Hero Wars Tier List - Ranking All Heroes from Best to Worst (2024)

Hero Wars Tier List - Ranking All Heroes from Best to Worst (1)

With various heroes to choose from in Hero Wars, it can be overwhelming to decide which ones to focus on. To help players pick the strongest heroes for their teams, we've created a Hero Wars tier list ranking all characters from the best S-tier picks down to the weakest D-tier options


Hero Wars Tier List: God Tier (S)

Hero Wars Tier List - Ranking All Heroes from Best to Worst (2)

The S tier contains game-changing heroes that dominate both PvE and PvP modes. Using these heroes as the core of your team will greatly increase your chances of winning battles.

SJorgen, Astaroth, Ziri, K’arkh, Lars, Satori, Nebula, Yasmine, Chabba, Celeste Kayla, Aurora Mushy, and Shroom, Tenebris, Thea, Maya, Martha, Julius, Fafnir, Solaris, Aidan, Cleaver

Hero Wars Tier List: Strong (A Tier)

Hero Wars Tier List - Ranking All Heroes from Best to Worst (3)

A tier heroes excel in most battles but may have minor weaknesses or dependencies on team synergy. Investing resources into these warriors is recommended.

ABrustar, Luther, Lilith,,Markus, Keira, Andvari, Artemis, Orion, Qing Mao,, Alvanor, Jhu,


Hero Wars Tier List: Good (B Tier)

Hero Wars Tier List - Ranking All Heroes from Best to Worst (4)

While still usable, B-tier heroes either need specific team comps or fall off in late game. Pulling them early can help but long-term viability is limited.

BPeppy, Sebastian, Cornelius, Fox, Corvus, Helios, , Lian, Arachne, Jet, Rufus, Galahad


Hero Wars Tier List: Weak (C Tier)

C tier contains heroes that function decently when well invested but have significant drawbacks like poor scaling. Generally, avoid prioritizing these unless running specific strategies.


Dark Star, Astrid and Lucas, Tristan, Isaac, Ginger


Hero Wars Tier List: Worst (D Tier)

Heroes in the D tier range from moderately usable to completely worthless in the current PvP meta. They should be the lowest priority for upgrades and team slots.

DIris, Avalon, Heidi, Dante, Mojo, Ishmael, Morrigan, Phobos, Judge, Kai


Summary: Hero Wars Tier List

SJorgen, Astaroth, Ziri, K’arkh, Lars, Satori, Nebula, Yasmine, Chabba, Celeste Kayla, Aurora Mushy, and Shroom, Tenebris, Thea, Maya, Martha, Julius, Fafnir, Solaris, Aidan, Cleaver
ABrustar, Luther, Lilith,,Markus, Keira, Andvari, Artemis, Orion, Qing Mao,, Alvanor, Jhu,
BPeppy, Sebastian, Cornelius, Fox, Corvus, Helios, , Lian, Arachne, Jet, Rufus, Galahad
CDark Star, Astrid and Lucas, Tristan, Isaac, Ginger
DIris, Avalon, Heidi, Dante, Mojo, Ishmael, Morrigan, Phobos, Judge, Kai

Carefully consider this Hero Wars tier list when picking your main team of warriors to upgrade. S-tier juggernauts like Jorgen and Martha should take priority, while D-tier heroes like Mojo are often a wasted investment.


Hero Wars Tier List - Ranking All Heroes from Best to Worst (2024)


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