30+ Soup Canning Recipes (Pressure Canning Soup) (2024)

Canning soup is an easy way to put ready-to-eat meals right on your pantry shelf.

30+ Soup Canning Recipes (Pressure Canning Soup) (1)

Canning Beef Stew

It’s one thing to can up your garden produce in neat jars, each one beautifully preserved in glass from the growing season. Those individual ingredients, be they home-canned vegetables, fruits, or even canned meat will still need to be prepared into a balanced meal at dinnertime.

Soup canning recipes are just the opposite, and while they lack the versatility of individual ingredients, they sure do save a lot of time on busy weeknights.

While store-bought canned soups are often high in sodium and are rarely filling, homemade canned soup can be made to your family’s tastes. Add in high-quality ingredients, be they homegrown or freshly sourced, and you’ve got something far more appealing than anything you can buy in the grocery store.

Pressure Canning Soup

The most important thing to know about canning soup at home is that it absolutely must be pressure canned. All the ingredients in soup are what’s known as “low acid foods” which means their pH is too high for safe water bath canning.

I’ve been using a 30 quart All-American Canner for the past decade, and my grandchildren will be using this thing someday. It’s an investment, but totally worth it in my opinion. There are also Presto Brand pressure canners, which are a low-cost option if you’re new to pressure canning, but they’re a bit harder to operate and less durable in the long run.

There are a few rare exceptions to the pressure canning rule, like if you choose to can a “fruit soup” as they’re known in Scandinavian countries. Really those are just compote that’s eaten in a bowl like a “soup” at mealtime in a few regions of the world. Fruit soups are more of a novelty, eaten cold with a bit of cream in the summertime, and they’re rarely filling or hearty.

We’re talking real food soup recipes here, and all of those must be pressure canned.

If you’re not familiar with pressure canning, I’d strongly suggest reading my beginner’s guide to pressure canning before you get started. There are literally hundreds of pressure canning recipes, including recipes for canning vegetables and canning meat, so once you know how to use a pressure canner it’s easy enough to keep it full.

Basic Recipe for Canning Soup

I’m going to take you through literally dozens of different soup canning recipes, but I know inevitably the question on your minds is:

“Can I pressure can grandma’s famous homemade soup?”

The answer is, possibly. The National Center for Food Preservation released general guidance for canning soup at home with an adaptable soup recipe for canning that allows you to use (almost) any ingredient.

All ingredients must be approved for canning, meaning that they have their own specific canning instructions. Since canning onions and canning corn on their own are approved, you would be able to use them in the recipe. There are no specific instructions for canning cabbage alone though, so that’s not an option in this “choose your own adventure” soup recipe.

You cannot use thickeners, flour, rice, pasta, or any other starches. Dairy products like milk, cream, and butter are not allowed either. Mostly it’s just meat, vegetables, and beans as options.

(Thickeners, pasta, and dairy products can be added at serving time, but are not safe for canning.)

The basic instructions are to prepare the vegetables/meat as you would for a hot pack, and then load them into prepared canning jars. The catch is, the jars can only be filled about halfway with solids. The rest of the space must be filled with broth, which ensures that your homemade soup recipe isn’t too dense to allow proper heat distribution during canning.

Fill jars halfway with solids from the soup, then fill the rest of the way with broth, leaving 1” headspace. Seal with 2 part canning lids and process in a pressure canner according to the table below:

30+ Soup Canning Recipes (Pressure Canning Soup) (2)

With this general guidance, you should be able to can almost any soup recipe, provided you’re willing to keep the jars no more than half full with solids. That works really well for broth-based soups like chicken soup, especially if you’re going to add cooked pasta at serving time.

Any soup where you’re going to thicken it or add cooked rice or pasta at serving time works wonderfully, since all that extra broth will go to good use with the ingredients added at serving.

That said, if you want a hearty soup that really packs a punch and doesn’t have all that much broth, I’d suggest following a specific tested soup canning recipe. Don’t worry, there are plenty of those!

Broth and Stock Canning Recipes

The simplest “soups” aren’t usually thought of as soup at all, but canning plain broth and stock is the simplest way to can soup (or the base for a soup) at home.

Since there are no solids in the jar, pressure canning times are much quicker than traditional soup canning recipes.

30+ Soup Canning Recipes (Pressure Canning Soup) (3)

Canning Beef Stock or Broth

Vegetable Soup Canning Recipes

Homemade vegetable soups are a great way to preserve the garden harvest right on your pantry shelf. While most vegetable canning recipes process the produce in water, just processing mixed vegetables in stock with seasoning results in a more flavorful finished product.

Instead of a side dish of canned green beans, you can have a main course of mixed vegetable soup.

30+ Soup Canning Recipes (Pressure Canning Soup) (4)

Bean and Pea Soup Canning Recipes

While canning beans alone is perfectly fine and works well for a quick burrito night, you can also pressure can bean soups. Other legumes work as well, and canning split pea or lentil soups are an easy way to preserve a healthy meal in a jar.

Be sure to follow the recipe closely, as density can be an issue in bean and pea soups. You don’t want them too thick or heat won’t be able to penetrate to the center of the jar.

30+ Soup Canning Recipes (Pressure Canning Soup) (5)

Beef Stew and Soup Canning Recipes

A hearty beef stew is an incredibly filling meal, and perfect for a quick work lunch or weeknight meal. I like to make my home-canned beef stew with plenty of potatoes, carrots, and onions, but there are a surprising number of variations that are approved for canning.

Beef stew with red wine or other vegetables is also remarkably tasty, and a vegetable beef stew with summer veggies like green beans takes the meal in a different direction.

30+ Soup Canning Recipes (Pressure Canning Soup) (6)

Home Canned Beef Stew

Chicken Soup Canning Recipes

Nothing’s more comforting than homemade chicken soup, especially when you’re sick. The problem is, who has the time (or energy) to make chicken soup from scratch when they’re sick?

Canning chicken soup is a great way to plan ahead, and you’ll have homemade chicken soup sitting on the pantry shelf when you need it.

Most chicken soup recipes use noodles, rice, or dumplings which must be added at serving time. My favorite is egg noodles, and I’ll boil up the noodles separately while I heat the soup in another pot.

They’re done in just a few minutes, and then I can toss them right into my bowl. Keeping the noodles separate helps prevent them from getting soggy anyway, so it’s really not a big deal that starchy foods are not approved for home canning.

30+ Soup Canning Recipes (Pressure Canning Soup) (7)

Canning Chicken Soup

Pork and Sausage Soup Canning Recipes

You don’t often associate pork with canning, but believe it or not, it’s perfectly fine for canning. Even fatty cuts like sausage are approved for canning, either as patties, links, or lose pack crumbles.

When added into a soup, sausage or regular pork adds incredible richness. I’m especially fond of home-canned soups with sausage.

30+ Soup Canning Recipes (Pressure Canning Soup) (8)

Canning Sausage Potato and Kale Soup (Olive Garden Zuppa Toscana Copycat Recipe)

Wild Game Soup Canning Recipes

Wild game hunters know when the harvest comes in that’s just the beginning. There’s always a lot of meat to preserve all at once, and while you could put it in the freezer, it’s nice to have a few heat and eat options on the pantry shelf.

I’ve had trouble finding wild game soup canning recipes, except for a few venison soup recipes. That’s unfortunate, but not the end of the world.

You can substitute wild game in for other types of meat when canning. Deer, elk, moose, and bear can all be substituted into beef canning recipes. Smaller game like squirrel and rabbit can be substituted in place of chicken.

Meal in a Jar Canning Recipes

It’s hard to know where “soup” starts and other “meal in a jar” recipes start. Chili isn’t technically a soup, but it’s often eaten like one. Thai curry, likewise isn’t quite a “soup” though if it’s canned it can be warmed and eaten from a bowl in minutes with no other ingredients.

I’ve added a few extra recipes here to keep your pressure canner preserving even more tasty meals, just about anything you could heat and eat in a bowl.

Beef Meals in a Jar

Chicken Meals in a Jar

30+ Soup Canning Recipes (Pressure Canning Soup) (9)

Canning Thai Red Curry Duck

Pressure Canning Books

Didn’t find the recipe you were hoping for? There are literally dozens of soup canning recipes that are published in canning books and just aren’t found anywhere on the internet.

These are my favorite pressure canning books, and they each have quite a few wonderful soup canning recipes:

30+ Soup Canning Recipes (Pressure Canning Soup) (10)

Pressure Canning for Beginners and Beyond (my favorite pressure canning book)

Food Preservation Tutorials

Home canning is just one way to preserve food, but there are plenty of other excellent ways to preserve vegetables and meat at home.

  • Freezing Vegetables (A to Z Guide)
  • Beginners Guide to Lacto-Fermentation
  • Beginners Guide to Rootcellaring
  • How to Freeze Dry Food at Home

30+ Soup Canning Recipes (Pressure Canning Soup) (11)


30+ Soup Canning Recipes (Pressure Canning Soup) (2024)


How long do you pressure canned soup? ›

  1. For weighted gauge pressure canners at 0-1000 feet, process at 10 pounds pressure - 60 minutes for pints and 75 minutes for quarts. ...
  2. For dial gauge pressure canners at 0-2000 feet, process at 11 pounds pressure – process 60 minutes for pints and 75 minutes for quarts.

How long will homemade soup last in a Mason jar? ›

How long will soup last in a Mason jar? It's best not to keep these Mason jars longer than three to five days. During that period, check the smell and appearance of the food to determine whether it's safe to eat. Otherwise, past five days, toss the contents.

Should soup be cooked before canning? ›

Chicken soups or other meat-based soups are also safe for canning when using a pressure canner, and those jarred soups can last for a whole year—just be sure to fully cook your meat before canning. You should not can milk- or cream-based soups, such as a New England clam chowder.

What can I add to canned soup to make it taste better? ›

Go green: Add some spinach or chopped kale or pesto. Get zesty: A squirt of lemon juice or zest could brighten up an otherwise flat soup. Starchy things: Homemade croutons, crushed tortilla chips, or oyster crackers. Clean out the fridge: got cooked beans or rice, a dollop of sour cream, or a splash of heavy cream?

What happens if you use too much pressure when canning? ›

If the pressure gets too high, the weight jiggles and releases steam and pressure. No blowing up. You do need to monitor your pressure canner while it is building pressure and during processing. Like a deep fryer, you don't just fill it and go in the other room or outside while it is doing its thing.

Can homemade soup be pressure canned? ›

For vegetable soup, fill the jars half full of solids, add broth allowing 1-inch headspace and process in a pressure canner. There needs to be space for the hot liquid to circulate between the food particles. Pieces of cooked beef or chicken can be added to the vegetables to make a vegetable meat soup.

Can I keep homemade soup for a week? ›

Like other leftover foods, homemade soup can safely be stored in the fridge for three to four days, per standard guidance from the USDA. This includes soups and stews that contain fish, meat, and poultry. If the soup will not be eaten within that time frame, store it in the freezer instead for up to four months.

How do you know when soup goes bad? ›

Check the texture: If the soup has become slimy or has a strange texture, it's a sign that it's gone bad. Taste a small amount: If you're still not sure, you can taste a small amount of the soup. If it tastes off or has a strange flavor, it's best to err on the side of caution and throw it out.

How long does soup last in sealed mason jars? ›

Home canning is also quite effective for preserving soup for an extended period. With most homemade soups, unopened cans will remain safe for consumption for up to one year. At the absolute latest, soup should be consumed within two years of canning, at which point the risk of foodborne illness becomes higher.

Can you drink soup straight from the can? ›

Yes, It's Okay To Eat Cold Soup Straight Out Of The Can.

Can any soup be pressure canned? ›

Ok, so I looked at the National Center for Home Food Preservation's page, and under their section on canning soups, it looks like ***as long as there is no dairy, thickener, or oil*** one can basically pressure can most soups -- including those with some meat, with beans, and with vegetables, for 60 minutes for pints, ...

What happens if you don't add water to canned soup? ›

You only need to add water to soup if it is condensed. In other words, they have taken water out of it during the cooking and canning process, so you need to put water back in. If you don't, the soup will be quite salty, and other flavors will also be concentrated.

How do you get the tin taste out of canned soup? ›

Metallic taste in canned food can be reduced by using the cold or nirmalize food not the hot food.

How do you make soup taste fuller? ›

Dumping a bunch of fatty meats (like cut-up sausage or bacon) into a pot of soup seems counterintuitive and even quite sickening. Committing softly by adding beans or lentils to your soup will have a similar effect – it keeps the vegetable content high, adds extra protein to your soup, and makes you fuller faster!

What makes soup tastier? ›

Making a delicious soup depends on building flavors as you go along. Aromatics, which include garlic, onion, leeks, carrots and celery, are the basic flavor-building blocks of most soup recipes. Sautéing these vegetables in oil or butter is the first step to boosting your soup's flavor.

How do you pressure canned soup? ›

Ladle hot soup into hot jars, leaving 1" headspace. Remove air bubbles with a knife. Adjust two piece caps. Process pints 1 hour, quarts 1 hour and 15 minutes, at 10 pounds pressure in a pressure canner.

How long do you pressure cook when canning? ›

Process filled jars in a pressure canner at 10 pounds pressure 20 minutes for pints and 25 minutes for quarts, adjusting for altitude, according to your pressure canners directions. Turn off heat: cool canner to zero pressure. Let stand 5 more minutes before removing the lid.

What happens if you don t vent pressure canner for 10 minutes? ›

After the 10 minutes, add the weight or counterweight to build pressure inside the canner. Air trapped inside a pressure canner lowers the pressure achieved, but more importantly, it lowers the temperature obtained and will result in under-processed and unsafe canned food.

How long does it take for pressure canned food to seal? ›

Wait 12 to 24 hours to test if jars are sealed. Reprocess jars that did not seal within 24 hours. Use new lids and reprocess for the original processing time. (Or freeze product or refrigerate and use after 3 days.)


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Name: Jamar Nader

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Introduction: My name is Jamar Nader, I am a fine, shiny, colorful, bright, nice, perfect, curious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.