he was one of many - Chapter 2 - janelovesnick (2024)

Chapter Text

matt wanders down the stairs, eating a sandwich. “Hey, nick.”

“Hey, matty” nick mumbles, still staring in the mirror.

“How’s chris?”

“God, he’s weird.”

matt laughs. “Yeah, he is. What’d he do this time?”

“f*cked me.”

“Yeah,” matt says, smirking.

“No, he did. We f*cked. Not a virgin anymore, so quit the remarks,” nick says, grinning.

matt nearly chokes on his sandwich. “sh*t, really? With… with chris? But he’s straight.”

nick makes a face; that’s a sour subject at the moment. “Yeah,” nick says.

“Are you?” matt asks.

“What? Straight?” nick laughs and now matt makes a face. “What do you think?”

matt shrugs. “Oh. Well, it doesn’t matter.”

nick smiles and matt slings an arm around his shoulder. “Really, you don’t care?”

“Nah.” matt squeezes his arm. “You two dating or something?”

“Ugh, no,” nick says. “He was all… touchy feely.”

matt laughs. “He has such a crush on you, doesn’t he?”

nick bites his lip, shoves at matt. “Let’s watch TV and get drunk.”

“In the middle of the afternoon?”

“Yeah, Mom’s not home,” nick says with a wink.

matt laughs and squeezes nick again. “Okay, okay.” They walk into the living room after snagging a few beers. “So… what ammo do I have to make fun of you now?”

nick screws up his face and pops open a beer. “Don’t know. Take your best shot.”

“chris loves you,” matt teases.

“Shut up!” nick scowls, taking a long sip of the beer. “I was into him until he started with that sh*t.”

matt shrugs, reclines on the couch and rests his beer on his chest. “Maybe chris just isn’t the right one for you.”

“Must be it,” nick replies sarcastically. “You can have him.”

“Some of us,” matt says, “are actually straight.”

“God, I wish chris was.”

“So, what, you’re only into straight guys?” matt jokes. As he laughs, the beer balanced on his chest topples off and spills on the floor. The twins both gasp; the dark liquid is slowly staining their mother’s light carpets.

“sh*t,” nick says dumbly. “And no, I am not only into straight guys. I just haven’t met any gay guys. I’m sure I’ll be into them.” He pauses, gazing at the spilled beer. “Are you just gonna leave that?”

“Eh, it’ll dry.” matt turns the TV on and they spend the rest of the afternoon there, drinking and hanging out.


“So, the tour is going well?” chris asks.

nick shifts in his bunk, adjusting the phone against his ear. “Yeah, but we’re not talking about me! Tell me about this guy you met,” nick says.

“You going on tour, playing sold out shows, and being on TV is way more interesting than some guy I met at a dumb house party,” chris says.

nick scoffs. He’s actually surprised as all hell that chris is still playing the gay card. nick had thought that chris was just confused, that he was actually straight, but it’s three months after they first had sex and chris is still at it.

“I want to hear about you,” nick says.

“I will tell you all about leo once you spill the beans about this guy you’ve been freaking out about,” chris says.

nick laughs. “f*ck, I don’t know…”

“Gonna break his heart like you did mine?” The tone is light, joking, but nick can still hear the pain in his best friend’s voice.

“God, no,” nick says quickly. “His name is brad. He’s straight.”

“Are you sure about that?”

“Yeah, he has a girlfriend,” nick says. “And he’s like thirty or something.”

“Like age has anything to do with it,” chris says with a chuckle.

“I didn’t even want him to f*ck me until I found out he had a girlfriend,” nick admits. “He’s on the tour, one of the crew men. He’s really good with his hands.”

“f*ck, I’m hard. What’s he look like?”

nick frowns; it’s a little strange to be talking about hot guys with chris. “Um, he’s tall… Taller than me. Dark hair, tan. He looks Greek or something. So hot. Has a girlfriend, like I said… What are you doing?”


“Are you jacking off?” nick asks.


nick laughs; he’s getting a little hard, too. “I’m gonna have him,” he decides, palming his co*ck through his jeans. “I’m gonna get him to f*ck me.”

“Easy,” chris says. “I bet you can.”

“No, he’s straight,” nick replies. “He’s really, really straight. Like, matt straight.”

chris groans. “You’re always going on about straight guys…”

nick squeezes his groin and feels his toes tingle. Straight guys, that really gets nick off, and chris has a point; every guy nick has been into has been straight. “sh*t, is that a coincidence?” nick says.

“Um… You said you weren’t even interested in this guy until you found out he had a girlfriend,” chris says, sounding a little out of breath. “Then there was that guy you were telling me about from a nightclub, you watched him make out with a girl all night. Then there was, what was his name? I don’t know, but you had it bad for him and he was dating chad’s sister. Oh yeah, and there was me.”

nick makes a face. “I guess so.”

chris doesn’t even answer, nick can hear him moaning softly.

“chrissy,” nick says. “Hey, I’m gonna hang up.”

“What? Oh, yeah. Talk to you later, nick.”

nick says good night and snaps his phone shut. He’s hard, wants to touch himself, but his mind is racing with this new realization. Straight guys only? The thought alone makes nick’s groin ache a little, pleasantly.

He’s only ever been with chris, when he thought chris was straight, so maybe he’d like gay guys, too? No, he’d run from chris when he’d found out the truth. Maybe he’s just afraid of commitment.

“Ugh,” nick groans, and rolls over. He’s had enough thinking for the night, now he just wants a good wank.


“So,” nick says, sidling up to brad back stage. They’re an hour from a concert, and nick’s f*cking around, following brad everywhere, as usual. “Are you gonna go out with us after the show?”

brad is messing with the lighting, but he turns to nick, pinching his waist. “Hey kid.”

“Hey, I’m not a kid!” nick whines.

brad pinches him again and nick flushes, pleased. “I’ll be there,” brad says. He reaches up, tugs on nick’s long bangs. “Bringing Serena.”

“I haven’t met her,” nick says. “Is she prettier than me?”

brad laughs, focusing his attention back on the lights. “No one’s prettier than you.”

nick grins. This is going to be a fun night and he’s ready for sex again.


nick’s flirting hard with brad at the club, and the drinks are flowing. brad’s girlfriend is there, holding on tight to his arm. She’s pretty, but nick knows he’s prettier. He’d made extra sure of that. His hair is tumbling over his forehead in soft curls. He’d stood in front of the mirror for ages, not smearing his black eyeshadow and the bit of glitter on it.

They’ve been at the club for an hour and a half, and so far, brad hasn’t been able to keep his eyes off nick. nick, however, is playing hard to get. They’re sitting in a round booth, nick and Serena either side of brad. The rest of the band and a few of their friends are crammed in beside them.

“So exhausted,” nick says, stretching his body out and nudging brad’s leg with his foot. “f*ck, brad, you kept the lights right in my eyes tonight. Give someone else in the band a chance to be seen next time.”

“You liked it,” brad replies, leaning forward. “Always gotta be the center of attention.”

matt scoffs next to nick. nick just smiles sweetly. “It’s not my fault you gave me all that extra attention.”

Serena gives a little laugh, but nick can see brad’s cheeks turn a little red. He knows it’s time to act, he’s nervous but excited. If he’s being honest with himself, it’s the nervousness that’s making him so excited.

It’s the fact that brad is straight and older than him, that he’s confident and so…manly.

nick shifts to the side and lays a delicate hand on brad’s knee. He squeezes teasingly and brad gasps and stares down at the table. nick’s tipsy enough to smooth his hand up brad’s thigh, dangerously close to his groin. This is definitely crossing the line and nick is too on edge to look up and see the reaction on brad’s face.

Instead, he gives brad’s thigh another squeeze, digging his nails in.

“I say at tomorrow’s concert, keep the lights on chad ” leo says. “No one else.”

Chad grunts. “How’d I end up getting involved in this?”

“Look at him, he’s a star,” leo says, pinching chad’s cheeks as the other boy scowls and ducks away.

nick’s hand is creeping up further, he’s pleased to realize that the higher he slides his fingers, the tighter brad’s jeans seem to become. He also feels a hotness. There’s definite heat radiating from the handsome crew member’s groin. nick licks his lips and dares to glance at brad.

There’s a bead of sweat forming at brad’s temple, and he looks… antsy.

“No, keep the lights on me,” nick says, grinning. He actually squeezes the bulge in brad’s jeans and brad coughs, jerking under the table.

“Tell you kids what,” he says, taking a long sip of water. “You can all perform in the dark, I’m calling in sick tomorrow.”

“No,” nick cries, pouting. “And I’m not a kid,” he adds, giving brad his most winsome smile and squeezing his bulge again.

brad turns to nick and gives him a hard stare. “I’ll bet you’re not.”

nick flushes and turns back to his drink, sipping innocently. Beside him, matt is fumbling with the hem on his shirt and nick frowns at him. “What’s wrong?”

matt shrugs. “Tired.”

“Oh,” nick says, disappointed. It probably means matt will go to bed soon, which means nick can’t bring a certain crew member back to his hotel room. “Come on, wake up. Some girl with huge tit* has been staring at you all night.”

“Really?” matt perks up a bit, his cheeks turning red. “Nah.”

“Yeah,” nick insists, and at that moment, brad stands up. nick turns to him, wide eyed. “Where are you going?”

“Not feeling well,” he replies through gritted teeth. “Bathroom.” He squeezes his girlfriend’s shoulder. “You okay for a few minutes?”

“I’m not a baby,” Serena says back.

“I’ll take care of her,” leo says with a grin.

brad laughs and nick steps on his foot under the table. “Yeah, yeah, I’ll be right back.”

“Okay,” nick says, trying to suppress his grin. brad’s jeans are practically bursting, and he turns back to matt, satisfied. “So, go talk to her.”

“Maybe,” matt says vaguely.

nick watches brad disappear into the bathroom across the club and something burns inside him; it’s now or never. He squeezes matt’s shoulder and slips out of the booth. He has his eye on the bathroom door and his belly is swirling with need.

He doesn’t care if brad’s girlfriend is sitting right there, looking slightly concerned, or if matt is looking after him with confused eyes.

He needs it now, needs what he knows brad can give him.

Before entering the bathroom, he adjusts his shirt; a tight black shirt with buttons up the front. It’s different from what he normally wears, concert t-shirts and more boyish garb, but he wanted to look different, for brad.

He pushes open the bathroom door to find brad staring at the sink, splashing water on his face.

“Hello,” nick says and brad jerks up, turning to stare at him.

“What are you doing here?” brad asks.

“It is a bathroom,” nick says, moving closer. “But I don’t really have to… go.”

brad nods slowly. “Then… why….?”

“Checking up on you,” nick says. He steps right up on brad’s feet and holds onto his shoulders. It’s a silly, intimate position and brad doesn’t pull back. He swallows hard and touches nick softy at the small of his back. “But you’re not really sick, are you?”

“Oh, I’m sick alright,” he says, finally pushing nick away. “nick, I need to—”

“brad, I want you to f*ck me,” nick says and before brad can respond, nick’s up on his tip toes, kissing him. He’s more than excited when brad groans into the kiss, shoving back hard until nick’s against the wall.

“Oh f*ck, nick,” he says, ravishing nick’s mouth, neck, whatever skin he can reach. “f*ck, f*ck, I can’t. I can’t.”

“brad, please,” nick says. “I… I want you to be my first.” Once the lie comes out, nick isn’t even sure why he’s said it, but brad groans and thrusts hard against nick, hands tightening on him. “f*ck me.”

“Jesus.” brad steps back, running a hand through his hair. “I… can’t.”

“I trust you, you know?” nick says. He bats his eyelashes, or tries to, and flushes. “I trust you to do this for me. Please?”

“I have a girlfriend and I’m not…”

“I won’t tell her,” nick whispers. “I won’t tell anyone. This is just for me, I really want you to be my… my first.”

brad’s face softens but he sighs, shaking his head and stroking nick’s curls. “Kid, I can’t, I-”

nick looks down. “No, I’m embarrassed, never mind.”

“Oh, f*ck it,” brad murmurs, touching nick’s shoulder and squeezing. “There’s a lot of creeps out there, and I like you a lot. I want to make sure your first time is… so good.” He massages behind nick’s neck, kissing nick on the lips.

nick feels a personal victory and threads his fingers through brad’s. “Okay, but… I don’t want it to be in a bathroom, brad…”

And that’s how they end up sneaking out of the club and catching a cab back to the hotel. brad hadn’t even told his girlfriend he was leaving. nick didn’t care. He was running on pure adrenaline, charged and ready.

He’s beginning to feel like brad reallyishis first, and in a way, he is. One of them, anyway. It doesn’t matter anymore. nickhashim and brad is first in a long line of nick getting what he wants.

When the cab drops them off at the hotel, nick’s all coy and aloof. He’s playing hard to get again, making brad work for it.

“My room?” nick says casually, looking over his shoulder.

brad nods, almost tripping over his feet. “Y-yeah. I don’t want to f*ck you on the bed my girlfriend’s gonna sleep in later.”

“Why?” nick asks.

brad just groans and pushes nick into the elevator. When the door shuts he has nick against the mirrored wall and he’s kissing all up nick’s neck, pushing his shirt up his chest, squeezing his hips. nick is almost melting in brad’s hold; he can hardly hold himself together, and brad’s strong hands are roughing him up, making him shake.

nick’s room is on the tenth floor and it’s a long ride there. brad has his tongue in nick’s mouth, he’s got his hands down the back of nick’s pants and he’s thumbing the crease of nick’s ass. nick is just leaning back, letting the tall, dark man devour him.

“Stop,” nick says breathlessly. “I’m going to…”

brad grunts and pul

ls his hand out of nick’s pants, and leans an arm on the wall over nick. He stares at the younger boy, stroking his face. “You are prettier than her, you know.”

“I know.”

the taller man grinned, his eyes following nick as they went to their hotel room, nick and matt’s.

he was one of many - Chapter 2 - janelovesnick (2024)


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Author: Roderick King

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Author information

Name: Roderick King

Birthday: 1997-10-09

Address: 3782 Madge Knoll, East Dudley, MA 63913

Phone: +2521695290067

Job: Customer Sales Coordinator

Hobby: Gunsmithing, Embroidery, Parkour, Kitesurfing, Rock climbing, Sand art, Beekeeping

Introduction: My name is Roderick King, I am a cute, splendid, excited, perfect, gentle, funny, vivacious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.