Embroider a Sweet Ugly Christmas Sweater! Make a Painted Canvas Clutch! Piece a Simple Candy Shop Quilt! DIY a Fabric Tassel Scarf! How to Make a Peppermint Cupcake Stand! Free Modern Quilt Pattern! DIY Spoon Rings! Make Simple Felt Slippers! Decorate a (2024)

Embroider a Sweet Ugly Christmas Sweater! Make a Painted Canvas Clutch! Piece a Simple Candy Shop Quilt! DIY a Fabric Tassel Scarf! How to Make a Peppermint Cupcake Stand! Free Modern Quilt Pattern! DIY Spoon Rings! Make Simple Felt Slippers! Decorate a Gingerbread Town! Crochet a Pyramid Afghan! PLUS . . . My Christmas Ornament Countdown Continues, Recipes, Inspiration, Smiles, Memories, and More! (1)

On the first Xmas, the first of three Wise Men stepped carefully into the stable but sank his golden slipper into a big pile of manure.

”Jesus!” he yelled.

The woman beside themangerturned to her husband and said, “Now, Joseph, isn’t that a better name for the babythan Irving?”

Artists or art that turns me on and feeds my muse! Like it or dislike it, what about this art inspires your own art or creativity? A young woman in a white dress painted by the Belgian artist Eugène Laermans.

Embroider a Sweet Ugly Christmas Sweater! Make a Painted Canvas Clutch! Piece a Simple Candy Shop Quilt! DIY a Fabric Tassel Scarf! How to Make a Peppermint Cupcake Stand! Free Modern Quilt Pattern! DIY Spoon Rings! Make Simple Felt Slippers! Decorate a Gingerbread Town! Crochet a Pyramid Afghan! PLUS . . . My Christmas Ornament Countdown Continues, Recipes, Inspiration, Smiles, Memories, and More! (2)

Look around you. Design is everywhere! How can you incorporate the beauty that surrounds you into your art or craft?Terrace rice fields in Yunnan Province, China.

Embroider a Sweet Ugly Christmas Sweater! Make a Painted Canvas Clutch! Piece a Simple Candy Shop Quilt! DIY a Fabric Tassel Scarf! How to Make a Peppermint Cupcake Stand! Free Modern Quilt Pattern! DIY Spoon Rings! Make Simple Felt Slippers! Decorate a Gingerbread Town! Crochet a Pyramid Afghan! PLUS . . . My Christmas Ornament Countdown Continues, Recipes, Inspiration, Smiles, Memories, and More! (3)

Embroider a Sweet Ugly Christmas Sweater! Make a Painted Canvas Clutch! Piece a Simple Candy Shop Quilt! DIY a Fabric Tassel Scarf! How to Make a Peppermint Cupcake Stand! Free Modern Quilt Pattern! DIY Spoon Rings! Make Simple Felt Slippers! Decorate a Gingerbread Town! Crochet a Pyramid Afghan! PLUS . . . My Christmas Ornament Countdown Continues, Recipes, Inspiration, Smiles, Memories, and More! (4)

I love this embroidery for many reasons, but most especially because this simple canvas will teach you many embroidery stitching techniques. Here’s the pattern:


Embroider a Sweet Ugly Christmas Sweater! Make a Painted Canvas Clutch! Piece a Simple Candy Shop Quilt! DIY a Fabric Tassel Scarf! How to Make a Peppermint Cupcake Stand! Free Modern Quilt Pattern! DIY Spoon Rings! Make Simple Felt Slippers! Decorate a Gingerbread Town! Crochet a Pyramid Afghan! PLUS . . . My Christmas Ornament Countdown Continues, Recipes, Inspiration, Smiles, Memories, and More! (5)

Embroider a Sweet Ugly Christmas Sweater! Make a Painted Canvas Clutch! Piece a Simple Candy Shop Quilt! DIY a Fabric Tassel Scarf! How to Make a Peppermint Cupcake Stand! Free Modern Quilt Pattern! DIY Spoon Rings! Make Simple Felt Slippers! Decorate a Gingerbread Town! Crochet a Pyramid Afghan! PLUS . . . My Christmas Ornament Countdown Continues, Recipes, Inspiration, Smiles, Memories, and More! (6)

Isn’t this clutch neat? Take an old painted canvas and transform it into a modern piece of wearable art. No old canvas? Paint your own canvas and transform it into something uniquely made for yourself. Here’s how:


Embroider a Sweet Ugly Christmas Sweater! Make a Painted Canvas Clutch! Piece a Simple Candy Shop Quilt! DIY a Fabric Tassel Scarf! How to Make a Peppermint Cupcake Stand! Free Modern Quilt Pattern! DIY Spoon Rings! Make Simple Felt Slippers! Decorate a Gingerbread Town! Crochet a Pyramid Afghan! PLUS . . . My Christmas Ornament Countdown Continues, Recipes, Inspiration, Smiles, Memories, and More! (7)

Embroider a Sweet Ugly Christmas Sweater! Make a Painted Canvas Clutch! Piece a Simple Candy Shop Quilt! DIY a Fabric Tassel Scarf! How to Make a Peppermint Cupcake Stand! Free Modern Quilt Pattern! DIY Spoon Rings! Make Simple Felt Slippers! Decorate a Gingerbread Town! Crochet a Pyramid Afghan! PLUS . . . My Christmas Ornament Countdown Continues, Recipes, Inspiration, Smiles, Memories, and More! (8)

Embroider a Sweet Ugly Christmas Sweater! Make a Painted Canvas Clutch! Piece a Simple Candy Shop Quilt! DIY a Fabric Tassel Scarf! How to Make a Peppermint Cupcake Stand! Free Modern Quilt Pattern! DIY Spoon Rings! Make Simple Felt Slippers! Decorate a Gingerbread Town! Crochet a Pyramid Afghan! PLUS . . . My Christmas Ornament Countdown Continues, Recipes, Inspiration, Smiles, Memories, and More! (9)


  • squid
  • flour
  • salt
  • oil for frying
  • banana peppers
  • black olives
  • fresh garlic
  • olive oil
  • lemon juice
  • chopped parsley
  • dried spinach linguine

– See more at: http://www.cookingwithnonna.com/italian-cuisine/christmas-eve-pasta-ala-mama.html#sthash.emboWCE8.dpuf

FOR THE FULL RECIPE, CLICK HERE:http://www.cookingwithnonna.com/italian-cuisine/christmas-eve-pasta-ala-mama.html

Embroider a Sweet Ugly Christmas Sweater! Make a Painted Canvas Clutch! Piece a Simple Candy Shop Quilt! DIY a Fabric Tassel Scarf! How to Make a Peppermint Cupcake Stand! Free Modern Quilt Pattern! DIY Spoon Rings! Make Simple Felt Slippers! Decorate a Gingerbread Town! Crochet a Pyramid Afghan! PLUS . . . My Christmas Ornament Countdown Continues, Recipes, Inspiration, Smiles, Memories, and More! (10)

Embroider a Sweet Ugly Christmas Sweater! Make a Painted Canvas Clutch! Piece a Simple Candy Shop Quilt! DIY a Fabric Tassel Scarf! How to Make a Peppermint Cupcake Stand! Free Modern Quilt Pattern! DIY Spoon Rings! Make Simple Felt Slippers! Decorate a Gingerbread Town! Crochet a Pyramid Afghan! PLUS . . . My Christmas Ornament Countdown Continues, Recipes, Inspiration, Smiles, Memories, and More! (11)

Grab your favorite piece of fabric add some fringe and maybe a border and you have yourself a fashion statement like none other. Not only that, it will keep you warm and you’ll look good (especially if you dribbled pastadown the front of your blouse during dinner). Here’s how to make it:


Embroider a Sweet Ugly Christmas Sweater! Make a Painted Canvas Clutch! Piece a Simple Candy Shop Quilt! DIY a Fabric Tassel Scarf! How to Make a Peppermint Cupcake Stand! Free Modern Quilt Pattern! DIY Spoon Rings! Make Simple Felt Slippers! Decorate a Gingerbread Town! Crochet a Pyramid Afghan! PLUS . . . My Christmas Ornament Countdown Continues, Recipes, Inspiration, Smiles, Memories, and More! (12)


  • 1 1/2cup(s)pomegranate juice
  • 1 cup(s)pear nectar
  • 1/4cup(s)orange-flavored liqueur,such as Grand Marnier
  • 1 bottle(s)(750-milliliter)Champagne

In a large pitcher, combine pomegranate juice, pear nectar, and orange-flavored liqueur. Slowly add Champagne. Serve over ice.


Embroider a Sweet Ugly Christmas Sweater! Make a Painted Canvas Clutch! Piece a Simple Candy Shop Quilt! DIY a Fabric Tassel Scarf! How to Make a Peppermint Cupcake Stand! Free Modern Quilt Pattern! DIY Spoon Rings! Make Simple Felt Slippers! Decorate a Gingerbread Town! Crochet a Pyramid Afghan! PLUS . . . My Christmas Ornament Countdown Continues, Recipes, Inspiration, Smiles, Memories, and More! (13)


Embroider a Sweet Ugly Christmas Sweater! Make a Painted Canvas Clutch! Piece a Simple Candy Shop Quilt! DIY a Fabric Tassel Scarf! How to Make a Peppermint Cupcake Stand! Free Modern Quilt Pattern! DIY Spoon Rings! Make Simple Felt Slippers! Decorate a Gingerbread Town! Crochet a Pyramid Afghan! PLUS . . . My Christmas Ornament Countdown Continues, Recipes, Inspiration, Smiles, Memories, and More! (14)

For well over 2 years, I have been posting up to 20 links per day or every other day, on theMark Lipinski’s Fan Pageon Facebook. Of course, in Facebook’s never ending quest to make lots of money, Facebook seems to have abandoned their mission of a real social networking site and it has become more about Facebook revenue.

Several months ago, Facebook, without warning, had implemented a new business model. As a result, the vast majority of “LIKErs” who have been faithful readers of this Fan Page have been blocked from receiving my posts, time and time again, from getting all or a few of the postings onto their timeline feed.

The reason is, Facebook would like pages like,Mark Lipinski’s Fan Page, to pay money every day, and on every post, in order to advertise and lure readers like you, onto the Fan Page.

With out “BOOSTING” a post, only about 5% of people who clicked LIKE on the Fan Page are actually seeing anything I post — and it could be random – sometimes you get a post, and sometimes not. Basically, it sucks for all of us. I am finding that we are all better served if I posted my tips, ideas, links, and jokes, etc. to my blog. You can subscribe to my blog (only if you wan to) and get an email each time I post a grouping of ideas, links, etc.

I AM NOT shutting downMark Lipinski’sFan Pageon Facebook and you are welcome to follow methere, too. What I am doing is putting everything that used to be on theFan Pageindividually onto my blog, AND there will be a daily link to the idea blog on theFan Page, just as there were multiple links to the various blogs that I’ve always linked to in the past. It’s not that different, really. It will save me a lot of time, and guarantee those who want to see the creative posts will actually get to see them. And Facebookers, will STILL have to click on “GET NOTIFICATIONS” in your Facebook Settings if they want to see what I post on Facebook (sometimes that works, but not all of the time).

Actually, my new model gives you at least TWO ways to get all of the ideas, etc. PLUS you can PIN them and they will be TAGGED so you can find them again in the search bar even years later. – through theFACEBOOK FAN PAGEand YOUR CHOICE (not mandatory) to subscribe to the blog and get email postings that way.

Celebrity Christmas Publicity Stills

Embroider a Sweet Ugly Christmas Sweater! Make a Painted Canvas Clutch! Piece a Simple Candy Shop Quilt! DIY a Fabric Tassel Scarf! How to Make a Peppermint Cupcake Stand! Free Modern Quilt Pattern! DIY Spoon Rings! Make Simple Felt Slippers! Decorate a Gingerbread Town! Crochet a Pyramid Afghan! PLUS . . . My Christmas Ornament Countdown Continues, Recipes, Inspiration, Smiles, Memories, and More! (16)

Why make a gingerbread house when you can make gingerbread community? I like this so much that I think this is on my “must do” list today. Boy, is in Christmas apain in the butt or what? Not that I don’t have enough to bake and do, but now I’m adding this, too? Oh well, luckily the holidayonly comes around once a year. Besides, I love the way you can light this! How impressed will you company be (although, I suck at Royal Icing). Why not make one of these today with me? Here’s how:


Embroider a Sweet Ugly Christmas Sweater! Make a Painted Canvas Clutch! Piece a Simple Candy Shop Quilt! DIY a Fabric Tassel Scarf! How to Make a Peppermint Cupcake Stand! Free Modern Quilt Pattern! DIY Spoon Rings! Make Simple Felt Slippers! Decorate a Gingerbread Town! Crochet a Pyramid Afghan! PLUS . . . My Christmas Ornament Countdown Continues, Recipes, Inspiration, Smiles, Memories, and More! (17)

Embroider a Sweet Ugly Christmas Sweater! Make a Painted Canvas Clutch! Piece a Simple Candy Shop Quilt! DIY a Fabric Tassel Scarf! How to Make a Peppermint Cupcake Stand! Free Modern Quilt Pattern! DIY Spoon Rings! Make Simple Felt Slippers! Decorate a Gingerbread Town! Crochet a Pyramid Afghan! PLUS . . . My Christmas Ornament Countdown Continues, Recipes, Inspiration, Smiles, Memories, and More! (18)

This pyramid design is a classic crochet pattern for an afghan. Simply select your yarn and color choices and to have something to do while you watch Winter TV. Here’s the pattern:


Embroider a Sweet Ugly Christmas Sweater! Make a Painted Canvas Clutch! Piece a Simple Candy Shop Quilt! DIY a Fabric Tassel Scarf! How to Make a Peppermint Cupcake Stand! Free Modern Quilt Pattern! DIY Spoon Rings! Make Simple Felt Slippers! Decorate a Gingerbread Town! Crochet a Pyramid Afghan! PLUS . . . My Christmas Ornament Countdown Continues, Recipes, Inspiration, Smiles, Memories, and More! (19)

Embroider a Sweet Ugly Christmas Sweater! Make a Painted Canvas Clutch! Piece a Simple Candy Shop Quilt! DIY a Fabric Tassel Scarf! How to Make a Peppermint Cupcake Stand! Free Modern Quilt Pattern! DIY Spoon Rings! Make Simple Felt Slippers! Decorate a Gingerbread Town! Crochet a Pyramid Afghan! PLUS . . . My Christmas Ornament Countdown Continues, Recipes, Inspiration, Smiles, Memories, and More! (20)

I have always loved a spoon, not that I would wear one myself, but there is a charm to them. Here is a DIY that will walk you through the process of making your own spoon rings for yourself or as gifts. Look out the risk and antique stores… I have a feeling there is going to be a run on old silverware. Start here:


Embroider a Sweet Ugly Christmas Sweater! Make a Painted Canvas Clutch! Piece a Simple Candy Shop Quilt! DIY a Fabric Tassel Scarf! How to Make a Peppermint Cupcake Stand! Free Modern Quilt Pattern! DIY Spoon Rings! Make Simple Felt Slippers! Decorate a Gingerbread Town! Crochet a Pyramid Afghan! PLUS . . . My Christmas Ornament Countdown Continues, Recipes, Inspiration, Smiles, Memories, and More! (21)

Embroider a Sweet Ugly Christmas Sweater! Make a Painted Canvas Clutch! Piece a Simple Candy Shop Quilt! DIY a Fabric Tassel Scarf! How to Make a Peppermint Cupcake Stand! Free Modern Quilt Pattern! DIY Spoon Rings! Make Simple Felt Slippers! Decorate a Gingerbread Town! Crochet a Pyramid Afghan! PLUS . . . My Christmas Ornament Countdown Continues, Recipes, Inspiration, Smiles, Memories, and More! (22)

Embroider a Sweet Ugly Christmas Sweater! Make a Painted Canvas Clutch! Piece a Simple Candy Shop Quilt! DIY a Fabric Tassel Scarf! How to Make a Peppermint Cupcake Stand! Free Modern Quilt Pattern! DIY Spoon Rings! Make Simple Felt Slippers! Decorate a Gingerbread Town! Crochet a Pyramid Afghan! PLUS . . . My Christmas Ornament Countdown Continues, Recipes, Inspiration, Smiles, Memories, and More! (23)


  • eggs
  • eggnog
  • rum extract (hmmmm, that’s no fun at all)
  • all-purpose flour
  • salt
  • sugar
  • butter,
  • vanilla extract
  • baking powder
  • ground nutmeg

FOR THE FULL RECIPES, CLICK THE LINKS:http://www.food.com/recipe/holiday-rum-eggnog-bread-35532

Glass Ornaments

Embroider a Sweet Ugly Christmas Sweater! Make a Painted Canvas Clutch! Piece a Simple Candy Shop Quilt! DIY a Fabric Tassel Scarf! How to Make a Peppermint Cupcake Stand! Free Modern Quilt Pattern! DIY Spoon Rings! Make Simple Felt Slippers! Decorate a Gingerbread Town! Crochet a Pyramid Afghan! PLUS . . . My Christmas Ornament Countdown Continues, Recipes, Inspiration, Smiles, Memories, and More! (24)

And now a word from our sponsor . . .

I’m making a version of these today using my Great-Aunt Mary Tutino’s recipe …. using cranberry jam!

Embroider a Sweet Ugly Christmas Sweater! Make a Painted Canvas Clutch! Piece a Simple Candy Shop Quilt! DIY a Fabric Tassel Scarf! How to Make a Peppermint Cupcake Stand! Free Modern Quilt Pattern! DIY Spoon Rings! Make Simple Felt Slippers! Decorate a Gingerbread Town! Crochet a Pyramid Afghan! PLUS . . . My Christmas Ornament Countdown Continues, Recipes, Inspiration, Smiles, Memories, and More! (26)


  • Butter
  • Sugar
  • All-purpose flour
  • Any flavor fruit jam


Embroider a Sweet Ugly Christmas Sweater! Make a Painted Canvas Clutch! Piece a Simple Candy Shop Quilt! DIY a Fabric Tassel Scarf! How to Make a Peppermint Cupcake Stand! Free Modern Quilt Pattern! DIY Spoon Rings! Make Simple Felt Slippers! Decorate a Gingerbread Town! Crochet a Pyramid Afghan! PLUS . . . My Christmas Ornament Countdown Continues, Recipes, Inspiration, Smiles, Memories, and More! (27)

Embroider a Sweet Ugly Christmas Sweater! Make a Painted Canvas Clutch! Piece a Simple Candy Shop Quilt! DIY a Fabric Tassel Scarf! How to Make a Peppermint Cupcake Stand! Free Modern Quilt Pattern! DIY Spoon Rings! Make Simple Felt Slippers! Decorate a Gingerbread Town! Crochet a Pyramid Afghan! PLUS . . . My Christmas Ornament Countdown Continues, Recipes, Inspiration, Smiles, Memories, and More! (28)

All I know is that I’ve wanted to make these since I first saw heavy, heavy rolls of felt at The Brooklyn General Store. At last, a tutorial! Here’s how you make them:


Embroider a Sweet Ugly Christmas Sweater! Make a Painted Canvas Clutch! Piece a Simple Candy Shop Quilt! DIY a Fabric Tassel Scarf! How to Make a Peppermint Cupcake Stand! Free Modern Quilt Pattern! DIY Spoon Rings! Make Simple Felt Slippers! Decorate a Gingerbread Town! Crochet a Pyramid Afghan! PLUS . . . My Christmas Ornament Countdown Continues, Recipes, Inspiration, Smiles, Memories, and More! (29)

Chanel Gripoix Glass and Stone Set Large Brooch,$1,495

Embroider a Sweet Ugly Christmas Sweater! Make a Painted Canvas Clutch! Piece a Simple Candy Shop Quilt! DIY a Fabric Tassel Scarf! How to Make a Peppermint Cupcake Stand! Free Modern Quilt Pattern! DIY Spoon Rings! Make Simple Felt Slippers! Decorate a Gingerbread Town! Crochet a Pyramid Afghan! PLUS . . . My Christmas Ornament Countdown Continues, Recipes, Inspiration, Smiles, Memories, and More! (30)

Why not get ready for spring while trying to get through winter? I love the vintage look of this Corner Candy Shop quilt from McCall’s Quilting Magazine. Here’s the pattern:


Embroider a Sweet Ugly Christmas Sweater! Make a Painted Canvas Clutch! Piece a Simple Candy Shop Quilt! DIY a Fabric Tassel Scarf! How to Make a Peppermint Cupcake Stand! Free Modern Quilt Pattern! DIY Spoon Rings! Make Simple Felt Slippers! Decorate a Gingerbread Town! Crochet a Pyramid Afghan! PLUS . . . My Christmas Ornament Countdown Continues, Recipes, Inspiration, Smiles, Memories, and More! (31) Embroider a Sweet Ugly Christmas Sweater! Make a Painted Canvas Clutch! Piece a Simple Candy Shop Quilt! DIY a Fabric Tassel Scarf! How to Make a Peppermint Cupcake Stand! Free Modern Quilt Pattern! DIY Spoon Rings! Make Simple Felt Slippers! Decorate a Gingerbread Town! Crochet a Pyramid Afghan! PLUS . . . My Christmas Ornament Countdown Continues, Recipes, Inspiration, Smiles, Memories, and More! (32)

CHARLOTTE OLYMPIA,Hibiscus embroidered satin sandals,$1,295

Embroider a Sweet Ugly Christmas Sweater! Make a Painted Canvas Clutch! Piece a Simple Candy Shop Quilt! DIY a Fabric Tassel Scarf! How to Make a Peppermint Cupcake Stand! Free Modern Quilt Pattern! DIY Spoon Rings! Make Simple Felt Slippers! Decorate a Gingerbread Town! Crochet a Pyramid Afghan! PLUS . . . My Christmas Ornament Countdown Continues, Recipes, Inspiration, Smiles, Memories, and More! (33) Embroider a Sweet Ugly Christmas Sweater! Make a Painted Canvas Clutch! Piece a Simple Candy Shop Quilt! DIY a Fabric Tassel Scarf! How to Make a Peppermint Cupcake Stand! Free Modern Quilt Pattern! DIY Spoon Rings! Make Simple Felt Slippers! Decorate a Gingerbread Town! Crochet a Pyramid Afghan! PLUS . . . My Christmas Ornament Countdown Continues, Recipes, Inspiration, Smiles, Memories, and More! (34)

Embroider a Sweet Ugly Christmas Sweater! Make a Painted Canvas Clutch! Piece a Simple Candy Shop Quilt! DIY a Fabric Tassel Scarf! How to Make a Peppermint Cupcake Stand! Free Modern Quilt Pattern! DIY Spoon Rings! Make Simple Felt Slippers! Decorate a Gingerbread Town! Crochet a Pyramid Afghan! PLUS . . . My Christmas Ornament Countdown Continues, Recipes, Inspiration, Smiles, Memories, and More! (35)

WHAT?!? TWO QUILT PATTERNS TODAY? How could I resist? It’s Christmas time! This quilt is from Modern Quilts Unlimited magazine J and is designed by Jossie Carrier. It’s called, In The Mirror. I rather like it. Here’s the pattern:




  • cooking spray
  • flour
  • sugar
  • baking powder
  • salt
  • milk
  • vegetable oil
  • butter
  • vanilla extract
  • eggs

Chocolate Icing

  • sugar
  • cornstarch
  • cocoa
  • butter, divided
  • salt
  • vanilla

FOR THE FULL RECIPE, CLICK HERE:http://noblepig.com/2013/01/the-best-yellow-birthday-cake-with-chocolate-icing/

Embroider a Sweet Ugly Christmas Sweater! Make a Painted Canvas Clutch! Piece a Simple Candy Shop Quilt! DIY a Fabric Tassel Scarf! How to Make a Peppermint Cupcake Stand! Free Modern Quilt Pattern! DIY Spoon Rings! Make Simple Felt Slippers! Decorate a Gingerbread Town! Crochet a Pyramid Afghan! PLUS . . . My Christmas Ornament Countdown Continues, Recipes, Inspiration, Smiles, Memories, and More! (36)

Making little sweaters as Christmas tree ornaments or gift tags is an incredibly fun way to use up all of your yarn scraps that you have been unable to let go of otherwise. Here’s the simple pattern for these easy Christmas ornaments:


Embroider a Sweet Ugly Christmas Sweater! Make a Painted Canvas Clutch! Piece a Simple Candy Shop Quilt! DIY a Fabric Tassel Scarf! How to Make a Peppermint Cupcake Stand! Free Modern Quilt Pattern! DIY Spoon Rings! Make Simple Felt Slippers! Decorate a Gingerbread Town! Crochet a Pyramid Afghan! PLUS . . . My Christmas Ornament Countdown Continues, Recipes, Inspiration, Smiles, Memories, and More! (37)

Embroider a Sweet Ugly Christmas Sweater! Make a Painted Canvas Clutch! Piece a Simple Candy Shop Quilt! DIY a Fabric Tassel Scarf! How to Make a Peppermint Cupcake Stand! Free Modern Quilt Pattern! DIY Spoon Rings! Make Simple Felt Slippers! Decorate a Gingerbread Town! Crochet a Pyramid Afghan! PLUS . . . My Christmas Ornament Countdown Continues, Recipes, Inspiration, Smiles, Memories, and More! (38)

Check it out here:https://marklipinskisblog.wordpress.com/2014/12/20/book-review-saturday-december-20-2014/

OH MY GAWD! Am I a horrible person to be so green with envy that some people have all the talent? Rena Detrixhe collected thousands of seeds in Lawrence, Kansas, and she stitched the unlikely art materials into an amazingly delicate tablecloth with a lace-like pattern.

Embroider a Sweet Ugly Christmas Sweater! Make a Painted Canvas Clutch! Piece a Simple Candy Shop Quilt! DIY a Fabric Tassel Scarf! How to Make a Peppermint Cupcake Stand! Free Modern Quilt Pattern! DIY Spoon Rings! Make Simple Felt Slippers! Decorate a Gingerbread Town! Crochet a Pyramid Afghan! PLUS . . . My Christmas Ornament Countdown Continues, Recipes, Inspiration, Smiles, Memories, and More! (40)

Embroider a Sweet Ugly Christmas Sweater! Make a Painted Canvas Clutch! Piece a Simple Candy Shop Quilt! DIY a Fabric Tassel Scarf! How to Make a Peppermint Cupcake Stand! Free Modern Quilt Pattern! DIY Spoon Rings! Make Simple Felt Slippers! Decorate a Gingerbread Town! Crochet a Pyramid Afghan! PLUS . . . My Christmas Ornament Countdown Continues, Recipes, Inspiration, Smiles, Memories, and More! (41)

Embroider a Sweet Ugly Christmas Sweater! Make a Painted Canvas Clutch! Piece a Simple Candy Shop Quilt! DIY a Fabric Tassel Scarf! How to Make a Peppermint Cupcake Stand! Free Modern Quilt Pattern! DIY Spoon Rings! Make Simple Felt Slippers! Decorate a Gingerbread Town! Crochet a Pyramid Afghan! PLUS . . . My Christmas Ornament Countdown Continues, Recipes, Inspiration, Smiles, Memories, and More! (42)

Embroider a Sweet Ugly Christmas Sweater! Make a Painted Canvas Clutch! Piece a Simple Candy Shop Quilt! DIY a Fabric Tassel Scarf! How to Make a Peppermint Cupcake Stand! Free Modern Quilt Pattern! DIY Spoon Rings! Make Simple Felt Slippers! Decorate a Gingerbread Town! Crochet a Pyramid Afghan! PLUS . . . My Christmas Ornament Countdown Continues, Recipes, Inspiration, Smiles, Memories, and More! (43)

One creative’s hoard is another creative’s treasure . . . read on:

Embroider a Sweet Ugly Christmas Sweater! Make a Painted Canvas Clutch! Piece a Simple Candy Shop Quilt! DIY a Fabric Tassel Scarf! How to Make a Peppermint Cupcake Stand! Free Modern Quilt Pattern! DIY Spoon Rings! Make Simple Felt Slippers! Decorate a Gingerbread Town! Crochet a Pyramid Afghan! PLUS . . . My Christmas Ornament Countdown Continues, Recipes, Inspiration, Smiles, Memories, and More! (44)

When I beganThe Slow Stitching MovementI asked stitchers and quilters to reduce their impact on the planet and their creative psyches by letting go of the stash of books, papers, patterns fabrics, and tools that they have been collecting over many years and haven’t used. I have been preaching to myself. So, in an effort to put my money where my mouth is, to open my creativity by being less boxed in by ‘stuff’, I have begun posting boxes of book and fabric bundles on eBay for various charities.

Here’s how I price the packages . . . I researchthe amount an individual could buy each of these books orfabricss, pre-owned, at their lowest online price. I total the price, split it in half and add Priority Mail Flat Rate Shipping (about $12.65). Then I add a little surprise from my stash as a bonus (it could be extra fabrics, a book ,or notion).


Please visit my eBay store to do me, you, and a few of my local charities a favor and check out my eBay store for what I’ve listed each day:

Books from Saturday’s Book Review! FREE SHIPPING!

Embroider a Sweet Ugly Christmas Sweater! Make a Painted Canvas Clutch! Piece a Simple Candy Shop Quilt! DIY a Fabric Tassel Scarf! How to Make a Peppermint Cupcake Stand! Free Modern Quilt Pattern! DIY Spoon Rings! Make Simple Felt Slippers! Decorate a Gingerbread Town! Crochet a Pyramid Afghan! PLUS . . . My Christmas Ornament Countdown Continues, Recipes, Inspiration, Smiles, Memories, and More! (45)

Liza Prior Lucy,author, designer, teacher, knitter, quilter, and business owner ofwww.GloriousColor.comdiscusses her attraction and participation inThe Slow Stitching Movementin a newly posted Slow Stitching podcast. Listen here:http://www.slowstitching.com/podcasts.html

Embroider a Sweet Ugly Christmas Sweater! Make a Painted Canvas Clutch! Piece a Simple Candy Shop Quilt! DIY a Fabric Tassel Scarf! How to Make a Peppermint Cupcake Stand! Free Modern Quilt Pattern! DIY Spoon Rings! Make Simple Felt Slippers! Decorate a Gingerbread Town! Crochet a Pyramid Afghan! PLUS . . . My Christmas Ornament Countdown Continues, Recipes, Inspiration, Smiles, Memories, and More! (46)

Embroider a Sweet Ugly Christmas Sweater! Make a Painted Canvas Clutch! Piece a Simple Candy Shop Quilt! DIY a Fabric Tassel Scarf! How to Make a Peppermint Cupcake Stand! Free Modern Quilt Pattern! DIY Spoon Rings! Make Simple Felt Slippers! Decorate a Gingerbread Town! Crochet a Pyramid Afghan! PLUS . . . My Christmas Ornament Countdown Continues, Recipes, Inspiration, Smiles, Memories, and More! (47)

TheSlow Stitching MovementPodcast’s are sponsored byAurifilandGloriousColor.com

Embroider a Sweet Ugly Christmas Sweater! Make a Painted Canvas Clutch! Piece a Simple Candy Shop Quilt! DIY a Fabric Tassel Scarf! How to Make a Peppermint Cupcake Stand! Free Modern Quilt Pattern! DIY Spoon Rings! Make Simple Felt Slippers! Decorate a Gingerbread Town! Crochet a Pyramid Afghan! PLUS . . . My Christmas Ornament Countdown Continues, Recipes, Inspiration, Smiles, Memories, and More! (48)

Embroider a Sweet Ugly Christmas Sweater! Make a Painted Canvas Clutch! Piece a Simple Candy Shop Quilt! DIY a Fabric Tassel Scarf! How to Make a Peppermint Cupcake Stand! Free Modern Quilt Pattern! DIY Spoon Rings! Make Simple Felt Slippers! Decorate a Gingerbread Town! Crochet a Pyramid Afghan! PLUS . . . My Christmas Ornament Countdown Continues, Recipes, Inspiration, Smiles, Memories, and More! (49)

Embroider a Sweet Ugly Christmas Sweater! Make a Painted Canvas Clutch! Piece a Simple Candy Shop Quilt! DIY a Fabric Tassel Scarf! How to Make a Peppermint Cupcake Stand! Free Modern Quilt Pattern! DIY Spoon Rings! Make Simple Felt Slippers! Decorate a Gingerbread Town! Crochet a Pyramid Afghan! PLUS . . . My Christmas Ornament Countdown Continues, Recipes, Inspiration, Smiles, Memories, and More! (50)


Embroider a Sweet Ugly Christmas Sweater! Make a Painted Canvas Clutch! Piece a Simple Candy Shop Quilt! DIY a Fabric Tassel Scarf! How to Make a Peppermint Cupcake Stand! Free Modern Quilt Pattern! DIY Spoon Rings! Make Simple Felt Slippers! Decorate a Gingerbread Town! Crochet a Pyramid Afghan! PLUS . . . My Christmas Ornament Countdown Continues, Recipes, Inspiration, Smiles, Memories, and More! (51)

Embroider a Sweet Ugly Christmas Sweater! Make a Painted Canvas Clutch! Piece a Simple Candy Shop Quilt! DIY a Fabric Tassel Scarf! How to Make a Peppermint Cupcake Stand! Free Modern Quilt Pattern! DIY Spoon Rings! Make Simple Felt Slippers! Decorate a Gingerbread Town! Crochet a Pyramid Afghan! PLUS . . . My Christmas Ornament Countdown Continues, Recipes, Inspiration, Smiles, Memories, and More! (52)

Embroider a Sweet Ugly Christmas Sweater! Make a Painted Canvas Clutch! Piece a Simple Candy Shop Quilt! DIY a Fabric Tassel Scarf! How to Make a Peppermint Cupcake Stand! Free Modern Quilt Pattern! DIY Spoon Rings! Make Simple Felt Slippers! Decorate a Gingerbread Town! Crochet a Pyramid Afghan! PLUS . . . My Christmas Ornament Countdown Continues, Recipes, Inspiration, Smiles, Memories, and More! (53)

Here’s a variation on the melted peppermint candy trays that have been around for the last couple of years. I love the idea of making these sweet peppermint cupcake stands. Wouldn’t one of these be nice if every Christmas table placesetting, topped with a festive cupcake, before you serve your dessert?Here’s how to make a set:


Embroider a Sweet Ugly Christmas Sweater! Make a Painted Canvas Clutch! Piece a Simple Candy Shop Quilt! DIY a Fabric Tassel Scarf! How to Make a Peppermint Cupcake Stand! Free Modern Quilt Pattern! DIY Spoon Rings! Make Simple Felt Slippers! Decorate a Gingerbread Town! Crochet a Pyramid Afghan! PLUS . . . My Christmas Ornament Countdown Continues, Recipes, Inspiration, Smiles, Memories, and More! (54)

Embroider a Sweet Ugly Christmas Sweater! Make a Painted Canvas Clutch! Piece a Simple Candy Shop Quilt! DIY a Fabric Tassel Scarf! How to Make a Peppermint Cupcake Stand! Free Modern Quilt Pattern! DIY Spoon Rings! Make Simple Felt Slippers! Decorate a Gingerbread Town! Crochet a Pyramid Afghan! PLUS . . . My Christmas Ornament Countdown Continues, Recipes, Inspiration, Smiles, Memories, and More! (55)

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Embroider a Sweet Ugly Christmas Sweater! Make a Painted Canvas Clutch! Piece a Simple Candy Shop Quilt! DIY a Fabric Tassel Scarf! How to Make a Peppermint Cupcake Stand! Free Modern Quilt Pattern! DIY Spoon Rings! Make Simple Felt Slippers! Decorate a Gingerbread Town! Crochet a Pyramid Afghan! PLUS . . . My Christmas Ornament Countdown Continues, Recipes, Inspiration, Smiles, Memories, and More! (57)

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Embroider a Sweet Ugly Christmas Sweater! Make a Painted Canvas Clutch! Piece a Simple Candy Shop Quilt! DIY a Fabric Tassel Scarf! How to Make a Peppermint Cupcake Stand! Free Modern Quilt Pattern!  DIY Spoon Rings!  Make Simple Felt Slippers! Decorate a (2024)


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Author: Duncan Muller

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Author information

Name: Duncan Muller

Birthday: 1997-01-13

Address: Apt. 505 914 Phillip Crossroad, O'Konborough, NV 62411

Phone: +8555305800947

Job: Construction Agent

Hobby: Shopping, Table tennis, Snowboarding, Rafting, Motor sports, Homebrewing, Taxidermy

Introduction: My name is Duncan Muller, I am a enchanting, good, gentle, modern, tasty, nice, elegant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.