he was one of many - janelovesnick (2024)

Chapter Text

brad wasn’t the first and he definitely won’t be the last.

While the experience afterwards with brad had put a bad taste in nick’s mouth, nick’s hooked. It’d been too easy to get what he wanted and then even easier to get rid of what he wanted when he hadn’t wanted it anymore.

nick had realized he could get away with murder just by batting his eyelashes or feigning a coy smile. “You’re my first” was the best pick up line he could’ve ever dreamed up; it had men nearly falling at his feet.

They all wanted to be his first, all of the straight guys who’d never even thought of f*cking a guy. But nick isn’t just any guy, he’s pretty. He’s confusing. He’s irresistible. He always had a hint of a smile that was impossible to understand.

And even more so now that he’s been working at it. He’s really changed his look, growing his hair out and dying it blond, and he’d gotten a tattoo on his hip.

nick thrives on it, he loves the power he feels when bending straight men to his will.

And he’s done it again. He’s got a man on his arm, and they’re stumbling down the hotel corridor with one common thing on their minds. His name is Axel and he’s an important guy; he owns the venue they’d just performed in, and nick’d had his eye on him the moment they’d been introduced. This man, has to be his.

“Where’s your room, which one is it?” Axel asks gruffly, tugging at his necktie.

nick crashes into him, looping an arm around Axel’s waist. “Just down here, room forty five.”

Axel has a family. A wife and kids. He’s as straight as they come, and as nick fumbles in his pocket for the room key, he feels his pants tighten. Axel has his arm around nick’s shoulders and he’s massaging the back of nick’s neck, making nick’s skin tingle.

“ here we are,” nick says, throwing Axel against the corridor wall. He’s grown a few inches, now he’s a solid six feet and he can really kiss a guy. And he does. He holds Axel’s shoulder and lays a wet kiss on his lips, licking down his chin and nipping at his neck.

Axel moans, his fingers creeping just beneath the waist of nick’s jeans. “f*ck, get us inside.”

“Be patient,” nick says sweetly, clicking the door open with the keycard. He gives Axel one last smirk before tumbling inside, dragging the man with him.

When he gets into the room, he sees a girl on the bed, her legs spread up in the air, and matt’s face is between her thighs. matt’s going down on her, and he’s really working at it.

“matt!” nick screeches. Axel coughs next to him, drawing back a little.

matt looks up, eyes wide. “nick…”

The girl closes her thighs and her cheeks turn pink. “Oh…”

nick just stares at matt, the image of his brother eating the girl out burned into his mind. He licks his lips, feeling his groin tighten more.

“Sorry, sorry!” nick says, waving the two off and grabbing at Axel’s arm.

“nick, maybe I should—” Axel’s trying to tug out of nick’s grasp.

nick shakes his head and shoves Axel into the bathroom. He can hear matt calling after him, but he isn’t listening. He slams the bathroom door, locking it, and shoving Axel up against it.

“Get in me,” nick says, voice harsh, demanding. “Now.”

“nick, your brother—”

nick doesn’t want to think about his brother, doesn’t want to think too hard about why he’s suddenly so turned on, why he’s ready to cum without being touched.

“Just f*ck me, he won’t come in,” nick says. Why is he so desperate for this?

Axel’s brow creases, his hands spanning the width of nick’s waist possessively. nick can tell he’s hard, the poor guy’s been hard all day as nick’s played with him.

“But you’re… this is your first time,” Axel says. “And I didn’t want—”

“What I want is your dick in me,” nick says. “Now, Axel. f*ck me or get the f*ck out.”

Axel’s mouth drops open for a moment before he’s forcing nick back against the glass shower door. Their mouths meet and Axel presses a hard, almost painful kiss to nick’s lips. nick gasps and nearly slides down to the floor, he can tell this is going to be a good one.

“First time should be special,” Axel murmurs.

“Yeah, yeah,” nick moans, closing his eyes. Axel’s hands are fumbling at nick’s belt, working quick to undo them.

nick moans, he can hear matt in the other room. He can hear the television click on, and the door shut. Did he kick the girl out? He pictures matt with her in his mind, matt licking the girl inside, hard, making her toes curl.

He looks down and Axel has nick’s pants and boxers off. nick’s hard, pressing into Axel’s hip.


Axel nods, he pulls a condom out of his wallet and grins.

“Cheat on your wife with other girls?” nick asks, smirking.

Axel shrugs, opening the package and tossing it in the trash can. “Not just girls. Well, after tonight.”

nick rolls his eyes. What a pig. But still, he grabs some lotion that’s sitting on the counter and hands it to Axel.

“It’s gonna hurt if you don’t relax.”

“I’m relaxed, okay?” nick grits his teeth, he just wants Axel to shove it in there and pump into him. He hasn’t been laid in weeks, the tours been too stressing, and now he needs a good f*ck more than ever.

Just like matt obviously needed a f*ck. And nick knows it’s been more than weeks for matt, nick knows it’s been months. matt doesn’t just f*ck anyone, he’s a stand up sort of guy.

He’s the kind of guy who would never fall under nick’s advances.

‘Because he’s your brother,’ nick thinks and moans out as Axel finally gets a finger in him.

“Quick, quick,” nick manages, looking over his shoulder and wincing at Axel. “Come on, I can take it.”

“Calm down, sweetheart, we’re taking this slow,” Axel replies, carefully curling his finger in nick.

“Oh – god, no,” nick cries out, pushing back. “Get it in me!”

nick rolls his eyes as he felt the co*ck slide into him and as soon as Axel’s all the way in him, he braces himself against the counter and pushes his ass back, forcing Axel to f*ck him recklessly. Axel growls, his hands firmly on nick’s hips, fingernails digging in. nick bites his lip, watching himself get f*cked in the fogged up mirror.

“Like what you see?” Axel breathes, slamming into nick. “Looks good to me…”

“Mmm,” nick sighs out, staring hard at the reflection. He glances at Axel, his face so focused and gruff. “Oh, oh, god, you’re so f*cking big…”

“It’s your tight little ass,” Axel replies through gritted teeth. He cringes, leaning forward and groaning. “Oh, sh*t… Oh, sh*t!”

nick assumes that Axel has just came hard inside him, and nick’s still hard, almost bursting. He keeps moving his hips, rotating, forcing Axel’s dick to hit the good spot inside him.

Suddenly, the image of matt going at it between that girl’s legs flashes into his mind. nick cries out and his knees almost buckle. He c*ms hard against his own palm and lets out a ragged moan, almost sinking to the floor.

But Axel holds him up, presses him into the counter and grinds his dick deeper into nick. He licks up the back of nick’s neck and says, softly, “I’ve never shot my load so fast in my life, f*ck, you’re amazing.”

nick can guess what’s coming next.

“Can I get your number?”

“Ugh!” nick bucks his hips back, twisting and forcing Axel out of him. “Is it all the same with you straight men?” He bends down and tugs up his boxers and jeans, hardly giving Axel time to pull his own clothes on before he throws open the bathroom door.

He wipes his hand off right on Axel’s shirt and stomps out. matt is standing beside him in a heartbeat, but nick stomps past him, too.

“What did you do?” matt asks, getting up in the older man’s face. matt couldn’t take the guy in a fight even if he tried, so nick’s glad when Axel just pushes past him.

“nick,” Axel says, but matt steps in his path.

“Out,” matt says.

“Yeah, out,” nick mumbles, turning his back to look out the window. He wants Axel out now.

“You can’t throw me out,” Axel says, smirking. “I’m your first.” His tone is sarcastic and nick’s shoulders tense.

“He used that line on you?” matt snorts. “He uses that line on everyone.”

Axel shakes his head, folding his arms. “I believed it up until he forced my dick in his ass.” He turns, opens the door. “Goodnight.”

“You need a new line,” is all matt says to nick as he shuts the door.

“matt, what’s wrong with you??” nick sputters.

“What’s wrong with me? What the f*ck is wrong with you, nick? I can’t believe you did that!” matt says, looking flustered. “I told Cyndi to get out as soon as I saw… you and him, whatever. It was embarrassing, nick,” he adds, blushing.

“I wanted… needed to get laid,” nick replies easily. “What?”

“f*ck, nick,” matt groans. “All you think about is sex, which is really funny, considering our public images. Really f*cking funny, nick. I’m supposed to be the one who’s getting all this sex.”

nick starts to snicker. matt may wear really baggy clothes, but he’s sporting an erection right now and matt seems really frustrated about it. He slowly walks over to matt, softening his expression. “Jesus, matt, how long has it been for you?”

“Not long. f*ck. I don’t know. Really long time. Months.”

“How many?”

“Five or six,” matt mumbles. “And that wasn’t even sex.”

“Poor matty” nick says, trying not to laugh because matt seems pretty embarrassed. he stared at him, chewing at his lip, and then he gets an idea. “Hey, matti. I’ll help you out… Shut your eyes, okay?”

“Um, what?”

“Close your eyes,” nick says calmly. “I’ll jerk you off.”

“You’re f*cking crazy.”

“And you’re about to rip your pants open,” nick says, cracking a grin.

“nick, this isn’t even funny,” matt says.

nick laughs. “Sorta is.” He bumps matt in the arm, sidles up close and tugs at matt’s belt. “C’mon, it is.”

“niiiick, shut up.” matt backs up and flops down on his bed, the same bed he’d had the girl on. nick bites at his lip and sits down next to matt. “It’s not funny that I can’t even get laid and that’d I’d have to resort to…”

“You can get laid,” nick says. “If I can, you can.”

“Yeah, but you lie,” matt whines. He moves away from nick but nick scoots even closer. “nick, not so close.”

“matt, you’re a really great guy, you’ll get a girl.”

“I had one,” matt says. “I maybe liked her, too, and then you brought him and ruined it!”

nick should apologize or at least get off matt’s lap, because that’s where he’s ended up, but instead he brings his hand down to matt’s groin and squeezes. the brunette lets out a startled moan, his hips jerking up.

“nick, stop,” matt hisses, but he makes no move to stop his brother.

“Just relax, close your eyes,” nick says, pushing lightly on matt’s chest, laying him flat on his back. matt protests but lets nick ease him down.

With his hat off and his expression so unsure, nick actually thinks matt looks… hot.

“Yeah, close your eyes,” nick says again. “This won’t work if you don’t relax.”

“f*ck, I know how a handjob works,” matt groans. He obediently shuts his eyes, though, and nick starts to unbuckle matt’s belt. His fingers brush across matt’s hip and matt’s hips jerk. “God, nick.”

“I’m not nick, I’m… What was her name? Sara?”

“Cyndi,” matt murmurs.

“Yeah, her. Oooh, you’re so hot, matt,” nick says in a sassy tone. He’s got matt’s jeans open and he’s tugging them down, along with his boxers. matt’s dick is exposed, hot and ready, bright red with arousal. “Jeez, matt, you’re…”

“What?” matt doesn’t open his eyes, but his face scrunches up.

nick swallows hard. matt looks good, really good. His dick is slender, not too big, not hairy at all, and his balls are tight and smooth. Nothing like the older men nick’s been with. matt’s co*ck is really attractive.

“Nothing,” nick says, passing his palm over the tip. matt flinches, his eyes squeezed tightly shut. “This is gonna feel so good, matty.”

“Only nick calls me that,” matt grits out.

“Oh. Sorry,” nick replies, wrapping a hand around matt’s co*ck and squeezing. matt cries out and nick jerks him hard, not entirely sure how to do it, but doing it anyway. He’s always been one to jump right in.

He moves his hand slowly at first, watching matt’s thighs tense, watching his stomach tighten at each stroke. He must be doing it right.

“nick, ahhh,” matt groans.

“Sara,” nick corrects.

“Cyndi,” matt says. “It’s Cyndi, ah, f*ck, nickkkk…”

nick’s smile widens and he jerks matt’s co*ck faster, harder. “God, it has been forever for you, hasn’t it?”

“Uhhh… oh God, oh… yes, yes it has.” matt’s head falls back and his hips arch up. His eyes are still squeezed shut. “nick, what are you… f*ck, what are you doing?”

nick’s twisting his hand around the tip, pressing a finger into the slit, and watching matt shake.

“Feels good?” nick asks, suddenly less smug. He’s watching matt’s face, watching him bite at his lip and squirm. “matty?”

“Ohhh… oh my God,” is matt’s response.

nick tugs up on matt’s dick, feels how wet it’s getting, how hard and hot. He watches it and groans.

matt’s hips are rotating, his face is screwed up and his hands are just touching nick’s thighs.

“nick, nick,” matt murmurs, his eyes opening and connecting with nick’s. “Uh…”

nick feels something swirl in the pit of his belly. “Good?” he whispers.

matt nods, his eyes dark. nick gives his dick one long, hard stroke, and with a jerk of his hips, matt comes bashfully in three jagged thrusts.

nick looks at his hand, covered in his brother’s cum. He doesn’t know what to do, he doesn’t know what to say. Normally after a guy f*cks him, he has something sassy to say. But this isn’t the same, this isn’t that situation at all.

matt props himself up on his elbows and pulls his boxers up, covering himself modestly. He isn’t looking at nick anymore; his cheeks are flushed and he’s shaking a little.

“Hey matty,” nick says softly.

matt finally looks at him.

nick smiles a little. “You were my first.”

“Oh, Jesus Christ, nick,” matt spits out, sitting up and making a face. “Your first what? Bullsh*t. I can’t believe you’d pull that sh*t on me.”

nick frowns. “No, I swear, I’ve never jerked a guy off before.”

matt’s face clouds over. “Oh, congratulations. You jerked your brother off,” he says, almost angrily. “Good job, nick. Don’t talk to me anymore.”

He gives nick one last withering glance and then rolls over, pulling the covers over him.

nick stares at his brother, feeling hurt. He doesn’t get it. What’s the problem?


No one can stay mad at nick for long, least of all matt. They’re made up and back to their quirky little relationship the very next day and things go back to normal.

As normal as they can be, anyway.

nick keeps being nick, meaning that his fascination and attraction to straight men is still going strong, and matt keeps being matt. Bashful, sweet, warm..and sweet.

nick gets warm fuzzies just thinking of his older brother. The handjob, though obviously a mistake not to be repeated, has made nick appreciate matt all the more. matt is a good guy, a beautiful guy, a straight guy.

Sometimes nick can get hard just thinking about the confusion and resistance that had been all over matt’s face.

But things are normal now. Yeah. As normal as they can be.

One evening, nick is getting up to his usual trouble again. He’s leading a guy up the stairs of the apartment above the band studio. This guy is hot; he’s signed under the same label as Tokio Hotel and nick had picked him up at a party tonight. His name is Jack; he’s an import from France, and he’d had nick as soon as he’d explained about his little French girlfriend back home.

So nick’s got him by the hem of his shirt, he’s laughing as he pulls him into the studio, feeling high as they push through the door to the apartment.

nick’s high fades away when he sees his brother sitting on the couch, sulking.

“matt” he mumbles,

matt glances up, and he looks so blue. “Oh, hey.”

nick wants to run to matt, sit with him, rub his back, ask what’s wrong. But of course he can’t; he’s got this straight guy on his arm.

“Jack?” nick says softly, turning to the Frenchman and trying to look demure. “I don’t… I don’t know if I’m quite ready.”

the man looked upset, but his face softens. “It’s not a problem, nick… I understand. Your first time should be just right.”

matt looks down, his shoulders shaking a little with silent laughter.

“Yeah,” nick replies. “I’m sorry, I thought I was… ready.”

the other nods. “Well, I go back to France in a couple of days. Maybe we can hook up some other time. Can I get your number?”

nick inwardly groans. Jack's showing his true colors and they haven’t even f*cked yet. “I’ll see you around,” is all nick says.

“Can I give you mine?”

“Oh, Jesus Christ, go home to your f*cking girlfriend,” nick snaps impatiently.

Jack just gives nick a strange look, and leaves without a word.

“nick, you didn’t have to kick him out because I’m being a baby,” matt mumbles as nick sits beside him, silently.

“He was too clingy anyway, it doesn’t even matter,” nick says. He cuddles up close, holding onto matt’s arm. “What’s wrong, matty?”

“It’s seriously nothing,” matt says. “It’s just… Belinda and I…”

nick frowns, touches matt’s face. Belinda is matt’s girlfriend, his first real one. They’ve been dating for four months, four whole months and matt’s smitten. Or he was.

Now he just looks miserable.

“Oh, did you break up?” nick asks.

matt nods, not looking up. “She broke up with me. She did. She thinks I cheated on her. Again.”

“But of course you didn’t,” nick says. “Right?”

matt stiffens and shoves nick off him, standing and frowning so hard his face looks pained. “Of course I didn’t, I thought you of all people would know that. Jesus, and she… I thought she… I don’t know, I didn’t think she bought into all of that media hype.”

nick stands and grabs hold of matt’s hand, playing with his fingers

“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean it and she’s obviously a bitch. Okay? She just doesn’t know you, it isn’t your fault.”

matt smiles a little and doesn’t push nick away this time. “She was sort of a bitch, I guess.”

“I hated her,” nick admits.

“Seriously?” matt asks. He squeezes nick’s hand. “You never said anything.”

“Of course I didn’t, you liked her,” nick says. “I’d never… I don’t know, f*ck it up just because I think she’s a bitch or something.”

“Yeah, well, next time tell me, you seemed to know more about her than I did,” matt says. He sits, pulling nick down beside him on the couch.

nick stares at his brother carefully, touching his shoulder. “You’re gonna be okay.”

matt shrugs. “Yeah, I’ve got you, don’t I?”

nick grins, rolling his eyes. “Lucky you.”

“Lucky me,” matt teases, nudging nick.

nick rests his fingers on matt’s chest letting them linger on where his heart was.

He’s thinking of the time he’d made matt feel better, the time he’d jerked matt off and made him cum. nick thinks about it a lot, actually. He wonders if maybe he can make matt feel better again.

“matt..you do have me, you know,” nick says softly.

“Yeah,” matt replies vaguely.

nick starts rubbing matt’s thigh, sliding his hand up his leg, close to where it meets his hip. matt flinches, but doesn’t move away. He keeps his eyes on nick’s hand, watches with mild interest.

“What the f*ck are you doing?” matt asks.

“I can make you feel better,” nick says, smiling. “Like before. You felt so good, I know you did.”

matt groans, pulling his leg away. “Not this again.”


“nick,” matt says, making a face. “Not only am I your brother… but I’m not gay.”

“Wrong answer,” nick says and slides his hand up further.

matt groans again and knocks nick’s hand away. “I’m fine, I swear. But, uh, thanks for caring?”

nick rolls his eyes and looks down in matt’s lap, he’s hard. “Yeah,” nick says. “Maybe I care too much.”

matt laughs, grabs nick’s hand, brings it to his mouth and kisses it. Not only is matt hard, but he’s doing that adorable little blushing, head dipping thing that makes nick all gooey.
“Maybe just a bit,” matt says. “Anyway…”


“If you can keep your hands to yourself.”

nick sticks out his tongue childishly, and grabs the remote. “Yeah, because you’re so irresistible,” he said sarcastically

And when matt smiles like that, he really is.

he was one of many - janelovesnick (2024)


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Author: Dr. Pierre Goyette

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Views: 5955

Rating: 5 / 5 (50 voted)

Reviews: 89% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Dr. Pierre Goyette

Birthday: 1998-01-29

Address: Apt. 611 3357 Yong Plain, West Audra, IL 70053

Phone: +5819954278378

Job: Construction Director

Hobby: Embroidery, Creative writing, Shopping, Driving, Stand-up comedy, Coffee roasting, Scrapbooking

Introduction: My name is Dr. Pierre Goyette, I am a enchanting, powerful, jolly, rich, graceful, colorful, zany person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.