Rubie Ullrich

Birthday: 1998-02-02

Address: 743 Stoltenberg Center, Genovevaville, NJ 59925-3119

Phone: +2202978377583

Job: Administration Engineer

Hobby: Surfing, Sailing, Listening to music, Web surfing, Kitesurfing, Geocaching, Backpacking

Introduction: My name is Rubie Ullrich, I am a enthusiastic, perfect, tender, vivacious, talented, famous, delightful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.