Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes is a collectible RPG mobile game developed by EA Mobile and Capital Games. It features most of the main characters across canon (and some popular non-canon ones), and is a great way to become more familiarwith that galaxy far, far away.
Figuring out which teams to gather and which units to collect can be overwhelming. Often, the best strategy is to focus on a single team, and make your way from there. These teams have abilities that complement one another and, ultimately, these units work better with their fellow faction members than they do in teams of random powerful members. Mixing and matching is largely not encouraged.
Updated June 3rd, 2021, by Shayna Josi: With new Star Wars property so comes new characters to the roster in Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes. These new characters are often powerful and can stand up to the older, more established characters with the right upgrades and improvements. New TV shows and fan favorites also mean new versions of well-beloved characters which often prove to be upgrades on the older versions. As such, the roster for the best teams continues to evolve and change along with the developments in the Star Wars franchise.
10 Rebels
Suggested team:
- Mon Mothma (Leader, Support) (5-E Hard Light Side)
- Commander Luke Skywalker (Attacker) (Hero's Journey)
- Rebel Officer Leia Organa (Attacker) (Territory Battle)
- Chewbacca (Attacker) (Legendary Event)
- Threepio & Chewie (Attacker) (7-A Hard Light Side)
Rebels are a large and varied group. The amount of options Rebels offer makes it difficult to build an effective team, but their variety also means you can build a team which are nigh on unstoppable.
The best leader for a Rebels team is Mon Mothma, who is able to summon a Rebel Fighter who steadily becomes more powerful. Her leadership ability also increases buffs and allows the Rebels to fight as a cohesive team. Other great alternatives are the Phoenix team, with Hera as the lead. Phoenix is also required to unlock Grand Admiral Thrawn. Other great Rebel teams include Rogue One characters and Ahsoka Tano (Fulcrum), who moves seamlessly between squads.
9 Bounty Hunters
Suggested team:
- The Mandalorian (Leader, Attacker) (3-C Hard Dark Side)
- Bossk (Tank) (9-B Hard Dark Side)
- Jango Fett (Attacker) (8-D Hard Light Side)
- Greef Karga (Support) (3-E Hard Light Side; 4-C Hard Fleet Battles)
- Embo (Attacker) (8-C Hard Dark Side)
With the release of The MandalorianTV series, the Bounty Hunters have some new light side companions. However, it's the dark side Bounty Hunter teams who still reign supreme, even after some much-needed updates. Some of these units fall under the new Mandalorian category, but don't count as Bounty Hunters.
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Bounty Hunters are especially good at taking down Jedi teams, with many of their abilities receiving bonuses against Jedi. Their special contract abilities give them the edge against any opponent. Many of them, such as Cad Bane, are available at relatively lower levels. Bounty Hunters are also lethal at higher levels, making them a great option for the Dark Side nodes.
8 Geonosians
Suggested team:
- Geonosian Brood Alpha (Leader, Support) (8-D Cantina)
- Poggle the Lesser (Support) (4-E Hard Light Side; 6-E Hard Light Side)
- Geonosian Soldier (Attacker) (1-A Cantina)
- Geonosian Spy (Attacker) (4-D Cantina)
- Sun Fac (Tank) (Reward in Battles)
Geonosians are a part of the Separatists, and are their strongest team. Geonosians work together with unparalleled teamwork, and are capable of taking down entire enemy squads without the other team landing a single hit.
Essential for an effective Geonosian squad are the Geonosian Brood Alpha as the leader, with Poggle the Lesser and the Geonosian Spy. The other Geonosians are, of course, essential for the team to work, but it's these three in particular who make this team hit so hard. Upgrade the bugs to their highest level, zeta their abilities, and watch their enemies fall.
7 Clones
Suggested team:
- "Rex" (Leader, Support) (Fleet Arena Store)
- "Echo" CT-21-0408 (Support) (Shipments and Fleet Arena Store)
- "Fives" (Tank) (2-D Hard Dark Side)
- "Cody" (Attacker) (Shipments)
- ARC Trooper (Attacker) (5-G Cantina)
Clones are apopular and effective team, and are receiving consistent updates from Capital Games to make them even better.
Clones mostly consist of 501st members, including Echo, Fives, and Rex. Cody joins the squad, along with an unnamed Clone Sergeant and 501st Arc Trooper. The clone squad relies on teamwork and support. Echo and Fives work together to divert fire, while Rex deals out heavy damage with his ability Aerial Advantage, which is all but guaranteed to instantly defeat any enemy when he's placed in a clone squad (Guild Raids excluded). The Clones have been updated with Bad Batch members from the ongoing animated TV series, but they aren't developed enough to form a full squad as of this article's publishing.
6 Empire
Suggested team:
- Darth Vader (Leader, Attacker) (Acquired through achievements)
- Emperor Palpatine (Support) (Legendary Event)
- Director Krennic (Support) (9-D Light Side)
- Grand Admiral Thrawn (Support) (Legendary Event)
- Death Trooper (Attacker) (8-A Cantina)
The Empire faction is a natural choice for a Dark Side squad. Empire teams can either utilize Sith such as Emperor Palpatine and Darth Vader, or work with more mundane firepower with characters such as Grand Admiral Thrawn, Grand Moff Tarkin, and an army of (effective) stormtroopers.
Empire teams based on Sith units are particularly good at taking down Jedi. Darth Vader and the Emperor hit hard and fast, leaving no room for error. Imperial Army units are great at taking down Rebels. Stormtroopers serve to overwhelm with numbers and create a distraction from their heavy-hitting leaders.
5 Jedi
Suggested team:
- Jedi Knight Revan (Leader, Attacker) (Ancient Journey)
- Bastila Shan (Support) (2-D Hard Fleet Battles; 5-B Hard Dark Side)
- Grand Master Yoda (Support) (Legendary Event)
- General Kenobi (Tank) (Guild Raid)
- General Skywalker (Attacker) (Epic Confrontation)
Jedi in Galaxy of Heroes are one of the largest and most varied groups. There's a lot of choice here, which can make building an effective team difficult.
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Having a strong leader is the most important part of a good Jedi team. Jedi Knight Revan, General Skywalker, and General Kenobi are all great units who will lead your Jedi squad to victory. Other great additions to this team are Ezra, who is a heavy hitter and dispels annoying enemy buffswith Flourish, and Jolee Bindo, who's a great healer who can revive Jedi allies.
4 Sith
Suggested team:
- Darth Revan(Leader, Attacker) (Ancient Journey)
- Emperor Palpatine (Support) (Legendary Event)
- Darth Vader (Attacker) (Unlock through Achievements)
- Bastila Shan (Fallen) (Support) (7-A Hard Dark Side)
- Sith Trooper (Attacker) (6-C Hard Dark Side)
Sith teams are hard to build in early levels, as many of the best units only unlock later in the game. But, when they do, Sith teams are heavy hitters and are some of the best in the game.
Sith teams rely on leads and support, as with their tradition of master and apprentice. Emperor Palpatine and Darth Vader are lethal together. Darth Revan and Bastila Shan (Fallen) are another great duo. The introduction of the Knights of the Old Republic era Sith Empire units opened up the potential for building great teams, and the recent addition of the Sith Trooper works in perfect sync with the established Sith Marauder and Sith Assassin units.
3 Nightsisters
Suggested team:
- Mother Talzin (Leader, Support) (8-A Hard Light Side)
- Asajj Ventress (Support) (Squad Arena Store)
- Nightsister Zombie (Tank) (8-D Hard Dark Side)
- Old Daka (Healer) (4-B Hard Dark Side)
- Nightsister Spirit (Attacker) (7-F Cantina)
Nightsisters are a surprisingly strong team. This faction has some of the best tanks in the game, with the Nightsister Zombie drawing enemy fire from Old Daka, who is able to revive all fallen Nightsister Allies. Mother Talzin's ability The Great Mother calls back a defeated Nightsister ally to assist in attacks, ensuring that you'll essentially be fighting with a full squad the entire duration of the battle.
Nightsisters are also one of the only teams adept at taking down the Geonosians, and they consistently excel in PvP events and challenges.
2 Sith Empire
Suggested team:
- Darth Revan (Leader, Attacker) (Ancient Journey)
- Darth Malak (Tank) (Epic Confrontation)
- Bastila Shan (Fallen) (Support) (7-A Hard Dark Side)
- HK-47 (Attacker) (Squad Arena Store)
- Sith Empire Trooper (Tank) (8-B Cantina)
The Sith Empire doesn't have many units (yet). This team is based on the Knights of the Old Republic games, and has some of the heaviest hitters of the game. Darth Revan and Darth Malak are a powerhouse duo, and with Bastila Shan (Fallen) as support, this trio are nigh on unstoppable.
Fan-favorite HK-47 is a great unit to use in this squad. His abilities take advantage of Darth Revan and Bastila's abilities to debuff enemies, and he's specifically geared towards taking down Jedi. This team is best against Light Side, Jedi, and Old Republic teams, with Bastila having bonus buffsif Jedi Knight Revan is on the enemy squad.
1 Old Republic
Suggested team:
- Jedi Knight Revan (Leader, Attacker) (Ancient Journey)
- Bastila Shan (Support) (2-D Hard Fleet Battle; 5-B Hard Dark Side)
- Jolee Bindo (Healer) (6-D Hard Dark Side)
- Mission Vao (Attacker) (7-A Cantina)
- Zaalbar (Tank) (3-C Hard Fleet Battle; 5-D Hard Light Side)
The Old Republic team is versatile and can be adapted to almost any situation. It has a mix of heavy hitters, scoundrels, support, and healers. The Old Republic team can be led either by Jedi Knight Revan, who works especially well in an Old Republic team of Jedi, or Carth Onasi, who pulls the units together to work in sync and support one another with effective brutality.
The Old Republic team has a bonus in that Carth and T3-M4 pilot the Ebon Hawk, adding a powerful Light Side cargo ship to your fleet. The Old Republic units are really worth gathering, and are one of the best teams out there.