Daily Hampshire Gazette from Northampton, Massachusetts (2024)

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Dolly Hompchlra Conti Notlhomptoo Mow Nov 15IW S3 CLASSIFICATIONS 640 thru 960 27 sens of bicudlul NEW ENGLAND Easthampton 0 Gillies to BrenSTLoew Grenon to Jean Grenon Allen Road Consideration Acrebrook Drive Consider $1 stion $10000 Western Miisachusetts Miry Morin and Keith EUectric Co to Donald A Morin to Mary Morin LaVerdiere Warren and Jack Gebo Over-Wright Road Considers look Drive Florence Con- sideration 35000 Robert Hallett to Heidi Hsllett Florence Rood Consideration $1 Heidi Hallett to James Tobin Dunphy Drive tion $1350 Nelson 1 Garrow to Craig Wilkinson Route 9 Consideration 17900 Arclair Builders Inc to Mr and Mrs Walter Vernasco Brandywine Drive Consideration $97- 500 Timothy Tomlinson Mn David Crowther and Ramona A Tomlinson Autumn Drive Considerate Ramona A Tomlinson tion $79000 Route 9 Consideration love Russell and affection Misula and Robin A Mizula to Thomai Peter Zieja and Barba and Karen Santoriel-ra Ziea to Helen Dym- lo Bridge Road Consider-nicki Boardman Street atioo $65000 Consideration $18000 Sunriie Properties Inc to Mr and Mrs John Fleming Jr Brandywine Drive Consideration $13 500 CHESTERFIELD Pete Vasalie and Jew- ell Vasalie to Richard Pickrell Route 143 Conideration $95000 CUMMINGTON wooded rick I wMNfe yairNrourul Country RoMlon Amiwrst 2954W1 bosubiuLKscras on counby rood snta brooks taurto Mona wtota and good itostun of hard end soft woods Fraisnt-ly under chaptar 81 Owner ftaantong oosilOls23l5w Town 3 Counby ftsaT tore Amharat 254131 CUMMdWTOIL I woodsd acras with pmfd power i Nice homasHe 222 SOftMaai Fails MA 8127ft (413) 125-1 7735432 About a sons wtlh 545 11 homage Woodid CM lid Montague tor ritoaita to AW Scrawrid and Co to 55 9955 or 927435ft VWM of sunoundbiB hid Obul fliiddflls hnmMlIi nirtllf vfywq MMswaroaavra irrirk ki pmtiw perfect counby ciHtae Only mmutaa lo Northampton 23 mlmita to Amhcral Den Mircvsn Rstotcr 2594531 RABUY Lovsty sem otto with pociitaM le kav kJUiAM IaSa iiy wr iw9 Dwmna mu imr vibwb Excsllsnt location Ccd Hsidl Mien Red Eststa: 597555 HAWliy Over 903 ft on to CMcUoyi Rivw dccuUM 26 ccra budding oH on RL IS Only itonutaelram akiineci Ung Vary private loccuon veer round or vecahen 212800 Tows Counby Rctatera Am- vecMion tram herat 2954131 URdd LBT3 in IstctNrtewn 174 to 13 actual 31000 up Trass Dtodp Mon wtota Ouobkm Vsllsv RssHv: 223-7273 FccMH to 542201 rS bcvbb of primB land IramaoB on pdbOb luol waiting lo bo Sa MmI apot lor oolar nonwo Town i Country Mlort 804111 LOT Reutt 1 acras cHy i 950007 ssctkm el pqratostaft woodsd acras near can-tar ol vtosgs 1308 fronting town msmtainad racd 2 pwc tests stone wed boundciy vary private 10 bank Hncne-Ing monabta 3230ft ML I ly: 593751 '1t WtfOtBs WQOrfttf BOUtll BRPOBUIB MQ4 driveway 314503 543-1754 54-720 OU1MAMPT0N BUUdK LOT Over on ccra wrik an attractive view 12200 Tctrier Agency 527-3375 UK "lAtoB MAto- has the lend looking tar CM Jemea A Isuttar Rotator 583332 527-4483 TINKHAM WOODS One acre woodsd loll in Non Hwmpton'i moil ixctHng mw BTBB Call Coldwell Banker Canon Real Estate 527-8311 WliTIIAMFTBd EacMtanl buridmg ai nwwidkdtdhi Maa Bfeae laslaa Md VI NRkRWIKdKp dlrita runt imRI WRI fBBdy IOOOl POMHUB OtfWT lOtt BVBliBblB CaN Sid to AJR dorawtoU 3 Ca 569595 or 5274054 rted naer LtawWyetaSMjOOO Ctal 293 I MoMIg hom*os 50 BU4MOR 1AV1 -H you buy Irani anyone Mae wt bota I ear New 14 wide: I badraom tar 312 MS Mora than 20 new and uasd hems to pick bom 21238 down M0 months at 2180 annual PBicintBQB nb 14M CtoBtd HMnn-riaya Opan Sundays Cittben Mebita ta Rl It ft el Chariuatawn NH Mount Holyoke Realty Grant Avenue Conaidera-Trust to Stephen Yaffe tion $1 Trouble Street Consideration $13600 Patten Associates North- and Mn Leonard Cor-east Inc to Mr and Mn lisa Sr Terrace Lane Con-Alfred A Napoletano sideration $1 Trow Road Consideration Mildred Kirkpatrick to $35000 EASTHAMPTON Mr and Mn Werner monetary consideration Brusco to Mr and Mn Robert Jeffway and Albert books Strang Louise Jeffway to Mr Street Consideration $1 and Mn Robert Jeff-Leona Twohig executrix way Jr West Street Conor Steven DeBarbieri to sideration $265000 subject Pearl Grover Water to mortgage Street Consideration Sherry Marker to $30-000 Pearl Grover to Mr and Mn Anthony Stoni- na Water Street Consider ation $62500 I REALTY WORLD Dulong Labbee 586-3333 FL0NENCS NEW LISTING "Sfi ran i rannib FNcglcc In taring room hard' ooi floors mi 1 cor oorooo ITftOOOi Can Chart Stawncon MW MONTAGUE NEW LWT1N0 NcneMtad room Faimhoua wnn moo mi ono iww nowtng by Thar am 3 bedroom dining mem with aolar ama and fkM Moor laundry Fu aaraqa SSUNOl EriHMin Cab Larry OoM- HAVOENVHXE NEW UETINO ducted an acme- Ccntampe- my Waited nanon onara privacy and wondartu atom Thara am I family room and yam building aal up rtudto hat wood heat for amort atudle I 1120001 For dataUa cad Oaa Flory931372 HATFIELD- Located In a private cue tom bunt bedroom Ranch Thom am 3 bathe and an antar- wat bar Two ear garapa and ooporofo ooiohM or plwtioiioo tor the kkta 219300 FLORENCE- TMc unflnlaliad hom*o Is for hontfy poroon Thors oro 3 boOfooMi IMm mom alls Mooy vMon ond -Is vory oonwiM locotloiL I wt srttn ckyMghf327t0ft NORTNAMFION- Two family hom*o with 22 acme el rolling cleared Owner! apartment hae lovely featurae Eao manf bee 4 room Them la potential lor a etudl apartment 313000 FLORENCE- Tidy and Twrifte Five room Capa with 3 badrooma and It bathe Rooma am good piI)m Mroognout and oH heat 14 ocio lot Is wooiid boMnd Om hooM with doortno btyowd for a garden or out door nm377g00L zV- BRIDGE REALTY M3 SIUDGI STIIET NOftTHAMITON MA 01000 Commercial Property Hadley located on Routed paved and wed Ideal lor mtad ahope Ypmfaacional eMcac 1205 aq with additional baaamant ato-MQO spaoOL ittyOOO Stunning new homes Hatfield New under conatruction am 2 homaa each featuring over 2400aq ft el living apace on 3 acme over looking a pond Them la atUI time for you le do your own customizing Give ua a call toon lor a lour or theee exquisite home Priced at 3170000 Need a hide-away? dual 20 minute! front Northampton located atLaka Damon and right on Hie watar with Ha own private dock Thia adorable Cot-laga mchidaa a woodalove eppH- BUILDING SITES Cheetorttoid 24 1 ready le buUdoa 586-4453 Ravin OCennaH5a45677 Roranca Look what we loundl 3 bedroom Ranch of an acre Ooaa to cal lent location TMa wont lam tongS720ft Northampton PMcelul and pnatoraL yat Rial mmutaa hem downtown On ever aero a 3 bedroom Dutch piuc tmuc and chtubc add mcHew chatm you Nko aunohine and cmenKy hcallcla 1333001 Anthony J- Kowal to Paul nue Consideration $50000 A Kowal Pepin Avenue Mr and Mrs Thomai Consideration $45000 Alexander to Mr and Mrs Gene Martin and Rudi- William Chrystal ka Martin to Mr: and Mrs Spruce Hill Avenue Flor-Ronakl A Fox Jr Clinton ence Consideration $95000 Street Consideration $40- Floyd Andrus to Judith A 000 Siciliano and Donna Harold Hicks to Mr and Harlan Henry Street Con-Mrs John Borsuk Win- sideration $1 ter Street Consideration Raymond Duda to $2700 Gene Duda Meadow Road Denis Dugas and Linda Consideration less than Dugas to David and $100 Muriel Rosenberg Davis Street Consideration $75-000 GOSHEN Conideratien $29000 Michad Zera end Ce leste Zera to Mr and FSirway Village Inc to Craig and Duarwcheun Davis Fairway WUue Leeds Consideration $99- 900 Angelina Lerario to Tris-tran Metcalfe HI and Barbara Jo Metcalfe North Street Consideration $86000 Julie Dragon to Chester and Walter Dragon Theodora Towne and Evelyn Towne to Mr Jamea Kirkpatrick High Street Florence No Sherry Marker and Gerald Guineas Tyler Court Consideration $1 Mary Beth Whiton to Marjorie A Bayes Revell Ave PELHAM Bradford White and Virginia White to Mr ana Mrs Benjamin Rodri- cfill lrew Street Considera- tion $210 Holyoke Water Power Co 2s5wffiHJ- SfLui0a' Consideration $24500 Dwight Pearl to Carole and Dwight Pearl Consideration $117000 sideration $21500 David Ouellette John Lobudek Jr to Mr and Mrs Heinz Scheidle East Street Con- and Kathleen Ouellette to NEW LISTING- Affordable ctattor home Renovated 7 room oldor Cop on dooitond ctroot within wclkinB diatane to cantor kn-modtato occupancy 18490ft Country Acroo Rani Estate 29 4270 now 3 bodtaom Ranch ML Ama IkeMte rS 9MI mranGefiBv nlIS IB 70e0rubcrRcciaaeS274171 CAUAKUI Raai Eatata To so your hom*o put ew I years oscortaneo to wwk lor you MU Rsshor 9274162 HEW UPIMI 5 roam! bodraom ranch tacmcol tam hom*o Eadossd patch 5 deck fCBJOft CaN Unde at AW iorawo-i cad Cft IM 9999 or 927-2222 DEERFIELD bnmpculato Sbcd-room Ranch built tor tha owners vtawa at Holdo and mounfsme toco country location Illfttoo FALLS Etogont Vleto-rtan- now 2-ismHy on saven sactudad acroo with uniktotod SSyVisftSiS! 1 W0y DEERFIELD Cotototo Garrison on ton private scree two Hra-ptacoe diraa batlw tana dock of dxung raom Custom MH top quality and condition 1172400 CONWAY in town 3 span meat country nora 6 eeHm shop In trootlant eondiUan with loads of gtonucl cod far dsttota 3225r DEERFII IELJD hltalsnd Hiltstdc wooded acre Family mom with hearth lor wood stove Scar garage chad etooo to town 2M Main Slrwt South Doerhcld 665-3727 xactmvi DUTCH 7 mam 4 twOraom M0rry garage raora mud raom hoidwood lloora Andor-windows huge counby kitchsn Son wmd Combmas New UM ASS 3 31 grata lor awtartsaung! Ikchaid Aha Roto Estate 9824791 Hllltowna REALTY WORLD RB Smith Agency Rte 9 Williamsburg 268-3652 INVESTMENT PROPERTY CUMMINOTON: CIO to school and racraotlon croc ho a lol of potonHto Don't thw ono gat away 27300 LAND UNO LAND! 10 oerae exceptional vtowk groat budding sHe 23400 11 serve frontage on 3 road poosibUity of 3 building tale I story bnm and brook 341300 your hom*o la your canto but ll you decide la stoL you list with ue Wo and mol you Ilka royalty Judy Hinton IMm StBBnburgh 932198 332211 totLUd OUCk at Counby Acme Rato Estate in Chsctorfltad would XXa to aaws you bw purcheee or atoe el omeartv" Call 283-4270 mB eaUmM esdinoi haleanw nn Wirt UMRRK IWqdi dVRAHVT WRr deck 3 badrooma 1 acra lot 273501 Woodland Hemea 5324218 OWIMR MUtT Early eeunbyCape needs matarabon Sdfbng ie sptandidl 79 prnrata acme fralds end wood dirp garagp 1123000 McMtawn HiPtewn teYatata Piainfitod 339339 WILLIAMSBURG BE HOME FOR THANKSGIVING cl a apacioua bedroom Country Colonial good condition 30 Acres emaH Earn tor your horaa opan and wooded land wtlh a brook paved road Lota el room tor recreation ontaruinmg and gent toman farming 3150000 A CAMP FOR Someone who' not fussy on a email wooded lol 31300ft Jeanne Hemenway Realtor 268-7423 Qrdonflpfd Arad SOS I ROOM 1RASI110IML and larg eimcnl garage on Menawk Trail Commeratoi potential 39290ft CaN Smgtay and Aaaociltoa 2254932 307-2953 TAMM MALTY 271 Fadstto If Gratot-htod (4131 772321 Rawdankto Com-marctaL Acraagc Other LoeaUoris 20 COHWAV 3 kadraomhidra garage by river New Coptic aiding Icnricccpa 259000 Cell 354921 SRMWYNtw rcitcd ranckcp Acra lef town wetar bow windewi deck 810 trancing to qutortwd kuyera Prana asaaen Honiap cpvbnanta loti tor acta Ctauann Attala collect 91333 1170 WARWICK tara rariuclion tor iwck ita 16 acme wrth I badraom home wita sxpenann tatra Eactalam frantage on mutt 71 153930 Gorim'a Rata Eatata 242131 at Oh Ptatath cl 941301 jm) Lolai Aeradfli AMCHniCTVMllV A BnMorMMMBHv eonUoUBd oounby budding bHbb only bmIm bum flofluloflfl NonbBmpflon Mflg Mfwam I IB 4 BdM duv use UK 937222 Belchertown 3 Acres $15900 WOOtfBd pBfCUl blBCfc lOB load urilti pOKur turviyud PUTCUd EbCBUbiH llflllfl guftpwg LOT tar ttat By owner Routo ft tachcrtoun Ctal 3234992 of 2990 It 2 Cios to cantor cl WNllcmakuig 11150ft Call Caret Kemk at A Borcwtau and Cdta 5C45655 cr 95206 CUMMdidTON acras IT 2M0ft Nodgklnc Racily 217511 Easthampton $83900 Spackwe 3 bedroom Ranch hae irx 1G Contemporary Ranch New 3 bedroom heme hae larga wHfi CottwdrM i km NMllfiR AM hall AAMAA deck opanc to tho privacy ol W-f aoro MCoH novri M290O Main Street Qmelaw oldor home hae mom lor the family wHh 4 badrooma 4L kpik huamui i Hmii imranAA niAiran wHh a family room offfoo and Odmrloeturee bwlude ichaSli New Homes A vflrM)f of stylos ond logouts I maMIaIaua 1 vtowTonaop udh have 1 hatha 3 bedrooms od hast 3 car garage and morel Fricee atari in KeWCadfordetode Westvlew Terrace Quality 10 room hom*o with over 1100 aqfl ofHvtng apace locatod on a beautifully taridecapod kH HallR --I AAa A Wlin VWW ACfwBO ino VINflyi hae 3N bathe hatdeieod horn I car garage and more Cad tor datalla 31794001 Southampton Altordebto 5 room Ranch haa heal garage private with eoel ana deck end ntontlceeHoaia0a00 Northampton 1 72665 4 dedreom 7 room ranch with dining room hnrdarood ftoon go hoot and qutoi loeaHoa Cad tordatailel Building Lots SOUTHAMPTON Building lol over onu ucm with an attractive view 122400 Huntlnglon 2 bunding kHa 5 acrau each Cad tot detSte tlkJOOeach Other tend kefingaaroHaMa CadtardMaMe Main St 527-3375 BOSCONNER 527-3375 CHUCR CONNER ORI 527-4603 JEANNE WING 5353151 GLENGUBR 544316 MCRLAFRENIER 527-7737 BETTY BISHOP GRI 627-3313 CANON REAL ESWE INC OK Westhampton Hideaway 517HOOOL Cenvuntontty located room 4 bedroom 2H both cyiton built eontBAiporBiy wtlfi over 2000 mid quality cono! ruction On aknool 4 ocroa mi proporty otlnro urn ooctudod privacy tho buoy sxacutiva wanta Atoo oitora ovoraltad 3 ear gn-tago and In-ground pool for aurnmof onoynwnL Easthampton 193300 Now Uitlngl Coma-nianHy locaiad 4 room 3 bom room 1W bath Town Criar Condo control nc ond Inground pooL 37110ft 5 Room Captln a wok aotabHchod area oonvantanl lo bownlOWIl HSB BGOAOHliCBl ON haaL maimbnanca haa aiding end I car garage SOftOOft Taatofudy dacomtod 7 mem 4 bedroom lit bath Enao-uliva Ranch Haa cpociouo nwm nrasn wtin ntspnes iwiy aopliancod Ufchon taocirtc and wood haaL and 3 ear attached garaga- Ae Hue phie Ma23 Inground pool mtuatod on a wod S12SML Quality conotructad I 3ta bama and 3 car garage Mato cat up tor in-taw apattmmL ttua cuatem home haa many petrau lAaLtMaa btaaham 14 mwwoMB Assn wiGiiBn wnn clwrvy cbMabis sni SuM is toreughout gee and cam iron baaabonrd heal Atao ha In-around oool Bnd IN nen nrtiralB Er Under construction at Hendrick Estates 311200ft 7 room 3 bodraom 21k bath contemporary Gantaon with private bath off large avatar bedroom which he ekyUghl and aaiiilarl aaillMm Am baa mfpw itss ranww room formal dining mom and taiga dving room An Dream a h--Kaahilah SroaHnl mi BnrMBinBirairMifHuiii ShopfApartmonto Racm vatad 17004 aq cantraity locatad In BBilhBinpfOfla MCflUtfBB fWW aquipmanl Cad tor furthar da- larial SZSOlOOOl M3 527-8311 Boh Canon GRI: 3374373 Don tchachtnr GRI: 6374311 FMI Mamma 833-1523 Itoumdn tznry Burt 527-03M JosnncLsPtanl927-3531 LMtaSkronki: 527-2210 riiMtftiwp AS BEEN BELUNQ PimNITVKE POE YEAES And daldl work dhcmcgtol piaed te wfiy irapravraiNra iran ektac kinUtura you've been bida Am a- mS arm hbr srairaNir OAzrrra CtAEElWEB 888-1700 a Plainfield About hue mdoo hem Routo el 10 and mbs or sotrom am Haertay State FOreat wa the pages el Hen eel and QretaLlHed el the edge el thsdNp woods ovsrtooMiig Hiiaale flour mveetm mrw ew iue ur wwgRp ottractMy i atone and gardena I imih onwi i cBoiNru ioH kitchen which ie open lo the area and le equipped wHh tenge Wui -a Vuvwiui i nra ravra lee ua with two bed- and bath lie the tolfway via dm bale nra Bunoni (wino njre third had deep catlar la i and pmeenlly tax I of etaefcad hardwood Thereto a jM tool doc tor eummor ounning or enow ITad wound this storybook a laaalad nonw wvnen man about a mu hem Hm Gmon Acre Camp Ground and the Buttule Ranch to Plain-field torn 247 Evownoo Mary Hay Mary Heyward 251203 Realtor NORTH ELM NUETKAMPTUN 5847500 main mm Florence 5845700 UNIQUE CAPE PROPERTY 62 hemea with 80(7 of aandy white private beech In a wooded emttng with Tennle courta and fiobtoo pool Now only I Copo AJ tall ra Mm ovyM noivwA $bti mono num 917900ft For Moimalion cad Habitat South Daerfioid M5- dmduale tor a eaiea Cad Netaoik 1021 In RoN Eetato Rato Ealete 323- I AmhgrWMidtoy S70l I i Ate i SiMdii RUlMa I tLoofofLifHitoBmrvFmoiii i MyOOO IMIIHBUIIV MUCH Cothw drsl QBiHngib NopIflM Ml fMA riBNi fuH abNw oil IwoL wsN cwsd OwrloiW dwyr sSlOf aMOIO A Hnu CHOKE tat aaMna or towing In diaaa aiaa Cad Kathy Matin Ram Battle toc-SK-HU A ITWkMto IWar CanUmporary on IJ acme of wooda and Held 3 badmoam CbSwM cwSng itt Nok Hwdwood and empaled Heera 14 imlaa lo Amharat Cottage 174400 823-7271 i Charming AnHqua FadvraL 4 baAsonwi tolBr Mom MvsN ywSt wBlk la town 1020052532731 awwb wraiPCiBi i rap IWA nOUN IK PUK BIBBIIQ WWW poNfia mv OMR iwinf moh smng mom I krichnn MmI tar IMng working or bolh hom*oq 6450135 otl 7183 AkdlT MM U1A1E he 274 Pttaa- MM duMa Mu WISIPM ImVR I IMRURIWMSp atom CouiHv 2550221 anvttna COMB BIIU MIR UM Lett and toll Ol tod kwVy Smbiii hofw pW CiM Qoff A Poll Rato tattW: 223-1115 HABLdT Conhmporary Capa tar tad sowpiiMAv 4 MraoMi ibn bafhtv 1 INIMill ARM fvWW flMnwie IwMlr SIIMOOl Cad Ronvmary Town 3 Country Raoltoil hmnarrt: 2544141 bodmoma 3ta tolha I car garage In area ol the homaa Cad Caml Koatak at A dorawtai and Ca 5146666 or 5205 yossocii SU realty New Land Listings! HATFIELD 7 wooded aerea with oner 30ff frontaga PaalraaPla location ctooa to Northampton S15A00 LEVEROT 44- nemo wHh Md hontaga Sunny ctonring tor aotar honmlta 3 mdau to Amharat iQssociote Evanlngs call Grag 8494380 256-0131 69 Main St Amlwrat 1MHHM OF buying or ccNingf Cad bottom Eatata tor pmtoc Eapthamolon SS0l liwithemUMiWccthcmotow I WAYNE ASSOCIATES INC Ask for (Mails on -Work Crftdlt Program Wa have two brand new Reached tor 175000 (Eaathampton 5 Wee-thampiont that can qualify tor ftS3 Head rata ptoa law sown- manual hafl 4teaP Aab aaiA MymMni own oui vvuni uran PfOQffllB Southampton Glendale Woods Lot 1 2 ipactaue Contemporary 1 aiding located on a I lot SBodroemc 2ik dialaa 4 aa4 a mm wnn nrapwGU khmo ccHtiig Large set-to kHchcn with ajljla Sea daek RaMik hMi srawi iu Nra rsnsif tram ana 3 car garage Cad far trade In value of your praucnl homuL 3137 JOOl WILU3TON WOOOft Te bugbl cenmnictlon Spring iggft iring your plane or wa wHI deilgn i home apacmcalty to meal your Cad right nawl 527-2354 Evtnlngn WMkwida bowtacWtadhocO 3274411 Mark WcMhaec 527441 Frank Mtoyw 527-0234 REAL ESTATE EASTHAMPTON MAINE AVENUE 4 Room bungalow wHh hardwood Hoorn aaay lo Mead at 34440ft' 0 ROOM RANCH 3 Bedroom In good condition Lovely yard 1 car garage fuH baaamant 37ft400i CeHrord CONTEMPORARY SAdmcm to iXSoHchcd raeWcntim eran 37700 NORTHAMPTON SIX YEAR OLD attractive Reload Mura Wt need mom 527-3662 527-6580 Jeff Cross 527-5755 -Barb Mrczyk 527-9478 10 Years of Quality Service Westhampton Noulo Oft near Outlook Form -Oca 1770 3 badroom 7 roam canter etomnoy colonial In good condition with oxcaitont potential tor aaay Mve In rastoratlon Con-leint tho doodad tooturao InchidlM arid board lloora cp Cioua flnptao and authentic wood pantoing Oufwd thora'c two cor garage targe bam with hay loft cm approximately to acroa of paatoro and wooda with pond AH wKMn 15 mlnatao to Northompian and Eaothampton Easthampton 366000 knmediata occu Town Crier I bedroom lie RB FuHy dssmlidmaeto Lisja u-bu appHoncoa enenan won to won carpattng central vae air conditioning luH lacUltme private parking mi QrouiioBb loQfooiid pool 372A00L AttracHv 3 badroom Ranch Haa country kitchen with built-in Jann-Air gritt apacioua tomdy room kingalzo maaior bodroorn hoidwood lloora now vmyi aiding ta trend acre with fenced raar yard to young family 38430ft Melinda Lane Outof ending cuatom bum cantor toycr 3 or 4 bedroom lie bath Capa dining room with leading lo covflftd teft IMng room with hr piaca ktogeua piaMar badroom hardwood lloora oolar hoi water' toedy tandccapcd te acre with baautifui mountain view 38300 Overtook Drive Young 4 badroom I both Cap with attoehod garage Haa country kitchan attractive IMng room with hraptaca and picture window 8paclouc bedroom oH hoot Niooty landecapad yard with beautiful mountain view In young iBriNly nBighboftMOd 34700ft Trade your pracont hom*o tar ttoo now cuetom designed 3 bedroom Ranch on pnvctc tk aero lot Fomurac canny IMng room accented by pfnkod vault emtinga and akylightc Otto dlbldsd pmri qA 4mab mmAM BIMBTB BfM PnVBM OBGR 01 dintng area: capo rata wing with largo badroomt and plenty ol cioual apace Garage mamte- mamma flemm uldtd mmlemm nsnss nra vmjfi sniny 3M00ft 3 Knight Ave Immacu tola and taetorudy decorated 3 bedroom Chatat atyla Colonial haa tormm dining cozy lamMy room with oxpoeed hearth hr piacn boomed cmNnao and st-tractlvo wood accent throughout porch dock garage choc neighborhood tael occuponcy 39150ft Robin Rd Cuatom da-aignad 3 bedroom bath railed ranch has aal in kitchen formal dhung croc with tlkfers and deck cpnclouo IMng room with lira-a hmahad wrth2nd Hraptaca a laundry and 2 car garage Doein borhood beautiful 310700ft Wealaiew Tarrace New 3 bedroom 2Vk bath Gantaon Ha country MtahonfamMy room wHh ekyUghl and polio doom loading to deck Formal dining kmgauo moolor bodraom ouiM wHh privet both 3 car garage maintenance free vinyl doing 315310ft I Unit brick apartment building downtown location 5 two badroom units piua 1 one bodraom unH Separate heal and ut rill me 2 Family SiSftOOOi Operating acre larmf orchard Two lamHy hom*o Several out bulldingo tor kvoslock Rich IHtabto eoU Equipment available Central location Cad tor further dateita Southampton MftOOft Undar construction-now 3 badroom Ranch tooturao country krtchon vauttad coiling taring pi nee oH hcaL privet ta acre BMOditf lots (12330ft Undar construction frowMicjy IfltBdov RoBdi 3 bttf-room 2S4 bBth ctniv ctMWMy nilboc toetudoc totmal dining ptaniMd vtulifld oiiin Nvim emr mdlta v-- e-i IvmB Kin RRyHpnisf DBMony bob I giao cHdora Hiding to spo-ofous rear deck 2 car goraae baautifui aera tot piua many nv 527-2857 FAUL LUSSIER GRICRS CRfl SHIRLEY LANDER ORI: 52748M 05 AUGUST: 3354471 Ofl RUSSELL 627-0461 ED WRZESINiNi: 527-1300 JOHN HARMNQTON: 1274340 Joseph A Croteau and quez Boyden Road Con-Pa uline Croteau to Mr sideration $16000 and Mrs Joseph Torto- Wesley Wentworth and riello Jr Lakeshore Drive Pearl Wentworth to Nan-Consideration $68000 cy Birtwell Old Enfield Peter Kenny III and Road Consideration $16-Donna Kenny to Mr 000 and Mrs Irving Allen Excavating Inc to Hammond Acres Consider- Deborah Harrington ation $43500 Country Lane Considera- JW Enterprises tion $8000 Inc to Richard Wolf Parcel Consideration $8- 300 Mr and Mrs Norman 'Arnold to Evelyn Ar- ndd East Street Consider- ation $1 2- Consideration $53- GRANBY vuu Victor Peltier and Dor- Bai is Peltier to Kenneth ninmn itl Peltier School Street Con- sideration $35000 Consideration $57- Sophie Ludwin to Miroef Satiawa and William Nor- HdyeWatCTPower Co ris West State Street Con- sideration $45000 HADLEY John Nash to Scott Nielsen and Elinor Lev- ine Mount Warner Road rroUitWitinn cim nm Consideration $103000 Scott Nielsen and Elinor Levine to John Kenhlis and Linda Sel leek Mount Warner Road Consideration $110000 John Fuller to David Lamb and Burton Martin homaa hem Gomel Commodorp Hcuaar Kantlworth Livarty Nova Titan Windsor or Zkranar 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Tomlinson and Ramona A Tomlinson to Ramona A Tomlinson Main Street Consideration: love and affection BELCHERTOWN Roy King to Mr and Mrs Anthony Ptaszyn-ski North Liberty Street No monetary consideration Donald Gathro to Ronald Gathro Franklin Street Consideration love and affection Lee A Lamoureux and Karen Lamoureux to Mr and Mrs Lee A Lamoureux State Street Consideration $1 subject to mortgage Bruce Stewart and Kathleen A Stewart to Everett Stewart Brandywine Drive Consideration $1 David A Campbell and Jeffrey Moreau to Mr and Mrs David Wel-lette Canal Drive Consideration $93190 Herbert Noyes to Mr and Mrs Robert A Kenney South Street Consideration $125000 Jeffrey Moreau and David A Campbell dba Campbell and Moreau Carpentry to James Phelan Old Enfield Road Consideration $85250 Charles and Gail Packard to Sunrise Properties Inc Allen Road and Fletcher Avenue Consideration $75000 Brenda Loew and Lindsay Russell Street Considers- Inutiial Road Consider-Kusseu street tonsidera aUon less than $100 Edmung Woods Jr to A Lane Construction Corp Granby Road Consideration $250000 Mr and Mrs Richard tion $21900 Linda Stewart and Michael O'Toole to Mr and Mrs Raymond Wozniak Hadley Place Dvid Ubira BndMll Mieczkowski Laurei Consideration $100- Drive No monefery con- Hunter HTiIrakifa Pdoknda Mn- Gerard Gagne toMrPnS Gsylor Street Considera-Stores Inc to Blr and Mrs tion $90000 John Naumowicz Rus uw3uuuw sell Street Consideratior SOUTHAMPTON $100000 Dora Lielasus to Mr and HATFIELD Sara O'Donnell to Fred Mrs John Florek Whi-teloaf Road and Pequot toocpact Avanua Taa tamu bad-ma with walkh okwati Utclimi hang mom oi dMhg one end torn giro Fad bneieft garega many Dody Cod Ml lira IMAL WML Cad KandM jr Horthaaiefoa ama pereoa 5344117 crOreanilldoiltoe 773-8442 MOWRAM TOP MTHIAT an Apptcel-manly 10 acme Cemempereiy heme WiNl IpBGlBBUlV VlM 8 SHBBlS BOflBQBBr paacaha A tody itamd 3233JXM toe 933-7222 New Listing CoMMsiBiil Flofsnes teetthw for IMP 3 room 2-3 bodraom houee with 2 car 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Mrs Richard A 500 end gang to town qutaL eiivetc weeded eeiueT MftOOft CeUW dl2Bcltat3pmeoiuenteetaeec H0HIIIMM1M I Rrom hem wHh I tod boMfc IvsNy pobm mNS SvpIbbbl dvdL BGf flMM BMOB IPBOti MBBflM 10 'Em iHfite cadtom.

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Author: Lidia Grady

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Author information

Name: Lidia Grady

Birthday: 1992-01-22

Address: Suite 493 356 Dale Fall, New Wanda, RI 52485

Phone: +29914464387516

Job: Customer Engineer

Hobby: Cryptography, Writing, Dowsing, Stand-up comedy, Calligraphy, Web surfing, Ghost hunting

Introduction: My name is Lidia Grady, I am a thankful, fine, glamorous, lucky, lively, pleasant, shiny person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.